Need css design for my website using Smarty engine

Dokončeno Zveřejněno Oct 3, 2008 K zaplacení v momentě doručení
Dokončeno K zaplacení v momentě doručení

I need someone who is experienced in css & the Smarty template engine.

I am using a PHP script that uses Smarty, and basically need somebody to create a simple design for me, and implement it in all the template files. It needs to be broken down into all the template files, I am not sure how to, but if I send you the files and the demo to the website where I need the design done you should know what to do.

The script is fsr script, you can demo it at fsrevolution(dot)com/demo

That is the default design. It uses TPL files to run the design using Smarty.

I do not have a big budget at all so please take that into consideration when bidding.

It should take no longer than 1 hour so it's not much work

I will send all the necessary files if requested and the website where it needs done

Look forward to working with you

Grafický design Tvorba log

Identifikační číslo projektu: #3279210

O projektu

3 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní Oct 4, 2008

Uděleno uživateli:


See private message.

$42.5 USD za 3 dní
(1 recenze)

3 Freelnceři na tento projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $55


See private message.

$80.75 USD za 3 dní
(1 recenze)

See private message.

$42.5 USD za 3 dní
(0 Recenzí)