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Olá! Estamos contratando programadores Visual Fox Pro.
We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months
Buenas, ocupo soporte para un programa en clipper de VISUAL FOX PRO
Natáčíme videorozhovory a potřebujeme někoho, kdo se postará o postprodukci a editaci videí pro Youtube kanál. Potřebujeme, aby člověk uměl editovat videa (Adobe Premium Pro, Adobe After Effects nebo DaVinci Resolve) + editace zvuku. Pokud by uměl vytvářet i thumbails, je to velkou výhodou. Basic základy Photoshop Ilustrator a grafický základy také výhodou. Jedná se o střih a editaci naučných videí pro Koncept, video materiál a ke každému videu poskytneme storyboard a vy se postaráte o technickou část. Jedná se o práci minimálně na tři měsíce, prosím také o zaslání portfoli...
...Web APP I want a person or agency to design, implement and develop a professional corporate system that is from wireframe to development release and after that maintenance different contract. Will involve 1. Design and Integration of Wireframe in Figma and other applications on design 2. Animation software if need be 3. Vscode, GitHub, 4) Mongo Database, Express NOde, for back end React or Angular for front end Comment, revision, visual commenting Example pages to understand kind of work needed
Customizing the spellchecker I will add dictionaries and rules for hunspell. Interlingo language see: Required skills: MS Visual Studio, C #, MS Office, Git
Přizpůsobení spellcheckeru Slovníky a pravidla pro hunspell dodám. Jazyk interlingva viz: žádané dovednosti: MS Visual Studio, C#, MS Office, Git
Potřebuji naprogramovat cca 30 příkladů v editoru pod Excelem /Visual Basic/. Většina příkladů je jednoduchá, postupně se obtížnost zvyšuje. Je důležité si před programováním přečíst kapitolu "Pokyny ke tvorbě programů" a všechny pokyny dodržet. Pro ukázku posílám i již naprogramované příklady /BasicCv_A & BasicCv_B/, aby bylo jasné, jakým stylem je potřeba postupovat. Cena 20 EUR.
...dalších podpůrných modulů a nástrojů (např. ) WSO2 VSCode extension pro Visual Studio – preferované WSO2 Integration Studio Další nástroje… Výstupem by měl být podrobný popis kroků pro instalaci a základní nastavení všech používaných produktů. Pomoc s integrací již běžících služeb pomocí WSO EI Poznámky: - WSO EI Windows prostředí (pokud by to bylo výhodnější – Linux), asi by mělo běžet na virtuálním serveru - Měli bychom být schopni pomocí výstupů z jednotlivých bodů načerpat know-how abychom byli schopni implementovat další ...
Databázový projekt - Microsoft Visual C++ - MFC a PostgreSQL
Tvorba ...přepsat do webové podoby. Jde o to, že v prostředí webu nakreslím vývojový diagram, každému prvku vývojového diagramu přidělím nějaké atributy. Výsledný graf předám ve formě JSON na server, který si jej uloží v databázi (serverová část není součástí zadání), zadání je pouze na tvorbu webového interface. - stavět se bude pravděpodobně na hotové knihovně pro tyto účely GoJS - - napřed je třeba knihovnu detailně nastudovat a ověřit, že je vhodná pro naše účely, aby nedošlo k rozčarování v momentu, kdy bude část hotová. - bude připr...
...webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spolupraca, Pocet hodi...
...webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spolupraca, Pocet hodin...
...nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spolupraca, Pocet hodin/ty...
...fixing. Moreover you are participating in data base development in SQL. As a developer you actively participate in an agile development process („Scrum“). Your profile You have a degree in computer science, business or media informatics or comparable areas with several years of experience in Perl development. Good knowledge in database programming (MySQL) are part of your skill set as well as a basic knowledge of Linux. Ideally you are familiar with the ticketing system OTRS. Moreover, you are a team player with excellent analytic and conceptual skills in combination with good language skills in English and ideally German. What we offer Innovative business model Financially sound company with solid long-term financing Responsibility for your own field of w...
Dobrý den, pro naši společnost budeme kupovat následující HTML stránku () tuto stránku bychom rádi měli jako Wordpress šablonu s veškerými potřebnými pluginy včetně visual composer. Tuto šablonu budeme také potřebovat propojit s naším backend systémem, který zajištuje Rozvrh lekcí, rezervaci lekcí, registraci uživatele, správu uživatele a zakoupení balíčků (vstupů) - k backend aplikaci máme veškerou dokumentaci. Propojení pomocí API - SOAP nebo SQL. Web je potřeba dokončit do 14 dnů. Děkuji za Váš čas, M.
...míru našim potřebám, a úpravy jejích stávajících funkcí, - práci na vývoji nových funkcí (např. s cílem usnadnění administrativní práce v nadaci a tím dosažení významných finančních úspor). Hledaný programátor by měl mít: - perfektní znalost MS Access (tabulky, dotazy, formuláře, reporty), - znalost MySQL, - znalost základů relačních databází, - perfektní znalost programování ve VBA (Visual Basic for Application). Nabízíme: - Možnost komunikace s autorem databáze. - K dispozici bude dokumentace, kte...
Poštovani Miloše, Vidim da si imao dosta poslova u prošlosti preko frellancer-a i imam jedno pitanje za tebe ako možeš da mi odgovoriš. Imam jedan mali problem sa transferom novca koji sam zaradio kao FL. Izvini, ne želim da te zaposlim! :) PayPal ne podržava slanje novca iz inostranstva na račun, već samo plaćanje, a kada pokušam da uradim express withdraw funds ne postoji mogućnost da se izabere Srbija. Ja kosistim račun banke Intesa. Kako ti uspevaš da prebaciš lovu sa freelancer-a na tvoj bankovni račun? Definistivno negde grešim, pa bih te molio za par saveta ako može. PS Izvini ali nisam provali kako da ti drugačije pošaljem poruku. Srdačan pozdrav Ivan
Poštovani Miloše, Vidim da si imao dosta poslova u prošlosti preko frellancer-a i imam jedno pitanje za tebe ako možeš da mi odgovoriš. Imam jedan mali problem sa transferom novca koji sam zaradio kao FL. Izvini, ne želim da te zaposlim! :) PayPal ne podržava slanje novca iz inostranstva na račun, već samo plaćanje, a kada pokušam da uradim express withdraw funds ne postoji mogućnost da se izabere Srbija. Ja kosistim račun banke Intesa. Kako ti uspevaš da prebaciš lovu sa freelancer-a na tvoj bankovni račun? Definistivno negde grešim, pa bih te molio za par saveta ako može. PS Izvini ali nisam provali kako da ti drugačije pošaljem poruku. Srdačan pozdrav Ivan
Pozdrav druze, meni trebaju uradjena 3 kratka Visual Basic zadatka za ispit, znaci samo code nikakav dizajn. Evo saljem ih na uvid. Poz.
Pozdrav druze, meni trebaju uradjena 3 kratka Visual Basic zadatka za ispit, znaci samo code nikakav dizajn. Evo saljem ih na uvid. Poz.
Pozdrav druze, meni trebaju 3 kratka zadatka uradjena u Visual Basicu za fax, znaci samo code nikakav dizajn. Evo saljem ih na uvid. Poz :)
...boundaries. The content focuses on **self-improvement, technology exploration, business insights, and motivation** to help people grow and succeed. ### **Target Audience:** - Ambitious individuals looking for **personal and professional growth** - People interested in **technology and innovation** - Aspiring **entrepreneurs and business professionals** ### **Logo Requirements:** #### **1. Visual Elements:** The logo should be a **symbol of growth, success, and limitless potential**. It should incorporate elements that resonate with the channel’s theme. Some **ideas for symbols** that can be integrated: - **Technology representation:** Circuit elements, a futuristic digital icon, or a minimalistic pixel effect - **Growth symbolism:** A rising arrow, an o...
...your ideas into visually stunning slides that captivate your audience and effectively convey your message. What We Offer: Custom Design: Our team of experienced designers will craft custom PowerPoint presentations tailored to your specific needs and preferences. From sleek corporate presentations to dynamic educational slideshows, we'll ensure your presentation stands out. Visual Appeal: We understand the importance of visual appeal in capturing and retaining audience attention. Our designers will incorporate high-quality graphics, animations, and multimedia elements to bring your presentation to life and make it visually compelling. Branding Consistency: If you're representing a brand, we'll ensure your presentation aligns seamlessly with your brand identit...
I need a logo for my rebranded dog sport photography business, Paws In Focus Canine Photography. The logo should reflect a neutral and earthy color scheme. Key Expectations: - Creativity: Although I haven't specified a particular style, I'm open to unique, modern interpretations that could bring a fresh perspective to my brand. - Professionalism: The logo should be suit...platforms and mediums, from business cards to website headers. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Proven experience in creating logos, particularly for photography or pet-related businesses, would be advantageous. - Brand Development: Understanding of how to create a logo that reflects and enhances a brand's identity. - Color Theory: Ability to work within a specified color scheme while maintaining visua...
I need a skilled craftsman to create a cosplay helmet and sword inspired by The Knight from Hollow Knight. Key Specifications: - Material: The use of plastic is preferred for both the helmet and sword. - Focus: The project requires equal attention to both the helmet and the sword. - Detail: The designs should not just be basic shapes, but should incorporate moderate intricacies. This includes modifying existing models to be large enough for cosplay purposes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating cosplay props, particularly helmets and swords. - Expertise in working with plastic. - Ability to modify existing models to meet specific size requirements. - Attention to detail to ensure a moderate level of intricacy in the designs. - Prior experience with creating prop...
I'm in need of a comprehensive brand development. This project will encompass: - Logo and Visual Identity: The style should be modern and minimalistic. I want a clean, simple yet impactful design that resonates with contemporary aesthetics. - Website Design and Development: The website should reflect the brand's visual identity and be user-friendly. Essential pages include Home, About Us, and Contact Us. - Marketing Materials: These should align with the overall brand identity and be suitable for both digital and print mediums. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic Design: Expertise in creating modern and minimalistic designs. - Web Development: Proficient in designing user-friendly websites. - Brand Development: Experience in creating cohesi...
...with a compatibility score based on buyer preferences. ? Advanced Filters & Alerts Search by specific criteria: brand, model, year, price, mileage, fuel type, transmission, features, etc. Save searches and set alerts (email/SMS notifications when a new vehicle matches the criteria). Vehicle comparison tool displaying price, features, maintenance costs, and estimated depreciation. ? Immersive Visual Experience 360° vehicle videos uploaded by sellers. HD photo gallery with interactive zoom. Video customer reviews to enhance buying confidence. ? Security & Transparency Access to vehicle history (mileage, number of owners, maintenance records, etc.). Seller identity verification to prevent scams. Secure payment and electronic contract signing options. 2. Features for...
I need a designer to create two scaled floor plans with dimensions based on a partial floorplan (with dimensions and to scale - creating using Floorpla...- required amends to be shown on a hand-annotated image for ease of understanding. - Provided Files: 2 x floor plans in JPEG (without dimensions) and 1 x partial floorplan in PDF (created using Floorplanner, to scale and with dimensions). - Required Outcome: Two new (full) floor plans with basic layout and dimensions to scale (1:50). - Software: You can choose any software you prefer. Ideal candidates will have the skills required to perform the above - which I anticipate requires only basic skills with access to a suitable application. No previous examples required as I anticipate these skills are a prerequisite for ...
We are looking for a skilled Design Engineer / CAD Designer with 3-4 years of experience for sheet metal p...ensuring manufacturability and cost-effectiveness. Documentation: Create and maintain bills of materials (BOMs) and technical documentation, ensuring they are clear, complete, and up-to-date. GDT Application: Apply basic knowledge of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) to design and drawings. Qualifications: Experience: Minimum of 3-4 years of hands-on experience in sheet metal or plastic product design. Software Proficiency: Strong working knowledge of CAD tools such as SolidEdge, SolidWorks. (Experience with these tools is highly preferred.) Design Expertise: Basic understanding of mechanical design principles, including materials, tolerances, a...
I'm in need of a professional who can create 5 simple, modern, and clean HTML email templates for our mobile app emails. The templates should be innovative and edgy in style, reflecting a tone that is both contemporary, modern, and engaging. Key Requirements: - Design 5 HTML email templates ...innovative and edgy tone. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing HTML email templates. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Ability to create content that is engaging and on-brand. - Experience with incorporating interactive elements into email templates. We'll provide guidance on 1 then you can be creative on the remaining 4 templates. Please provide samples of your previous work related to this project. I'm looking to pay the local ...
We are looking for a talented logo designer who has basic knowledge of Canva for a short-term project. The ideal candidate should be able to create unique and visually appealing logos that align with our brand identity. The project will involve brainstorming ideas, designing logos, and making necessary revisions based on feedback. If you are creative, detail-oriented, and can work efficiently to meet deadlines, we would love to hear from you!
...climate regions ideal for natural cooling of data centers Show proximity to Antarctica for climate research Sustainability Features: Add wind energy infrastructure zones along Chile's coast (Patagonia) Include visual elements showing tidal waver energy potential in Drake Passage Show water availability from Patagonia region water sources Climate Data Focus: Add a new prominent element: "Specialized Center for Climate Change Data" Visualize data collection points across diverse Patagonia and Drake Passage ecosystems Show data flow connections to global climate research networks Visual Clarity Improvements: Update to the turquoise gradient color scheme from reference images Enhance typography and label visibility Improve legend with clear sustainability...
Redesign of M&C Capital Management Business Plan Objective: Complete overhaul of the existing business plan presentation to enhance clarity, investor appeal, and professionalism. Scope of Work: Content Update: Streamline text, update financials, and expand market analysis. Visual Upgrade: Improve layout, introduce infographics, and ensure consistent branding. Narrative Refinement: Develop a compelling story that highlights the unique investment strategy and competitive advantages. Technical Enhancements: Add interactive elements and optimize for digital and print formats. Compliance Review: Update regulatory and legal information to current standards. Deliverables: A polished, concise PowerPoint presentation designed for investor engagement.
I'm facing a problem with my WooCommerce website built on Elementor. - Elements Not Displaying Correctly: Certain elements on the homepage and product pages are not displaying correctly, which may hinder the user experience and potentially impact sales. - Language Fix: In addition to the visual discrepancies, there are some minor language issues that need to be rectified. I have already attempted some troubleshooting on my own by clearing the cache, but unfortunately, this hasn't resolved the issue. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Elementor and WooCommerce - Proficiency in troubleshooting WordPress issues - Strong understanding of website usability - Excellent language skills for copyediting Your expertise will help ensure that my website is functioning opt...
...provide feedback to the team Requirements: Native Vietnamese speaker with excellent communication skills Previous experience in telemarketing, sales, or customer service is a plus Comfortable speaking on the phone and engaging with customers A reliable internet connection and a quiet workspace Ability to work independently with minimal supervision A positive, friendly, and professional attitude Basic knowledge or willingness to learn about the online gambling industry Working Hours: Flexible working hours, you can work from home at your own pace Part-time, approximately 10-20 hours per week (depending on availability) Compensation: Competitive hourly rate or payment per call (to be discussed during the interview) Performance-based bonuses available If you are passionate about ...
I'm seeking a talented logo designer with a modern aesthetic to help our startup clients establish their brand identities. Your designs should typically incorporate both text and icons, as they cater to a diverse range of sectors including technology, healthcare, and retail. Key Requirements: - Quick turnaround: Deliver a lo...Comprehensive deliverables: Provide a complete set of source files (Ai, SVG, EPS, PDF, PNG, JPG) along with high-resolution and transparent images. By partnering with us, you'll gain exposure to potential clients as we showcase your work with proper credits. If you meet these criteria and are interested, please share your relevant portfolio. I look forward to potentially collaborating to create impactful visual identities for startups. Best regar...
I'm seeking a talented Unity 2D developer to help create a cartoonish style puzzle game. The primary mechanics of the game will revolve around matching items, providing a fun and engaging challenge for players. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Unity 2D - Extensive experience in developing puzzle games - Strong understanding of item matching mechanics - Ability to create and implement cartoonish visual elements Experience: - Previous work in developing 2D platformer games will be considered - Portfolio showcasing cartoonish style games will be prioritized - References from past puzzle game projects will be beneficial.
I need a QR code that has dual functionality. When scanned offline, it should display a standard Vcard. When scanned online, it should redirect the user to my website's homepage. This QR code will primarily be used on print media. Ideal skills for this project include: - QR code generation and customization - Understanding of Vcard - Basic web development knowledge - Print media experience
I am developing an application that explains tongue exercises designed to strengthen tongue muscles and improve speech fluency. I need a professional to shoot 30+ short videos of a young male performer, with each video lasting between 3 to 8 seconds at most. Responsibilities include: - Selecting the right person for the videos - Setting up the st...include: - Selecting the right person for the videos - Setting up the studio and adjusting the lighting for high-quality footage - Filming the videos professionally, ensuring optimal angles to clearly demonstrate the exercises - Stabilizing the subject’s face for accurate recording of the exercises I am open to suggestions for the actor and would prefer a young adult male, aged 20-30. Please provide samples of your previous work ...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to create a 2-minute marketing video targeting general consumers. The video should have an inspirational and motivational tone, and include bookend VFX graphics. While I want some visual effects, they shouldn't be overwhelming or detract from the core message of the video. Ideal Skills: - Video editing and production - Experience creating marketing content - Ability to incorporate VFX graphics tastefully - Understanding of creating an inspirational and motivational tone
I'm in need of a seasoned AR developer who can integrate Vuforia with Unity specifically for Hololens 2. The aim is to develop an educational-focused AR experience. Key Project Requirements: - Create an image target that synchronizes with a video - Video controls: play, pause, and rewind using a slider - All functionalities must ...controls: play, pause, and rewind using a slider - All functionalities must be compatible with Hololens 2 Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Vuforia and Unity - Prior work with Hololens 2 - Skills in AR development tailored for educational content - Strong understanding of creating interactive video experiences in AR Please note, additional interactive features beyond the basic video controls may be required in future phases ...
Preciso converter um website feito em HTML5, Tailwind CSS, JS para uso em Wordpress e estruturado com UX_Blocks do tema Flatsome. É sobre template kits da envato elements, que dem ser convertidos para suporte wordpress e editáveis com tema flatsome. As seções podem ser convertidas dentr...template, porém quanto a esta seção precisa corrigir manualmente as classes e seus estilos para que herde os padrões do que será o template principal. os arquivos assets que irão conter os estilos css, js devem ser limpos e claros, se possível com identificações para melhor manutenção no futuro. Todo o conteúdo é dummy, ainda do template original, mas após a conversão para...
Job Description: We are looking for a detail-oriented Product Entry Executive with experience in managing produc...rejections, and troubleshoot any issues related to product uploads. Maintain an organized database of product listings and SKUs. Requirements: Prior experience in product listing and catalog management on Meesho and Flipkart. Strong understanding of e-commerce platform policies and guidelines. Proficiency in Excel/Google Sheets for data management. Ability to work efficiently and meet deadlines. Basic knowledge of SEO for e-commerce product optimization is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in handling other marketplaces like Amazon, Myntra, or Etsy is a plus. Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills. Good communication skills for coordination w...
Hello talented designers, I’m looking for a creative graphic designer to design a wraparound book cover (front, spine, and back) for a notebook featuring an artistic representation of Linge...well as the word “Notizbuch” to indicate that it is a notebook. Selection Process: I will award the project to the designer with the most creative and visually appealing idea. However, if I love multiple designs, I may reach out to up to three additional designers to work on variations as well. Next Steps: If you’re interested, please send: A prototype or idea for the design. Any portfolio samples that show your artistic style. I’m excited to see what you create! Looking forward to working with a talented artist who can bring Lingen to life in a unique way. L...
I need a skilled translator proficient in both English and French to translate a 50-page document. The document is an article about Affiliate Marketing Strategies. You will be responsible for: - Ensuring accurate and contextually appropriate translations that maintain the ori...responsible for: - Ensuring accurate and contextually appropriate translations that maintain the original meaning - Adapting the style and tone where necessary for a general public audience Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Deep understanding of both languages and cultural nuances - Attention to detail - Timely delivery - Previous document translation experience - Ability to provide samples of previous work You can view my Sample Document from this link -
I'm seeking a professional web designer to overhaul my existing FDP Calculator site. This site is tailored for UK cabin crew and pilots, and it's crucial that the redesign aligns with my established branding and logo. Key areas of focus: - Colors and Branding: The primary objective is to enhance the site's visual appeal in line with my branding. - Layout and Structure: While the main focus is on colors and branding, a restructured layout will also be appreciated. - Fonts and Typography: I currently don't have specific fonts in mind, so your expert recommendations will be valuable. Additional requirements: - Interactive Elements: The redesign should incorporate engaging interactive elements to enhance user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient i...
...and performance optimization. Implement automatic backups to prevent data loss. 5. SEO & Performance Optimization: Optimize site speed and performance for fast loading. Ensure SEO-friendly structure to rank well on search engines. Integrate Google Analytics & tracking tools to monitor website traffic. 6. Additional Features: Simple admin dashboard for easy product and content management. Include basic automation for email responses and order tracking. Provide post-launch support for bug fixes and minor changes. Ideal Freelancer: Proven experience in WordPress & WooCommerce development. Strong understanding of live update automation. Experience in crypto payment integration. Skilled in performance optimization & security measures. Available for ongoing support &...