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    2,000 real estate dot net nuke Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    Android max pro NET VPN para Celestino e aí no paydroid e

    €224 Average bid
    €224 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    Hello, I am looking for somone that creates a small landscape in un real engine, This project is for a small fashion brand, I have the avatar but I need someone who creates all the background. there has to be three different angles, so the total would be 3 pictures Preferably someone that has done fashion works

    €161 Average bid
    €161 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    In order to understand the real estate market in a specific city (Praha) in a small European country (Czech Republic), I would like to scrape the real estate listings from a website (). The website has ~5000 listings of apartments for rent, and ~7000 listings of apartments to buy. Goal is to scrape all the listings including its details, categorized correctly in Excel, to enable comparison of apartments by their size, condition, location within the city, etc. The website is in Czech language and I will happily translate anything you need. It is a one-time scraping, but please consider also the option of continuous scraping. The web scraping could potentially be expanded to other cities (within the same real estate website) Apartments to buy:

    €130 Average bid
    €130 Průměr. nabídka
    35 nabídky

    Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj poloautomatizovaného systému vkládání a ověřování zdravotních dat pro naší platformu Moje Srdce. Dosavadní vývoj probíhá v .NET a Vue.js, systém běží na MS Azure, databáze MS SQL. Rozpočet na projekt je 250.000,- Kč, termín dokončení 12/2023. Děkuji, s pozdravem, Václav Durdil

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Project for Petr S.
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj poloautomatizovaného systému vkládání a ověřování zdravotních dat pro naší platformu Moje Srdce. Dosavadní vývoj probíhá v .NET a Vue.js, systém běží na MS Azure, databáze MS SQL. Rozpočet na projekt je 250.000,- Kč, termín dokončení 12/2023. Děkuji, s pozdravem, Václav Durdil

    €10305 - €10305
    €10305 - €10305
    0 nabídky

    I need to scrape data from real estate website. Specifically data under these two filters: Together some 9300 real estates in two separate datasets. Only the text data is needed (no pictures, no maps), preferably in xls or csv.

    €123 Average bid
    €123 Průměr. nabídka
    26 nabídky

    Hi We are looking to create an ios football app - fetching data from 3rd party data provider (API) Widget design: This has the following features - Login and signup (our own API) - show the result for old and real-time football games (3rd part API) - Follow special teams to see a recent update about the team. - display news entered from the admin panel or fetch from 3rd party. (our own API) - Like the posts - write read in your proposal beginning. - and other features in the design. thanks

    €516 Average bid
    €516 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Hledáme juniorního/middle/ seniorního full stack vývojáře se znalostí .Net, Angular a MS SQL na dlouhodobější spolupráci. Aplikace Dobrý Hospic () pomáhá mobilním hospicům efektivně pracovat v rámci širokého týmu a ulehčuje s tím spojenou administrativu. Do konce roku můžeme nabídnout práci v rozsahu cca 0,5 úvazku a od nového roku práci na IT podpoře této aplikace nebo případnou spolupráci na nových projektech. Aplikace je téměř hotová. Ve spolupráci s autorem aplikace je potřeba ji doladit a poté převzít do správy. We are looking for a junior / middle...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Hledáme juniorního/middle/ seniorního full stack vývojáře se znalostí .Net, Angular a MS SQL na dlouhodobější spolupráci. Aplikace Dobrý Hospic () pomáhá mobilním hospicům efektivně pracovat v rámci širokého týmu a ulehčuje s tím spojenou administrativu. Do konce roku můžeme nabídnout práci v rozsahu cca 0,5 úvazku a od nového roku práci na IT podpoře této aplikace nebo případnou spolupráci na nových projektech. Aplikace je téměř hotová. Ve spolupráci s autorem aplikace je potřeba ji doladit a poté převzít do správy.

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Project for Jiri M.
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Project for Lukas T.
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Project for Petr K.
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Postavili jsme na Coral Estate Curacao dvě vily, které pronajímáme. Celkem máme k dispozici 10 ložnic. Potřebujeme zaměstnat 1 člověka (manželský pár) na plný úvazek (na poloviční úvazek pro dva lidi). Práce obsahuje péči o dům i servis pro naše hosty. Obsah práce dohodneme podle schopností uchazeče. Můžeme dát k dispozici auto a telefon. Vyžadujeme řidičský průkaz a alespoň slušnou znalost angličtiny.

    €719 - €1438
    €719 - €1438
    0 nabídky
    Build a website
    Ukončeno left

    Membuat Properti (Real Estate) Website

    €667 Average bid
    €667 Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Dorogoy Rodion, ya hotel u vas uznat', net li u vas vozmozhnosti rabotat' v Germanii? Yest' vozmozhnost nanyat' vas na proekt v Münchene, gde ponadabyatsya vashy znanija IBM DataStage. Budu rad pogovorit' s vami ob etom, esli yest' vozmozhnost'. Pjotr Schulmann

    €47 - €47 / hr
    €47 - €47 / hr
    0 nabídky

    Dobry den, hledam zkuseneho programatora v .NET pro dlouhodoby projekt. V pripdade zajmu mne prosim kontaktujte.

    €4685 - €4685
    €4685 - €4685
    0 nabídky

    V současnosti máme otevřený projekt na .NET programátora pro společnost zabývající se činností v oblasti bankovnictví. Použité technologie jsou .NET 4.5, C#, WCF, Entity FW, MEF (nebo jakýkoliv další DI framework). Dále je vhodné mít dobrou znalost OO designu. Rate na Mainday je na dohodě, pohybuje se okolo 5000Kč.

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    Vývojář webových aplikací na platformě .NET, převážně webové aplikace ASP.NET

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    Dobrý den, hledáme další kolegy na rozšíření našeho týmu v rámci externí/interní spolupráce. Jsme softwarová firma z Ostravy artio(dot)net / info(at)artio(dot)net a aktuálně hledáme spolupracovníky na vývoj v php nebo Java. Rádi s vámi probereme podrobnosti na chatu - máme k dispozici různé typy projektů, jak velmi dlouhodobého charakteru, tak i malé krátkodobé úkoly.

    €10 - €10 / hr
    €10 - €10 / hr
    0 nabídky

    Pracujte pro 16 REAL FRIENDS! - jsme parta lidí, kteří věří, že by se lidé měli častěji vídat se svými přáteli offline, věnovat se jim a nekoukat pořád do obrazovky svého mobilu. Máme za sebou silného investora a jsme kousek od spuštění. 2015 byl rok, kdy jsme získali investici pro náš projekt a začali ho vyvíjet. Aktuálně potřebujeme stabilizovat náš tým a získat mezi nás motivované a šikovné lidi, kteří jsou připraveni být při spuštění globálního projektu a dále ho rozvíjet. Doposud jsme řešili vývoj pomocí agentury...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky
    MVC razor Project
    Ukončeno left

    It's MVC 3.0 Razor .NET C# Task.

    €96 - €96
    €96 - €96
    0 nabídky
    MVC razor Project
    Ukončeno left

    It's MVC 3.0 Razor .NET C# Task.

    €112 Average bid
    €112 Průměr. nabídka
    37 nabídky
    MVC razor Project
    Ukončeno left

    It's MVC 3.0 Razor .NET C# Task.

    €96 - €96
    €96 - €96
    3 nabídky
    Sign me up fo real
    Ukončeno left

    Easy-peasy PSD => HTML signup

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky market cap, P/E, ROE, and dividend yield. Pre-set templates (e.g., "Growth Stocks," "High Dividend Yield"). Real-time filters to detect top gainers/losers and unusual volume. 3. Charting Programs Interactive, real-time charts with technical indicators (e.g., MACD, RSI, Fibonacci retracements). Support for multiple timeframes and chart types (candlesticks, line, OHLC). Drawing tools for trendlines, annotations, and price projections. 4. Market Scanners and Alerts Real-time market scanners to identify technical patterns (e.g., breakouts, moving average crossovers). Customizable alerts for price movements, volume spikes, and sentiment changes. Integration with news feeds for real-time updates. 5. Market Breadth Monitoring Tools to assess...

    €589 Average bid
    €589 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    I need a web scraper built in C# that can seamlessly integrate with my .NET stack. The scraper's main purpose is to perform content aggregation from several JavaScript-generated websites. It should extract both text and image url. The project includes only the data scraping and formatting; it does not do any automation like cronjobs. Key requirements: - Proficiency in C# - Previous experience in building web scrapers - Familiarity with scraping JavaScript-generated websites - Ability to create a reliable, weekly-running scraper Skills in data handling for the extracted content would be beneficial. If you can deliver a robust solution that meets these requirements, I'd love to hear from you.

    €127 Average bid
    €127 Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky

    Project Posting for - Real Estate Platform for Golf Course Properties with AI Integration Project Title: Development of - A Real Estate Platform with AI-Driven Golf Course Property Listings, Virtual Tours, and Golf Course Information Project Overview: We are looking to develop , a cutting-edge real estate platform tailored for golf course properties. This website will offer AI-driven property descriptions, integrate immersive golf course virtual tours, and provide unique real-time data, making it the top destination for golf enthusiasts interested in buying homes on or near golf courses. The project will require building a user-friendly front-end and robust back-end with AI-powered features, multimedia integrations, and real-time d...

    €4019 Average bid
    €4019 Průměr. nabídka
    121 nabídky

    ...up to 50 vehicles. The primary goal of this project is to increase online reservations. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in web development, particularly for e-commerce and reservation systems, and a good understanding of the car rental industry. Key Features: - A user-friendly booking interface: This is crucial for the success of our online reservations. - Real-time vehicle availability: Users should be able to see the current status of our fleet. - Booking history: Customers should have access to their past reservations. - Automated reminders: These will help keep our customers informed and engaged. Additional Requirements: - The website should support online payments and provide API access for future integrations. - Fleet and customer man...

    €313 Average bid
    €313 Průměr. nabídka
    320 nabídky

    ...Identify camera source. • Vehicle Data: Include speed, throttle/brake pedal activity, and battery status. AI Event Alert Settings 1. Alerts for Human-Related Events • Detect human-related activities and send alerts based on a detection threshold (default: 100). 2. Alerts for Vehicle-Related Events • Detect vehicle-related events and send alerts based on a detection threshold (default: 100). 3. Real-Time Alerts • Send instant alerts for any abnormal events exceeding the set thresholds. Storage Management 1. Storage Type Selection • Allow users to choose between internal storage and external storage (e.g., SD card). 2. Internal Storage Management • Maximum usage: 20GB. • Automatically delete older videos when storage falls below 5GB....

    €4168 Average bid
    €4168 Průměr. nabídka
    33 nabídky

    I'm looking for an experienced React Native developer to create an app that supports real-time notifications. Key Features: - Push Notifications: These should alert users to important events or messages. - In-App Notifications: These should appear within the app interface, keeping users informed while they interact with the app. User Interaction: - The notifications will not require any user interaction. They are purely for viewing. Content of Notifications: - The notifications will contain a variety of content types, including text messages, images, and links. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in React Native with a strong portfolio of similar apps. - Experience with implementing both push and in-app notifications. - Knowledge of handling diverse content types wi...

    €160 Average bid
    €160 Průměr. nabídka
    45 nabídky

    I'm looking for a garden designer with a modern aesthetic to create a garden with decking that is primarily for entertainment. Key Feature...- with a big deck at around 6m x 5m =30m2 - Thoughtful outdoor seating in the deck. - another small pieces of land is purely with buffalo grass maybe with some area for planting vegetable Ideal candidates should be a student currently studying garden design incorporating these features in a way that is both functional and visually appealing. Need to have a site visit before designing to see the real environment. It includes two pieces of small land, one with decking and the other one are purely garden. The garden should be aiming at low maintenance going forward. The garden is located in Sylvania area and the ideal candidate be located...

    €108 Average bid
    €108 Průměr. nabídka
    90 nabídky

    Looking for a talented Indonesian Illustrator to create storyboard backgrounds for a Manga/Webtoon . The ideal candidate will have a modern webtoon style with creative flair and attention to detail. Skilled in clip studio paint Responsibility, taking deadlines seriously, can work in a team using discord Having a strong net connection Eager to reach for success and willing to sign a contract for a long period with a promised income, holidays off paid , and having a huge motivation to bring his/her skills into a new level Requirements: - Must be based in Indonesia/Asia - Proficient in illustration tools and background creation - Portfolio demonstrating work with storyboards or similar projects - Skilled in 3D Clip studio paint Project Details: - Starting budget: 1 million ru...

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Průměr. nabídka
    40 nabídky

    I'm preparing for a job interview in the Real Estate/Construction/Architect industry and I need a professional PowerPoint presentation that communicates a project proposal effectively. Key Components: - The presentation must include project timelines and milestones - A detailed budget and cost analysis - Innovative design concepts and plans Ideal Skills: - Expertise in PowerPoint - Background in Real Estate/Construction/Architecture - Strong project management and design understanding - Excellent communication skills to present complex information simply

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Průměr. nabídka
    55 nabídky
    New real estate project cost
    6 dní left

    A details about a real estate project will be in the brief

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Průměr. nabídka
    74 nabídky

    ...looking to have a network monitoring dashboard built using React.js for the frontend and Flask for the backend. The dashboard should be clean, systematic, and feature a comprehensive metric system. Key Features: - Real-time monitoring of active/inactive devices - Ability to add new IPs for monitoring - Tracking of device response times Visualizations: - Displaying device response times through line charts Notifications: - Push notifications for network issues Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React.js and Flask - Experience in creating clean, systematic dashboards - Ability to implement real-time monitoring and notifications Freelancers with a knack for creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, and those who can deliver a project that meets these specifications wi...

    €79 Average bid
    €79 Průměr. nabídka
    36 nabídky

    I'm looking for a talented developer to create a web-based app similar to TurboScribe. The...Voice-to-Text Features: - Multiple language support: The app should be able to transcribe in several different languages. - High accuracy transcription: The transcription should be as accurate as possible. - Real-time transcription: The app should convert speech to text in real time. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing web-based applications. - Proficiency in implementing voice-to-text technology. - Knowledge of creating text editing tools and file export features. - Capability of integrating multiple language support into the app. - Expertise in ensuring high accuracy transcription and real-time capabilities. Please provide examples of similar projects ...

    €7912 Average bid
    €7912 Průměr. nabídka
    126 nabídky

    I am conducting an experiment in product photography, combining AI-generated backgrounds with real-life product images to create three seamless lifestyle photographs for my products. I am looking for a skilled photo editor to assist with the following: 1) Feedback and Guidance: Review the product images I take and provide actionable feedback on whether they are suitable for seamless blending with the AI backgrounds, considering factors like angles, lighting, and shadows. 2) Image Editing: Enhance and retouch the three product photos I take to match the quality and aesthetics of the AI-generated backgrounds. 3) Image Integration: Seamlessly combine the product photos with the AI-generated backgrounds to create realistic and visually appealing lifestyle images. Requirements: 1) P...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    67 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can create a personalized website for my T-shirt brand. The reference website is provided here: Key Requirements: - The project page needs a 360-degree rotation feature, allowing users to view the T-shirts from all angles. - A WordPress-based backend tool to manage product details, with real-time updates reflected on the main page. This tool should also incorporate order tracking and customer feedback systems. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and WooCommerce - Experience in creating interactive 3D visualizations - Understanding of inventory management systems - Able to integrate customer feedback mechanisms - Excellent web development skills, with a portfolio of similar projects

    €265 Average bid
    €265 Průměr. nabídka
    122 nabídky Google News API, Bing News Search API, or News API to fetch the latest data science articles. 8- Dynamic Content Integration CMS Integration: Use a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress or Joomla to automate and schedule news updates. Plugins such as Feedzy RSS Feeds (WordPress) can simplify this process. Dynamic Widgets: Add a dynamic widget to your news page that displays real-time updates. Example: A “Top Data Science News This Week” section. 9- Social Media Integration I would like to see when I like a post in LinkedIn that post automatically feed into my website in blog or news page. 10- Data Base optimization 11- Offer a subscription option for visitors on the website to increase engagement and reach. 12- please add any other items y...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Průměr. nabídka
    91 nabídky

    I am looking for a developer to build a Java Spring Boot API for a web application targeted at the general public. I need someone to write the API for me. The application will have the following key features: - User Authentication and Authorization: The application should allow users to create accounts, log in securely, and manage their personal data. - Real-Time Data Processing: The API needs to handle data updates in real-time and ensure that users are provided with current information. - The API should support comprehensive CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing resources. - The application should include a search functionality to allow users to quickly find the information they need. - Implement role-based access controls to restrict access to cert...

    €1 - €4 / hr
    €1 - €4 / hr
    8 nabídky

    I'm seeking a seasoned Python developer with trading experi...Market, Limit, and Stop orders. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python and trading system automation - Extensive experience with the Interactive Brokers platform - Familiar with various trading order types - Capable of utilizing Interactive Brokers' native API for connecting The system is relatively straightforward with basic feature calculations. You'll be using Interactive Brokers data for real-time trading. Ideal candidates will have previous experience with order placement automation and a deep understanding of Python programming and trading. Skills You Should Have: - Expertise in Python programming - Trading experience - Deep understanding of Interactive Brokers platform - Proven track record in o...

    €150 Average bid
    €150 Průměr. nabídka
    80 nabídky

    ...developer to enhance my existing real estate website. The primary task involves implementing a dual inquiry system: incoming and outgoing inquiries. - Outgoing Inquiries: These are requests sent by property owners in response to user inquiries. - Incoming Inquiries: These are notifications sent to property owners about properties for which the user has shown a interest. Requirements: - The system should enable users to submit inquiries about desired properties. - Users will receive email notifications about incoming inquiries. The inquiry forms should capture: - Basic contact information - Detailed property preferences - Property details and user details Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress and its various plugins. - Previous experience with real...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Průměr. nabídka
    90 nabídky

    ...user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of applying for a fixed deposit. Key elements to include are: • Deposit Period Selection: Incorporate dropdown menus or buttons that allow users to easily select their desired deposit period. • Deposit Amount Input: Provide input fields where users can enter the amount they wish to deposit. • Interest Rate and Maturity Date Display: Display real-time information on applicable interest rates, maturity dates, and estimated interest earnings based on the selected deposit period and amount, aiding users in making informed decisions. • Confirmation and Agreement: Include a final confirmation screen summarizing the application details, along with checkboxes for users to agree to the terms and conditions and ac...

    €3878 Average bid
    €3878 Průměr. nabídka
    107 nabídky

    ...Specific requirements for this project include: - Custom theme development for Shopify and Wordpress - Familiarity with app development for Shopify & plugins for wordpress - Store setup and configuration - INSTANT communication availability (as we have only teamwork-based tasks, not work-at-your-own-pace). Only individual freelancers please, no teams/agencies. In order to separate spammers from real candidates, if you agree with this statement please write it on top of your bid: "I am available to work right now and have X hours left available starting immediately, if hired now!" - where "X" is the amount of hours you have available for work today immediately. This part will be taken seroiusly and won't be open for negotiation. If you can't wor...

    €291 Average bid
    €291 Průměr. nabídka
    175 nabídky

    I need a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) document drafted between my wife and I. The MOU should capture our understanding of our joint financial assets, with the intent that the assets have been created with equal contribution from both and should be treated as such in any future discussions. Here's what I need covered in the MOU: - Specific Financial Assets: This includes our real estate properties, bank accounts and investments, personal valuables such as jewelry or art, and our stock market investments. - Equal Division: The MOU should clearly state that all assets will be divided equally but also taking into account our children custody on a case-to-case basis. Ideal skills for this job include legal writing, familiarity with financial asset documentation, and ex...

    €83 Average bid
    €83 Průměr. nabídka
    20 nabídky

    I need a seasoned .Net MVC Developer with full-stack capabilities to enhance my existing application. The primary task involves incorporating new features, specifically an analytics dashboard and a translation system, into the application. Key Responsibilities: - Update the current application with new features. - Implement an analytics dashboard. - Integrate a translations feature. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in .Net MVC and full-stack development. - Experience with developing and integrating analytics dashboards. - Knowledge in implementing multi-language support in applications. - Strong problem-solving skills for maintaining application performance during updates.

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    45 nabídky

    I currently have significant query performance issues with my Microsoft SQL Server Database hosted on Azure. The system is built with .Net and I need a skilled developer to enhance its performance, specifically focused on improving the speed of database queries. Key Tasks: - Troubleshoot and resolve query performance issues with the Azure SQL server - Configure and performance tune Rabbit MQ for optimal system efficiency - Improve the overall system response time - Eliminate any existing delays in the system Ideal candidates will have proven experience with Azure, .Net programming, Microsoft SQL server, and Rabbit MQ. Your goal will be to enhance the performance of the system to ensure smooth and efficient operation.

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Průměr. nabídka
    43 nabídky