W3c css3 validation buttonpráce
...vhodné.? - Aktivně se účastnit týmových schůzek, přispívat k požadavkům projektu, designu a implementaci.?️ Nejdůležitější požadavky: - Přibližně 5+ let zkušeností v front-end vývoji s React.js. - Znalosti JavaScriptu, povědomí o ES6+ a TypeScriptu. - Důkladné porozumění principům React.js. - Zkušenosti s postupy pro React.js - Redux, Redux-Saga. - Ovládání webového značkovacího jazyka (HTML5, CSS3). - Znalost moderních nástrojů pro vývoj front-endu (Webpack, Babel, Git). - Zkušenost s CI/CD alespoň na úrovni porozumění a jednoduché konfigurace. - Zkušenost s platformou AWS, Azure nebo podobno...
...grafika? U nás tenhle unikátní skillset patřičně využiješ! Víme, že požadované schopnosti jsou poměrně široké, a proto se neboj ozvat, i když si některou z nich teprve plánuješ osvojit. ? ? Co zcela jistě potřebujeme? ▪ Znalost SEO a souvisejících nástrojů (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager…). ▪ Komplexní správa webu – od výběru webhostingu po administraci Wordpressu. ▪ Pokročilá znalost HTML5, CSS3, hodí se i Javascript a PHP. ▪ Rutinní ovládání Adobe CC (PS, AI, ID). ▪ Tvorba wireframů a prototypů webu (Figma). ? Jaké úkoly tě můžou potkat: ▪ Komplexní SEO analýza webu klienta, ▪ a...
...dlouhodobou spolupráci programátora na správu, údržbu a rozšiřování nových funkcionalit našich webových stránek a e-shopu, který by projekt převzal od našeho současného programátora. V případě zapracování a oboustranné spokojenosti je možné převzít i další projekty některých našich klientů a také programování nových projektů. Požadujeme: - perfektní znalost PHP, objektové programování, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Jquery. - samostatnost, důslednost a zodpovědnost - grafické cítění - komunikativnost a analytické myšlení...
Hledáme PHP programátora pro maintenance a pokračování vývoje formou zákaznických úprav na PHP/MySQL/Smarty platformě informačního systému. Požadujeme: - Znalost PHP7 a objektového programování - Znalost Nette/Latte a navazujících knihoven - Znalost práce s relační databází - MySQL/MariaDB - Znalost Git - Znalost HTML5/CSS3/Javascriptu/jQuery Nabízíme práci v rozsahu 10-50 hodin měsíčně. V případě prokázání profesionality, znalostí a spolehlivosti nabízíme možnost užší spolupráce a navýšení hodinové sazby. Jedná se n&aa...
...nás budete dělat? 1) Záznam výukových lekcí 2) Pomáhat studentům s řešením všech otázek v rámci vzdělávacího kurzu 3) Hodnotit výsledky studenta Co od Vás očekáváme? 1) Portfolio uskutečněných projektů 2) Dobré komunikační dovednosti 3) Schopnost vyučovat probíranou látku 4) Nemáte strach před kamerou (věříme, že to bez problémů zvládnete :) Jaké znalosti požadujeme? 1) HTML5 (znalost Canvas) a CSS3 2) SASS/LESS a Bootstrap 3) JavaScript a jQuery na úrovni alespoň junior-developera React.js 4) Znalost Vue.js, TypeScript je vítána 5) Orientace v aktuálních...
...systému Wordpress. Také je potřeba aby jste měli zkušenosti s tvorbou webu na WP od A do Z. Požadavky: -znalost WP na úrovni dokumentace (např. umíte používat filtry, udělat vlastní plugin, příp. si dohledat potřebné funkce a rychle se v nich orientovat, znáte dokonale strukturu WP) -znalost PHP -znalost a praxe s ACF (nebo jinými custom fields pluginy) -znalost HTML a CSS (pozažmo HTML5 a CSS3) -javascript (jQuery) -samostatnost, kretivita, spolehlivost -dostupnost přes Skype v dopoledních hodinách Výhodou: -znalost a schopnost tvořit SQL dotazy (orientovat se v návrhu MySQL databází) -zkušenosti s GULP/GRUNT nebo podobnými -znalost...
Pro naši agenturu PR Czech hledáme kolegu na dlouhodobou externí spolupráci. Máte praktické zkušenosti s JavaScriptem a AngularJS? Pak čtěte dále a velice rádi s Vámi nastartujeme spolupráci. Požadavky: - mít zkušenosti s JavaScript - Angular...optimální řešení z hlediska náročnosti a dokončit úkol Náplň práce: - práce se skriptovacím jazykem JavaScript a dalšími - zkušenost s webovými servery - příprava HTML a CSS kódu Nabízíme: - práci na zajímavých projektech - externí spolupráci - pracuješ odkudkoli, kdykoli - d...
Kompletní vytvoření webových stránek. Frontend developer; HTML5 & CSS3
Rádi bychom rozšířili náš tým o šikovného kodéra se znalostí HMTL a CSS stylů. Jedná se o implementaci již vytvořených designů na připravené e-shopy, případně převedení vzhledu z jiných systémů. Požadujeme: • výbornou znalost CSS, HTML • znalost skriptování v jazyku Javascript (Prototype nebo jQuery) • zkušenosti s HTML5 a CSS3 • zkušenosti s optimalizací pro mobilní zařízení • zodpovědnost, kreativitu, samostatnost • orientace v trendech moderního webdesignu
Jedna se o webovy portal s video obsahem dostupnym po zaplaceni (preview mozne zdarma). Je mozne pouzit predpripravene (opensource) CMS systemy a templaty. Dle detailne pripraveneho zadani vcetne mockupu (pdf, Balsamiq) je potreba vytvorit portal o cca 20 ruznych strankach. Stranky by mely byt v HTML5/CSS3/JS a PHP (PHP neni podminkou) s responsivnim designem upravenym pro mobilni zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Pl...
Hello, Your Request I create a simple application that will communicate with the server. Function application is simple. - User logs (as opposed to server notified) - Key track position (at adjustable intervals Applications sent by gps coordinates to server. I make API that a...create a simple application that will communicate with the server. Function application is simple. - User logs (as opposed to server notified) - Key track position (at adjustable intervals Applications sent by gps coordinates to server. I make API that assumes the dates and stored in the database) - START background (applications are minimized, but still sends location information) - Shut down button (Applications will be turned off) The application therefore has access to the Internet and GPS. no...
Potřebujeme kompletní grafiku pro internetovou hru: NHLWIN - Hokejový manažer NHL" Doména: Na herní stránce je aktuální sestava tvého týmu tvořená ze tří lajn. Nad tím je kalendář odehraných hracích dnů a vedle toho informace o budoucích zápasech...Dole je seznam náhradníků a button pro uložení sestavy -- tuto strukturu chceme víceméně zachovat, ale nejsme spokojeni s grafikou. Ostatní záložky mají vlastně stejnou grafiku, ale jen jinou strukturu, takže vlastně jen stačí nastylovat následující: • Hlavní přihlašovací stránka (logo, buttony,...
Company parking registration proyect 1 User login and registration. 2. Validation of data on the server. 3. Use of database through Entity Framework together with migrations. 4. Injection of dependencies inside the code (use of services). 5. Screens operating on at least five data types. 6. Administration part with at least 3 types of user activity reports. 7. validation of data on the JavaScript side. Additional functionalities 1 Unit tests with dependency mocking (at least 20 unit tests). 2. nice user interface (using Bootstrap or other framework). 3. error messages in a clear form and logging of major events using NLog.
...gallery-caption css class is needed in your theme css. REQUIRED: .bypostauthor css class is needed in your theme css. REQUIRED: .alignright css class is needed in your theme css. REQUIRED: .alignleft css class is needed in your theme css. REQUIRED: .aligncenter css class is needed in your theme css. WARNING: Found echo $ in the file woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php. Possible data validation issues found. All dynamic data must be correctly escaped for the context where it is rendered. Line 39: <?php echo $readonly ? 'readonly='readonly'' : ''; ?> REQUIRED: Could not find the file in the theme. REQUIRED: .ds_store . .eslintrc .gitignore Hidden Files or Folders found. INFO: More than one text-domain is b...
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...Increased data storage - Higher API limits - Enhanced security SECTION 1: CORE SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1. Lead Generation Engine Requirements: A. Automated Prospect Finding: - Real-time consumer search monitoring - Property data collection - Contact information gathering - Service area matching - Lead verification process - Data validation systems B. Lead Filtering Criteria: Roof Services: - Shingle roofs only - 7+ years old - Property type validation - Owner verification - Contact data requirements Pressure Washing: - All property types - Location-based targeting - Service area matching - Property verification - Owner/manager contacts 2. AI Integration Requirements: A. Lead Scoring AI: - Quality assessment algorithms - Conversion probab...
...Distinguish P10 and P50 lines with dotted/solid styles. Add tooltips for detailed insights on each data point. Include annotations for major events or unusual patterns. Deliverables: Two Power BI charts with all specified features and interactivity: ETA Accuracy Trends Chart. Time Since Last Update Impact Chart. Documentation on DAX formulas used and how calculations were implemented. Testing and validation for various date ranges and filters. Technical Implementation Notes: Create calculated columns and measures for: ETA Accuracy. Time Since Last Update. P10 and P50 values (use DAX functions like ). Implement dynamic date range comparisons using DAX time intelligence functions (e.g., SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, PARALLELPERIOD). Optimise performance for large datasets with aggregations...
...overall user experience is smooth, intuitive, and accessible. You will collaborate closely with UI/UX designers, back-end developers, and product managers to translate design concepts into fully functioning, responsive web applications. You’ll also optimize applications for maximum performance and ensure the highest quality of code and design practices. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (ES6+). - Experience with React, Vue.js, or Angular. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles, wireframing, prototyping, and testing. - Familiarity with design tools like Figma and Adobe XD. - Experience in creating responsive designs and cross-browser compatibility. - Knowledge of performance optimization techniques and accessibility standards. - Experience u...
we are...experience with Node.js and the Venom and or any BOT system for WhatsApp. - Demonstrable ability to create interactive bots. - Proficiency in handling diverse message types and user responses. - Previous work with designing questionnaires or similar interactive content on messaging platforms. A TEST for your abilities will be to implement sending of all question types (text, option list, buttons, link button) to a given phone number we will supply, (if you use whatsapp BIZ API for the test you need to do the test using your account/token) Please bid ONLY if you can make the test, and let me know your time frame for test/production Quick and efficient bidders (less talk more doing) will be chosen first I look forward to seeing your proposals. Payment done by Milestones ...
...resources - Increased data storage - Higher API limits - Enhanced security SECTION 1: CORE SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1. Lead Generation Engine Requirements: A. Automated Prospect Finding: - Real-time consumer search monitoring - Property data collection - Contact information gathering - Service area matching - Lead verification process - Data validation systems B. Lead Filtering Criteria: Roof Services: - Shingle roofs only - 7+ years old - Property type validation - Owner verification - Contact data requirements Pressure Washing: - All property types - Location-based targeting - Service area matching - Property verification - Owner/manager contacts 2. AI Integration Requirements: A. Lead Scoring AI: - Quality assessment algorithms - Conversion probability calculation - Pri...
I need a skilled developer to create a desktop Excel and Office 365 online Add-In for me. The primary use of this Add-In will be the implementation of custom formulas. Key Features: - Automate tasks such as data entry, report generation, and data validation. - Custom formulas should support data aggregation from multiple sheets and integrating with external data sources. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel Add-In development. - Strong understanding of creating custom Excel formulas. - Experience with automating Excel tasks. - Capable of implementing data aggregation and external data integration features. I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality, fully functional Add-In that meets these specifications.
...to create a shortcode for a job application form. This will pop up from the job application button. The form should collect the following information: - Name - Email - Year of experience - Current Location - Prefered Location - Resume Upload - etc details can be modified latter... Once completed, the form should securely save the job application details into a newly created table in the database and the candidate's resume to the server. The form must also include advanced validation for the fields, such as checking for a valid email format and phone number format. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Laravel - Experience with database management - Knowledge of form validation techniques - Understanding of secure file upload processes ...
...pagination and swipe to refresh the data logic. Individual delete button for each entry, which can be used to quickly delete an entry before getting written to the text file. The setting page will have the option of selection file path. The setting page will have the option of the ON OFF Switch which will consider recording the session data function, if it's off then event capturing will be stopped. No need to consider bluetooth as part of the application, because headset will be managed by the system bluetooth functionality, whatever button are pressed will be handled the by the session manager of the system, so if the session manager give update of that then we will be able to record the event like general play pause button do. There should be a mp3 file ...
I'm looking for an Excel expert to create a sophisticated form for data input and validation. Key Requirements: - The form will primarily be used for entering and validating text and numbers. - It must include dropdown menus for selecting options at various points. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Excel form programming. - Ability to create user-friendly and efficient data input systems.
... Project Title: Create Website for Cyber Security and IAM services List of requirements: Communication Skills: Ability to clearly communicate ideas, challenges, and progress to stakeholders, including designers, back-end developers, and project managers. Attention to Detail: High attention to visual and functional details to ensure the website looks great and functions smoothly. CSS3: Strong understanding of styling, layouts, and design principles; experience with modern CSS features like Flexbox, Grid, and CSS Variables. JavaScript: Strong knowledge of JavaScript for dynamic, interactive web pages. JavaScript Frameworks: React.js: Experience in building single-page applications (SPAs) and reusable components. Vue.js or Angular: Familiarity with other popu...
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Looking for Developer with Cursor AI Experience Required: Cursor Experience Must have hands-on experience with Cursor AI (), specifically using the Cursor Composer feature. No exceptions - will verify. Project Status - Webapp already ...app/sign-up - Built initially using platform - Need to continue development using Cursor AI Tech Stack - Vite - TypeScript - React - shadcn-ui - Tailwind CSS - Supabase Don't apply if you're new to Cursor or planning to learn it for this project. We will verify your Cursor experience before proceeding. Project Laundry service application with: - User auth - Service scheduling - Address validation - Order management Simple, straightforward development. Documentation provided. If you match these requirements, let's talk.
Project Title: Fixing Persistent TypeScript and Build Errors in Application for Tier’d Message: Hello Freelancers, I am seeking a skilled TypeScript and developer with experience in data validation, type management, and frontend/backend alignment to help resolve a critical issue in my project, Tier’d. Here’s an overview of the project and the problem I’m facing: About Tier’d Tier’d is a community-driven platform focused on ranking gaming accessories like mice, keyboards, and monitors based on user votes and reviews. Our goal is to provide gamers with a transparent and interactive way to determine the best gaming products through community engagement. The platform currently includes: Product ranking based on votes (upvotes, downvotes, and s...
I seek a seasoned web developer to renovate , with a focus on creating reusable header and footer files for integration into individual pages. Th...pages will remain unchanged. 3. Providing one or more css files to work with the altered structure. The CSS needs to accommodate any screen size. The specific requirements for the project include: - The header to include the existing navigation menu and contact information. - The footer to preserve all existing links and icons. - CSS files that maintain the current design styles. - Site to be w3c-compliant Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in CSS, PHP, and JavaScript. - Experience with website clean-up and optimization. - Capacity for creating responsive design. Please provide a price quote and a timeline.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
...match the design and functionality of . w. Optimize user-streamer interaction, load times, and public room navigation. d. Automate user access control and session termination for private rooms. and. Add real-time room status notifications for streamers and attendees. f. Fix misaligned buttons, inconsistent margins, fonts, and visual design issues. g. Standardize page layouts, button styles, and visual feedback elements. h. Improve the usability of new and existing features. i. Test and ensure all payment methods are operational. j. Validate the implementation of revenue sharing between the site and creators. k. Implement pre-booking functionality for live streams and private sessions. l. Develop and integrate an escrow payment system for secure funds handling. m. Enable real-tim...
...resources - Increased data storage - Higher API limits - Enhanced security SECTION 1: CORE SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1. Lead Generation Engine Requirements: A. Automated Prospect Finding: - Real-time consumer search monitoring - Property data collection - Contact information gathering - Service area matching - Lead verification process - Data validation systems B. Lead Filtering Criteria: Roof Services: - Shingle roofs only - 7+ years old - Property type validation - Owner verification - Contact data requirements Pressure Washing: - All property types - Location-based targeting - Service area matching - Property verification - Owner/manager contacts 2. AI Integration Requirements: A. Lead Scoring AI: - Quality assessment algorithms - Conversion probability calculation - Pri...
I'm looking to enhance my existing WordPress site with a mobile app style interface and UI modifications to mirror elements from specific sites...style of "" - Copying the mobile menu from "" with added category toggles and user account links - Adjusting the image layout and slider style to match "" The slider should have several specific instructions: - Reducing the window and speeding up the mobile phone slides - Looping back to the first slide after the last one - Including a list button on the upper right Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in WordPress development, UI/UX design, and familiarity with the mentioned e-commerce sites. Please refer to the provided images and videos for further guidance.
SaaS will offer two dashboards, one a business facing dashboard with mult...two dashboards, one a business facing dashboard with multiple operations and integrations and the other is a white label consumer dashboard with relative information. 1. Business CRM -Dispute letter library with placeholder tags consisting of letters for Credit Bureaus, Original Creditors, and Debt Collectors. -Open API -Integrated with to automatically send letters with the click of a button -Ability to add team members -Import new and updated credit reports for clients 2. Secured Client Portal -Custom dashboard showcasing credit scores, dispute status & report data -Client onboarding process to upload documents -Client/Agency messaging via the portal -Section for affiliate links/credit card offers a...
...dashboards, one a business facing dashboard with multiple operations and integrations and the other is a white label consumer dashboard with relative information. 1. Business CRM -Dispute letter library with placeholder tags consisting of letters for Credit Bureaus, Original Creditors, and Debt Collectors. -Open API -Integrated with [login to view URL] to automatically send letters with the click of a button -Ability to add team members -Import new and updated credit reports for clients 2. Secured Client Portal -Custom dashboard showcasing credit scores, dispute status & report data -Client onboarding process to upload documents -Client/Agency messaging via the portal -Section for affiliate links/credit card offers Key Features: - Comprehensive dispute management tools - C...
...an expert CRM developer to create a multi-functional CRM system that encompasses sales tracking, marketing automation, and customer service management. The system must include, but is not limited to: - Lead Management - Email Marketing Campaigns Integration - Customer Support Ticketing System - Post Scheduler for Social Media - Follow Up Automation - Survey Creation - Email Verification and Validation The ideal candidate should possess extensive experience in CRM development, with a strong focus on sales and marketing applications. Proficiency in integrating various features and tools within the CRM system is crucial. The ability to design a user-friendly system that automates follow-ups and schedules social media posts is highly desirable. Please provide relevant samples of ...
...once logged in. They should not be able to see "Settings", "Discuss", "Apps", "Contacts", "Calendar", etc.: Nothing. They are just allowed to see and access the CRM module. - I have already adjusted the system in the sense that normal users can see their "Own Documents Only". However, users should ONLY BE ALLOWED TO see their very own contacts (that they file into the system via the CRM “New” button or that they are given by the Admin). The problem where I need your help with: When a NEW contact is created in the CRM system, the first field is or partner_id. This field is defined as a Many2One field that refers to and comes up with a dropdown menu. This dropdown menu shows EVERY staff member, ALL employer...
Deliverables Integration - Set up Stripe for subscription payments and license key creation. - Setup way to track subscription status. 2. License Key System - Create a system to generate and verify license keys. - Script and Website Integration Add license key input and validation to the Script. Use of JavaScript with the Python algorithm.
...user portal for managing personal data, creating mandates, and accessing support tickets and invoices. Mandates: Individual subsystems designed for specific tasks such as operation documentation, staff management, and communication. 2. ResQProtocol: The heart of the system enables detailed documentation of operations. It captures operation data, patient information, and measures, supplemented by validation mechanisms to ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. 3. Advanced Features: Additional apps and tools like ResQTime (time tracking), ResQMaps (map creation), ResQStats (statistics), ResQLearn (training materials), and ResQCom (communication) provide comprehensive coverage of all operational requirements. Technical Requirements Server and Infrastructure: Operating Sys...
I need a professional and corporate touch on my WordPress course selling website. Key Tasks: 1. Integrate Stripe payment link for three courses. The button should read: "Enrol now for just £50 deposit". 2. Add selected images to enhance the site's visual appeal. 3. Embed our contact form directly into the website. 4. Insert a provided enrolment form into the webpage. Your role will also involve improving the site's user-friendliness. This includes: 1. Simplifying the navigation menu. 2. Creating clear call-to-action buttons. 3. Positioning customer testimonials strategically throughout the site. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience with WordPress and Elementor. - Skill in web design with a focus on creating a profession...
...responsive design (mobile-first) with Flexbox or CSS Grid. Develop navigation (top bar, dropdowns) and footer sections. HTML/CSS Development: Convert wireframes into HTML structure and apply CSS for styling. Ensure responsiveness across all screen sizes using media queries. JavaScript Functionality: Implement interactive features like forms, modals, buttons, and dynamic content. Handle form validation (e.g., user registration, login) and show error messages. API Integration: Integrate with back-end for user authentication (JWT/OAuth) and payment processing (Stripe/PayPal). Fetch and display dynamic content such as patient treatment progress. Cephalometric Integration: Implement basic Cephalometric tools for free users (limited functionality) and advanced features for paid use...
...should open a modal or redirect to a detailed project page. -Skills Section: Display technical skills with progress bars, animated counters, or icons. -Contact Section: A functional contact form with validation. Include interactive elements such as a map or hover effects on social media links. -Interactive Features: Smooth scrolling between sections. Animations using JavaScript (e.g., fade-in, slide-in, or scroll-triggered animations). -Responsiveness: Fully responsive design that adapts to all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). Requirements: -Clean and well-structured code (HTML5, CSS3, Vanilla JS). -Use modern CSS techniques (Flexbox, Grid) and JavaScript for interactivity. -Optimized for performance and SEO. -Cross-browser compatibility. -Fully commented c...
...Logo: I want a world map stylized and integrated into the background of the logo. The continents should be roughly drawn, omitting time zones. In the center of the map, there should be a smaller, also stylized, PLAY button. - Banner: This should align with the overall graphic charter and business identity. - Business Card (vCard): A modern and sleek design that reflects the business's primary color scheme. Additionally, I want a hand depicted in the logo, reaching out to touch the PLAY button with its index finger. This hand should be positioned as if touching the PLAY button at the center of the earth. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio in modern and clean designs, with experience in creating comprehensive graphic charters f...
... Project Requirements Core Features Server Connectivity: Use the Server API: to fetch server configurations. Enable users to select servers based on performance metrics (e.g., latency, load). User Authentication: Implement user account management via the Client API: for login, registration, and subscription validation. Proxy Configuration: Secure and encrypted connections using V2ray protocols and Xray-core (V2ray core). Allow users to manually configure proxy settings if needed. Monetization Free Version: Integrate Google Ads (Android) and Apple Ads (iOS). VIP Version: Implement a subscription-based VIP model using Google Play Billing (Android) and Apple’s In-App Purchase system (iOS). User Interface
...developer/team to resolve pending issues on our e-commerce platform. Tasks include fixing existing functionalities, implementing new features, and addressing UI/UX issues. Please review the detailed task list and share your timeline and quote. Key Deliverables: Image Hover & Zoom: Fix product image hover and quick view functionality. Enhance zoom size for improved user experience. Login & Registration Validation: Implement mobile login with OTP and email confirmation. Streamline the registration process for a smoother user experience. Admin Invoice Correction: Resolve gaps in invoice details. Make the delivery address mandatory during order placement. Order Fulfillment Text: Change "Order Fulfill" text to "Dispatched" in the admin panel. Order...
...today. · Users can disable or override highlights for specific companies or communications as needed. Interactive Features · Hover Effect: When hovering over a completed communication, a tooltip should display the notes or comments recorded for that communication. Communication Action · Users can select a specific company or multi-select multiple companies. · Click on a "Communication Performed" button to log a new communication. o In the action modal: § Select Type of Communication: E.g., LinkedIn Post, Email. § Input Date of Communication: Date when the communication occurred. § Add Notes: Additional comments about the communication. o Upon submission, this action will reset any existing highlights (red or yellow) for the...
...developer/team to resolve pending issues on our e-commerce platform. Tasks include fixing existing functionalities, implementing new features, and addressing UI/UX issues. Please review the detailed task list and share your timeline and quote. Key Deliverables: Image Hover & Zoom: Fix product image hover and quick view functionality. Enhance zoom size for improved user experience. Login & Registration Validation: Implement mobile login with OTP and email confirmation. Streamline the registration process for a smoother user experience. Admin Invoice Correction: Resolve gaps in invoice details. Make the delivery address mandatory during order placement. Order Fulfillment Text: Change "Order Fulfill" text to "Dispatched" in the admin panel. Order...
I need an experienced Vue.js developer to help me fix an issue on the products page of my website. The front-end filter is not applying changes as it should, causing a disruption in user experience. - The filter currently requires a submit button to apply changes, which is not functioning correctly. - The filter criteria includes Price range, Category, and Ratings. Ideally, you should have extensive experience with Vue.js and front-end development, and be able to quickly diagnose and fix the issue. Understanding of filtering logic and user interface design principles will also be necessary for this project.
I need some Facebook image ad creatives designed. The goal of these ads is to drive traffic to our website. The dimensions should be 1080x1920. Key Elements: - The ad should include a clear call to action, but without a button. - I prefer a minimalistic style for these ads. Please note, I have examples of the style that I like. Ideal candidates should have experience in graphic design, particularly in creating social media adverts. Understanding of minimalistic design principles will be a plus.
...business strategies. • Multilingual Support: Respond in multiple languages depending on user preferences. 4. AI Models and Tools • Leverage GPT-based models for conversational AI. • Use AI libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch for backend customization. • Integrate with CRM tools (HubSpot, Salesforce) for lead management. Technical Specifications Website Development • Frontend: • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js/Vue.js for interactivity. • Backend: • Node.js or Python-based frameworks like Django/Flask. • Database: • MongoDB or PostgreSQL for storing chatbot conversations and user data. AI Chatbot Development • Platform: Use Dialogflow, Rasa, or custom Python frameworks. • Hosting: Cloud services like ...