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    2,000 wordpress sendgrid smtp plugin Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    ...experienced with implementing the codeswholesale-sdk-php. There is also a WordPress plugin, but it hasn't been actively developed for several years. Either customize the old plugin or implement the API. I would need everything the plugin for WordPress can do (regular import, update, order synchronization). I need to import price relationships, product attributes, descriptions - all possible available product information. I am in a distributor position. I can provide API data on sandbox. () So, I would need either to modify the existing plugin or create a new one or implement it differently - for example, in functions.php. PHP SDK: Plugin no longer supported for 5 years:

    €239 Average bid
    €239 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Zorem local pickup pro Plugin reinstall

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...zaškolení do prostředí je samozřejmostí - čas Ti bude uhrazen. Tvoje odměna bude dvousložková: • za pohotovost (á hodina za potřebný časový úsek pohotovosti) • za reálný výkon práce (á hodina za vykonanou práci při zásahu a/nebo dle dohody za ad hoc jednorázové práce). Požadované základní znalosti, prostě tohle bys měl umět: • zkušenost s Linux, Redhat / CentOS, • dále s Apache, ldap, squid, ntp, smtp, sssd, • schopnost manuálního sestavení komponent serverů v rack. Je to práce vhodná pro někoho, kdo má např. z 80% náplň práce jisto...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Busco diseñador con experiencia en Elementor Pro

    €370 Average bid
    €370 Průměr. nabídka
    41 nabídky

    ...the users purchases a woocommerce product to enrol in a course created in LearnDash… the products and courses are linked together by custom plugin… the custom pugin is migrated to the staging site and all functionalities working… when we started the development on the staging site, we duplicated the live site and restore it in the staging site, the development took 4 months, so in the last 4 months we don’t have the data on the staging site. That’s what we need to now migrate from LIVE to STAGING. We need to migrate Users, Users metadata, WooCommerce Orders, and anything related to users, and we need to migrate the learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some users have made progress in their courses it must ...

    €45 / hr Average bid
    €45 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    Hi, I am looking for someone able to customize my Wordpress website. I have a functional site built with template and plugins, but I have some more requirements that I need to adjust. It is a private project about selling Sphynx cats. Expected start of cooperation: March 2022 I prefer Prague located, czech speaking developers.

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    27 nabídky
    Datanova Plug
    Ukončeno left

    Datanova Plugin

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Two years ago, I had a plugin created to calculate the price of pencil printing. After updating the woocommerce, my files were probably overwritten - the price with the print on the product page, in the cart and others is not displayed. You will need a good knowledge of the core of woocommerce and programming Link for example : input quantity 100 - select "potisk předmětu - online kalkulačka" click "zvolte technologii" select "tamponový tisk" click "Upřesněte technologii" select "jednobarevný potisk" click vypočítat cenu potisku ... now see only NaN Kč... Nan - It should be the sum of the price of the products + the price of the print Multiple files need to be modified for functionality

    €60 Average bid
    €60 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    I have a Wordpress site used for Visitor Management. The site reads data from Google Firebase Database via the plugin Integrate Firebase PRO: I would like some help with styling one page. Its mostly using shortcodes. And there is one menu. The theme is Astra. I have attached two pics. One is of the current layout, and the other is what I want the page to look like ( inspiration)

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Průměr. nabídka
    18 nabídky

    Jedná se mi o následující úpravy na 1) Https certifikát na web 2) Přidání platbu kartou (plugin pořídíme dle vašeho doporučení) 3) Cookies na stránkách 4) Google analytics propojení 5) Potřebujeme vyřešit xml feed přes google product feed nejlépe (jedná se nám o další propojení prodeje na portálech jako FAVI, ETSY atd. pomocí feedu. Poprosím o cenovou nabídku. Toto potřebuji vyřešit jako první, poté bych rád další služby ohledně webu, grafiky, jazykové mutace atd. Předem díky za zpětnou vazbu. S pozdravem, Michal

    €208 Average bid
    €208 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky
    youzer plugin
    Ukončeno left

    youzer plugin sync with current theme

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Hledám někoho, kdo vytvoří plugin pro LMS Moodle, který umí udělat cohorty a ty seskupit například pro reporty skupiny a podskupin v základním systému Moodle.

    €205 Average bid
    €205 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I need Retail Pro 9 Plugins liberary

    €165 Average bid
    €165 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    Dobrý den, potřebuji vytvoř...rámci blogu a nějaká videa registrovaným. Také budu později prodávat software. Potřebovala bych tedy (nejspíš): - vytvořit stránky, které budou třeba (úvodní stránka, registrační a přihlašovací stránka, blog,..) - zprovoznit platební bránu na online platby kartou + pokud to půjde, tak propojit s ekonomickým systémem POHODA kvůli fakturám a EET Mám koupenou šablonu DIVI a na placené členství plugin MEMBERPRESS, takže můj požadavek je, aby to bylo tvořeno v tomto. Potřebovala bych, abych si web mohla kdykoli nějak graficky upravit a případně na něj přidat dal&s...

    €469 Average bid
    €469 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky
    €17 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Online magazín pro ženy a muže. Redakční rubriky lifestyle, móda, krása, zdraví, cestování, soutěže. Přináší rady a tipy pro čtenáře online magazínu. Redakční testy pro čtenáře i klienty. Redakční obsah zahrnuje text, foto, video.

    €397 Average bid
    €397 Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    Web jede na wordpress šabloně, potřeba jen následující úkony: Nastavit https zabezpečení, optimalizovat rychlost načítání webu, přidat plugin na chatovací okno, přidat odkaz na proklik na jiný web. V budoucnu bude více úprav, takže možnost další spolupráce web:

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    En PHP, Adaptar un módulo de moodle a la versión mas actualizada

    €190 Average bid
    €190 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Dobrý den, hledáme programátora/kodéra pro správu a vylepšování již zaběhlých webů běžících na systému Wordpress. Také je potřeba aby jste měli zkušenosti s tvorbou webu na WP od A do Z. Požadavky: -znalost WP na úrovni dokumentace (např. umíte používat filtry, udělat vlastní plugin, příp. si dohledat potřebné funkce a rychle se v nich orientovat, znáte dokonale strukturu WP) -znalost PHP -znalost a praxe s ACF (nebo jinými custom fields pluginy) -znalost HTML a CSS (pozažmo HTML5 a CSS3) -javascript (jQuery) -samostatnost, kretivita, spolehlivost -dostupnost přes Skype v dopoledních hodinách V&...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky
    WC Vendor Pro
    Ukončeno left

    I need a WC Vendor Pro plugin.

    €55 Average bid
    €55 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky
    Project for MyBB
    Ukončeno left

    fix moodle plugin

    €96 Average bid
    €96 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Ahoj, potřebovala bych pomoc, poradit s úpravou webových stránek, které jsou vytvořené ve wordpressu. Ideálně Liberec / Praha. Díky, Lucie

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Dobrý den, potřeboval bych udělat nebo spíše upravit šablonu dle přiložených wireframů.

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    Project for akshay for creating a custom wp plugin

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Zdravím, mám hotový obsah webu, drátěné modely, grafiku a potřebuji to nasadit na worldpress. Ideálně lokalita Praha, ale není to podmínkou.

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Change header, sticky header.

    €29 - €29
    €29 - €29
    0 nabídky
    Kodér WordPress
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, pro společnost Webwings hledáme Front-end developera / Kodéra na realizaci projektu ve WordPressu. Jedná se o úpravu WP šablony (včetně přestylování, přidání widget area a pod., t.z. ne jen klikání v administraci) podle dodaných PSD souborů a následně naplnění webu obsahem. Vyplněný obsah bude hlavně nastavení dopravy, plateb, případně názvy kategorií. Zbytek textu vzorové lorem ipsum, klient doplní. Nutná předchozí zkušenost s WP, Woocommerce a jazykových verzí (ideálně polylang) Práce z domu, nebo v kanceláři, platební podmínky dohodou. Nástup A...

    €340 Average bid
    €340 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Potřebuji doladit šablonu na Wordpress.

    €178 Average bid
    €178 Průměr. nabídka
    25 nabídky

    I am creating a multi-vendor site with Dokan and I need to use the UALA payment gateway as a payment method. The site will be large with many different vendors and each account must work its money in a different way, and I need it to be easy to use and be able to indicate how much commission percentage I will earn per sale from each vendor.

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Průměr. nabídka
    41 nabídky

    I need a professional to assist me in setting up my new website. I have a Bluehost account and have already subscribed ...- Installing the GeneratePress theme "Explorer" The website will host long-form essays and travel photos, so it will require a suitable layout and functionality for content-heavy pages. I have about 200 essays, not all will be posted at one time. I also have a lot of travel [photos so I would like a gallery. If possible, if there is a plugin for clickable maps, that would be great. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with Bluehost - Familiarity with the GeneratePress theme - Basic web design skills Please note, I am currently using a Macintosh and all tasks should be compatible. Your help w...

    €411 Average bid
    €411 Průměr. nabídka
    128 nabídky

    I need a WordPress plugin that will allow the website visitor to 'save' or 'heart' images (using the NextGen gallery plugin for albums), and then allow the user to email the saved images to themselves via link. The link will be temporary and will also be sent to the website owner so both the customer and the website owner can review the chosen images. In order to be considered for the bid, please tell me how you propose to solve the features described above and how long it will take. I ignore all Ai generated bids and I ignore all copy/paste proposals. If you review the information above and answer correctly, I will initiate a chat.

    €451 Average bid
    €451 Průměr. nabídka
    146 nabídky
    WordPress AI Engine Chatbot
    6 dní left

    Wanting to have an AI Engine Chatbot or similar plugin that will call a MySQL database to provide the most suitable answers. OpenAI Chatbot Asks relevant questions Refers to backend MySQL database for answers based off conversation Allows for fine tuning - keywords can be pulled and used to make SQL queries. Ability for me to train or change keywords

    €170 Average bid
    €170 Průměr. nabídka
    104 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer familiar with the Avada theme to help me modify two pages on my site. I need to add a few sections formatted in a specific way. I'll provide a screenshot as an example of the formatted area. Key Requirements: - Add a few sections to two pages of my Avada WordPress site - Modify the pages according to a provided screenshot - Replicate the layout structure and text content from the screenshot - Ensure the visual style matches the existing site Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and Avada theme - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to replicate complex layouts and content Please note, the modifications are quite simple and straightforward. The modifications need to be completed within 1-2 days.

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Průměr. nabídka
    69 nabídky

    I'm looking for an experienced individual to help me with a WordPress backup upload. The backup is in .tar format and needs to be uploaded to my new shared hosting site. Key details: - I have full access to the new host's control panel, which is cPanel. - The task involves using shared hosting, so familiarity with this environment is essential. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and cPanel. - Experience with .tar file handling. - Knowledge of shared hosting environments.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Průměr. nabídka
    42 nabídky

    I'm seeking a developer with expertise in integrating Fluent Support with Woocommerce, specifically focusing on integrating Fluent Support messages of the customer in Order Details and integrating all information about customers order in Fluent Support panel, so both systems work together as intended and we don't need to switch to another place to have all info about customer available. This needs to work in both - Fluent Support and in Order Details, so we have all customer/order/product info in each of these. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a system for detailed data display and management within the Fluent Support + Woocommerce framework. - Improve overall order management efficiency. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Woocommerce and Fluent Support. - Experienced in dev...

    €459 Average bid
    €459 Průměr. nabídka
    109 nabídky

    I'm seeking a talented developer to create a WordPress plugin that facilitates appointment making for users needing smartphone or tablet repairs. The plugin needs to be similiar but more extended like this already existing plugin: I'd like to have the end user to be able to input data with the same kind of looks and functionality with ajax as the example plugin stated above. Key features: - A frontend form for end users to schedule repairs. - A backend interface for administrators to manage appointments. - Appointment details should include: device type and issue, preferred appointment time and date, and contact information of the user. People should be able to choose a repair, be it simple or advanced, by choosing a repair from the a list onc...

    €2058 Average bid
    €2058 Průměr. nabídka
    125 nabídky

    I need a skilled WordPress developer to fix my website. I'm having issues with both themes and plugins. They are not updating correctly and causing problems on my site. Ideal Skills: - Extensive WordPress knowledge - Troubleshooting experience with themes and plugins - Ability to resolve update issues Please bid only if you can help me get my site back to normal.

    €44 Average bid
    €44 Průměr. nabídka
    65 nabídky

    I'm in need of a professional and sleek corporate website built on the WordPress platform. The primary purpose of this site will be to represent my business and provide potential clients with an overview of our services. Key Requirements: - Design a user-friendly and responsive corporate website on WordPress. - Implement a comprehensive services overview section that clearly outlines what we offer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Demonstrated experience in WordPress site development, specifically for corporate entities. - Strong understanding of corporate website aesthetics and functionality. - Proven track record of creating clear and engaging services overview sections. Please reach out for further details.

    €189 Average bid
    €189 Průměr. nabídka
    177 nabídky

    Después de actualizar WordPress al parecer el plugin elementor, actualizo mal, el sitio web esta caído.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Průměr. nabídka
    24 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled web designer to create a WordPress-based personal brand website for me. Key Requirements: - The website should follow a typical personal brand template, but with my unique branding elements. - A key section of the site will be my portfolio, which will need to be presented as an image gallery. - The website must be fully responsive across all devices and screen sizes. - The website should be optimized for search engines to increase visibility. - Integrate links to my social media profiles for better connectivity. - Have a dedicated 'About Me' section that introduces my background and expertise. - Include a functional contact form that allows visitors to get in touch easily. - The website theme should be customizable to allow for future updat...

    €161 Average bid
    €161 Průměr. nabídka
    168 nabídky

    Website for my football training services. The site should be engaging and professional, appealing to parents and young athletes, as they are th...the team behind the training camp. - Contact Us Page: Essential contact information, an inquiry form, and possibly a location map. - Camp Registration Page: A dedicated page for signing up for training camps, potentially with pricing details and FAQs. - Testimonials/Success Stories Page: Showcase reviews from athletes and parents to build trust. Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Experience with WordPress development - A strong portfolio of modern and clean web designs. - Experience designing for a parent and youth athlete demographic. - Knowledge of event registration & booking plugins. - Experience integrating payment processing( stri...

    €449 Average bid
    €449 Průměr. nabídka
    190 nabídky

    I'm looking for a professional and corporate styled store to be set up on my WordPress account. The store will cater to a diverse range of products, including physical items, digital goods, and services. Key requirements include: - Proper creation and assignment of product tags - Uploading of product images - Implementation of PayPal as the sole payment method Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in WordPress - Ability to design in a professional and corporate style - Skills in product tagging and image uploading - Knowledge of integrating PayPal as a payment method. Please ensure your bid reflects an understanding of these requirements. Please consider the following: integrating WooCommerce or Shopify.

    €29 - €241
    Neodkladné Zapečetěný DOM
    €29 - €241
    52 nabídky

    Create a dynamic sitemap for my WordPress website. The sitemap needs to be automated and synchronised with our daily database updates.

    €192 Average bid
    €192 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Budget: 100,- € We need help setting up Pushengage on our WordPress site. We would like to use the API (or otherwise) to categorize users into different segments on Pushengage based on their user role on the WordPress site. This means we have multiple custom user roles such as: Subscriber 1 Subscriber 2 Subscriber 3 And when we categorize the user into the user role "Subscriber 1", we want the user to be categorized into the segment "Subscriber 1". If the user is now switched to the “Subscriber 2” user role, we want them to leave the “Subscriber 1” segment and be classified in the “Subscriber 2” segment. It is important for us that we can extend these levels as required. This means that we can also create th...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Průměr. nabídka
    85 nabídky

    ...Real-time data synchronisation between POS and WooCommerce. • Ensure all order details created on POS (including VAT rates, discounts, and customer details) appear in WooCommerce backend & sales reports. • When a client checks out using the POS, their Company Name and VAT Number must also appear in WooCommerce. • Integration with VIES API () or the existing WooCommerce EU VAT Number plugin () for VAT validation. 4. Customer & Employee Management • Customer profile management with purchase history tracking. • Implement role-based access control, allowing custom permissions for different staff roles. • Employee time tracking for shift and attendance management. &...

    €2215 Average bid
    €2215 Průměr. nabídka
    129 nabídky

    We are looking for an experienced freelancer to migrate our manga platform from React/Express to and migrate data from a WordPress website with a MySQL database. The goal is to maintain all current features while leveraging benefits like improved SEO, performance, and developer experience. The WordPress data migration must be seamless, ensuring no data loss and proper integration. Key Responsibilities: 1. Migration: Convert the React/Express app to , maintaining all features. Audit React components for SSR compatibility. Migrate Express API routes to API routes. Implement SSR for manga listing pages and ISR for detail pages. Optimize images using next/image and update routing with next/navigation. Update authentication to use session management

    €2308 Average bid
    €2308 Průměr. nabídka
    85 nabídky

    I'm looking for an expert in WordPress with experience in integrating sports betting sites and casino games. The project involves the following: - Plugin Integration: A suitable WordPress plugin for sports betting and casino games is required. - Live Betting Features: The site needs to support live betting. - Bet Slip & Manual Point Distribution: Implement a bet slip feature and a system for manual point distribution. - User Management System: A comprehensive user management system is crucial. This should include various roles such as Subadmin, Master, Agent, User, and Admin. - Referral & Commission System: A robust referral and commission system is needed. - Financial Management: This involves setting up deposit and withdrawal methods. The methods...

    €89 Average bid
    €89 Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    I'm in need of an experienced web developer to create a 5-6 page, corporate-styled, clean and user-friendly WordPress website for my services. The site needs to be: ✔ Professionally Designed: The layout should be modern and accessible ✔ SEO-Friendly: It should be optimized for search engines to enhance visibility ✔ Analytics-Ready: Integrate Google Analytics and other SEO analytics plugins for traffic tracking The ideal candidate would be a web developer with proven experience in creating high-quality, SEO-optimized, and analytics-ready WordPress websites. Please submit your portfolio and a bid that reflects your actual price, rather than an adjustinf price after we speak. I look forward to seeing your proposals.

    €165 Average bid
    €165 Průměr. nabídka
    235 nabídky

    I need some Wordpress Developer for some easy Work I need work for long term at low budget I need a serious and hard working person , junior level

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    57 nabídky

    Project Overview I want to develop a responsive website similar to , which allows users to ...between source and destination (visualized using a map service such as Google Maps or Mapbox). - A list of selected items from the table. (available upon request) Interface 3: Price Quotation 1. Fields: - Email address input for receiving the quotation. - Dynamic price table based on delivery distance, selected items, and additional surcharges (available upon request). 2. Email Integration: - Sendgrid or custom email notifications to deliver the quotation in real-time. Interface 4: Booking and Payment 1. Booking Form: - Final confirmation of pick-up and delivery addresses. - Customer contact details. 2. Payment Form: - Integration with PayPal and Stripe for seamless online transactions.

    €12 Average bid
    2 příspěvky