Wpf custom control web browserpráce
Καλησπέρα, διαθέτω 2 eshop το ένα κατασκευασμένο με OpenCart και το άλλο ειναι κατασκευασμένο με custom CMS (αρκετα αρχαίο) απο ελληνικη εταιρεια η οποια έχει και το hosting , και...
... With just a few clicks, the manager gains insights into employee work plans, making workforce planning easier. The intuitive interface of Working People allows managers to efficiently oversee their team. Watch as the manager navigates the app, generates informative reports, and visualizes employee productivity. Witness the transformation from frustration to satisfaction as the manager gains control. Join the ranks of satisfied managers who believe in Working People for effective employee management. Try our app and unlock the potential of streamlined team management. If you have experience in animation or video creation and want to contribute to our project, reach out to us! We look forward to collaborating with you and creating an excellent advertising video. Best regards, ...
Hledám programátora php a html, pro custom úpravy eshopu postaveného na platformě prestashopu. Nabízím dobré finanční ohodnocení, práci v menším kolektivu. Požaduji alespon 20hod/týdně po dobu 2-3 měsíců.
On the live site, the users purchases a woocommerce product to enrol in a course created in LearnDash… the products and courses are linked together by custom plugin… the custom pugin is migrated to the staging site and all functionalities working… when we started the development on the staging site, we duplicated the live site and restore it in the staging site, the development took 4 months, so in the last 4 months we don’t have the data on the staging site. That’s what we need to now migrate from LIVE to STAGING. We need to migrate Users, Users metadata, WooCommerce Orders, and anything related to users, and we need to migrate the learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some users have made progress in their c...
Tengo un proyecto realizado con el framework Laravel 7 con MySQL y necesito la conexión ya sea directamente al molinete TS1022PRO con un panel IP para control de acceso InBio 460 Pro o SDK para conectar al sistema ZKACCESS 3.5
Two years ago, I had a plugin created to calculate the price of pencil printing. After updating the woocommerce, my files were probably overwritten - the price with the print on the product page, in the cart and others is not displayed. You will need a good knowledge of the core of woocommerce and programming Link for example : input quantity 100 - select "potisk předmětu - online kalkulačka" click "zvolte technologii" select "tamponový tisk" click "Upřesněte technologii" select "jednobarevný potisk" click vypočítat cenu potisku ... now see only NaN Kč... Nan - It should be the sum of the price of the products + the price of the print Multiple files need to be modified for functionality
Hledáme vývojáře na plný úvazek na 3+ roky pro vývoj CRM na míru v jazyce Java, GUI extJS, DB Oracle. Ideálně v lokalitě Praha/Brno/Znojmo (CZE resident preferred, fluent czech language is a must).
Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...
Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...
Jedna se predevsim o portfolio fotografa s moznosti seznamit se se zluzbami a objednat foceni. Je treba vytvorit responsivni design (mobile: portrait/landscape; tablet: portrait/landscape; browser). Duraz na vice zamereni (3): Svatby, Portrety, Moda. Sekce: Domovska stranka, landing page, galerie, blog, cenik, kontakt, kalendar pro rezervace. Logo jiz existuje, avsak neni nikterak prilis stylizovane, tudiz ruce kreativite nesvazuje. Freelancers in Czech Republic only.
...dokončení (docela na úpravy spěcháme). Také prosíme o reference a jak dlouho již s Prestou pracujete a jaké máte zkušenosti s vývojem modulů a zásahů do kódu Presty. Děkujeme. Požadavky na naše úpravy: 1) u každého produktu aby si zákazník mohl vybrat grafický podklad dle nabízené grafiky (viz. níže příklad existujícího modulu) s možností dopsání vlastního přání do textového pole (je možno využít custom field v samotné prestě, případné jiné řešení) 2) zároveň aby si mohl vybrat u každého produktu, jak bude za...
...Vedlejsi funkce - Aplikace by mela umet spojovat dokumenty, napr. PDFka - napriklad mam dve sablony, a kdyz splni nejake kriteria, spoj dve sablony do jednoho PDFka - Prehledy - pocet vygenerovanych dokumentu, generovaci report (tzn. Muzu jit do tohoto reportu a projet vsechny merge policka a videt, co se presne ze Salesforce vytahuje a kam) - Jsem schopny generovat i Opportunity Line Items a custom objects atd. Vice detailu na online briefingu....
...Požadavky na prvotní funkčnost aplikce pod Android a iOS: - vytoceni L2tP pripojeni na server -smerovani veskereho IP provozu pres VPN server -instalace aplikace jako spravce zarizeni tj. nemoznost odinstalace ci ukonceni bez zadani kodu zarizeni - pouzivane napr. u Eset parental control -automatický náběh aplikace a vytoceni VPN po restartu mobilniho telefonu. -Minimální user interface, jednoduche nastavení viz specifikace v sekci develop, případně ukončení, toto vše po zadání hesla. -komunikace s nasi web servisou aplikaci Popis dostupného API: Webová služba typu SOAP. Formát odpovědí možný i ve formátu JSON. Pomocí API b...
...programátora/kodéra pro správu a vylepšování již zaběhlých webů běžících na systému Wordpress. Také je potřeba aby jste měli zkušenosti s tvorbou webu na WP od A do Z. Požadavky: -znalost WP na úrovni dokumentace (např. umíte používat filtry, udělat vlastní plugin, příp. si dohledat potřebné funkce a rychle se v nich orientovat, znáte dokonale strukturu WP) -znalost PHP -znalost a praxe s ACF (nebo jinými custom fields pluginy) -znalost HTML a CSS (pozažmo HTML5 a CSS3) -javascript (jQuery) -samostatnost, kretivita, spolehlivost -dostupnost přes Skype v dopoledních hodinách Výhodou: -znalost a schopnost tvoř...
Pro naší firmu StrategyQuant, která působí především v globálním měřítku (zákazníky máme ve více než 80 zemích, 95% prodejů je mimo ČR), připravujeme nový projekt. Jedná se o komunitní web, který bude sdružovat vývojáře algo strategií a pomáhat jim vytvářet komunity pro společný vývoj. Web (landing page, blog atd.) poběží na Thrive Lead Generation a komunitní síť bychom rádi postavili na Buddy Press + bude potřeba vytvořit custom bloky. Naše firma zaměstnává na plný úvazek webaře (není programátor), který pomůže s ...
...může být i jako komponenta do Joomla nebo Wordpressu. Níže posílám hrubý náčrt funkcí, které by měl projekt splňovat. 1. Front end - propracovaný fulltext vyhledávač - kategorie, podkategorie více úrovní - nabídky a poptávky odděleně, řazení, filtrování,... - seznam uživatelů, řazení podle hodnocení, filtrování, atd... 2. Administrace uživatele - registrace, vyplnění profilu - control panel (moje poptávky, moje nabídky, moje hodnocení, profil, nabít kredit) - přidat nabídku / poptávku - titulek, fotky, popisek, cena, platba za topování přes GoPay + ...
Project for akshay for creating a custom wp plugin
HLEDÁME GRAFIKA Nakreslení a počítačová úprava 2D položek do počítačové hry (příšery, brnění, postavy, zbraně, atd.) Vtipně, v komiksovém stylu CO POTŘEBUJEME: • Pečlivost a spolehlivost • Čestný a týmový přístup • Znalost grafických programů CO NABÍZÍME: • Pro obě strany výhodnou odměnu • Možnost práce kdykoliv – pracuj si kdykoli chceš, pouze splň termín • Možnost práce odkudkoli – pracuj si kdekoli chceš, pouze buď na příjmu • Vhodné pro studenty čehokoli, záleží nám jen, jestli to zvládneš • Jsme re...
Hledáme programátora do týmu pro dokončení StartUpu Jedná se o naprogramování MMORPG browser hry (typu SFgame, Travian, BattleKnight nebo Gladiatus …) CO POTŘEBUJEME: Znalost HTML5 Canvas, PHP, JavaScript a MySQL Pečlivost a spolehlivost Čestný a týmový přístup CO NABÍZÍME: Pro obě strany výhodnou odměnu Možnost práce kdykoliv – pracuj si kdykoli chceš, pouze splň termín Možnost práce odkudkoli – pracuj si kdekoli chceš, pouze buď na příjmu Vhodné pro studenty čehokoli, záleží nám jen, jestli to zvládneš Jsme relativně tolerantní k termínu odevzdán...
Zdravo Trajko, zanima me dali mi možeš implementirati da je "field Job Position vidljiv i natisljiv i na narudžbenici, fakturi itd!
Zdravim Potreboval bych vytvorit kontrol unit pro vertikalni zahrady kdy bude zapisovat do databaze a posilat warning zpravy. Mam kdyztak uz pripraveny senzory a schema. Jestli by byl zajem muzu poslat vice info a podrobnosti.
I ´m looking for coding of template for QuickCart. This template: template pay in "clean html" and pass the coding for QuickCart 6.2Alternatively. The result is a template for QuickCart 6.2 You can offer a similar custom template. Thank you for your offer and I apologize for my English
I'm looking for an expert who can help me create a productized version of an AWS Landing Zone from scratch. This setup will utilize AWS Control Tower, AWS Config, AWS Service Control Policies, and AWS IAM, with integration to Azure AD. Key Expectations: - Comprehensive setup of AWS Landing Zone using AWS Organization, Control Tower with a focus on Security and Access Management. - Use of AWS Config, Service Control Policies, and Boundary permissions, with good examples demonstrating their functionality. - Clear, understandable guidance on the infrastructure cost, which I will cover on top of your man hours. - Ideally, you should have a solid understanding of AWS and Azure, with proven experience in setting up and managing complex cloud infrastructures. Pl...
I'm looking for a web developer who can create a high-performance, SEO-optimized website on WordPress, tailored for retail manpower training. The website should integrate with LearnDash as its Learning Management System (LMS) and incorporate a payment gateway suitable for Indian transactions. Key Project Features: - WordPress Development: The website will be built on WordPress, so expertise in this platform is crucial. - LearnDash Integration: The selected professional will need to incorporate LearnDash for seamless online training delivery. - SEO Optimization: The website must be optimized for search engines to increase visibility and reach. - Indian Payment Gateway: The site should support transactions through a reliable Indian payment gateway. Ideal Skills and Experience: ...
Request for Proposal: Website Development AI-Driven Application Assistance Platform Introduction is seeking a qualified web development firm to design and implement a dynamic, AI-assisted platform that facilitates the completion of county and state-specific applications. Our goal is to create a seamless, intuitive, and legally compliant system that utilizes AI-driven guided workflows to enhance the user experience while ensuring accurate data population into official government forms. Project Overview aims to simplify the user experience by integrating AI Bot guidance for completing various county/state applications. The platform must: ✅ Retrieve and process government-issued forms and applications securely and efficiently. ✅ Present an intuitive, branded interface
I'm looking for a developer who can create a price comparison website similar to an existing one, but with my branding. I need the same data coming from the other website onto my site. with the same results and filtering options. Key ...allowing users to visually compare prices across different retailers. The primary aim of the website is to provide unbiased price comparisons. Thus, a strong emphasis on impartiality and transparency in the site's design and functionality is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Proficiency in front-end and back-end development is essential. - E-commerce Knowledge: Familiarity with e-commerce platforms and price comparison features will be a plus. - Brand Integration: Experience in implementing custom branding...
I'm looking for a custom-built website dedicated to customer reviews with an interactive map component. This project will involve creating a platform where customers can post reviews on a subscription basis. The site will feature a map showing review locations, with color-coded pins based on ratings. Key Features: - A unique, custom-built platform - An interactive map displaying review locations with nearby attractions - Color-coded pins based on review ratings - An admin interface to manage content - A subscription-based model for customer review posting - An intuitive search bar allowing searches by location, rating, and keyword User Roles: - Administrator: Full access to backend, managing all aspects of the site - Moderator: Oversight and management of customer cont...
...model ensures that expenses directly correlate with Sales Success, with a keen focus on the Personal Development industry, to focus on mindset to boost profit margins. Your primary responsibility will be to identify, source and sell our Course on Personal Development. So we pay you your commission once you Close the sale for £100 if you think this is you, please reach out. Must have excellent control over the English language, would prefer for the freelancer to be in the States or Canada. Key Responsibilities: - Contact and convert cold leads into course purchases - Employ persuasive sales techniques tailored for the personal development niche - Track sales progress and report back on lead conversion rates Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in closing sales, particular...
We are looking for a talented and creative designer to develop the logo and full branding for MindMate, an AI-driven mental wellness app that provides personalized support for mental health. This is a serious, professional project aimed at creating a positive impa... and intelligent • Trustworthy and professional, yet modern and inviting • Minimalist, sleek, and clean design (no clutter, no complex graphics) No AI-Generated Logos or Designs – Every submission must be 100% original and created by a human designer. We will conduct thorough checks, and any AI-generated content will be rejected immediately. No Stock Icons or Templates – We want a unique and custom design. Submissions using generic stock icons will not be considered. If you are a bot, start your m...
...using Fusion 360 CAD software, and fully editable parametric design, so cam can be adjusted. Fusion 360 by AUTODESK is available for free. Please DO NOT accept this project if you are not capable of completing the task. You must have CAD experience, know what a CAM lever is, how they function, and capable of sketching it using FUSION. The attached image shows a factory standard CAM lever.. The custom design we need will look very similar but with a longer handle, and longer swing bolt....
I need a custom-built website for reviews that incorporates location mapping. The website will allow customers to post reviews on a subscription basis, with a map displaying review locations via color-coded pins based on ratings. Key Features: - Custom build to enable unique functionalities - Interactive map with review location pins - Color-coded area codes depending on review ratings - Admin post-only good reviews - Subscription-based customer review posting -Intuitive search bar with adresses. User Roles: - Administrator: Full access to backend - Moderator: Oversee and manage customer content Review Types: - Text: Written reviews - Photo: Visual aids accompanying written reviews Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web development with a focus on ...
I'm looking to build a custom online test software that primarily supports multiple choice tests. The software should be capable of: - Automatic grading of the tests - Being accessed from desktop computers and smartphones. The software needs to be uploaded on my server or cloud after development. Ideal candidates should have experience in educational software development and server management. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...me program a Raspberry Pi to work with an RFID system. The primary purpose of this RFID system is for access control, so the programming should be tailored to this use. Key requirements: - Expertise in RFID systems - Proficient in programming Raspberry Pi - Experience with access control systems The Raspberry Pi needs to be programmed to function as an RFID scanner. This will primarily involve barcode scanning, so the ideal candidate will have experience with this type of functionality. Skills and experience that would be advantageous: - Proficient in Python or similar programming languages suitable for Raspberry Pi - Prior experience programming RFID systems for access control - Familiarity with barcode scanning technology Please provide examples of previous w...
I need a proficient developer or a team to create a comprehensive email system, both web-based and desktop client, similar to popular platforms like Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo Mail. This system needs to be robust enough to support configuration and management of 100,000 email accounts. Some Details. I have a custom designed email client I would like to use. In CSS code. Language is not important, simply the page design. Core Features: - The system should enable seamless email composing and sending. Additionally, the email system should incorporate: - Efficient handling of inbox organization through folders, labels, etc. Authentication: I will also be implmenting a non-alpha numeric username/password login system. To develop this login system, you have the option to help buil...
I need a WordPress developer to assist me in modifying a popup on my website. Currently, the popup allows users to select a locat...add a simple static link to a subdomain without utilizing the location plugin. Key Requirements: - The static link should be added in the popup - Once clicked, the popup should redirect the user to the subdomain - The static link should appear as a button in the popup - The popup should be mobile-responsive and the static link easily clickable on all devices. - The static link button should have custom styling to match the website’s theme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress - Experience with popup modification - Understanding of subdomain linking - Good UI/UX understanding to ensure the button integrates well with the existin...
...monitoring and testing of internal controls over financial reporting in relation to SOX compliance. Key Responsibilities: - Testing control effectiveness: You will need to help assess whether our current controls are functioning as intended. - Evaluating control deficiencies: If any issues are identified, your expertise will be required in determining the severity and potential implications of these deficiencies. Ideal Candidate: - You should have extensive experience with SOX audits, particularly in the financial sector. - A deep understanding of internal controls over financial reporting is crucial. - Your ability to provide insightful evaluations of control deficiencies will be highly valued. - Strong documentation skills will be necessary to record our findin...
I need a WordPress job portal designed with specific features and optimized for Google. I want it to be similar to job board sites like and but without the user account functionality. Key project aspects include: - Developing a job board site like - Implementing job listings - Incorporating the jobs schema functionality for Google indexing - Ensuring the website passes all Google tests The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in WordPress development and job portal creation. A keen understanding of SEO, particularly Google’s indexing systems, is crucial. Previous experience designing sites that adhere to a minimalistic and clean aesthetic, like and , is highly preferred. Please note that using drag-and-drop tools is not acceptable for this project.
...objective is to engage an engineer with a robust background in mechanical design and development, specifically focusing on electronic furniture mechanisms. The scope of work includes the design, development, and creation of various electronic mechanical furniture mechanisms such as: -Electric Recliner Mechanisms: These mechanisms should enable smooth, adjustable seat recliner functions with precision control. -Electric TV Stand Lift Mechanisms: Innovative lift systems that provide both functionality and aesthetic appeal, ensuring seamless integration with modern furniture designs. -Automated Furniture Components: Development of various automated components that elevate user experience and interaction with furniture. **Requirements:** -Proven Expertise: The candidate must have...
...be from 01 to 70 meters when indoor and from 01 to 1500 meters when outdoor. The shooting must be affected by ballistics according to the ammunition and gun used, as well as wind and weather conditions. The user interface must be intuitive and friendly There shall be a mobile app design that replicates the PC user interface onto an android tablet where the instructor can use the tablet to control the shooting session while addressing issues with his shooting students. This connection must be done without the need for internet (via local area network). Part 03 The third step is being able to create animated missions with advancing enemy troops, tanks, vehicles etc. Have a ready to use drag and drop objects library and ready to use worlds (Urban, forest, rural, etc). The ...
We are looking for a talented and creative designer to develop the logo and full branding for MindMate, an AI-driven mental wellness app that provides personalized support for mental health. This is a serious, professional project aimed at creating a positive impact on people’s lives, so we need a branding identity t...and intelligent • Trustworthy and professional, yet modern and inviting • Minimalist, sleek, and clean design (no clutter, no complex graphics) No AI-Generated Logos or Designs – Every submission must be 100% original and created by a human designer. We will conduct thorough checks, and any AI-generated content will be rejected immediately. No Stock Icons or Templates – We want a unique and custom design. Submissions using generic stock...
...compatible, and stable. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with MedusaJS - Proficient in - Expert in full-stack development Please note, the second stage will be determined based on the success of the first. The expected timeline for the first stage is 1-2 weeks. Advanced permissions setup is necessary, requiring detailed role management and access control. Use predefined templates for role management and access control....
Job Description: Web development - I will create websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Skills: HTML for structuring the basic layout of the website. CSS for creating modern and responsive designs. JavaScript for adding dynamic features like form validation, interactive buttons, sliders, animations, etc. I specialize in making websites responsive (mobile-friendly). Budget & Terms: Hourly Rate: My rate ranges from $15 - $25 per hour, depending on the complexity of the project. The start and end dates will be agreed upon based on the project scope. Payment: Payment will be made based on the number of hours worked, and will be due upon project completion. Experience: I have worked on several small to medium-sized projects, delivering fully responsive websites that...
I'm seeking a professional to install Hexabot AI, an open-source chatbot builder, on my Ubuntu server using Docker. Installation documentation is available, and no custom configurations or modifications are needed beyond the default setup. Key Requirements: - Proficient in server management, specifically Ubuntu - Extensive experience with Docker - Familiarity with Hexabot AI and its installation procedures - Ability to follow provided documentation accurately Please note that Docker is already installed on the server, and there's no need for support with deploying any specific languages or frameworks with Hexabot AI.
I'm looking for an expert in AppSheet to provide online support for fixing and enhancing my carwash control management app. This includes both improving existing features and adding new ones. Key Areas of Focus: - Enhancing user authentication for better security - Implementing advanced data analytics features for insightful reports - Setting up real-time notifications to keep track of ongoing processes - Managing and integrating client data, including customer contact info, service history, and payment details - Setting up automatic backup solutions to prevent data loss - Integrating employee management features such as shift scheduling and performance tracking - Adding support for multiple payment gateways for more flexible billing options - Creating a feature for collecting...
...express delivery platform where sellers can list their shipments, the system accepts them, assigns them to drivers, and manages the entire delivery process. Key Requirements: ✅ Language: The entire platform must be developed in Albanian ✅ Seller Registration: Sellers can list orders for delivery ✅ Order Management: Acceptance, assignment to drivers, and delivery tracking ✅ Admin Dashboard: Full control over orders, users, and reports ✅ Driver Panel: Drivers can access their orders, track, and update statuses ✅ Order Statuses: Created, In Delivery, Pending, Delivered, Rejected, In Warehouse ✅ Smart Scanning: Drivers can scan packages using a camera or scanner ✅ Warehouse Management: Accept and process incoming shipments ✅ API Integration: Connect with other courier companies in ...
I need a Python script that can log into a website and automatically collect contact details (emails) of people who have reached out to me. Key Require...automatically collect contact details (emails) of people who have reached out to me. Key Requirements: - The script should retrieve the data at predetermined intervals. - It should avoid duplicating entries. - It should run on a standard web browser, not a headless one. - It must handle a standard username and password login. - Optional but preferred: Include a simple logging mechanism to record the timestamps of data collection. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python. - Experienced in web scraping and automation. - Familiar with creating scripts for use in a standard web browser. - Able to implement ba...
I'm in need of a thorough market analysis to determine the necessity and potential demand for 3D printing and glass blowing services in Utah. Key Components: - Evaluate the demand for both 3D printing and glass blowing services - Identify potential sectors that could require these services: Prototyping, Custom parts, Artistic projects for 3D printing; and Artistic projects, Custom glassware, Repairs for glass blowing - Provide insights on the viability of these services in the local market - Estimate the market size for 3D printing and glass blowing in Utah over the next 5 years. - Identify customer demographics and preferences for 3D printing and glass blowing services. - Conduct a pricing analysis of existing services and suggest competitive pricing strategies. Idea...