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    2,000 real time chat with node js Nalezené pracovní možnosti
    Flutter UI ASAP
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    We need a freelancer to create the user interface (UI) using Flutter. We've already made the design in Figma. You can find the...Figma link, take a look at the entire design, and then send us a quote for the project.

    €288 Average bid
    €288 Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky

    We need a freelancer to create the user interface (UI) using Flutter. We've already made the design in Figma. You can find the...Figma link, take a look at the entire design, and then send us a quote for the project.

    €116 Average bid
    €116 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    Hello, I am looking for somone that creates a small landscape in un real engine, This project is for a small fashion brand, I have the avatar but I need someone who creates all the background. there has to be three different angles, so the total would be 3 pictures Preferably someone that has done fashion works

    €164 Average bid
    €164 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    ...ubytovací portály. PWA aplikacích pro hotelové hosty a hoteliéry. Různých API na systémy třetích stran (zámky, vytápění, restaurační systémy, mobilní aplikace, aj.). Jaké technologie budeš používat? Backend píšeme v PHP8 (Zend 1 / Symfony 6) - pokud neznáš nevadí, stačí znát jakýkoliv jiný framework (Nette, Laravel, ...). Data ukládáme do MySQL (MariaDB), ElasticSearch nebo Redisu. Pokud umíš i JS, můžeš nám pomocí s vývojem ve Vue.js, TypeScript nebo ExtJS, ale není to nutnost, hledáme i čistě backenďáky. Na messaging použ&...

    €32 / hr Average bid
    €32 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky

    Potřebuji vytvořit dashboard pro meho chatbota vytvoreneho v html css js a logika v pythonu. Chci ten dashboard mit jako webovou applikaci

    €128 Average bid
    €128 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    In order to understand the real estate market in a specific city (Praha) in a small European country (Czech Republic), I would like to scrape the real estate listings from a website (). The website has ~5000 listings of apartments for rent, and ~7000 listings of apartments to buy. Goal is to scrape all the listings including its details, categorized correctly in Excel, to enable comparison of apartments by their size, condition, location within the city, etc. The website is in Czech language and I will happily translate anything you need. It is a one-time scraping, but please consider also the option of continuous scraping. The web scraping could potentially be expanded to other cities (within the same real estate website) Apartments to buy:

    €132 Average bid
    €132 Průměr. nabídka
    35 nabídky
    Chat moderator
    Ukončeno left

    Datum orientační, když se bude jednat o dlouhodobou spolupráci.

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    potřebuji do svých stránek udělat sip klienta. Používám laravel, php a javascript. Takže nejlépe v JS. Potřebuji to promtně turbo rychle

    €449 Average bid
    €449 Průměr. nabídka
    17 nabídky

    I need to scrape data from real estate website. Specifically data under these two filters: Together some 9300 real estates in two separate datasets. Only the text data is needed (no pictures, no maps), preferably in xls or csv.

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Průměr. nabídka
    26 nabídky app - fetching data from 3rd party data provider (API). The UI code is ready but required to integrate with our API and 3rd part football API. the app design is ready and we developed the UI Widget design: This has the following features - Login and signup (our own API) - show the result for old and real-time football games (3rd part API) - Follow special teams to see a recent update about the team. - display news

    €526 Average bid
    €526 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky
    build me a website
    Ukončeno left

    [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

    €161 Average bid
    €161 Průměr. nabídka
    32 nabídky
    €296 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    ASAP Hledáme grafika - freelancera - pro pomoc s přípravou nové webstránky (takové produktové microsite). Web bude celý vytvořený ve Squarespace, šablona už je vybrána a naplněna strukturou i nefinálním obsahem. Teď potřebujeme id...nefinálním obsahem. Teď potřebujeme ideálně někoho, kdo by do téhle šablony uměl co nejsamostatněji našroubovat naši identitu (skrz obrázky, infografiky, formátování textů a další grafické elementy). Představovali bychom si to ideálně tak, že by naše nová externí posila dostala přístup do šablony, k tomu naše brand guidelines a obs...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky Figma and other applications on design 2. Animation software if need be 3. Vscode, GitHub, 4) Mongo Database, Express NOde, for back end React or Angular for front end Comment, revision, visual commenting Example pages to understand kind of work needed Would be such 5000 Pages in Phase 1 to develop in batch of 100 or 1000 pages

    €2625 Average bid
    €2625 Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky

    Potrebujeme udelat nekolik updatu na jiz existujici aplikaci (Python, Django, JS). Vzhledem k tomu, ze vetsina updatu ma byt hotova pred Vanoci, potrebujeme nekoho, kdo se bude moci projektu plne venovat a bude to pro nej priorita. V pripade spokojenosti je zde sance na dlouhodobou spolupraci. Vice info povime ve zprave.

    €29 / hr Average bid
    €29 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky
    Build a website
    Ukončeno left

    Membuat Properti (Real Estate) Website

    €680 Average bid
    €680 Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    Jiný, nebo nejsem si jistá/ý Javascript Vývoj komponent pro JS knihovnu pro spec. webové aplikace. Potřebujeme znalost zejm. JS. Okrajové též HTML/CSS a orientaci v XML.

    €537 Average bid
    €537 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    EN App Stack Node backend application is written in asynchronous. Frontend in react. What is the problem? We have GoPay (Czech payment gateway) integration with Shopify as a third-party gateway. We right now have some small issues we need help with regarding backend codebase. We need someone experienced with REST API’s and ideally with payment gateways. API’s CZ Stack Node backend aplikace napsaná v asynchronně, frontend je v react.js. Co je za problém? Máme GoPay integraci pro Shopify, nyní však nemáme kapacitu na to se o aplikaci starat a vznikly tam některé potíže které se týkají backend části, proto hledáme něko...

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    ...přenos, aniž by sis něčeho neobvyklého všiml. Ale chceme být ještě lepší, ještě větší. Chceme být nejlepší. A k tomu potřebujeme vytvořit dobrou webovou aplikaci, proto potřebujeme tebe! Hledáme: • Vývojáře na frontend single page webové aplikace pro zákazníky, v JavaScriptu. • Chceme ji mít dnešní, hledáme člověka se zkušenostmi s jedním z JS Frameworků a knihoven jako jsou Angular, React.js, Redux, Angular 2 (už se blíží release). • Orientace v JS ekosystému, určitě budeš znát slova a zkratky webpack, ES6/ES7, node.js, &hellip...

    €3935 Average bid
    €3935 Průměr. nabídka
    16 nabídky

    Pracujte pro 16 REAL FRIENDS! - jsme parta lidí, kteří věří, že by se lidé měli častěji vídat se svými přáteli offline, věnovat se jim a nekoukat pořád do obrazovky svého mobilu. Máme za sebou silného investora a jsme kousek od spuštění. 2015 byl rok, kdy jsme získali investici pro náš projekt a začali ho vyvíjet. Aktuálně potřebujeme stabilizovat náš tým a získat mezi nás motivované a šikovné lidi, kteří jsou připraveni být při spuštění globálního projektu a dále ho rozvíjet. Doposud jsme řešili vývoj pomocí agentury...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    Dobrý den, našel jsem Váš profil tady na Rád bych Vás oslovil s nabídkou práce na webových projektech (z velké většiny možné dělat vzdáleně) - jedná se o klasické webové projekty - implementace webu v HTML, CSS dle šablony, případně JS. Momentálně se jedná o projekt pro jednoho z největších českých mobilních operátorů. Délka trvání projektu je 4-6 měsíců. Pokud by Vás to zajímalo, tak bych Vás poprosil o životopis (ideálně v .pdf), o Vaše časové možnosti, o možnosti (pokud nějaké) být on-site v Praze, a hodinov...

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Project for ZdenekPa
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, našel jsem Váš profil tady na Rád bych Vás oslovil s nabídkou práce na webových projektech (z velké většiny možné dělat vzdáleně) - jedná se o klasické webové projekty - implementace webu v HTML, CSS dle šablony, případně JS. Momentálně se jedná o projekt pro jednoho z největších českých mobilních operátorů. Délka trvání projektu je 4-6 měsíců. Pokud by Vás to zajímalo, tak bych Vás poprosil o životopis (ideálně v .pdf), o Vaše časové možnosti, o možnosti (pokud nějaké) být on-site v Praze, a hodinov...

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Hledáme účetní na 2 dny v týdnu v Karlíně na DPP s min 3 letou praxi. Znalost AJ.

    €239 - €716
    €239 - €716
    0 nabídky
    Keep Chat.
    Ukončeno left

    hiii hw r u ....................................................................................................................................................................

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Video chat
    Ukončeno left

    Jednoduchy videochat s 3 kategoriami na vyber

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Vytvořit animaci
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?

    €225 Average bid
    €225 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Jedna se o webovy portal s video obsahem dostupnym po zaplaceni (preview mozne zdarma). Je mozne pouzit predpripravene (opensource) CMS systemy a templaty. Dle detailne pripraveneho zadani vcetne mockupu (pdf, Balsamiq) je potreba vytvorit portal o cca 20 ruznych strankach. Stranky by mely byt v HTML5/CSS3/JS a PHP (PHP neni podminkou) s responsivnim designem upravenym pro mobilni zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Pl...

    €2451 Average bid
    €2451 Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky
    As write on chat
    Ukončeno left

    personalization jira

    €49 Average bid
    €49 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Sign me up fo real
    Ukončeno left

    Easy-peasy PSD => HTML signup

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...Making short-form videos and reels for engagement. ✅ Real estate & investment industry understanding – Our business is complex, so you'll need to work closely with us to grasp our messaging and audience. I will provide guidance on the content and messaging, but I need someone proactive and creative to bring the visuals and social posts to life. If you have experience in real estate, finance, or investment-related social media marketing, that’s a big plus! Please share: ✔ Your portfolio with relev ant work samples ✔ Your pricing/packages ✔ Any experience with real estate, investment, or financial industries Looking forward to working with the right expert! Best regards The focus will be on keywords and strategies ...

    €336 Average bid
    €336 Průměr. nabídka
    33 nabídky

    Hi I'm looking for an experienced website developer for a food service. I have the name, domain, logo, favicon, brand guidelines but i need some time to work on the textual contents (you can use placeholders, meanwhile) I want the website to be developed in pure html, js and css (no wordpress) it needs to be great on mobile, reach a pagespeed score of 80 mobile and 100 desktop, have dark mode and be seo friendly. It will be of max 5 'pages' but I'd prefer it to be a single page website (with lazy loading of the images, i suppose). You will have to design it and implement it. Max 600 euros. Please bid only if you have a great portfolio. Thank you.

    €474 Average bid
    €474 Průměr. nabídka
    120 nabídky

    ...communication with Arabic-speaking visitors, buyers, and suppliers, we are seeking a professional translator who is fluent in both Arabic and English. Key Responsibilities: Provide real-time translation between Arabic and English during business discussions. Assist in explaining our products and services to potential clients. Support in interpreting negotiations, inquiries, and trade discussions. Help in translating documents, brochures, and communication materials if needed. Act as a cultural bridge to enhance business interactions. Requirements: Fluency in Arabic and English (spoken and written). Prior experience in business translation (preferably in the food or agro industry). Availability full-time during the exhibition (February 17-21, 2025). Professi...

    €421 - €842
    €421 - €842
    0 nabídky

    I'm looking for an expert who can create a minimalist Shopify website for me. The store will be dealing with selling physical goods. Key Functionalities: - Product reviews: I want my customers to be able to leave their thoughts and experiences with the products. - Inventory management: I need a seamless system that tracks my product stock in real-time. - Discount codes: The ability to create and manage discount codes for promotional purposes is essential. The store needs to work with instagram. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Shopify with a strong portfolio of minimalist e-commerce sites. - Experience in setting up product review systems, inventory management tools, and discount code functionalities. - Understanding of the need...

    €120 Average bid
    €120 Průměr. nabídka
    73 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled security researcher to help me write a paper focused on penetration testing for web ap...researcher to help me write a paper focused on penetration testing for web applications. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive knowledge and experience in application security, specifically web applications. - Proven track record in penetration testing. - Excellent research and writing skills. The paper will primarily focus on: - Current penetration testing techniques for web applications. - Real-world examples of web application vulnerabilities. - Recommendations for improving web application security through effective penetration testing. The aim is to create a comprehensive, insightful, and informative paper that contributes to the field of web applic...

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky

    Hiring: RTSP Video Mosaic Application (C++/Qt/GStreamer) – Windows & Linux We are looking f...RTSP Video Mosaic Application (C++/Qt/GStreamer) – Windows & Linux We are looking for an experienced C++ developer with expertise in Qt and GStreamer to create a multi-platform video mosaic application for real-time RTSP streaming. ? Key Features: ✅ Supports H.264 & H.265 ✅ Configurable 1, 4, 9, or 16-camera mosaic ✅ Automatic reconnection for disconnected streams ✅ Multi-monitor support (single or dual-screen fullscreen mode) ✅ Overlay logo support + offline placeholder image ✅ Password-protected settings + persistent configuration If you have strong C++/Qt/GStreamer experience, apply with your portfolio, estimated delivery time, and ...

    €547 Average bid
    €547 Průměr. nabídka
    20 nabídky

    3000 real estate broker and agents from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

    €119 Average bid
    €119 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...that enables creators to sell digital content such as photos, videos, and PDFs. The platform should provide seamless content uploads, secure transactions, real-time analytics, and an integrated affiliate program to drive more start your bid with "Banana" to get considered Key Features Required: Flutter App (iOS & Android): User Authentication: Support for email Content Uploads: Users can upload videos, images, and PDFs Monetization & Payments: Users can set their own prices for content Secure Transactions: Integrated payment gateway (Stripe, PayPal) Unique Download Links: Generate shareable links for purchased content Real-Time Analytics: Track earnings, downloads, and purchases Affiliate Program: Users can generate referral links...

    €2990 Average bid
    €2990 Průměr. nabídka
    133 nabídky

    Project Title AI/ML-Based Trading Strategy Optimizer Overview I have a collection of backtested trading strategies with historical performance metrics (e.g., win rate, drawdown, return, etc.) stored in Excel files. The goal is to leverage AI/ML techniques to find the best combination of these strategies—or select a subset of them—to maximize profitability while minimizing drawdowns. We need a freelancer with extensive knowledge in machine learning, data analysis, and algorithmic trading to develop a robust optimization framework that: Reads and processes backtest results from Excel. Builds (or uses) suitable AI/ML models or optimization algorithms. Outputs an optimal set (or ranking) of strategies and/or weights to allocate among strategies. Ensures that the ch...

    €49 / hr Average bid
    €49 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky
    €98 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...versatile app for my real estate company. This application should effectively manage both our property inventory and channel partners. Key Features: - Property Inventory Management: The app should support managing a diverse range of properties, both residential and commercial. - Channel Partner Handling: It should also facilitate seamless interaction and coordination with our channel partners. Property Inventory Specifics: - Automated Listing Updates: The app should automatically update property listings to ensure current availability and status. - Detailed Property Descriptions: Each property should have a comprehensive description for easy identification and understanding. - Property Status Tracking: The app should enable tracking of each property's status in ...

    €2294 Average bid
    €2294 Průměr. nabídka
    61 nabídky

    I need a professional to design the turning circles for a 3 car garage at a real property in NSW. The design must comply strictly with Australian Standard AS 2890.1 and cater primarily for SUVs. Key Requirements: - The design needs to strictly adhere to the regulations set forth by the Australian Standard AS 2890.1. - It should be compatible with the maneuverability of SUVs, which are the primary vehicles that will use the garage. - Space efficiency is a secondary consideration, but it should not compromise regulatory compliance or the usability of the garage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Understanding of Australian Standard AS 2890.1. - Previous experience with designing vehicle turning circles. - Capability to design for space efficiency without compromis...

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    ...for a skilled web developer to create a dynamic website with live updates similar to Sky Exchange. The website should not include payment processing, but needs to feature live odds. Key Requirements: - Development of a Dynamic Website: The website should be dynamic, capable of updating in real-time to display live odds. - User Registration and Login: The site needs to have a user registration and login functionality. This will allow users to create accounts and log in to view custom content. - Admin Panel: An admin panel will be required for managing the odds. This will allow for easy updates and modifications to the odds displayed on the site. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development with a focus on creating dynamic, real-time websites....

    €162 Average bid
    €162 Průměr. nabídka
    24 nabídky
    Adult Video Platform Development
    6 dní left

    I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to create an adult video website with the following key features: - **Content Uploading**: The site should allow for mixed content, incorporating both user-generated and licensed professional videos. The developer must implement a robust system for content moderation and quality control. - **Video Streaming**: The website needs to support HD/4K video streaming, with live streaming capabilities for real-time content. This will require the developer to have experience with video streaming technologies and platforms. - **User Registration and Profiles**: The site will need a comprehensive user registration and profile system. This could include features such as personalized content feeds, user interaction capa...

    €2659 Average bid
    €2659 Průměr. nabídka
    38 nabídky

    I'm seeking an experienced travel technology developer who can integrate multiple flight booking AP...B2B portal and consolidate them into a single API for distribution to our B2B agents. Key Tasks: - Integrate the Flight Booking API from various providers, primarily Amadeus and Travelport. - Ensure the API provides real-time availability, facilitates price comparison, and supports booking management. - Create a single, consolidated API for ease of use and distribution. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in travel technology. - Proficiency in API integration. - Familiarity with the Amadeus and Travelport flight booking APIs. - Strong understanding of real-time availability, price comparison, and booking management features. - Experi...

    €698 Average bid
    €698 Průměr. nabídka
    40 nabídky

    ...Retargeting: The .npy keypoints should drive the 3D model’s movement in real time or from pre-processed animation files. ✅ Facial Rigging: Preferred but optional (for facial expressions if keypoints allow). Tech Stack: Blender (for model rigging & animation setup) React Native (for app development) / React Three Fiber (for rendering 3D models in React Native) Python (optional) for processing .npy keypoints and exporting compatible animation data Bonus (Preferred but not required): ➕ A Python script for importing .npy keypoint data into Blender and converting it to a format usable in the app. ➕ Experience with motion capture retargeting and React Native 3D rendering. Deliverables: ? Fully rigged .blend model compatible with Mediapipe Holistic keyp...

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled developer or a team to build a comp...for offers & promotions to make healthcare more accessible. - A feature for handling prescriptions seamlessly. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience in developing healthcare-related platforms. - Strong skills in building user-friendly interfaces. - Ability to ensure data security and privacy in accordance with healthcare regulations. - Proficiency in creating scalable systems to handle increasing loads over time. Tech to be used: Backend: Node Frontend: React.js Database: MongoDB Mobile app: Flutter REFER ATTACHED FILE FOR MORE INFO The goal is to create a platform that not only simplifies the process of scheduling doctor and lab appointments but also enhances the overall...

    €3025 Average bid
    €3025 Průměr. nabídka
    91 nabídky

    I'm seeking a freelancer t...monitoring technology using oximeter and present data to students via the sensor and a real-time smartphone app that provide also the training. Key components to include: - Market analysis of the Indian education system, specifically targeting IIT aspirants. - Financial projections and funding requirements. - Marketing strategy for the biofeedback solution. - Development plan for the smartphone app and biofeedback technology. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in creating business plans, particularly in the tech or education sector. - Understanding of biofeedback technology and its application in education. - Proficiency in market analysis and financial projections. - Familiarity with the Indian education system a...

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky
    Application Development -- 3
    6 dní left

    We are tasked with developing a comprehensive application designed to streamline the attendance and daily updates of nursing staff across various locations. This application should aim to enhance communication and efficiency within healthcare facilities. As we move forward with this project, it is essential to ensure that the output meets specific criteria. The tone of voice will remain neutral and professional, making it suitable for healthcare professionals & administrative staff. Please note that the application must be flexible enough to accommodate undefined needs and requirements that may arise during its implementation. By prioritizing user-friendly features and real-time updates, we can create a solution that supports our nursing staff effectively...

    €294 Average bid
    €294 Průměr. nabídka
    21 nabídky