Raspberry pi client server pythonpráce
Schanim freelancera v IT na tvorbu inzertniho serveru podobněu jako Bazos nebo Aukro
Dobrý den, potřebuji ze stránky na binance vyextrahovat obchodovaný symbol, cenu, směr nákupu (buy long/short, close long/short) a zaslat přes API zprávu do binance na vytvoření objednávky, která bude vypadat dle github binance následovně: order = client.futures_create_order( symbol=symbol, side=side, type='MARKET', quantity=quantity, positionSide=positionside, closePosition=close kde symbol = pár (např. SOLUSDT); side = BUY nebo CLOSE; quantity = aby byla hodnota 120 USD, tzn. je nutné vypočítat dle přečtené ceny na stránce; positionSide: LONG nebo SHORT. Vize je, že chci kontrolovat nová ...
...všech koutů světa a jejich prezentace, Frontend - ty: jde do všech koutů světa také). Odměna je podíl na zisku. Do budoucna až bude projekt kompletně hotový uvažuji o přijetí investora, který by nám pomohl s jeho rozjezdem s "Big Bang". General: Technologie: WordPress, Elementor, Astra, Python, SQLLite, Django, Pandas, Numpy Provider: Forpsi / Webglobe / AWS / Jiný (s největší pravděpodobnosti služba: "Virtuální privátní server (VPS)" nebo "Virtuální managed server (VMS)" --> na serveru poběží ještě můj python code generující obsah, plus vlastní doména Data: jsou ul...
K nastavení a údržbě systému Windows Server 2019 v Amazonu je zapotřebí kompetentní správce systému. Práce je vzdálená, na vyžádání, tj. jedná se o příležitostnou práci. První fází je správné nastavení a další fází je podpora a řešení případných problémů.
V tuto chvíli jsme na světe nenašli podobný projekt a tak se potřebujeme posouvat dopředu rychleji. Věříme v sílu freelancers a virtuálních týmů. Aktuálně na projektu pracuje 7 lidí, z toho 4 programátoři (javascript, python). Hledáme kolegu nebo kolegyni, který/á by dokázal vývojový tým dlouhodobě zastřešit. Kromě znalosti programování, zkušenosti s řízením týmu a koordinací vývoje SW, je nutnou podmínku kvalitní angličtina.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
Hledáme python developera pro rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. Zabýváme se diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Našim posláním je včasný záchyt pacientů aby jim byla poskytnuta odborná péče včas a předešlo se tak vážným poškozením jejich zraku. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, use casy používané lékařským personálem ...
Only candidates with experience in software development and software testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hour...
Hledáme python developera pro rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. V Aireen se zabýváme diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) a protože většina týmu používá běžně python, rozhodli jsme se využít situace přepsat aplikaci do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, Use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění ...
...database of the live site, I think we need them, but please feel free to migrate anything else if we need it to have all the data required from the live site. Another thing, it’s good to prepare a whole plan of the migration process, because when you want to start, we need to put the live site on maintenance mode until migration is done, and we don’t want to keep it long under maintenance for the client u know… Tables from database that required to be migrated. wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template wp_learndash_pro_quiz_to...
Jsme výrobci zařízení BCC, které slouží ke vzdálené správě ochranného obvodu bateriových článků. BCC exportuje data o napětí, atd do XML souboru, ale neumožňuje ukládání do XLS. Sháníme tedy programátora, který se chce na našem projektu podílet a vytvoří jednoduchou aplikaci, který bude sloužit k ukládán...souboru (možnost zadání user & password) 2) Název souboru kam vyčítat 3) přípona (xls, xlsx, csv) 4) interval ukládání hodnot (xml je aktualizováno při každém obnovení) 5s, 10s, 30s, 60s, 120s, 300s, 600s, (3600s) 5) Výběr pol...
Build me a Professional Web APP I want a person or agency to design, implement and develop a professional corporate system that is from wireframe to development release and after that m...h&page-id=0%3A1 Would be such 5000 Pages in Phase 1 to develop in batch of 100 or 1000 pages in different team Total Budget - 10,0000 to 20,000 Aud . Payment strictly through freelancer milestone on completion of milestones of 100 to 1000 pages of the project to be decided with client and development workers People should be able to communicate in Swiss French or English. (I will be interviewing on Zoomm Telegramm or Skyype before finalisation) People willing to work in this budget respond
Potrebujeme udelat nekolik updatu na jiz existujici aplikaci (Python, Django, JS). Vzhledem k tomu, ze vetsina updatu ma byt hotova pred Vanoci, potrebujeme nekoho, kdo se bude moci projektu plne venovat a bude to pro nej priorita. V pripade spokojenosti je zde sance na dlouhodobou spolupraci. Vice info povime ve zprave.
Hello, I need to design a logo for my new emerging brand, including an inverse variant. The name of the company is: "Evenťačka" It is about a single female person / group of independent professionals and artists that are producing tailored made highly creative events. It is not an emerging event agency producing "event products" My company is looking for a 100% match and understanding with the client that is percieved as a co-creator of the event. The main focus of the brand is to reduce waste from events and to use and work gently with materials and props. "Eventačka" offers 3 services: - Tailor made events for business partners, employees, or the public. (Family, Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christmas parties, Opening e...
V současné době do naší firmy hledáme spolehlivého, flexibilního programátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci. Hledáme člověka, který by byl schopen fungovat v týmu a byl připravený vést o vývoji diskuzi. Možnosti úvazku: HPP, DPP, Půl úvaze...diskuzi. Možnosti úvazku: HPP, DPP, Půl úvazek Odborné znalosti: - Dobrá znalost vývoje a návrhu firmweare v jazyce C/C++ - Zkušenost s programováním procesorů ARM, (znalost kompilátoru RVCT výhodou) , MediaTek - Znalost vývojového prostředí VisualStudio 2008 a prostředí Linux - Orientaci v elektronických schém...
Mac Python Naprogramovat script v Python, ktery bude a) cist zpravy na Twiteru a Telegramu od definovanych odesilatelu, b) ze zpravy vyjme ciselnou informaci a vlozi ji do .xls a odesle na Api. Jedna se o udaje o pohybu trhů. Zprovoznit na Osx.
Tvorba softwaru pro raspberry-pi a dokumentace. Software musí umět číst data bezdrátově ze senzorů pomocí BLE. Aplikace musí mít grafické rozhraní a bude ovládána dotykovou obrazovkou nebo myší. Více info v soukromé zprávě.
Convert first two characters to svg icons (24px) AG(el) Ma(gistra) M(oje)L(ekarna) Dr(.Max) BE(NU) - tmavě modrá EC (EuroClinicum) Pi(lulka)
Projekt přechod z prostředí MISYS / GEPRO do prostředí QGIS, spočívající v propojení QGIS a MS SQL server. MS SQL databázový stroj je dnes funkční a nainstalovaný na hardware ve firmě (verze 2008, případně 2014) Nultá fáze: instalace QGIS na pracovních stanicích 3 uživatelů, připojených do firemní síťové domény instalace QGIS do virtuálních pracovních stanic MS Windows server (terminal) Pilotní fáze: uživatel si v prostředí QGIS promítne rastrovou WMS mapu PK z cuzk uživatel zakreslí polygon tvaru parcely v prostředí QGIS uživatel polygonu přidělí ID hot...
...ISSF. Jde o jediný kompaktní box připojený přímo na váš tablet, smartphone nebo počítač. Hledáme schopné vývojáře Kdo bys měl být: Nadaný vývojář s chutí experimentovat a tvořit. Vývojář, který chce expandovat do celého světa. Tvé schopnosti by měly být: ARM Dobrá znalost C/C++ (Python). Znalost GNU/Linux. Znalost síťové komunikace a ARM architektury. Základní znalost Image Processing. Zkušenost s ARM mini pc (Rasberry Pi, Beaglebone, Arduino). Tvá hlavní zodpovědnost jako ARM programátora: Aby terč mohl přenášet výs...
Jedná se o serverovou aplikaci pro správu hudebních přehrávačů které se do ni připojují přes HTTP/JSON. A následně její frontend napsaný v Angularu/HTML. Aplikace je již v rozpracované fázi a je potřeba tam přidat funkcionalitu. Přehrávače jsou taktéž napsány v pythonu na linuxu na raspberry. Hlavní programátor již na to nemá čas ale je k dispozici pro rady či orientaci v kódu pokud bude potřeba. Znalost GIT workflow podmínkou. Kanceláře máme v Dejvicích na Praze 6, takže člověk z okolí, pro případné projektové schůzky, výhodou.
Jedna sa o jednoduchy program, ktory sluzi na vykreslovanie hodnot z databazy do 2D grafu. Tieto hodnoty su vykreslovane ako "body" v grafe, kde na X-ovej osi sa nachadza casova os (datum + cas "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") a na Y-ovej osi trvanie (minuty "int/float"), rovnako je tvorena aj databaza. Toto vsak je uz hotove, na zjednodusenie sme pouzili matplotlib kniznicu, avsak potrebne je dorobit malu cast do kodu. TASK: Vykreslovanie bodov ostane nezmenene, avsak s jednym rozdielom. V databaze sa moze nachadzat 10 000 zaznamov, z toho moze byt 2000 pondelkov, 3000 utorkov, atd. v zavislosti od daneho datumu v databaze. Tieto hodnoty sa teda budu vykreslovat tak ze na X-ovej osi budu atributy (pondelok, utorok, streda, ...) a Y-nova os ostane nezmenena, cize ...
Mám pokračující práci vztahující se k předchozímu projekturemote Upload videos form server to youtube'
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) BP, 98703, PUNAAUIA, TAHITI • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available durin...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
...para identificar hype e interesse do mercado. ✅ Verificação automática de contratos inteligentes via CertiK, Hacken e Solidity Finance. ✅ Rastreamento de carteiras suspeitas e detecção de movimentações suspeitas. ✅ Dashboard para visualização das operações em tempo real. ✅ Automação de estratégias de venda (Trailing Stop Loss, Take Profit). ? Requisitos Técnicos: ✅ Linguagem principal: Python (ou Node.js se preferível). ✅ Banco de dados: PostgreSQL ou MongoDB. ✅ Machine Learning e IA: TensorFlow ou PyTorch. ✅ Dashboard: React.js, Vue.js ou outro framework web. ✅ Deploy em servidor VPS para operação 24/7. ? Requisitos do Desenvolvedor: ✔ Exp...
I'm facing a runtime error in my K-means clustering application, built with Numpy. The issue arises while the app is processing data. I need a skilled programmer who can troubleshoot and fix this error efficiently. Experience with Python, Numpy, and K-means is essential. The ideal freelancer must be able to identify the source of the error and implement a solution that ensures smooth data processing in the future.
Developed a machine learning-powered web application to optimize traffic signals using YOLOv8 for object detection. The system processes both image and video inputs, dynamically adjust...should be deployed in an on-premises environment for better control over hardware and data. The system should provide simple user tools for making adjustments and override decisions. The system will be deployed on personal computers. The system should be compatible with existing traffic cameras. The user interface should allow standard customization options. The project should be implemented using Python and Flask. Include basic data analysis and reporting features. The system should include advanced analytics and detailed reporting features such as predictive traffic flow analysis and trend visua...
I have a VPS with OVH, running Ubuntu or maybe apache. I need a tech expert who can install SSL on my domain and reading their server tech files I htink they suggest using Certbot, Key Tasks: - Install SSL on my domain . - Configure the server to use the certificate and set up HTTPS redirection. - Help with monitoring server performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ubantu and apache - Proficiency in SSL installation and Certbot. - Skills in server performance monitoring. - Familiarity with Ubuntu operating system.
I'm looking for a fast Waze scraper that covers all of Australia. The scraper should not rely on Georss. It needs to collect data on traffic incidents and submit it to a provided API endpoint in real-time. Ideal Skills: - Data scraping - API integration - Python or similar programming language expertise Experience: - Previous work with Waze data is a plus - Demonstrated ability to build real-time data scrapers - Experience with large scale data collection
...Event Details (Frozen Top Section) Event Title Date Range (usually 1-4 days for each event but 2 speaker days) Venue Location Target Audience Total Budget Budget Remaining (formula-calculated) Event Website URL Section 2: Speaker Management Grid Columns: Speaker Name Justification/Value Proposition Proposed Fee Home Airport Status (Data Validation Dropdown) Client Reviewing Client Approved Client Declined Offer Extended Speaker Accepted Speaker Declined Final Agreed Fee Travel Requirements Flight Class Accommodation Needs Ground Transport Section 3: Availability Grid Create a sub-grid showing dates of the event Use conditional formatting for: Green: Available Red: Unavailable Yellow: Tentative Section 4: Session D...
...script. Suggest best practices for storing and using API keys securely. 4️⃣ Testing & Debugging Perform multiple test cases to veri fy successful email delivery. Debug API response errors and fix potential issues. ? Ideal Candidate Should Have: ✔️ Experience with Mailchimp & Mandrill API ✔️ Expertise in Zoho CRM API integration ✔️ Proficiency in JavaScript, Deluge (Zoho’s scripting language), or Python ✔️ Ability to handle API authentication & security best practices ✔️ Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills ? Project Details: Project Type: One-time project (with potential for future work) Budget: Open to discussion (please provide your best bid) Timeline: Looking for quick turnaround (preferably within 5-7 days) ? To Apply: Please include: ✅ Your previous ...
Project Title: EC2 Server Setup with Custom Python Automation Framework Description: I am looking for an experienced AWS professional to set up an EC2 server and configure a custom Python-based automation framework that integrates with cloud services. The goal is to establish a fully operational cloud system capable of executing automation tasks after setup. Key Responsibilities: • Server Deployment: Set up an EC2 instance with proper configurations. • Security Configuration: Implement IAM for access control and security. • Software Installation: Install Python, required dependencies, and automation libraries. • Automation Framework Setup: Configure a Python-based system for data processing, system monitoring, and...
I need a Python program that can create and publish blog posts on my WordPress site. The program should integrate with OpenAI, DeepSeek, Claude, and RankMathSEO, leveraging these services for content generation, SEO analysis, and content refinement before the posts go live. Key Requirements: - Use OpenAI for generating engaging and relevant blog content on specific topics. - Employ DeepSeek and Claude for additional content generation and refinement. - Integrate with RankMathSEO for SEO analysis to ensure the posts are optimized for search engines. - Automate the entire process of content creation, refinement, and publishing to WordPress. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python with extensive experience in API integration. - Familiar with WordPress and RankMathSEO. - Knowledge...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a user-fri...professional web developer to create a user-friendly and informative website for my law firm. Key Features: - The website should primarily serve as a platform to inform potential clients about our legal services. - It should prominently feature our practice areas and specialties, as well as detailed profiles and credentials of our attorneys. - A contact form or clear contact information is essential for client interaction. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in developing law firm websites or similar professional service websites. - Strong understanding of SEO and user experience design. - Excellent ability to present complex information in a simple and engaging manner. The website should have a modern an...
My Python script has stopped working due to a runtime error. The issue seems to be an exception handling error that occurs during data processing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with debugging and error handling - Familiarity with data processing in Python - Ability to work efficiently under pressure - Strong problem-solving skills I am attaching the file Thank you
I prioritize customer satisfaction by providing fast and quality solutions. I am eagerly looking forward to making your tasks easier and more efficient through our collaboration. As a client, my primary need is for: - Technical support: I am looking for someone who can assist me in this area, with a focus on software troubleshooting. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in technical support, particularly in troubleshooting software issues. - Strong problem-solving skills. - Excellent communication skills to ensure clear understanding of issues and solutions. - Customer-oriented mindset.
i need to create a bot for whatsapp that gathers client name, email, phone as well as 3 other survey questions. then i must link hubspot clients to this information so i get automation of my client info on the hubspot CMR
I have several 1000 JPEG images with part numbers that must be removed. I need an AI program that can effectively process these...should be left blank after the text has been removed. - Format of images: All images are in JPEG format. - Removal of text: The program should leave the area where the text was located blank. - Location of text: The text does not appear consistently in the same area of the images, so the program must be capable of handling this variability. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficient in Python and familiar with MacOS - Experience in AI and image processing - Understanding of JPEG format and its handling - Capability to design a program that can adapt to variability in text location across different images. Please, only bid if you meet these req...
...Ideal Skills: - Document management - Spreadsheet proficiency (Excel, Google Sheets) - Attention to detail - Understanding of legal documentation processes - Confidentiality and discretion Project Requirements: - Organize text messages, expenses, and emails - Prepare spreadsheets for expense tracking, communication logs, email records - Categorize expenses by date, type of expense, and client Please keep in mind that this project requires a high degree of confidentiality and discretion. Your ability to maintain privacy while handling these sensitive documents will be critical. Proficiency in using spreadsheets, with a keen attention to detail, will be necessary to prepare comprehensive and accurate spreadsheets for legal purposes. The project needs to be complete...
I'm looking for a person with very specific skills related to Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects. These programs are a must for my work as I will need to be able to work with your completed working files once completed so that I may also edit elements as the project demands change from my client. You must be able to work with tracking video in adding in 3-D elements and composing those elements into my videos and make the shots look believable. If you don't have specific skills in video tracking, and composing using these two programs above, . please do not apply. Key Requirements: - 3D Compositing - Use of After Effects and Cinema 4D - Incorporation of Text Overlays, Visual Effects, and 3D Models - Creation of 3D Text Overlays - 3D Tracking for each shot In addition to...
I need assistance with hosting my dynamic website on Azure cloud. Website is built in python and works in local server. this should be simple installation and make it run.
I'm seeking a professional to craft a compelling sales pitch presentation aimed at potential clients. The core purpose of this presentation is to introduce our product in an engaging and persuasive manner. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in creating business presentations - Strong marketing and sales background - Excellent understanding of product promotion - Proficiency in presentation software like PowerPoint or Keynote - Creative thinking and storytelling skills to captivate audience - Graphic design skills for visual appeal The presentation should be tailored to corporate clients. The presentation should be 12-16 minutes long. The presentation should include charts and graphs to support data points. The final presentation should be delivered in Pow...
I'm looking for a modern-styled logo in gold, a single item e-commerce website for teeth whitening products, a landing page for social media links, and ads for social media feeds. Our client users will be purchasing a certificate for a whitening service that is redeemed at our in-network dentist office. We want this part of the process to be customized and seamless. Post payment, a beautiful, professional looking serialized voucher with the details of their purchase is delivered. Our dentist users log in and mark the voucher as spent. Ideal Skills: - Logo Design - E-commerce Website Development - Social Media Ad Creation Experience in designing for health and beauty products will be a plus.
...HSE-related content - Graphic design skills to add color in a professional manner. The primary goal for this update is to improve the usability and readability for the end users. The project should be completed within 3 months. Incorporate more visuals such as infographics and highlighted key points to improve readability. Emphasize clarifying existing HSE policies in the text updates. Show the client the final draft for review only. Concentrate on making general updates and revisions throughout the HSE manual. Please use basic/simple infographics for better readability. Pay extra attention to formatting and layout to improve readability and usability. The freelancer should work independently, with periodic updates. Ensure the manual complies primarily with OSHA standards. Incl...