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Hello, I am in need of someone experienced with implementing the codeswholesale-sdk-php. There is also a WordPress plugin, but it hasn't been actively developed for several years. Either customize the old plugin or implement the API. I would need everything the plugin for WordPress can do (regular import, update, order synchronization). I need to import price relationships, product attributes, descriptions - all possible available product information. I am in a distributor position. I can provide API data on sandbox. () So, I would need either to modify the existing plugin or create a new one or implement it differently - for example, in functions.php. PHP SDK: Plugin no longer supported for
Hledám někoho šikovného na vytvoření webu ubytování. Web se bude skládat z pěti stránek: Úvodní stránka, vybavení, okolí, ceník a rezervace, kontakty. Na stránce rezervace bude umístěn rezervační formulář, vedle kterého bude kalendář s obsazeností objektu, tento kalendář bude měnit majitel. Doménu i hosting mám, designér dostane přihlašovací údaje a může začít tvořit. Termín vyhotovení do konce září.
Dobrý den, hledáme někoho, kdo by nám pomohl s integrací externího API do našeho e-shopu, který je založený na WordPressu. Součástí integrace je automatické vyřizování objednávek, nahrávání produktů a cen. Bližší informace po domluvě sdělíme. Děkujeme.
Busco diseñador con experiencia en Elementor Pro
Hi, I am looking for someone able to customize my Wordpress website. I have a functional site built with template and plugins, but I have some more requirements that I need to adjust. It is a private project about selling Sphynx cats. Expected start of cooperation: March 2022 I prefer Prague located, czech speaking developers.
Jedná se mi o následující úpravy na 1) Https certifikát na web 2) Přidání platbu kartou (plugin pořídíme dle vašeho doporučení) 3) Cookies na stránkách 4) Google analytics propojení 5) Potřebujeme vyřešit xml feed přes google product feed nejlépe (jedná se nám o další propojení prodeje na portálech jako FAVI, ETSY atd. pomocí feedu. Poprosím o cenovou nabídku. Toto potřebuji vyřešit jako první, poté bych rád další služby ohledně webu, grafiky, jazykové mutace atd. Předem díky za zpětnou vazbu. S pozdravem, Michal
Poptáváme tvorbu moderního a uživatelsky jednoduchého eshopu pro jeden produkt v několika variantách. V českém jazyce. Max. 100 položek.
Hledám člověka, který je schopný propojit feed Heureky do našeho eshopu. Shop běží na Shopify. URL: Díky Filip
Jedná se o taneční event. Stránky jsou hotové, eshop funguje taky ale v jednoduché formě tzn že jde platit jen převodem na účet a já pak musím všechno kontrolovat a rozesílat produkty ručně, produkty jsou jen v elektronické formě a proto potřebují následující: 1. nainstalovat platební bránu Comgate (tu již mám připravenou). 2. vytvořit registrační formulář v objednávce produktů (vstupenek). 3. vygenerovat čísla vstupenek (QR codů). 4. následně umístit tyto čísla do elektronických vstupenek (grafika je hotová). 5. vytvořit funkci automatického odesíláni potvrzujícího ema...
Dobrý den, máme shop s bateriemi, adaptéry a klávesnicemi. Běží na Prestashopu. Každý produkt v eshopu má několik stovek kompatibilit. Potřebujeme vytvořit XML feed, který bude generovat názvy v kombinaci s každou kompatibilitou. Příklad: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK ACER 19V 3.42A (5.5X1.7) Kompatibility v databázi: Acer Aspire 1200, Acer Aspire 1200X, Acer Aspire 1200XV, Acer Aspire 1202, Acer Aspire 1202X, Acer Aspire 1203X, Acer Aspire 1203XC, Acer Aspire 1203XV, Acer Aspire 1360, Acer Aspire 1410 Výsledek v XML exportu: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200 NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200X NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200XV NABÍ...
Dobry den Fando. Chtel bych se vas zeptat jestli by ste byl schopny udelat jedny web stranky. responsive a multi language a currency. Nechci zadny wordpres. Ale admin back end bych chtel treba cakephp nebo nakej framework to by bylo na vas. Stranky by porovnavaly ceny video her z vice online obchodu. Data feed jako cena her je prostrednictvim ftp nebo http ve vice formatech . nevim ktery je lepsi tak mozna mi s tim poradite. A nektere obchodi maji data feed via API. navrch vzchledu stranky bych mel. takze design by ste delat nemusel. Procte takovy klon stranek
Ahoj, potřebovala bych pomoc, poradit s úpravou webových stránek, které jsou vytvořené ve wordpressu. Ideálně Liberec / Praha. Díky, Lucie
1) Stávající eshop na Prestashopu jede na staré verzi. Chceme eshop zaktualizovat a nasadit xml feed. Přidat GoPay bránu. Ideálně i vytvořit místo na HP pro aktuální článek. Není podmínka Prestashopu, podmínka je ale systém jednoduchý pro následnou administraci eshopu ( bude ovládat člověk "nepolíbený" IT )
...Facestar jako součást rodiny. online magazine / blog that directs readers to the women-men 25-45let, rubrics health, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, technology, processing of each editorial articles, tips for readers. Seeking to back someone who can help with site traffic for customers, arrange online marketing including social networks, Facebook, Instagram, g +, pinterest. Furthermore I am seeking blogger / bloggers, who will work with us to form Facestar as part of the family....
Dobrý den, hledám spolupráci formou přeposílání objednávek či dropshippingu v oblasti SPORTU, posilování, suplementace pro nově rozvíjející se projekt. XML feed nutnosti. V případě zájmu mě prosím kontaktujte. Hezký den.
Jedná se o rezervační systém pro náš projekt. Backend rezervačního systému je již připravený. V tuto chvíli je třeba připravit šablonu do WP jakožto front end případně upravit již existující šablonu, aby vyhovovala našim potřebám. Šablona musí obsahovat následující - landing page s jednoduchým menu, možnost přihlášení a vyhledávání - profilovou stránku podniku (popis, fotka, služby, mapa) - stránku vyhledávání (bude částečně převzatá z backendu) - Rezervační stránku (částečně převzatá z backendu) - Jednoduchou prof...
...serve as a platform to share information about our events, showcase our organizational structure, and provide updates via a news feed. Key Features: - Events Page: A dedicated section to inform our audience about upcoming events. - Organization Structure: A clear and interactive display of our organization's hierarchy and teams. - News Feed: A functional and regularly updated section to keep our stakeholders informed about the latest news. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in creating interactive web features - Knowledge of website optimization and user experience design - Ability to integrate a news feed into the website Your bid should reflect your understanding of this project and your pro...
I need a professional to migrate my existing GoDaddy Website Builder site to WordPress. The WordPress setup is already done, with the domain connected and ready to go. Key Requirements: - Retain the layout, structure, color scheme, and typography of the current site - Design improvements are welcome - Transfer of all existing data and plugins - Implementation of one contact form - Integration with social media platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with website migration - Strong understanding of web design and UI/UX principles - Knowledge of social media integration - Expertise in creating contact forms on WordPress
WordPress plugins were updated and now the site says the following -"There has been a critical error on this website." I need someone to fix this error. There are no backups that can be restored. This needs to be done asap.
...looking for a professional who can design a Wordpress website template specifically for a law firm. This template should be tailored to the specific needs of a law firm, with a professional and trustworthy look and feel. Key Features: - A fully functional Contact form - A dedicated space for a monthly Blog - Customizable Team profiles section - An area for potential Appointment booking (this can be left as a placeholder for future use) The Contact form should include the following fields: - Name - Email - Phone Number - Message Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Wordpress - Strong background in web design, particularly for professional services - Ability to create user-friendly, engaging templates - Knowledge of SEO best practices for Wordpress - Experien...
see existing details in our other message feed
I am seeking a seasoned WordPress designer with a strong portfolio to do some design correctiona and page optimization in my website. WHO CAN REALLY DO ONLY TAKE WORK.
I'm seeking a WordPress expert to troubleshoot and enhance my Contact Form 7 setup. The form has some formatting errors, primarily styling inconsistencies that need to be corrected. Additionally, I require some specific styling changes related to font and color adjustments. Key Requirements: - Fixing the current formatting errors - Adjusting the form's styling to eliminate inconsistencies - Making specific font and color adjustments completing the automation The successful freelancer should have substantial experience with WordPress, Contact Form 7, and Elementor. They should also possess a strong eye for detail to ensure the form is properly aligned and visually appealing.
نبحث عن مبرمج لديه خبرة في Wordpress و PHP لإجراء تصحيح بعض الأخطاء ، تعديلات و إضافة بعض الميزات المذكرة في الملف
...Management of fish stocks and all relevant data per tank • Daily water parameter recording per tank (manual entry) with automatic alerts for critical values • Tracking of fish species, quantity, weight, age, and mortality rate • Historical data & stock development tracking • Reporting features for all relevant areas 3.2 Fish Feeding • Documentation of daily feeding amounts • Stock management of different feed types • Planning & administration of feeding schedules with automatic alerts for low stock levels 3.3 Work & Cleaning Management • Planning & documentation of cleaning tasks (including daily reports) • Stock management of cleaning agents • Automated reminders for scheduled cleanings 3.4 Employee Work Hours &bu...
...scalability. ? Key Features & Requirements User Registration & Payment Integration ✅ Users must fill in their details to register ✅ PhonePe Payment Gateway integration (we already have) ✅ ₹xx/year for general users, ₹xxx/year for business users (as an in-app purchase add-on) Community Engagement & Networking ✅ User-generated posts (Admin approval required before going live) ✅ Geolocation-based content feed (Auto-detect region, manual switch available) ✅ Search & connect with members (Users can send chat or contact requests) ✅ Paid contact unlock system – ₹xx for 10 contacts, ₹xxx for 35 contacts Business Promotions & Ads ✅ Business users can post content in a “Business” tab ✅ Pop-up ads for business promotions (paid feature) ✅ General user...
My website is currently down due to a critical error. The error message indicates a missing file and an issue with the require function in wp-settings.php. I have not made any recent changes or updates that could have caused this problem,...recent changes or updates that could have caused this problem, and unfortunately, I do not have a backup of the site. Here are the specifics: - The error message states: 'failed to open stream: No such file or directory' and 'Failed opening required'. - I can provide Control Panel access to assist with diagnosing the issue. Skills and experience ideal for this project: - Proficient in PHP and WordPress debugging - Experience with server management and troubleshooting - Ability to work under pressure for urgent fixes - Excep...
...might need asset finance.") AI generates a context-aware email paragraph Train Your Own Model (Advanced & Requires More Resources) Fine-tune Llama 2/3 or use T5/BART for text generation. Requires data annotation, model training, and a GPU-powered environment (AWS, Azure, or on-premises servers). 3. Application Logic & Automation You need a system to: Pull data from your database & LinkedIn API Feed relevant details into an AI model Generate personalized paragraphs Insert AI-generated content into email templates How to build it: Backend: Python-based API (FastAPI, Flask, or Django) AI Integration: OpenAI API, Hugging Face, or local fine-tuned models Scheduler: Celery (for batch processing) or event-driven workflows Storage & Caching: Redis for fast lookups ...
I'm seeking a skilled developer with extensive experience in WordPress Plugin modifications, PHP, and API integrations. I have multiple projects lined up and am looking to establish a long-term working relationship. The immediate task involves integrating Google Sheets with the WPCargo Track and Trace plugin. The goal is to automate both shipment creation and updates. The process is as follows: - A customer fills out a Gravity Form on Site A. - The input from the form is sent to a Google Sheet. - The information is then relayed to the WPCargo plugin, either establishing a new shipment or updating a current one. - The integration must also accommodate the "status" feature in WPCargo. Key Requirements: - Proficient in WordPress and PHP. - Strong background in ...
I'm facing a problem with my WordPress plugin that's supposed to connect to Beds24 via the API. The plugin is receiving a 500 response from the API. I do have access to the Beds24 API documentation v2 What I Need: - A thorough examination of my WordPress plugin code. - Identification of the cause of the API connectivity issue. - Fixing the problem so the plugin can successfully connect to the Beds24 API v2 Ideal Skills: - Strong knowledge of WordPress and its plugins. - Proficient in troubleshooting API connectivity issues. - Familiarity with Beds24 would be a plus. - Ability to read and understand plugin code.
My website, likely built on WordPress, is in need of a new web developer to fix several issues. Primarily, I require assistance with: - Plugin configuration or updates: Some of my site's plugins seem to be malfunctioning or are in need of an update. - Security issues: I have concerns about the site's security and would appreciate a thorough audit and necessary fixes to ensure the site is secure. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with WordPress, particularly with plugin management and security enhancements. A keen eye for detail and a proactive approach to problem-solving will be crucial in restoring my website to optimal functionality.
**Project Overview:** I have already started building an **automated blog website**, but I need a skilled developer to step in and **refine, optimize, and complete the project**. The website integrates **Google News, RSS feeds, , and ChatGPT** to create an automated content pipeline. However, my current setup is not effective, and I need an expert to **fix, enhance, and finalize the site** to ensure it runs smoothly and meets my goals. The ultimate objective is to have a **fully automated, SEO-optimized blog** that continuously updates with fresh content and incorporates **affiliate marketing strategies** for monetization. **What I Need:** 1. **Website Review & Optimization** - Assess my current website setup and identify areas that need improvement. - Ensure...
I'm in need ASAP, a fresh, appealing football match design to use in instagram feed (The recommended size for profile grid photos is 1080 x 1350 pixels (4:5 ratio) and another one for story (The recommended size for Instagram stories is 1080 x 1920 pixels and 9:16 aspect ratio) for my football game today Saturday 1st March. The design needs to be vibrant and captivating to catch the eye of my followers. Key Elements to Include: - Team's Colors: The banner should reflect my team's colors - red, yellow, black, and white ( in this order of importance). - Player Action Photos: Incorporate dynamic player action photos to add excitement and energy to the design. - Modern and Sleek Style: The overall design should be contemporary and polished. - Prominent Team Logo: Ensure m...
I need an expert who can Migrate our old Picture Galleries from Wordpress to our new WIX Website. Very Important is to have URL's redirection, so google can still find those Pictures under new Links and Old links are redirected to the new ones. Right now we are strugling with going live with our WIX Site until all URL's are not migrated to avoid problems with Google Ranking. We need very fast solution, only someone who can do it ASAP.
I need a developer who can fix a small issue on my WordPress website. The specifics of the issue are currently unclear to me. It could be related to design, functionality or performance. Key Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Strong troubleshooting skills - Experience with WordPress design and functionality - Knowledge of WordPress performance optimization - Ability to work with various plugins and widgets Please note, I am not sure if any of my installed plugins are related to the issue. Therefore, a good understanding of common WordPress plugins would be beneficial.
My custom WordPress plugin displays sporting fixtures and results from an external XML feed. It is experiencing bugs that need urgent attention. It functions up to PHP version 7.0, but fails to work in any version above PHP 7.0. This is causing significant compatibility issues and hindering the performance of my website at The website is currently on PHP 7.0 to ensure the basic functionality of the plugin until this issue is resolved. I then want to upgrade to PHP 8.4. Also for each ClubID, the plugin only displays one Fixture and one Result for each date and time. So if you had two games at the same date and same time in two different competitions, the plugin will only return one of them. I need it to return all fixtures and all results regardless of more...
I have a single question that I need answered for $10. It is about getting the APIs of Jobs websites to implement into my website to get RSS feed of all their jobs postings So, what I need from you is a Jobs website that ALLOWS us to post their jobs, and their API
I am looking for a skilled web developer who can create a WooCommerce-powered WordPress website for me. While the specific purpose of the site is yet to be determined, it could involve selling products or services, or showcasing a portfolio. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce - Ability to implement a custom design or adapt a pre-made theme - Experience with eCommerce features such as customer reviews, product search/filter, and discount coupons - SEO and responsive design skills will be a plus Please feel free to make suggestions based on your expertise and experience.
I am looking for a skilled web developer who can create a WooCommerce-powered WordPress website for me. While the specific purpose of the site is yet to be determined, it could involve selling products or services, or showcasing a portfolio. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce - Ability to implement a custom design or adapt a pre-made theme - Experience with eCommerce features such as customer reviews, product search/filter, and discount coupons - SEO and responsive design skills will be a plus Please feel free to make suggestions based on your expertise and experience.
Hi there, please see attached The website consists of 10 pages. You do not need to worry about designing the graphics for this as I have found a graphics designer myself.
I'm running an e-learning site on the Buddyboss App (built with React Native), and the app's speed is causing inconvenience to our customers. Issues: - Delay in initiating and sending Live messages - Slow video uploads in Activity Feed and Forums - Lagging video playback (Vimeo videos play smoothly) I need an expert to identify the root causes of these performance issues and suggest improvements. The investigation should focus on: - Network environment: Communication speed and latency between the app and the server - Server: Processing capability, load, database, optimization status of the Rapyd server - App: Code, plugin conflicts, cache, version compatibility - Videos: Encoding format, size, resolution, playback compatibility Deliverables: - Root cause analysis repor...
I'm looking for a fully functional job posting website with integrated social media features like to LinkedIn. Key Features: - Social Media Integration: Users should be able to create profiles, network with others, and receive updates via a news feed. A messaging and chat function is also crucial for user interaction. - Job Posting: The site should accommodate various types of job postings - full-time, part-time, and freelance/contract work. - User Authentication: For seamless access, I would need a mix of user authentication methods including Email and password, Social media login, and Single Sign-On (SSO). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development, specifically creating job posting sites. - Experienced in integrating social media features into websites. ...
...experienced developer to transform my friend's existing ASP website into a WordPress site hosted on cPanel. Key Requirements: - Replicate the Homepage, Contact Page and a small member's database of roughly 100+ members from the original site. - Implement a User Authentication and Membership system, Blog and news updates, and Form submissions and contact requests as seen on the ASP site. - Maintain the overall layout and structure, as well as the color scheme and branding from the original site. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress development and cPanel management. - Experience with user authentication and membership system integration. - Strong understanding of ASP and ability to replicate its functionalities in WordPress. - Good eye for design to ac...
I run a BigCommerce online store selling physical goods and I'm looking for a seasoned freelancer to help me enhance my visibility on Google Shopping. I have a Goo...visibility on Google Shopping. I have a Google Merchant Center account but need assistance with creating new data feeds and setting them up correctly. Key Responsibilities: - Creating new data feeds for my products - Ensuring the feeds are optimized for visibility and customer attraction Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Shopping and BigCommerce - Expertise in e-commerce product feed creation and optimization - Strong problem-solving skills for troubleshooting any potential setup issues I look forward to working with someone who can help me make my store more visible and successful on G...
I'm looking for a WordPress expert to rebuild my portfolio website. You'll need to strictly adhere to the design style outlined in my style guide. Key features of the site will include: Ideal skills for this project include a deep understanding of WordPress, experience in building portfolio websites, and a keen eye for design to ensure the site aligns with my specified style guide.
I have a Wordpress website that I have not been able to finish and would like to get help to redesign it. I am knowledgeable on Wordpress in general but I don't have the time to do it all myself ( and I don't know it all). I am looking for a professional Wordpress designer that will help me find the right theme and add the right plugins. This is a membership site. The membership is already handled by the Ultimate Membership Pro plugin. The website offers the download of publications in pdf and software and an appropriate download method through Amazon AWS has to be set up (file storage) with a good download protection system so download links cannot be shared. The website is a kind of file sharing club with access by membership paid through Paypal and other ...
...experienced freelance web developer or agency to design, develop, and optimize a corporate website and an eCommerce website for our company specializing in IoT, IIoT, and Electronic Surveillance solutions. The website should be scalable, SEO-friendly, and performance-optimized, with seamless lead generation and eCommerce capabilities. 2. Scope of Work A. Corporate Website Development CMS: WordPress (preferred) or a custom-built CMS. Design: Modern, professional, and corporate-style UI/UX. Key Sections: Home About Us Products (With product details but without direct purchase) Solutions & Services Use Cases Support Blog Careers News & Events Contact Us (With lead capture form and ch...
I'm looking for a professional who can connect the API of with my WordPress site to download property listings. Key Requirements: - API connection: The freelancer should have experience connecting APIs with WordPress. - Data Download: The project involves downloading property listings from the API. - Implementing Search and Filter Options: The downloaded listings should come with search and filter options.
I'm launching a blog/content sharing website on WordPress and need expert assistance to set it up. I want a seamless integration of social media sharing features. Ideal skills for the job: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proficient in website development - Knowledgeable in social media integration - Able to provide post setup support - Excellent communication skills for clear understanding of my vision