Scan app windows phonepráce
Jedná se o byt 3+kk, import z Autocadu (DWG), ale zdi nejsou rovné (jedná se o rekonstrukci činžovního domu, který je celý křivý) s poměrně náročnými okny, které nejdou vytlačit kvůli těm zdem. Já musím udělat Design projekt, ale zasekla jsem se s těmi stěnami a už týden řeším obrysy. Potřebuji pomoc. I will send the floorplan in .dwg (2D) ...rekonstrukci činžovního domu, který je celý křivý) s poměrně náročnými okny, které nejdou vytlačit kvůli těm zdem. Já musím udělat Design projekt, ale zasekla jsem se s těmi stěnami a už týden řeším obrysy. Potřebuji pomoc. I will send the floorplan in .dwg (2...
K nastavení a údržbě systému Windows Server 2019 v Amazonu je zapotřebí kompetentní správce systému. Práce je vzdálená, na vyžádání, tj. jedná se o příležitostnou práci. První fází je správné nastavení a další fází je podpora a řešení případných problémů.
...Azure) včetně jejich nastavení, správy a řešení problémů. - Dobrou znalost počítačových systémů, zabezpečení, správy sítí a systémů, databází a systémů pro ukládání dat a telekomunikačních systémů. - Zkušenosti s virtualizačními technologiemi jako je VMware nebo Hyper-V. - Zkušenosti s prací s síťovými protokoly a službami (např. TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, VPN). - Zkušenosti s prací v systémech Linux a Windows Server. - Znalost nástrojů pro monitorování systémů (např. Nagios, Zabbix). - Znalost zálohovacích a obnovovacích řeše...
Hi, I need Download data from 3 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email The data will be in 3 files. Each url category will be 1 file. Sample file in attachment.
Hi, I need Download data from 4 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.
Download data from 2 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.
Cíl je vytvořit jednoduchou trategickou hru inspirovanou Starcraftem, která by byla hratelná i na mobilcích zařízeních. Video ukázka - - Uprava UI - Doprogramování systémů dle DD. Určeno pro: - Windows - Android
Potřebuji vytvořit ukázkový kód pro odesílání EET pro platformu FMX (Windows/Android). Delphi Seattle 10.2 nebo Delphi RIO 10.3.
...MS SQL Serveru Výběr - instalace dalších podpůrných modulů a nástrojů (např. ) WSO2 VSCode extension pro Visual Studio – preferované WSO2 Integration Studio Další nástroje… Výstupem by měl být podrobný popis kroků pro instalaci a základní nastavení všech používaných produktů. Pomoc s integrací již běžících služeb pomocí WSO EI Poznámky: - WSO EI Windows prostředí (pokud by to bylo výhodnější – Linux), asi by mělo běžet na virtuálním serveru - Měli bychom být schopni pomocí výstupů z jednotlivých bodů načerpat know-how abychom byli sc...
Mám databázi SQL obsahující objednávky zákazníků u odběratelů obsluhovanou v sw naprogramovaném v C#. SW běží ve Windows 7. Každá objednávka je definována identifikací odběratele, identifikací dodavatele, identifikací produktů, datumem a prostředníkem, přes kterého je objednávka dodána odběrateli. Potřebuju vytvořit reporty o těchto objednávkách ve formě 10-ti grafů a jedné tabulky. Reportům musí předcházet výpočty příslušných hodnot zobrazovaných v grafech přímo v SQL. Pro exporty se jeví jako vhodné namapovat SQL databázi s výpočty na excelov&yacu...
...7/2017 (bude dále existovat, ale datově se zmrazí) a nahradí ji jiný Gemius systém, kterému ovšem bude scházet datová historie, proto chceme udělat tuto zastřešující novou aplikaci, která to bude spojovat. Od 1.7.2017 se budou do SPIR OLA dostávat nová data jinou cestou: Každý den bude k dispozici proprietární datový GEM soubor obsahující komplet netmonitor data. K tomuto GEM souboru existuje windows offline API, které ho umí číst a vracet výsledky. Musíte tedy zvládnout přes toto offline API každý den automatizovaně dostávat data do nové aplikace SPIR OLA. Nová d...
Tvorba části našeho systému, která bude sloužit k tvorbě a editaci workflow - oběhu dokumentů. Nástroj v současné době existuje v podobě exe programu pro Windows, chceme jej přepsat do webové podoby. Jde o to, že v prostředí webu nakreslím vývojový diagram, každému prvku vývojového diagramu přidělím nějaké atributy. Výsledný graf předám ve formě JSON na server, který si jej uloží v databázi (serverová část není součástí zadání), zadání je pouze na tvorbu webového interface. - stavět se bude pravděpodobně na hotové knihovně pro tyto účely GoJS - -...
...nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spolupraca, Pocet...
...nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spolupraca, Pocet ...
...kodéra pro nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spoluprac...
Projekt přechod z prostředí MISYS / GEPRO do prostředí QGIS, spočívající v propojení QGIS a MS SQL server. MS SQL databázový stroj je dnes funkční a nainstalovaný na hardware ve firmě (verze 2008, případně 2014) Nultá fáze: instalace QGIS na pracovních stanicích 3 uživatelů, připojených do firemní síťové domény instalace QGIS do virtuálních pracovních stanic MS Windows server (terminal) Pilotní fáze: uživatel si v prostředí QGIS promítne rastrovou WMS mapu PK z cuzk uživatel zakreslí polygon tvaru parcely v prostředí QGIS uživatel polygonu přidělí ID hotov&yacu...
Popis: Potřebuj sběr účtenek obchodních řetězců s minimálním počtem 10 položek na 1 účtenku. Účtenky je třeba nascanovat do PDF či jiného grafického formátu (JPG). Lokalita: ČR - prodejny potravin Tesco, Albert, Kaufland, Lidl, Penny, Globus prodejny drogerie: dm, Rossman, Teta hobymarkety: OBI, Hornbach Termín: září 2015 Doplňující informace: - scan účtenky musí být ostrý, účtenka nepomačkaná, čitelná - ne účtenky se špatným tiskem (kde dochází barva) - minimálně na 1 účtence musí být 10 položek - datum účtenky musí být v rozmezí...
Aplikace bude zobrazovat články, videa, kontakty na odborníky (místo na mapě, přímé volání), jednoduché testy (dotazníky). Možnost průběžné aktualizace obsahu, push notifikace o novém obsahu
Analytické a implementační práce probíhají v sídle společnosti zákazníka. Předmětem implementace jsou: 1. ReadSoft Invoices - řešení pro automatizované vytěžování dat z přijatých faktur a souvisejících polostrukturovaných dokumentů 2. ELO ECM - systém pro správu dokumentů se schvalovacím workflow 3. Přenos dat mezi podnikovým informačním systémem a Invoices a ELO Potřebné technické znalosti: - Windows server, vč. práce s virtuálním serverem - SQL - Java - XML, XSL Základní instalace ReadSoft Invoices a ELO ECM prostřednictvím instalačního průvodce,...
I am seeking a proactive, multilingual female sales and support staff who can communicate fluently in one or more of the following languages: Tamil, Telegu, Kannad, Malayalam. The primary communication channel will be phone calls. Key Responsibilities: - Assist in sales support - Closing deals - Providing excellent customer support - Conducting feedback calls Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in one or more specified languages - Strong closing deals skills - Excellent customer support experience - Previous experience making feedback calls - Comfortable with phone communication This role is critical for our business growth and customer satisfaction. If you are a motivated individual with sales experience and the ability to speak one of the aforementioned languages fluently, I wou... service through cold call and cold DMs. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and Attract potential leads via cold calls to Americans who are interested to book a FREE home cleaning visit - Affiliate link and potential leads will be given by me. - Engage with each lead to generate interest in the services, one-to-one. Details required by the user: Zipcode, Name, personal email id, USA registered phone number, American home address, booking confirmation upon submit over email. No ads, only organic traffic required- Cold calls and cold DMS preferred Target audience- USA only Pay- 1 USD per 2 customer Daily Target- 50 customers a day Duration: Until Feb 28 - Your unique affiliate link will be shared to you - Pay will be released on reaching daily targets/ milestones - No u...
Service Member Excel Tracker. I need an Excel spreadsheet with automated formatting and drop-down lists. Conditional Formatting – The "Action" cell will turn red if more than 3 days have passed since the date was entered. Drop-Down Menus – "Types of Service" in Column B "Reason(s) for Visit" in...Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (CAA) • Org Box • Out-Processing • Out-Processing (PCS) Request • Quality Trigger • Tuition Assistance • Talk with an On-Post School Representative • Test Information • Transcript Request • VA Education Benefits (MGIB, VEAP, Top-Up) • Withdraw from a Class • Other • Column B: Last Name • Column C: First Name • Column D: DODID ID • Col...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to implement a Windows-based script for monitoring a designated daily folder for vehicle number plate images. This script should check every 5 seconds, referencing a text file of number plates (one plate per line). If a match is found, the script should trigger a Telegram alert using a provided API and chat ID. It must thereafter ignore that Ideal Skills: - Scripting in Windows - Familiarity with Telegram API - File I/O operations - Pattern matching and image processing (basic level) - Command script (.cmd) modification The text file contains a list of vehicle number plates. The script should look for these plates in the folder, which has images named with potential additional characters (wildcard). The frequency of checks is every 5 se...
I need an expert who knows how to change codes in macOS app ( for example .dll in windows ) i know the steps in windows but want to do it for maC .
...investigation to pinpoint the exact cause. Key Aspects to Consider: - The problem likely lies with the DLL files. - Potential causes could include: DLL files, patched files. - The issue is likely minor and can be fixed with a bit of investigation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Windows desktop application development, particularly at the kernel level. - Proficiency in debugging DLL files. - Experience with identifying time-related issues in software. - Familiarity with Windows drivers. Please, if you're not experienced in this field, do not submit a bid. If you are, ensure to provide detailed information about your relevant experience. I'm receiving many bids from freelancers who lack experience or are not genuinely interested, which i... issue like this before. If you are able to get the problem resolved within no more than a few hours. Lastly, I will not pay until the end of completion to my satisfaction of said project. If you can agree to all of this, please reach out on chat to me directly to discuss further. Here's a breakdown of the situation: - The problem is isolated to my personal profile, as my business page and phone are functioning correctly. - I can comment on videos, but not on photos. - This issue is impacting all photos on my personal Facebook posts. I need this issue resolved urgently, as it is affecting my business. I have already attempted various troubleshooting measures, including clearing caches, running full system cleanups, testing on different browsers, and trying from anothe...
I am looking to develop a mobile application for employee communication. The app will enable companies to register with basic details and invite employees to join a dedicated company group or channel. Employees can engage in group discussions, communicate privately with each other, and share files such as Word documents. Additionally, the app will maintain a communication history to ensure seamless collaboration and record-keeping. Core Features: 1. Company Registration: o Admin registers a company with basic details (name, industry, location, etc.). o Option to verify company email or phone number. 2. Employee Onboarding & Invitations: o Admin can invite employees via email or a unique code. o Employees sign up and join the company channel. 3. Company Channels &am...
...candidate should have a keen eye for detail and the ability to work efficiently while adhering to deadlines. If you have a strong portfolio showcasing similar projects, I would love to see your work! I need to upgrade my WordPress website with the following points. front section: 1. fix the login issue. show phone error for correct numbers 2. add a tag or message after login successfully so the event can be recorded with GTM 3. redesign the user profile page. the new page should display the phone number, name, store name, store category interest, store tag interest, city, country and user profile. 4. Show an alert message asking the user to complete his profile after login. 5. show the first 5 top categories on the home page. 6. add remember me option on the login screen...
This proposal aims to implement a login screen in a Flutter app with API integration for user authentication. The login screen will feature email/phone and password input fields, along with validation and error handling. The authentication process will involve sending login credentials to a backend API using Dio, handling responses, and securely storing tokens using Flutter Secure Storage. State management will be handled using Riverpod for a scalable and efficient architecture. This implementation will enhance user security and provide a seamless login experience.
I'm looking for a seasoned Android developer to create a full stack e-commerce app for me. The app should be developed in Kotlin, utilizing the MVVM architecture and implementing clean code principles. Key functionalities include: - User authentication and profile management - Product catalog and search features - Shopping cart and a seamless checkout process The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with: - Coroutines and flows - Firebase (including Firebase Cloud Messaging) - Room Database - Shared Preferences - Retrofit - Glide - Phone Play Integration A strong emphasis on clean, maintainable code is a must. The design aspect of the app is yet to be decided, so I would appreciate a developer with a good eye for design or the ability to imp...
I'm looking for a professional who can assist me in sending promotional broadcast messages to my customers via WhatsApp. - Content: The broadcast will primarily consist of promotional offers. - Customer List: I already have a ready list of customer phone numbers, so I need someone who can efficiently handle the sending of the messages. - Format: My customer list is in an Excel/CSV file, which I can provide. Ideal skills for this project would include experience with WhatsApp Business API, understanding of promotional messaging best practices, and proficiency in handling Excel/CSV files. Knowledge of data privacy regulations and best practices for customer communication is a plus.
I'm seeking a seasoned DevOps specialist to deploy my MEAN stack project on IIS/Nginx. The server is multi-operating system, running both Windows and Linux. Key Requirements: - Proficient with both Windows and Linux operating systems. - Extensive experience with the MEAN stack (MongoDB, , Angular, Node.js). - In-depth knowledge of IIS and Nginx web servers. - Strong skills in DevOps practices and tools. - Previous work with deploying applications on multi-OS servers. Project Details: - The MEAN stack project is already set up with MongoDB and Angular. The remaining components, and Node.js, will need to be configured and deployed. - You will be responsible for the entire deployment process, ensuring the application runs smoothly on both operating systems and on the se...
We are looking for a freelancer to scrape local B2B leads from a specific area in Germany, within a 25 km radius of a provided location. The data should include company names, addresses, websites, and phone numbers. The primary focus should be on: Industrial areas (Gewerbegebiete) Industrial/production companies Education and language learning centers Doctor and dentist offices (optional but welcome) The leads should be strictly B2B (Business to Business). We need accurate and up-to-date information on companies in the above sectors. Please ensure that the data is from verified, active businesses. Requirements: Experience in web scraping or lead generation Ability to work with data from various online sources Good understanding of the German B2B market and business types Knowled...
I need someone to edit my personal Instagram reel. The footage is shot on a standard phone, so the quality isn't top-notch. However, I believe with a good edit it can still shine! Key Requirements: - Edit the video with trendy effects and fast cuts - Highlight specific moments in the footage - Synchronize the edit with trending music Ideal Skills: - Strong video editing skills, particularly for Instagram content - Ability to implement fast-paced cuts and trendy effects - Good sense of timing for synchronizing with music If you have the experience and skills to help elevate my video, I look forward to your bid!
I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to create a dashboard for a property management app, similar to the Azuro app. The project involves utilizing a Laravel template I already have from Codecanyon and developing APIs for a Flutter app. Key Features: 1. Three levels of privileges: Tenant, Property Manager, and Landlord 2. Tenant Dashboard functionalities: - View lease agreements of his ap (203) - Submit maintenance requests - Pay rent - Communicate with the property manager or operations via in-app chat - Create QR codes for guests - Upload photos on move-in and move-out 3 property manager : Home Screen: You'll see an overview of Building 2: List of all apartments in the building, including Ap 203 Occupancy rates and upcoming ...
I need an AI web application that can identify windows or glass in an uploaded image. The app should be built using or a similar web-compatible AI framework. Key Requirements: - The application should allow users to upload images for analysis. - The detection results should be displayed as bounding boxes around the identified windows/glass. - I need the ability to overlay on the detected areas. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in web development with a strong understanding of TensorFlow.js. - Experience in building AI web applications. - Familiarity with image processing and computer vision techniques.
...visit - Affiliate link and potential leads will be given by me. - Engage with each lead to generate interest in the services, one-to-one. No ads, only organic traffic required- Cold calls and cold DMS preferred Target audience- USA only Pay- 1 USD per 2 customer Daily Target- 50 customers a day Duration: Until Feb 28 Details required by the user: Zipcode, Name, personal email id, USA registered phone number, American home address, booking confirmation upon submit over email. - Your unique affiliate link will be shared to you - Pay will be released on reaching daily targets/ milestones - No upfront or no campaigns fee or other charges will be provided, - No email marketing, no social media marketing. - No invalid email ids/ bots or fake users allowed - Each customer must sig...
I'm looking for a skilled team to develop an Android app featuring both Rummy and Teen Patti. The project involves creating a backend, integrating a payment gateway for Indian users, and incorporating phone number and OTP for user authentication. Key Requirements: - Development of a dual card game app (Rummy and Teen Patti). - Creation of a robust backend. - Integration of a secure payment gateway with options including UPI, Credit/Debit cards, and Mobile wallets. - Implementation of user authentication via phone number and OTP. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in developing Android game apps. - Proficiency in backend development. - Expertise in payment gateway integration, particularly for Indian market. - Skills in creating secure user authentication sy..., key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) WK COMMERCIAL CENTRE, JALAN BUNDUSAN, 88300 KOTA KINABALU, SABAH • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be rel...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to automate the transfer of leads from Facebook lead forms to our partner app. This task will involve mapping specific fields from the lead forms to our app's database and ensuring leads are automatically added to a database upon transfer. Key Requirements: - Experience with Facebook lead forms and API integration - Proficiency in database management - Familiarity with the Upgrad Partner App (or similar platforms) Specifics: - The leads will be transferred to the partner app and automatically added to a database - The following fields from the Facebook lead forms should be mapped: - Name and email - Phone number and address - Custom fields Please note, the initial design does not currently have a capture for...
I'm looking to build an AI voice bot with AWS Bedrock. The primary task of this bot is to perform auto triaging of customer and technical support inquiries over phone calls. It will also help to book appointment. Key Requirements: - The bot should be able to handle both customer support and technical support inquiries. - It needs to communicate effectively in English, Chinese, and Malay. - Experience with AWS Bedrock is a must. - Prior experience in creating voice bots for phone calls is highly preferred. - Understanding of AI and machine learning principles will be an added advantage. This is meant to be a prototype and two weeks project. Your expertise in these areas will ensure the successful delivery of this project. Looking forward to your proposal. Price is f...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an Android Mobile app that can scan multiple barcodes at once and generate a new combined code. Key Features: - The app should be able to scan and combine barcodes like "A1345" and "B1345" into one single code - This new code should be easily inputtable into my dispatcher's application - The dispatcher should only need to scan this single combined code, rather than individual codes Details to be included in the Generated Code: - Product names and IDs - Timestamps of scans - Quantity of items Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience with barcode and QR code applications - Knowledge of combining data into a new code - Ability to create user-frien...
We need to install server RDP on a Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.1 ISO. We need to connect to this Linux from Windows RDP. Access to Linux to install server RDP may be by Anydesk
I need a skilled professional to install my source code on a Windows-based VPS (Virtual Private Server). The project involves a front end built in React and a backend developed with Node.js. Key Responsibilities: - Install the necessary components on the server, which includes a Node.js runtime, and a web server (IIS). - Set up a database server (like MySQL) if required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in deploying applications on a VPS. - Deep understanding of React and Node.js. - Experience with Windows server management. - Knowledge in setting up and configuring IIS and MySQL.
...a smart Battery Management System (BMS) and the motor controller. Key Requirements: - The device can be based on either ESP or Arduino platforms. - It should communicate data through both cable and Bluetooth. - A web interface should be used to display key parameters such as voltage, current, and others, along with alerts and notifications. - The communication protocol should be CAN based - Windows Based Software which can be installed on any PC - Data logging can be done in two ways :Automatic (after every 10Sec) or at the press of a button - Data can be saved in excel format - These readings can. be saved by the name of the Student, Roll No, Branch, Name of lab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ESP and Arduino programming. - Experience with electric v...
...& beverage branding - Strong portfolio in packaging design - Deep understanding of printing requirements and material suitability Additional Info: - Please include your pricing for both logo and packaging. - I'd appreciate it if you could share your portfolio with relevant work samples. - Let me know how many revisions are included in your service. - I'm open to discussing the project over the phone or chat for further clarity....
Tengo una base de datos postgressql 8.4 corriendo en windows xp dejo de funcionar inexplicablemente, el servicio dejo de correr, ya no se puede empezar de nuevo, se hace respaldo de la carpeta DATA, se desinstala postgressql se borra la carpeta data y se elimina el usuario postgres manualmente, al reinstalar el programa el servicio funciona correctamente, pero al querer reemplazar la carpeta DATA que se respaldo pasa lo mismo, el servicio ya deja de funcionar y es imposible de reiniciar, lo mas probable que la carpeta DATA se haya dañado, se necesita comprobar datos y reinstalar de nuevo a su estado original
laravel 11 Hi developer I am looking for call mask between call each other Example Call from A to Call B No phone number show each other. Help Twilio or Vonage api This is example link
I am in need of a graphic designer to modify an existing PDF artwork for event promotion. The designer will remove certain elements from the original flyer and replace them with others as detailed below. Modification Details: - modify an existing PDF artwork for event promotion. The designer will remove certain elements from the original flyer and replace them with others as detailed below. Modification Details: - Delete the following words: 1) Wonka 2) Admit One 3) (Date, Door, Time & Place & 555 Blanktown Road) - Add the following elements: 1) Fireball Logo (where Wonka was) 2) Contact Details, Phone, Email & Website address at the bottom of the flyer It is also essential that the designer adheres to specific brand guidelines and colors w...