Using instagram photos commerciallypráce
Vážení tvůrci, rád bych navázal spolupráci s vývojářem, který by dokázal navrhnout, vytvořit, a případně při dlouhodobější spolupráci i spravovat, webovou prezentaci pro naši zubní kliniku. Těším se na nápady a případnou spolupráci. Další fází by mohl být instagram a Facebook prezentace, následně i marketing s propagací vybraných výkonů. Těším se na případné nabídky spolupráce. MDDr. Jakub Švejda, MBA vedoucí lékař, jednatel
We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months
...Středoškolské nebo vysokoškolské vzdělání v oblasti marketingu, obchodu nebo příbuzného oboru ● Minimálně 2 roky zkušeností v marketingové oblasti (nejlépe ve financích) ● Zkušenosti s tvorbou a implementací marketingových strategií a kampaní ● Vynikající komunikační schopnosti a schopnost dokončovat práci v daných termínech ● Znalost užívání online a offline kanálů v marketingu (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook…) ● Analytické schopnosti a schopnost interpretovat data ● Anglický jazyk na psací a komunikační úrovni ● Dobrou znalost gr...
Se crearan 3 variantes de un logo cada variante incluira 1- Logo en SVG 2- Icono para Whatsapp, Instagram y Facebook con fondo blanco y con fondo negro 3- Logo en PNG 4- Logo en PNG 5- Favicon para las redes paginas Logo Original Variantes a crear 1- Nerdcom Space = un Catalago de poductos con QR integrado 2- Nerdcom CARDME = una pagina con Vcard y codigo QR integrado 3- Nerdcom SHOP = un sistema como Para las variantes solo debe 1- crear un icono limpio delicado que ira a la izquierda 2- Poner la palabra Space, CARDME y SHOP en la parte derecha de la M de Nerdcom en mayuscula, manetener la misma fuente y convinar con el icono que se creara Colores que no se puede usar - Naranja, Rojo
...Pokročilá znalost HTML5, CSS3, hodí se i Javascript a PHP. ▪ Rutinní ovládání Adobe CC (PS, AI, ID). ▪ Tvorba wireframů a prototypů webu (Figma). ? Jaké úkoly tě můžou potkat: ▪ Komplexní SEO analýza webu klienta, ▪ analýza trafficu konkrétního webu, ▪ zaregistrování domény a zajištění přesměrování stávajícího klientova webu, ▪ obléknutí webu do nové grafické šablony, ▪ příprava grafiky k postu na Instagram, ▪ navržení jednoduchého náborového letáku. ? Co na oplátku nabízíme? ▪ Pestrou práci v božím kolektivu,...
Jsme společnost která se zabývá kapitálovými trhy a hledáme osobu která nám bude schopna vytvořit reklamy na FB a Instagram na generování potencionálních zákazníků. Kampaně budou zaměřeny pouze na edukaci klientu, semináře, webináře. -Tvorba landing page -Tvorba reklamy -Nastavení reklamy -Návrhy obrázku pro danou kampaň
Pro technologický startup zaměřující se na digitalizaci restaurací a hotelů hledáme social media specialistu nebo specialistku, kteří si vezmou na starosti kompletní přípravu obsahu pro Facebook a Instagram. Náplní práce je příprava obsahu od nápadu, přes copy po zpracování vizuálů a publikování.
Zdravím, hledám zkušeného člověka který dokáže pomoct a poradit se získáváním kvalitních followerů na můj instagramový profil. Mám instagramový profil na kterém prezentuji svou fotografickou tvorbu. Především fantasy, akty(samozřejmě cenzurované pro instagram), glamour. Současný stav: Mám menší instagramový profil kam vkládám svou fotografickou tvorbu. Mám v současné okolo 1300 followerů, ale jejich engagement je slabý a kvalita bohužel pochybná. V minulosti jsem měl člověka, kterého jsem platil. Ten sice zvýšil během tří měsíců počet followerů ...
Ahoj, jmenujeme se NYBE garage a rozjíždíme nové centrum autoslužeb, pro které hledáme líbivé logo, korporátní design a potřebujeme také vytvořit jednoduchý web, FB a Instagram, aby se o nás zákazníci dozvěděli ? Logo by mělo být v duchu old school/ retro/ graffitti a hlavní služby?, které poskytujeme jsou: auto/ pneu servis, ruční mytí a detailing centrum.
Máme již rozjeté marketingové kampaně na různých kanálech a hledáme člověka, který by dokázal vyhodnotit zda jsou správné a adekvátní a poté případně navrhnout marketingovou strategii a celou ji spravovat ke stanoveným cílům.
Jsme spolek podnikatelů v Beskydech. Pro projekt hledáme někoho, kdo by uměl naplánovat a udělat reklamní kampaň na FB a Instragramu. Spolupráce od cca 4/2019 do 11/2019. V případě spokojenosti i další roky. Hledáme nejlépe někoho se zájmem o hory, turistiku, kdo by chtěl psát o členech spolku a turistických zajímavostech v jejich okolí.
Hledáme kolegu na místo Facebook marketing specialist, jde nám o vybudování podvědomí o značce a pravidelný p...bezkonkurenční produkty a zážitky s nimi spojené. Náš slogan zní "sbaleno na cesty" z toho vyplývá že jsme důležitou součástí každé přípravy na cestu či dovolenou. Tímto sloganem se snažíme vžít do podvědomí našich stálých a potenciálních zákazníků, kteří zvažují vydat se na cesty či nákup určitého zboží. Nabízíme: Dlouhodobou spolupráci možnost osobního rozvoje a přidání dalš&iac...
Dobrý den, začínám nový projekt ohledně nabíjecích krytů pro všechny druhy iPhonů. V příloze zasílám fotografii produktu, abyste měli představu, jak produkt vypadá. Co potřebuji, je produkové video. Produktové video, které přesně ukáže, j...začínám nový projekt ohledně nabíjecích krytů pro všechny druhy iPhonů. V příloze zasílám fotografii produktu, abyste měli představu, jak produkt vypadá. Co potřebuji, je produkové video. Produktové video, které přesně ukáže, jak produkt funguje a jaké má výhody. Výhody vám napíši, abyste s tím ...
alarm clock using proteus (isis) using MIKROC Pro coding
Hledáme někoho, kdo se bude starat o Instagram firmy, která poskytuje redukční stravování a výživové poradenství. Někdo, kreativní ve focení, přípravě jednoduchých jídel (proteinových koktejlů, polévek, kaší apod.)
Jsme menší jazyková škola. Zaměřujeme se především na výuku cizích jazyků pro veřejnost - skupinové kurzy, individuální výuka, online výuka přes Skype apod. Spravujeme vlastními silami tři firemní profily: (rádi bychom také VK - ) Chceme přilákat nové zákazníky a udržet se v povědomí u stávajících. Asi děláme něco špatně.. :-) Dlouhodobě nevidíme žádný efekt - počet fanoušků stránek neroste, návštěvnost webu ze "social" kanálů se moc nezvyšuje. Pro jednoduchost spravujeme všechny tři p...
Online magazín pro ženy, který přináší denně informace a rady, tipy. Tvoříme vlastní obsah webových stránek díky zkušeným redaktorkám. Mezi hlavní rubriky online magazínu patří móda, krása, zdraví, životní styl, sex a vztahy, gurmán, soutěže. Články jsou sdílené na sociální síti facebook. Rádi bychom se dostali do podvědomí čtenářů, zvýšili návštěvnost webu, zvýšili efektivitu webových stránek. Jedná se o dlouhodobou spolupráci, hledám někoho, kdo má širší zásah, PPC jako h...
Poradit mi s internetovým marketingem Potřebujeme pomoct s prezentací dvou různých firem (taneční studio, realitní kancelář) na internetu - Facebook, YouTube, Google, Instagram, Seznam atd. Chceme to mít skvělé a hledáme nadšeného parťáka:) Těšíme se na spolupráci!
Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuEdit and retouch photos'
online magazí...technika, vždy redakční zpracování článků, tipy pro čtenáře. Hledám k sobě někoho kdo pomůže s návštěvností webu pro klienty, zajistím marketing online včetně sociálních sítí, facebook, instagram, g+, pinterest. Dále hledám blogerky/blogery, kteří budou s námi tvořit Facestar jako součást rodiny. online magazine / blog that directs readers to the women-men 25-45let, rubrics health, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, technology, processing of each editorial articles, tips for readers. Seeking to back someone who can help with site traffic for customers, arrange online marketing including social networks, Facebook, Instagram, ...
8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like
8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like
8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like
Hledám někoho kdo pro mě vytvoří applikaci něco ve stylu Vine/Instagram/FB. V applikaci jde hlavně o to aby mobilni aplikace komunikovala s DB a ukladala pořízené foto/video.
...project. Image Design: Develop stunning static visuals that align with the project's branding and aesthetic. Storyboarding: Collaborate with our team to create storyboards and visual concepts that resonate with our target audience. Brand Consistency: Ensure all visuals align with the project’s identity and messaging. Adaptability: Create assets optimized for various platforms (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, website)....
I'm seeking an experienced Social Media Manager to oversee and enhance my brand's presence on Facebook and Instagram. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Creating engaging, high-quality content in the form of images and videos. - Strategically planning and implementing content to boost our brand visibility and recognition. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in social media management, particularly Facebook and Instagram. - Exceptional skills in content creation, specifically images and videos. - A strong understanding of brand awareness strategies on social media. Please provide examples of previous brands you've managed, as well as content you've created, in your proposal.
I'm looking for an experienced social media marketing expert to help generate leads for my business. Key Objectives: - Focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for lead generation - Promote a variety of content, including blog posts and articles, video content, and infographics and images Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in lead generation - Proficient in creating engaging content for diverse platforms - Strong understanding of leveraging different types of content for maximum impact - Experience with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn - Knowledge of SEO and content marketing strategies
I'm in need of an Instagram post creator who can craft sleek, minimalist and clean promotional posts to boost our brand awareness. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in social media marketing and graphic design, with a proven track record of creating engaging, on-brand content.
I'm seeking an expert in digital marketing, specifically in crafting engaging Instagram ads for my professional services business. The primary goal of the campaign is to generate leads or sales for a wrap special. What I want spicifically. 1. NEW YEAR sale 2 Cybertrucks Wrapped for $2,000 each offer limited to the first two that have half deposit submited. normally $2,500 2. i want my logo somewhere on the ad "logo uploaded" 3. offer ends at the end of Jan 2025 4. Text me 281-989-7133 to get offer 5. I want a picture of a wrapped cybertruck, you can use pictures from my instagram EZTwraps profile i have 2 of them that are wrapped and posted on there. One black and one that is blue/black if you would like to cartoonize the cybertruck with a different color wra...
I'm looking for a skilled Photoshop expert to help me add a person into our family picture. The picture is of our family standing together in front of a dark curtain. - I will provide a photo of the person to be added, but I'm unsure of the resolution. - The adjustments needed for the person being added include closer together as well. The picture was taken in front of a tree so there is a large gap when the background is removed. My aim is to have us together so I can 3d print our family picture (which will be in color the next time I print it) Ideal candidates should have a strong background in photo editing and be able to deliver high-quality, seamless results. Experience with adding people to photos is a plus. Please include samples of your previous work...
I'm looking for a skilled Photoshop expert to help me add a person into our family picture. The picture is of our family standing together in front of a dark curtain. - I will provide a photo of the person to be added, but I'm unsure of the resolution. - The adjustments needed for the person being added include closer together as well. The picture was taken in front of a tree so there is a large gap when the background is removed. My aim is to have us together so I can 3d print our family picture (which will be in color the next time I print it) Ideal candidates should have a strong background in photo editing and be able to deliver high-quality, seamless results. Experience with adding people to photos is a plus. Please include samples of your previous work...
I'm seeking a dynamic Social Media Marketer to manage our accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You'll be creating a variety of content, including blog posts, videos, and infographics, to be posted daily. Your role will also encompass: - Responding to messages and engaging with our audience on these platforms. - Supporting our customer service chat. - Actively promoting our websites across the internet. Given the range of niches we operate in, from education to healthcare, flexibility and a quick learning ability are essential. While prior experience is preferred, I am open to considering newcomers to the field. Proficiency in English is a must, as is an existing Reddit account. When you message me, please include a link to your Reddit profile.
We're is seeking an experienced Recr...Creators: Find and recruit 10 UGC creators weekly (5 from Germany, 5 from the UK). Utilize platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and influencer agencies. Outreach: Initiate contact via Instagram DMs or email. Present collaboration opportunities and negotiate terms. Onboarding: Ensure creators agree to our terms. Add approved creators to our database. Reporting: Provide weekly updates on recruitment progress. Track and report on key metrics. Qualifications: Proven experience in recruiting, preferably in influencer marketing or UGC. Strong communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with the social media landscape in Germany and the UK. Fluent in English; proficient in using AI (ChatGPT) for well written communi...
I'm looking for Revit 2022 families (for modeling for a real house of the attached photos), all families should be able to set height and width when being imported into Revit. - Doors and windows (sliding, white) -A one panel swing casement window (white, left or right swing, no photo provided) - 2 Garage doors (One traditional-see photo, and one a bit modern with some glass panels) - 2 parametric 11x17 title blocks (horizontal and vertical) -Exterior 2x4 stud wall with white vinyl siding ( see attached 2 photos, one is close and one is far view)
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to help me create an engaging, high-energy Instagram video using user-generated content. Key Responsibilities: - Edit and compile user-generated content into a cohesive, fast-paced video. - Ensure the video aligns with an energetic and fast-paced style. - Deliver a final product that is designed to engage with followers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with video editing, particularly for social media platforms like Instagram. - Ability to work with user-generated content. - Strong understanding of creating energetic, fast-paced videos. - Prior experience in content designed to engage followers on Instagram.
I need to change the color of clothing in some product photos. Requirements: - Change cloth colour in 1-5 product photos - Each photo requires a single color change Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in photo editing software (like Photoshop) - Prior experience with product photo editing - Attention to detail and color accuracy
I'm gearing up for a store opening and need a social media expert to run targeted Instagram and Snapchat campaigns. The primary aim is to drive store traffic, particularly targeting families. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute an Instagram and Snapchat marketing strategy focused on family demographics. - Utilize images and carousel ads as primary content types to engage potential customers. - Promote a special offer to incentivize store visits. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram and Snapchat. - Experience with targeting family demographics. - Creative in developing engaging content using images and carousel ads. - Proven track record of driving store traffic through social media campaigns. Please bi...
We're is seeking an experienced Recr...Creators: Find and recruit 10 UGC creators weekly (5 from Germany, 5 from the UK). Utilize platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and influencer agencies. Outreach: Initiate contact via Instagram DMs or email. Present collaboration opportunities and negotiate terms. Onboarding: Ensure creators agree to our terms. Add approved creators to our database. Reporting: Provide weekly updates on recruitment progress. Track and report on key metrics. Qualifications: Proven experience in recruiting, preferably in influencer marketing or UGC. Strong communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with the social media landscape in Germany and the UK. Fluent in English; proficient in using AI (ChatGPT) for well written communi...
...emotional bond with the target audience. Brand Guidelines: Sets standards for logo use, color schemes, typography, and tone of voice. Brand Equity: Builds value over time through customer loyalty and perception. Digital Marketing SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Improves website visibility on search engines. Social Media Marketing: Engages with the audience through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Email Marketing: Sends targeted messages directly to the audience’s inbox. Content Marketing: Creates valuable content to attract and retain customers. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Drives traffic to websites through paid advertisements. Graphic Design Visual Communication: Uses visual elements to convey messages effectively. Aesthetics: Focuses on the look a...
I'm looking for Italian graphic designers to create visual content (images, not videos) for social media posts based on texts I provide. This is a continuous job, usually requiring 4 to 8 images per client. - Image Type: The images to be created are primarily promotional posters. - Visual Style: The predom...designers to create visual content (images, not videos) for social media posts based on texts I provide. This is a continuous job, usually requiring 4 to 8 images per client. - Image Type: The images to be created are primarily promotional posters. - Visual Style: The predominant visual style for these promotional posters should be colorful and lively. - Platforms: The images will be used on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Please provide your cost per image for this o...
I want a design creating for a Facebook post. I believe the size is 1080x1080 We have vacancies within our company and the design has to be made nice to attract new job seeking candidates. I want the final artwork providing to me in an editable Photoshop or Illustrator format. I will supply you with the text, my logo and some general stock photos if they are useful. Please make sure that your bid price is your final price. All artwork is the property of me and must not be for re-sale or otherwise. I own all rights to it. You must not use my logos or data for anything without my consent and this project is not to be posted in your portfolio. I will maybe ask for some revisions of your work. Thank you.
I'm looking for a graphic designer skilled in creating engaging, bold and colorful Instagram posts. The posts should be designed with the intention of capturing the attention of the viewer, encouraging likes and shares. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in graphic design, with a strong portfolio of social media content - Deep understanding of Instagram's visual culture - Ability to create bold and colorful designs that stand out Experience: - Prior work with brands on Instagram preferred - Proven track record of designs leading to increased engagement
I'm looking for a professional to update my Material Data Sheets. The goal is to keep the same information and literature, but to modernize the overall look and feel of each PDF to a minimalist style. Key Requirements: - Transform the overall layout with a minimalist approach - Incorporate updated photos and colors - Add illustrations where necessary Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe InDesign - Strong graphic design skills - Experience with creating minimalist designs - Ability to work with technical data
I'm in need of a video editor who can bring a dynamic, fast-paced style to my Instagram reels. The primary aim of these reels is to entertain, so a keen understanding of what viewers enjoy is essential. Key Responsibilities: - Edit video footage into fast-paced, engaging content - Incorporate text overlays, music and sound effects, as well as transitions and effects to enhance the video's appeal Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience creating content for Instagram - Understanding of current trends in entertaining video content - Ability to create smooth and seamless transitions The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of producing engaging, high-energy content. Please provide examples of your work if available.
...Marketer** Hello! I’m Mohammad Silawi, a skilled typist with exceptional speed and accuracy. I also specialize in social media marketing, with extensive experience on platforms like **TikTok** and **Instagram**. I create innovative strategies to attract audiences and boost engagement. If you’re looking for someone dedicated, efficient, and capable of delivering outstanding results, I’m here to help! Key Skills: - Fast and accurate typing. - Creating engaging and creative content for social media platforms. - Digital marketing and performance analysis on **TikTok** and **Instagram**. - Enhancing audience engagement and increasing brand awareness. Why Choose Me? ✔ Quick delivery of tasks. ✔ High-quality work with attention to detail. ... presence for my facial aesthetics services. Website Requirements: - The primary purpose of the website is to showcase my services in the field of facial aesthetics. - The site should include sections for before and after photos, detailed descriptions of the procedures I offer, and client testimonials. - The design and functionality should be user-friendly and visually appealing, reflecting the nature of the services. Social Media Requirements: - I need engaging content for Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. - The content should be tailored to each platform, using the unique features and audience of each to maximize reach and engagement. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in service-based sites. - Strong understanding of socia...
I am seeking a skilled AI developer to create an innovative AI that can handle comprehensive social media campaigns from scratch. This project involves: - Content Creation: The AI should be capable of generating engaging and relevant content tailored to my target audience. - Ad Pl...- Ad Placement and Optimization: The AI will need to strategically place ads and optimize them for maximum reach and engagement. - Analytics and Reporting: The AI should be able to track campaign performance and provide insightful reports. - Targeting: The AI must be able to accurately target specific demographics in line with campaign goals. The AI needs to support campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. Prior experience with AI development for social media is a plus, as is a deep understanding of these ...
I’m an AI Productivity Coach seeking a skilled video editor to help me produce short-form tutorial videos geared toward boosting productivity using AI tools and strategies. I’ll film all the raw footage; you’ll transform it into fast-paced, engaging content optimized for YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. What You’ll Do Edit 3-5 short-form videos per month (30-90 seconds each, occasionally longer for YouTube). Employ quick cuts, dynamic transitions, and on-screen text/graphics to keep the audience engaged. Optimize each video for different social platforms, ensuring proper aspect ratios, lengths, and style. Incorporate any branding elements (e.g., intros, outros, lower-thirds) in line with an AI-powered, future-forward aesthetic. Ideal Skills & Expe...
I need a professional and unique graphic designer to create a modern and sleek pamphlet for my shop. This design will be used for announcing new products/services on Instagram and WhatsApp, and it needs to be high-quality, eye-catching, and clearly highlighting my shop details and services. Requirements: - Custom design that is suitable for a modern and sleek aesthetic. - Editable format for future updates. - Quick delivery within 2-3 days. Budget: ₹700-1700 Interested designers, please share your portfolio and price quote.
...checkout system for landscape decor sales. Integration with platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, TikTok, Instagram, and others to advertise and drive local sales. The ability to offer same-day free delivery within a 10-mile radius for local customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: Proficient in e-commerce website development. Shopify, dropshipping. Experienced in creating professional portfolio and service description pages. Skilled in integrating customer testimonial sections. Knowledgeable about secure and efficient shopping cart and checkout systems. Familiar with SEO best practices and social media integration for platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram to drive traffic and sales....