Ethical Hacker for PC Security Check

Zrušen Zveřejněno před 7 měsíci K zaplacení v momentě doručení
Zrušen K zaplacení v momentě doručení

The goal of my project is to safeguard a PC platform by detecting and eliminating a specific account proving to be a nuisance. As an experienced ethical hacker, your job will include:

- deleting major parts of their city (unrecoverable)

-changing password of account to delay any recovery of deleted builds

Upon finding the toxic player's account, immediate destruction is desired without any prior warning. Freelancers with a background in cybersecurity, ethical hacking, and PC gaming platforms will be best fit for this task.

Bezpečnost počítače Bezpečnost na webu Internetová bezpečnost Linux Certified Ethical Hacking

Identifikační číslo projektu: #38329434

O projektu

12 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 7 měsíci

12 Freelnceři na tento projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $455


As an extensively certified cybersecurity and ethical hacking professional, I possess a deep understanding of the various attack vectors and provide robust countermeasures to ensure internet safety. My skills in Penetr Další

$500 CAD za 7 dní
(65 Recenzí)

Hi there I am an experienced ethical hacker with a background in cybersecurity and expertise in PC gaming platforms. I have the skills necessary to track down and eliminate the specifi Další

$488 CAD za 7 dní
(9 Recenzí)

My Pitch: Hello! I'm Ammar, a seasoned cybersecurity expert, and your project fits like a glove to my area of expertise. As a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), I am well-versed in identifying, analyzing, and counteracti Další

$750 CAD za 1 den
(4 Recenzí)

Hello, I worked in the banking field for more than 25 years covering security for 15 years, I am certified ( CISSP - CISA - CEH - ecppt - IBM analyst i2 - SANS 504 & 503 ) I worked in developing many standards and I th Další

$750 CAD za 7 dní
(3 Recenzí)

Hello Dear! Good Day! Hope you are doing fine. This is Ruhul Ajom Sagor. I am an expert "Web Developer" with 10+ years of working experience in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, MySql and different Fra Další

$250 CAD za 7 dní
(1 recenze)

Hello how are you? Thank you for the job posting. I read your project description carefully and got interested. I've developed similar projects to your project in the previous company. As a senior full-stack develope Další

$250 CAD za 3 dní
(0 Recenzí)

Hello how are you doing? Thank you for the job posting. I don't like ramble like the other developers. I developed a project similar to yours last month. As a senior full-stack developer, I am skilled in Computer Sec Další

$250 CAD za 7 dní
(0 Recenzí)

EXPERT IN ((Computer Security, Certified Ethical Hacking, Web Security, Internet Security and Linux)) DEAR EMPLOYER, I’ve completed the exact same projects before successfully((Ethical Hacker for PC Security Check)). Další

$250 CAD za 3 dní
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I am excited to submit my proposal for your Figma design project. With over [X years/months] of experience in UI/UX design and a strong proficiency in Figma, I am confident in my ability to deliver high-quality designs Další

$250 CAD za 7 dní
(0 Recenzí)

Hello, i am a seasoned Software engineer and an ethical hacker .I have carefully gone through your project and it interests me and i believe i can swiftly deliver it for you. I understand the delicate nature of your si Další

$500 CAD za 7 dní
(0 Recenzí)

Proposal for Safeguarding PC Platform by Removing Nuisance Account Objective: Identify, disable, and eliminate a toxic player’s account by deleting significant data and changing the password to delay recovery. Scope o Další

$700 CAD za 7 dní
(0 Recenzí)