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    2,000 svm classifier python code Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    Dobrý den, potřebuji ze stránky na binance vyextrahovat obchodovaný symbol, cenu, směr nákupu (buy long/short, close long/short) a zaslat přes API zprávu do binance na vytvoření objednávky, která bude vypadat dle github binance následovně: order = client.futures_create_order( symbol=symbol, side=side, type='MARKET', quantity=quantity, positionSide=positionside, closePosition=close kde symbol = pár (např. SOLUSDT); side = BUY nebo CLOSE; quantity = aby byla hodnota 120 USD, tzn. je nutné vypočítat dle přečtené ceny na stránce; positionSide: LONG nebo SHORT. Vize je, že chci kontrolovat nová ...

    €193 Average bid
    €193 Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky

    ...koutů světa a jejich prezentace, Frontend - ty: jde do všech koutů světa také). Odměna je podíl na zisku. Do budoucna až bude projekt kompletně hotový uvažuji o přijetí investora, který by nám pomohl s jeho rozjezdem s "Big Bang". General: Technologie: WordPress, Elementor, Astra, Python, SQLLite, Django, Pandas, Numpy Provider: Forpsi / Webglobe / AWS / Jiný (s největší pravděpodobnosti služba: "Virtuální privátní server (VPS)" nebo "Virtuální managed server (VMS)" --> na serveru poběží ještě můj python code generující obsah, plus vlastní doména Data: jsou uložena zatím n...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    V tuto chvíli jsme na světe nenašli podobný projekt a tak se potřebujeme posouvat dopředu rychleji. Věříme v sílu freelancers a virtuálních týmů. Aktuálně na projektu pracuje 7 lidí, z toho 4 programátoři (javascript, python). Hledáme kolegu nebo kolegyni, který/á by dokázal vývojový tým dlouhodobě zastřešit. Kromě znalosti programování, zkušenosti s řízením týmu a koordinací vývoje SW, je nutnou podmínku kvalitní angličtina.

    €39 / hr Average bid
    €39 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Hledáme python developera pro rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. Zabýváme se diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Našim posláním je včasný záchyt pacientů aby jim byla poskytnuta odborná péče včas a předešlo se tak vážným poškozením jejich zraku. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, use casy používané lékařským personálem ...

    €12 - €18 / hr
    €12 - €18 / hr
    0 nabídky

    Hledáme python developera pro rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. V Aireen se zabýváme diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) a protože většina týmu používá běžně python, rozhodli jsme se využít situace přepsat aplikaci do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, Use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění ...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Machine Learning Project Python

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Machine Learning
    Ukončeno left

    Matlab or Python project to be

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    Potrebujeme udelat nekolik updatu na jiz existujici aplikaci (Python, Django, JS). Vzhledem k tomu, ze vetsina updatu ma byt hotova pred Vanoci, potrebujeme nekoho, kdo se bude moci projektu plne venovat a bude to pro nej priorita. V pripade spokojenosti je zde sance na dlouhodobou spolupraci. Vice info povime ve zprave.

    €29 / hr Average bid
    €29 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    V současné době do naší firmy hledáme spolehlivého, flexibilního programátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci. Hledáme člověka, který by byl schopen fungovat v týmu a byl připravený vést o vývoji diskuzi. Možnosti úvazku: HPP, DPP, Půl úvaze...diskuzi. Možnosti úvazku: HPP, DPP, Půl úvazek Odborné znalosti: - Dobrá znalost vývoje a návrhu firmweare v jazyce C/C++ - Zkušenost s programováním procesorů ARM, (znalost kompilátoru RVCT výhodou) , MediaTek - Znalost vývojového prostředí VisualStudio 2008 a prostředí Linux - Orientaci v elektronických schém...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Mac Python Naprogramovat script v Python, ktery bude a) cist zpravy na Twiteru a Telegramu od definovanych odesilatelu, b) ze zpravy vyjme ciselnou informaci a vlozi ji do .xls a odesle na Api. Jedna se o udaje o pohybu trhů. Zprovoznit na Osx.

    €441 Average bid
    €441 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky
    Python and OSM
    Ukončeno left

    Re: Pro_9.6.17_Suha

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    Mám 2 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.

    €8 - €9
    €8 - €9
    0 nabídky

    Mám 3 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.

    €8 - €9
    €8 - €9
    0 nabídky
    Vytvořit software
    Ukončeno left

    ...Mitteo, první chytrý terč na světě, byl stvořen pro sportovní střelce ISSF. Jde o jediný kompaktní box připojený přímo na váš tablet, smartphone nebo počítač. Hledáme schopné vývojáře Kdo bys měl být: Nadaný vývojář s chutí experimentovat a tvořit. Vývojář, který chce expandovat do celého světa. Tvé schopnosti by měly být: ARM Dobrá znalost C/C++ (Python). Znalost GNU/Linux. Znalost síťové komunikace a ARM architektury. Základní znalost Image Processing. Zkušenost s ARM mini pc (Rasberry Pi, Beaglebone, Arduino). Tvá hlavní zodpově...

    €14785 Average bid
    €14785 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    I want few methods from objective c to java to be translated.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    Jedna sa o jednoduchy program, ktory sluzi na vykreslovanie hodnot z databazy do 2D grafu. Tieto hodnoty su vykreslovane ako "body" v grafe, kde na X-ovej osi sa nachadza casova os (datum + cas "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") a na Y-ovej osi trvanie (minuty "int/float"), rovnako je tvorena aj databaza. Toto vsak je uz hotove, na zjednodusenie sme pouzili matplotlib kniznicu, avsak potrebne je dorobit malu cast do kodu. TASK: Vykreslovanie bodov ostane nezmenene, avsak s jednym rozdielom. V databaze sa moze nachadzat 10 000 zaznamov, z toho moze byt 2000 pondelkov, 3000 utorkov, atd. v zavislosti od daneho datumu v databaze. Tieto hodnoty sa teda budu vykreslovat tak ze na X-ovej osi budu atributy (pondelok, utorok, streda, ...) a Y-nova os ostane nezmenena, cize ...

    €150 Average bid
    €150 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...experienced Python developer to create a web-based utility that connects Chartink with a private Telegram channel. The utility should be able to format messages based on data received from Chartink and send them to Telegram. Key Requirements: - Create a unique webhook that can be configured in Chartink. - Receive requests from Chartink and have two options to format and send to Telegram: 1. Live equity prices. 2. Certain Chartink queries that require looking up 'Current' or 'Next Month' expiry future prices. - Implement a configuration feature that allows setting the timeframe for these future values (e.g. 1-15th of the month for current expiry, after 15th for next month). - Allow for customizable header and disclaimer lines in the messages. Ideal Sk...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    The winner of this contest would need Adobe animation skills to produce me a ~1 minute 2D Adobe Animator animation. I have the script for the entire animation, however this contest is to select who I work with. Here is part of the script. For this contest, you’ll need to provide 5 images, visually ‘depicting’ the following dialog: 1. “Let’s say you have a coded strategy in Python” 2. “You’ll need some way to retrieve trading data from providers” 3. “You’ll then need a way to execute trades on exchanges” 4. “Next you’ll need a way to manage your funds” 5. “Finally you’ll want to test and improve your strategy” The final animation (which would be done as part of a separa...

    €33 Average bid
    0 příspěvky

    I need a skilled professional to install my source code on a Windows-based VPS (Virtual Private Server). The project involves a front end built in React and a backend developed with Node.js. Key Responsibilities: - Install the necessary components on the server, which includes a Node.js runtime, and a web server (IIS). - Set up a database server (like MySQL) if required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in deploying applications on a VPS. - Deep understanding of React and Node.js. - Experience with Windows server management. - Knowledge in setting up and configuring IIS and MySQL.

    €276 Average bid
    €276 Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky
    Python App.
    9 dní left

    Hi Jupaka R., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    €168 Average bid
    €168 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...skilled and reliable partners for a long-term collaboration on engineering and software development projects worldwide. We are looking for experienced professionals and agencies in the following fields: ✅ FEA & Structural Analysis and CFD & Fluid Simulation ✅ CAD & 3D Modeling and Product Design & Development ✅ Mechanical & Electrical Engineering and civil Engineering ✅ Embedded Systems & IoT and Python, C++, MATLAB, etc. And WEB & Mobile app development What We Offer: ? Competitive compensation and flexible work arrangements ? Global exposure with cutting-edge engineering challenges Who Should Apply? ✔️ Engineers, developers, and agencies with proven expertise ✔️ Individuals with experience in industry-specific software (ANSYS, SolidWorks, AutoCAD...

    €825 - €1649
    €825 - €1649
    13 nabídky

    Description: We have a website that is currently running on PHP 5.6: Qipco Racing Website. This website is used for uploading and managing photo albums. However, since PHP 5.6 is no longer supported by our hosting provider, we need an experienced PHP developer to upgrade the codebase to PHP 8.1+ while ensuring all functionalities remain intact. Project Scope: Upgrade the website from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.1+ Update deprecated functions and ensure compatibility with modern PHP standards Update database connections to work with PHP 8.1+ Ensure photo upload and album management features work correctly post-upgrade Perform necessary testing to confirm full functionality Requirements: Proven experience in upgrading legacy PHP applications Strong knowledge of PHP 5.6 an...

    €547 Average bid
    €547 Průměr. nabídka
    117 nabídky

    I'm in need of a program that listens to MQTT remote commands and executes them on my Tesla car via the Tesla Fleet API. Key Requirements: - The program should specifically listen to 'Remote commands' MQTT topics. - It should execute specific commands on my Tesla: Start/Stop charging and Charge Amps. - The program does not need to provide feedback or confirmati...It should execute specific commands on my Tesla: Start/Stop charging and Charge Amps. - The program does not need to provide feedback or confirmation after executing a command, it should simply execute them. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in programming with experience in MQTT and Tesla API. - Able to develop a reliable and efficient command execution system. Language: - No specific language but Python prefe...

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Průměr. nabídka
    20 nabídky

    About this Gig: "Is your data messy or not organized? I can help!" With my skills in data cleaning, processing, merging, and splitting, I will turn your raw data into a clean, organized dataset ...combine data from multiple sources (spreadsheets, CSV files, databases) into a unified, comprehensive dataset, ensuring smooth integration. Splitting: I will split large datasets into smaller, more manageable segments or break down columns into multiple categories, improving clarity and usability for better decision-making. Why To Choose My Services? : Skilled in Excel, Python and MySQL & Detail: I pay close attention to every aspect of your data to ensure its error-free and well-structured. Pricing: Professional data services at a competitive rate

    €121 Average bid
    €121 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    About the Study: I am looking for professionals with practical experience in managing software vulnerabilities (weaknesses, bugs, or flaws in code) to participate in a research study (Online Survey). Your feedback will shed light on the challenges and opportunities associated with security tools, enhancing their effectiveness for industry professionals. ======================================================================================= What is Software Vulnerability Management (SVM)? Key tasks in SVM include: • Vulnerability Discovery / Detection: Finding weaknesses in code. • Vulnerability Assessment: Evaluating the severity and exploitability of identified vulnerabilities. • Vulnerability Patching / Remediation: Addressing weaknesses to secu...

    €214 Average bid
    €214 Průměr. nabídka
    15 nabídky

    I need a professional who can design and develop a responsive web-based chat interface using Re...integrations. Key Features: - Frontend Development: Utilizing React (or ) to create a responsive and engaging chat interface. - Backend Development: Implementing with Node.js, or potentially Flask/Django if using Python. - Database Management: Efficient data storage and management with PostgreSQL. - Scalability: Clean, modular code to facilitate easy addition of new features. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proficient skills in React (or ), Node.js, and PostgreSQL. - Experience in developing interactive UI/UX designs. - Ability to write clean, modular, and scalable code. - Understanding of backend security measures to prevent unauthorized access. Looking forward to ...

    €176 Average bid
    €176 Průměr. nabídka
    62 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled Python developer to create an automated trading system for me. This software will apply my proprietary trading strategies and execute trades automatically through an Interactive Brokers account. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python, with extensive experience in software development. - Deep understanding of algorithmic trading, including the implementation of Moving Average and RSI strategies. - Previous experience with Interactive Brokers API. Ideal Skills: - Algorithm Development - API Integration - Python Programming - Trading Strategy Implementation - Software Automation Please note, I have all necessary resources and materials ready for this project. Your role will primarily involve software development and strategy implementation...

    €328 Average bid
    €328 Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky
    Raspberry Pi RFID Programmer
    6 dní left

    I'm in need of an expert who can help me program a Raspberry Pi to work with an RFID system. The primary purpose of this RFID system is...use. Key requirements: - Expertise in RFID systems - Proficient in programming Raspberry Pi - Experience with access control systems The Raspberry Pi needs to be programmed to function as an RFID scanner. This will primarily involve barcode scanning, so the ideal candidate will have experience with this type of functionality. Skills and experience that would be advantageous: - Proficient in Python or similar programming languages suitable for Raspberry Pi - Prior experience programming RFID systems for access control - Familiarity with barcode scanning technology Please provide examples of previous work that is similar to this project in...

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    I'm seeking a program that generates job estimates for both residential and commercial paint services. Key Features: - Provide detailed estimates that include customer address, telephone # and e...additional service. Option to include additional quotes to the same document. Example: First Quote - Interior, Second Quote - Exterior, Third Quote - Power wash driveway.... etc. Would like to be able to choose from a drop-down menu of services when generating the estimate, and an option to modify the service description. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in programming languages such as Python or Java. - Experience in creating estimation or budgeting software. - Understanding of the paint service industry would be a plus. Attached are examples of estimates we have generat...

    €240 - €721
    €240 - €721
    38 nabídky

    I have several scripts written in Python within Jupyter notebooks. These scripts primarily handle data preprocessing and utilize libraries such as Pandas and Numpy. What I need is for these codes to be organized into a modular, functionalized pipeline with a proper folder structure. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python, particularly in data preprocessing - Experienced with Jupyter notebooks - Well-versed in libraries like Pandas and Numpy - Knowledgeable about creating modular and functionalized code - Ability to establish a clean and logical folder structure The goal of this project is to enhance the code's usability and maintainability.

    €115 Average bid
    €115 Průměr. nabídka
    24 nabídky
    Fix Vim Setup and Plugins -- 2
    6 dní left

    I'm experiencing issues with my Vim setup. After reinstalling Vim and Python, I started getting a signal ABRT when starting or opening Vim. - Issue: Signal ABRT on startup - Cause: Reinstallation due to plugin loading failures - Issue: Missing dependencies causing Vim to crash I need a freelancer who can diagnose and fix the issue, ensuring all plugins load correctly and Vim runs smoothly. Ideal candidates would be those with extensive experience with Vim and its plugins. Please note, I reinstalled Vim because a plugin failed to load properly, as guided by ChatGPT. The Vim setup and plugins need to be configured for Linux. Please provide updates in the following way: via AnyDesk. Please ensure that Vundle is used for managing Vim plugins. Please treat all plugins equally in...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled professional with expertise in BladeLogic, Insomnia, and Python. The main goal is to integrate BladeLogic with Insomnia and to create or enhance deployment scripts. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Insomnia for API calling with BladeLogic. - Develop and improve deployment scripts. - Execute and deploy jobs via Insomnia API calls. Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Proficient knowledge and experience with BladeLogic and Insomnia. - Strong Python skills. - Previous experience developing deployment scripts. - Ability to efficiently execute and deploy jobs.

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Průměr. nabídka
    21 nabídky

    I'm seeking an experienced AI Engineer to help develop a new generative AI model that will be used for an AI chatbot. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a cutting-edge generative AI model. - Ensure the model is optimized for AI chatbot application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in AI, specifically in developing new AI models. - Proficiency in Python and Machine Learning (ML). - Prior experience with generative models is highly desirable. - Skills in automation are a plus. - Experience in AI chatbot development will be an advantage. This is a unique opportunity for a skilled AI engineer to work on an innovative project at the forefront of AI technology. Your work will contribute to the creation of a highly interactive and intelligent AI chatb...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    I'm seeking a Java expert to optimize the code of my web application. Key tasks: - Add new code / Clean up code - UI customization - Inventory Implementation - Buy now button integration - Inventory Tracking Parts - Inventory Validation Enhancements - Unit testing for Inventory Limits - Enhance the performance and memory usage of the application. - Improve the overall code efficiency. Ideal skills: - Extensive experience with Java and web applications. - Proven track record in code optimization. Please note, enhancing code readability is not a priority for this project.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    I need a Python script that can log into a website and automatically collect contact details (emails) of people who have reached out to me. Key Requirements: - The script should retrieve the data at predetermined intervals. - It should avoid duplicating entries. - It should run on a standard web browser, not a headless one. - It must handle a standard username and password login. - Optional but preferred: Include a simple logging mechanism to record the timestamps of data collection. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python. - Experienced in web scraping and automation. - Familiar with creating scripts for use in a standard web browser. - Able to implement basic logging functionality in a script.

    €38 Average bid
    €38 Průměr. nabídka
    29 nabídky

    I need a script or program that can log onto a specific website and automatically collect contact details (emails) of people who have reached out to me. The website is hosted on Google, and the emails appear as individual entries. Requirements: - The script should automat...(emails) of people who have reached out to me. The website is hosted on Google, and the emails appear as individual entries. Requirements: - The script should automate the retrieval of emails at set intervals, while ensuring no duplicate entries are collected. - The collected email data should be formatted into a CSV file for easy access and use. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in scripting languages (Python, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with web scraping tools and techniques. - Ability to work with CSV file f...

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    ...Nomenclature) – Required for EU MDR/IVDR compliance. 2. UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) – Used for procurement and supply chain management. This task requires accuracy, attention to detail, and experience with medical product categorization. ? Project Scope & Deliverables You will be working with two Excel files: 1. “List to be sent to ” (Main Inventory File) • Contains a list of medical disposables and device parts used in our facilities. • Each row represents a unique item that must be mapped to both EMDN & UNSPSC. • You will add four new columns to this sheet: • EMDN Code (from reference sheet) • EMDN Name (from reference sheet) • UNSPSC Code (from reference sheet...

    €389 Average bid
    €389 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    ...Nomenclature) – Required for EU MDR/IVDR compliance. 2. UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) – Used for procurement and supply chain management. This task requires accuracy, attention to detail, and experience with medical product categorization. ? Project Scope & Deliverables You will be working with two Excel files: 1. “List to be sent to ” (Main Inventory File) • Contains a list of medical disposables and device parts used in our facilities. • Each row represents a unique item that must be mapped to both EMDN & UNSPSC. • You will add four new columns to this sheet: • EMDN Code (from reference sheet) • EMDN Name (from reference sheet) • UNSPSC Code (from reference sheet...

    €421 Average bid
    €421 Průměr. nabídka
    20 nabídky

    Daily support python, jave, html, powerbi, power apps, ppt and data analytics

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Looking for experienced python developer to implement OCR on game screenshot images. Ideally using EasyOCR or PyTesseract on Python3.10+ on Ubuntu Provide full dependency list and requirements You may need to process the image to enhance the accuracy of OCR. Accuracy needs to be >90% Can provide training images as required. Payment after verification of script. Start your bid with "iOCR"

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Průměr. nabídka
    17 nabídky

    ...sitio está funcionando en un servidor, pero se ha desconectado de las api, los productos que se ven en el catálogo no se están actualizando. El motivo de desconexión es posible que haya sido por el cambio de proveedor de hosting El Ecommerce funcionó sin problemas hasta hace algún tiempo. El trabajo que necesitamos es configurar de nuevo las api y los trabajos kron en el nuevo servidor, en el python, de manera que los catálogos queden sincronizados en tiempo real. Los productos en inventario, las cantidades, precios y demás items que suministran las api deben quedar enlazados y actualizarse de forma dinámica y automática. Video Adjuntamos los manuales que explican cómo se instala cada una de las ap...

    €162 Average bid
    €162 Průměr. nabídka
    22 nabídky

    ...therapist using ChatGPT API. The platform will be available on both web and mobile, allowing users to receive therapy support either for free with limitations or through a premium membership model. 1. Technology Stack Frontend (Web & Mobile) React.js or (For web application) React Native or Flutter (For mobile app) Tailwind CSS or Material UI (For UI design) Backend Node.js + or Python (FastAPI / Flask) PostgreSQL or Firebase (For user data & session management) Redis or Memcached (For session & therapy conversation caching) AI API Integrations API Usage ChatGPT API (GPT-4 Turbo) AI therapist for text-based therapy sessions Whisper API (OpenAI) Converts voice therapy sessions into text Google Natural Language API or Watson Tone Analyzer Analyzes the user’s e...

    €2488 Average bid
    €2488 Průměr. nabídka
    86 nabídky

    I need assistance in setting up a system using Python or MySQL to help me organize professional photos shared with me on WhatsApp. Details: - Photos are currently stored in multiple chat-specific folders on WhatsApp. - I need to create a folder for each person who sends me photos, so that I can easily identify who sent which design from our database. - Additionally, I need to rename the images for better organization and tracking. - Integrate the system with a MySQL database to store metadata about each photo, such as sender information, date received, and any custom tags. - Implement an automated sorting mechanism to move photos into the newly created folders as soon as they are downloaded from WhatsApp. - Include a bulk rename feature to easily rename multiple photos following a...

    €82 Average bid
    €82 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, Data Science, Statistics, or a related field. Must work in EST timezone and can work remotely Proven experience as a Data Scientist with a focus on Python programming. Strong understanding of computer vision and their implications on technology and business. Proficiency in machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch etc. Experience with data visualization tools. Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently as well as in a team. Strong communication skills with the ability to explain complex concepts to non-technical audiences. Experience with big data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, or similar. Knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Publications or researc...

    €956 Average bid
    €956 Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky
    6 dní left

    Necesito a un profesional con conocimientos en modelo de negocios, que me ayude a hacer lo siguiente: Diagnosticar la correlación entre los indicadores de calidad del servicio y los índices de productividad del equipo de atención al cliente en el centro de llamadas  Categ...entre los indicadores de calidad del servicio y los índices de productividad del equipo de atención al cliente en el centro de llamadas  Categorizar a los trabajadores en equipos de rendimiento basándose en la correlación entre la productividad y la calidad del servicio. Elaborar un modelo predictivo que facilite la predicción del rendimiento futuro de los trabajadores - Tengo un avance manejando PYTHON Y JUPYTER NOTEBOOL INDISPENSABLE. - Hable ...

    €121 Average bid
    €121 Průměr. nabídka
    17 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled Python developer who can create a trade bot for the Forex market that generates buy/sell signals specifically for the XAUUSD trading instrument. Requirements: - Proficiency in Python programming. - Experience in developing trading algorithms or bots. - Ability to implement real-time data fetching and signal generation based on market analysis. - Familiarity with Forex trading, especially XAUUSD. Deliverables: - A fully functional trade bot written in Python. - Documentation explaining how to use the bot and its features.

    €1362 Average bid
    €1362 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    Title: Seeking Python Developer for Chemical Database of Millions of Structures Description: We are looking for an experienced Python developer to build a robust and scalable chemical database capable of handling millions of chemical structures. The database should efficiently store and manage the following information: • Chemical structure of each substance • Unique identification number for each compound • Supplier details, including supplier name and ID linked to each structure Requirements: • Expertise in Python and database development (SQL, NoSQL, or specialized chemical databases) • Experience with chemical informatics tools (e.g., RDKit, Open Babel, ChemAxon) • Ability to handle and optimize large datasets • Familiarity with A...

    €7557 Average bid
    Doporučené Neodkladné
    €7557 Průměr. nabídka
    64 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled Python developer who can fetch real-time data from TradingView and generate Buy/Sell signals for Forex trading instrument 'XAUUSD'. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Python script to retrieve real-time Forex data from TradingView. - Implement an algorithm to generate Buy/Sell signals based on the fetched data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and experience with data fetching and processing. - Familiarity with TradingView and Forex market. - Strong algorithm development skills.

    €741 Average bid
    €741 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    Creating high-quality pool billiard simulation in Gazebo with advanced features. The simulation will be include a highly detailed pool table, realistic ball physics, and an interactive features like integration with ROS are desired. I am a mechatronics engineer with more than 3 years of experience in ROS and Al. I ha...projects using ROS, including three differential drive robots and one UUV robot. My expertise lies in various robotics concepts such as navigation, manipulation, design, control, sensing, and actuating. My Top Skills: 1. Robotics Frameworks: ROS1, ROS2,PX4 2. Embedded Systems: Raspberry PI, Arduino 3. CAD: SolidWorks, NX, Blender 4. Simulation: Gazebo, Webots 5. Database: MySQL 6. Programming: Python, C++, PHP 7. Library: OpenCV 8. Al Framework: TensorFlow

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky