Test web based erppráce
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
Dobrý den Radoslave, jsme digitální agentura z Prahy a hledáme pro dlouhodobou spolupráci remote programátora v PHP + Codeigniteru a zaujalo mě, že už v tomto frameworku máte zkušenosti. Pracujeme na dlouhodobých projektech v rámci digitální transformace firem - tzn. vyvíjíme na míru interní systémy ERP, CRM, webové aplikace apod. Rád se s Vámi pobavím více do detailů a představím Vám možnosti spolupráce. Můžete mě kontaktovat tady, případně na telefonu +420604271039. Budu se těšit, Blažek
...with experience in software development and software testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of t...
PHP Backend Vývojář - Praha a okolí Zveme Tě k zajímavé zkušenosti a participaci na projektu, jehož úkolem je vývoj ERP sytému na míru zákazníkovi. Čeká Tě práce v malém cca 6-ti členném pohodovém týmu :) a pro méně zkušené, možnost kontinuálního učení a podpora seniorních kolegů. Po zaučení v Praze, možnost spolupráce remote formou, super příležitost pro sladění s dalšími pracovními – i nepracovními aktivitami. Budeš skvělý parťák pokud : Ovládáš skvěle PHP a máš zkušenost s modern&ia...
Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Jedná se o úpravu na míru Open Source produktu Dolibarr ERP and CRM () pro potřeby střední firmy
V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokumentaci. Pište p...
Dobrý den. V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokume...
Zdravím, měl bych nabídku na dlouhodobější projekt (vývoj standalone aplikace, ne webové) a v případě zájmu pošli více informací.
Analytické a implementační práce probíhají v sídle společnosti zákazníka. Předmětem implementace jsou: 1. ReadSoft Invoices - řešení pro automatizované vytěžování dat z přijatých faktur a souvisejících polostrukturovaných dokumentů 2. ELO ECM - systém pro správu dokumentů se schvalovacím workflow 3. Přenos dat mezi podnikovým informačním systémem a Invoices a ELO Potřebné technické znalosti: - Windows server, vč. práce s virtuálním serverem - SQL - Java - XML, XSL Základní instalace ReadSoft Invoices a ELO ECM prostřednictvím instalačního průvodce, nastav...
project test project test project test project test project testv project test project test project test project test
Description: We are seeking a motivated and results-driven affiliate marketer to promote our Reputation Management Services on a commission-based structure. Our services help businesses build and maintain a strong online presence by improving their reputation, managing customer reviews, and removing harmful negative feedback. Responsibilities: Identify potential customers and market our reputation management services. Drive traffic to our website through your affiliate efforts. Generate leads and earn commissions for each successful sale ($100). What We Offer: Competitive commission rates on each sale ($100). High-demand services with proven customer satisfaction. Full access to marketing resources, including banners, templates, and affiliate tracking tools. Prompt and reliable pa...
We need developers to replicate 100% of the functionality of this AI backend and add some new features. Language requirement: The backend must be developed entirely in Node.js, and it must seamlessly integrate with the existing admin panel. Website: Front End: The admin panel is as shown in the screenshot. Important: We can provide you with this project’s source code for reference, but most of the original code is encrypted. Additionally, both the admin panel and the front end are in Chinese, so you would need to use a webpage auto-translation feature. The backend is also encrypted. The original project was built with PHP + Node.js. However, our requirement is 100% Node.js—please do not use PHP. One month deadline for completion. Overall Development Requirements: - Front-...
I would like to design a new erp for special treatment centers such as those for clients with autism. The erp will be in greek language. It will contain client details, appointments, attendances, client financial details, evaluation entry, doctor's opinion entry, attendance balances, etc. Also, I need to have login. You can see screenshots attached but I need another design.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
I'm seeking a skilled professional to configure the latest stable version of ERPNext on my Windows VPS (Ubuntu VM). The specific components that need configuration are Accounting and Finance, and Inventory and Supply Chain. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ERPNext and its modules - Experienced in configuring ERP systems - Strong understanding of Accounting and Finance, Inventory and Supply Chain components - Familiarity with Windows VPS and Ubuntu VM - Knowledge of the latest stable version of ERPNext - Excellent troubleshooting skills
I'm seeking a QA professional based in the USA with a real PayPal ID to test the accuracy of payment processing. The primary focus will be on the integration with the payment gateway. Ideal candidates should possess: - Extensive experience in QA testing, particularly in payment processing. - A deep understanding of payment gateway integrations. - A real PayPal ID based in the USA. - Able to provide a comprehensive analysis of the transaction success rate, and refund & cancellation processes.
**Rank-Based Dating App Development** **Project Overview:** We are developing a unique dating app that uses a ranking system to match users based on attractiveness. The app will have a detailed user profile creation process, a rating mechanism where users rate the attractiveness of other users, and a matching algorithm that pairs users within similar attractiveness ranges. The goal is to create an engaging, user-friendly platform that encourages continuous interaction and provides accurate match recommendations. **Key Features and Functionalities:** 1. **User Registration and Profile Creation:** - Users can sign up using email, social media, or phone number. - Detailed profile creation with personal information, interests, and multiple photo uploads. - Profile inf...
...location, and more. Provide recommendations based on user preferences. Take online reservations and integrate with our reservation system (if applicable). Send updates about promotions or events. AI Capabilities: Use natural language processing (NLP) to understand user queries. Respond conversationally and accurately in real-time. Platform Integration: Integrate seamlessly with my website. Optional: Integration with social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. Customization: Reflect our brand tone (friendly and professional). Support multi-language functionality (if possible). Technology Stack: Open to suggestions, but solutions like Dialogflow, Rasa, or GPT APIs are preferred. Ensure scalability and cost-efficiency. Testing and Deployment: Test the chatbot ...
We are looking for a talented UX/UI designer to create an introductory page for our supplier search platform. The platform enables users to receive multiple offers from various suppliers and select one for free. The project requires the design of 9 screens: - A well-detailed introductory page. - 7 stages of the quiz for information gathering. - A thank-you page. The deliverables include: - A Figma file with full access to the source design. - All graphic elements exported for implementation. - Both desktop and mobile versions of the design. The ideal candidate should have experience designing user-friendly, engaging interfaces that guide users seamlessly through multi-step processes.
...going live, thoroughly test the platform to check for bugs, security issues, and user experience problems. Load Testing: Ensure your site can handle large amounts of traffic, especially during major sports events. 9. Post-Launch & Maintenance Continuous Improvement: Regularly update the platform with new features, sports events, and other enhancements. Bug Fixes & Updates: Monitor the site for any issues and quickly resolve them. Scalability: Ensure your infrastructure can scale as the user base grows. Tools & Technologies You Might Need: Sports Data Providers: APIs from companies like Betfair, Pinnacle, or SportRadar for real-time sports data and odds. Payment Processors: PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, or cryptocurrency payment gateways. Web Hosting: Rel...
Update code to improve, remove or modify functionality and appearance on laravel backend and flutter apps for iOS and Android before publishing Modifications Required for Laravel Backend and Flutter Apps 1. Address Lookup via Google API Replace manual COUNTRY and C...Proof of delivery with name, signature, and signed BOL. 10. Chat Functionality Modify chat functionality to allow communication between drivers and company dispatch. Support file and image attachments within the chat. 11. Additional Features and Enhancements Change the name "delivery boy" to "Delivery Expert" on all apps and the website. Ensure mobile app and backend modifications sync properly. Test and optimize performance across both Canada and the US. Provide documentation and training for on...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
I'm looking for a seasoned AI developer to create a generational AI-integrated chatbot for WhatsApp. This chatbot will serve as a travel sales assistant. Key Responsibilities: - Designing and developing the chatbot to handle customer inquiries efficiently. - Creating and implementing a sales process within the chatbot. The chatbot should support: - Only Spanish language. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development. - Deep understanding of the Spanish language. - Experience in creating sales-oriented chatbots. - Familiarity with WhatsApp's API. Please provide relevant examples of your previous work in your proposal.
Call for Creative Logo Design for a Visual Identity Competition Brand Name: Radar Dept Approved Colors: Deep Damask Blue and Bright Silver Design a typographic logo that fully emphasizes the brand name "Radar" in a creative and innovative way, with the word "Dept" minimized to be a subtle and elegant secondary element of the design. The logo should reflect the brand's core values: precision, modernity, and credibility. No visual elements (such as icons or illustrations) are allowed. The focus should be on manipulating typography, spacing, and alignment to create a unique and distinctive logo. We want it in All forms ( asd . Pdf . Jpg . Png . Etc. )
I need assistance with renumbering my Excel file. The task involves: - Sequentially numbering all rows in column B with simple integers (1, 2, 3, ...). The freelancer should be proficient in Excel and have experience with data manipulation and formatting.
I'm seeking a freelancer to create a handwriting recognition module for grading handwritten test papers. The module should be able to: - Recognize both cursive and printed handwriting - Understand and interpret complex technical diagrams - Separate answers based on identifiers like answer numbers - Ignore crossed-out content -The engine should be self learning - the more handwritten notes are submitted, the more the accuracy increases. This is a high-stakes project requiring a high level of accuracy. Ideal candidates will have experience with machine learning, computer vision, and handwriting recognition systems. Familiarity with grading systems and educational assessment processes will be a plus. Please include relevant past projects in your proposal.
...- No prior experience is necessary, though any relevant experience is a plus - A basic understanding of content creation and the ability to meet deadlines Working Days: - Mon to Sat - 10 am to 7:00 pm ** We always give you 5-star feedback ** We will not create or release milestones in advance. I will make payments on a weekly or monthly basis. ** Maybe Before Award, we will take a small unpaid test. ** bid ONLY if our rate and terms suit you. ** DON'T BID IF YOU'RE WILLING TO WORK 1 WEEK FOR A GOOD REVIEW. This is a full-time position offering ₹10,000/month....
...(12 emails in total). - Use SendGrid’s Marketing Campaigns feature to automate scheduling and delivery. - Create dynamic email templates to personalize recipient-specific details. Campaign Optimization: - Monitor campaign performance (open rates, clicks, conversions) using SendGrid’s analytics tools. - Optimize emails for deliverability by ensuring proper configuration (e.g., SPF, DKIM, DMARC). - Test email designs to ensure they are mobile-friendly and engaging. Visual Enhancements: - Incorporate high-quality images or custom designs to align with your brand. - Maintain a clean, professional email design while making it engaging. Preferred Skills: - Experience with SendGrid, including: Template creation. - Automated workflows. - Deliverability optimization. - Str...
I'm seeking a skilled Webflow designer to create a site for my service-based business. The primary aim of the site is to promote our services to potential clients. Key Features: - A user-friendly booking system: This should allow clients to easily schedule our services. - Detailed service descriptions: Each of our services should be well explained to inform our clients. - Client testimonials: A section dedicated to showcasing our satisfied customers to build trust and credibility. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Webflow: You should be able to translate our business needs into an engaging and interactive website. - A knack for service-based website design: You should understand the unique elements that such a site requires...
I need a mobile app tester to test an APK on a real Android device. The focus will be on functional testing, which means checking all features work as expected. The ideal candidate should have experience in testing mobile applications and should be able to provide detailed feedback on the app's functionality. Please ensure you have a real Android device for this task.
Job Title: Creative Video Editor & Content Visionary for TES (Travel, Entertainment, Style) IG: @tes_ratings Project Details • Duration: Ongoing (initial trial period of 1 week to test quality). • Budget: Open to bids. Please provide: • Weekly rate for 3-6 video edits. • Breakdown of additional costs, if any. Overview: TES is a growing review platform aiming to become a household name for travelers and everyday individuals. We deliver engaging reviews in the Travel, Entertainment, and Style categories. To achieve this, we need a skilled freelancer who can bring our content to life weekly through compelling videos while maintaining our established branding. What We’re Looking For A Video Editor & Visionary to: 1. Edit Weekly Videos: 3-6 po...
...African client base, with a primary focus on: - Document storage and retrieval - Workflow automation - Permission management The DMS should be affordable and designed with ease of use as the most critical aspect. The successful freelancer will have experience in developing user-friendly web-based applications. A deep understanding of document management systems and their core functionalities is essential. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in DMS development - Excellent skills in creating web-based interfaces - Strong focus on ease of use in design - Understanding of localization for African markets - Ability to build an affordable yet robust system Your proposal should demonstrate your relevant experience and ability to deliver a user-friendly, locali...
I've shared a folder containing my videos reviewing a ...a bag of the monitor stand bought, then i show the box of the stand and before starting to assemble the stand, i am showing the setup without the monitor stand aka using the original stand that comes with the monitor I read the instruction manual and figure out my desk doesn't support mounting the stand directly, I then drill a hole on the desk to mount the stand holder I install the mount, and test the stand Show all the details in the video Deliverables, 2 videos, 1 asmr style video 1 video with music and captions each video should be between 2 to 3 minutes long You can download the files on this link >>
I'm looking for an experienced Fortnite player to test my map. The main focus will be on the gameplay mechanics related to building and editing structures, specifically the speed of building and editing. Ideal candidate should: - Have extensive experience playing Fortnite - Be familiar with testing game maps - Have a good understanding of building and editing mechanics in Fortnite - Be able to provide detailed feedback on the speed of building and editing on the map. You can search for the map in Fortnite search , type in : Goat music 1v1 and you will find the map.
I'm seeking a designer who can create an icon-based, minimalistic logo for me. The logo should reflect a strong sense of creativity, as this is the key message I want it to convey. Key Requirements: - Experience in minimalistic, icon-based logo design - Strong understanding of conveying messages through design - Ability to interpret and translate the desired emotion (creativity) into a visual form In addition to the logo, I would also like to have some animations and video materials created based on the logo. Therefore, skills in animation and video production are highly desirable.
Project Description Room Rental System: A web-based application where users can browse, list, and book rental rooms. The system includes features like user authentication, room management, search and filters, a booking system, payment integration, and an admin dashboard for management. Built Points Frontend: Framework: React.js UI Library: Polaris or Material UI Features: User-friendly interface for browsing rooms. Room details with images and descriptions. Authentication pages (Login/Sign-up). Dashboard for user and admin functionalities. Backend: Framework: Node.js (with ). Features: User authentication using JWT. APIs for CRUD operations on rooms. Booking management. Payment integration (Stripe or Razorpay). Database: MongoDB (MongoDB Atlas for cloud hosting). Collecti...
I am seeking a dedicated professional who can work from 8 PM to 4 AM IST. The ideal candidate will have robust skills in core Java and particularly excel in API testing. Experience with our Custom Apache Http client framework is essential. Key Responsibilities: - Creating custom test cases for our APIs - Debugging and troubleshooting APIs The perfect freelancer for this role will be quick to learn, adept at using tools such as Test NG, Maven, Splunk, and Linux and Git commands, and familiar with design patterns. Regular use of a MacBook and IntelliJ is a must.
Link Posting (Bilingual: English and Chinese) Publish 20 SEO-optimized links daily on our website using the provided affiliate marketing materials. Ensure each link complies with SEO standards, embedding relevant keywords and descriptions. Provide detailed descriptions for each linked tool, including: Tool introduction. Feature breakdown. Free usage details. Paid usage details. Application scenarios. Blog Writing (Bilingual: English and Chinese) Write 2 high-quality blog posts daily, focusing on either the website's overall theme or specific tool-related topics, and ensure compliance with SEO requirements. Each blog post must be at least 1000 words, with appropriate images (we will provide the image resources). Task Requirements: High-Quality Blog Articles: Articles should center arou...