An optimized neural network coding for IoT real time applications to obtain Throughput enhancement, Low latency Implemented using Deep learning & Raspberrypi
₹1500-12500 INR
Zveřejněno přibližně před 4 roky
₹1500-12500 INR
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first of all, you should make me convenient and comfortable in any clarifications from my side without any hesitations.
These are the details of my reference NNC paper :
• Tools used Keras and tensor flow of 2.0. It contains three parts encoder, an intermediate node, a decoder; an Autoencoder is used at the encoder, an intermediate node, and a decoder. The monkey image is divided into 4 pieces and sent through a network or ISP. Encoding is done at the intermediate node also. MNIST data set (Handwritten digits from 0 to 9) is used. Encoder decoder works jointly. Finally what happens is low SNR regimes also this system results in better SNR when compared to existing techniques.
Phase I Project (Total budget:20,000 in Indian Rupees & time line:15 days)
• An improvisation of NNC paper (NNC – neural network + network coding) should be implemented in real-time on an IoT device.
• What novelty & uniqueness can you propose?
• Need to optimize autoencoder by using the application Numerical computing / scientific computing libraries available in Keras and TensorFlow 2.0 in low SNR regimes than that of NNC paper.
• *Validate with an existing system
• *Visualization using graphs and plots & validate with NNC paper (see fig 4 and fig 5 in NNC paper ). Also, different visualization such as Histogram, Heat map, error Bar, Scatter plot, Need to plot hyperparameter optimization plot, loss vs epoch
• *QoS – Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR), Latency, Packet loss, Throughput, CPU processing speed/ computational complexity, Accuracy of the model, Loss function, power consumption, Reliability
• *The proposed idea should be demonstrated in real-time for any of IoT applications like Fog Computing, video surveillance, etc., (Tensorflow lite may be convenient for u)
• Encoder, Decoder, Intermediate node are the 3 parts of the system. The intermediate node is A NODE IN NETWORK [login to view URL], the end device is IoT. You need to specify which layer in the OSI model we are focusing on with an explanation
• *The hardware I have Raspberry pi 3b+. You need to guide me on how to install the necessary library in my raspberry pi to complete the demonstration part of the application from remote access.
• The NNC paper they have done only for the MNIST data set. So you have to take the color image, video, Text & sequence data
• The NNC paper they took only one type of neural network. So you have to develop 3 different types of Deep learning model like CNN, etc., and
Image – CNN
Video – Computer vision
Text, sequence data – RNN
• CPU, GPU, TPU (for ex: Google colab configuration settings) processing time and power consumption comparison should be visualized in a table for ur implementation and validate it with NNC paper.
note: *very important
• To provide detailed Documentation of the proposed concept in detail with relevant mathematical equations, bcoz linear algebra is the whole theme of my work.
• To provide Algorithm of the proposed concept along with necessary flow chart
• Should explain the coding thoroughly so that I can understand better & can able to present to my panel.
• DL model structure
• Encoder working
• Intermediate node working
• Decoder working
Phase II Project (5000 in Indian Rupees timeline: 3 days)
Image – CNN
Video – Compute vision
Text, sequence data - RNN
ur Deep learning model should select appropriate Deep Learning model at run time based on the inputs at real-time on IoT device
If I am satisfied with ur proposed concept I will hire you.
Hello there: I have developed and optimizer for MobileNet V2, V1 and Inception V2. This optimizer requieres TensorRT 5.1, Tensorflow 1.X and run on a Jetson Nano with JetPack 4.2. Custom datasets runs at 27-30 FPS and COCO-based datasets runs at 15 - 22 FPS. In case you are interested, please contact me. Below there is information about my work:
I have developed object detection algorithms in fully autonomous drones, semi-autonomous harvesting machinery and impaired people. I am familiarized with both Ubuntu and Windows for running scripts and/or training models.
I also write papers for high level journals about my personal research (you can see a couple in my profile).
Have a nice day.