Need a freelance project managerpráce
Jsme výrobci bateriových úložišť na míru. Vlastníme námi vyvinutou technologii managementu baterií díky které mají naše produkty vyjímečné vlastnosti. Naše výrobky mají široké spektrum uplatnění od solárních elektráren, služby SVR až po ukládání energie. Hledáme managera pro prodej našich produktů. Více info o našich produktech podáme vhodnému uchazeči.
...společnosti Optimis Agency! Hledáme dynamického a výsledkově orientovaného jednotlivce na pozici obchodního zástupce, který bude mít za úkol rozšiřovat naše portfolio klientů prostřednictvím aktivní akvizice nových obchodních příležitostí. O nás: Jsme mladá a perspektivní marketingová agentura s dvouletou historií na trhu. Zaměřujeme se na výkonnostní, obsahový a brandový marketing. Naši osmičlennou tým tvoří zkušení marketingoví experti, kteří využívají moderní technologie pro zvýšení efektivity...
...manažery ke snadnému a efektivnímu sledování práce zaměstnanců na různých projektech a aktivitách, pracovní doby, dovolených a mezd. Ukázat, jak aplikace pomáhá vytvořit přehledné reporty a usnadňuje rozhodování při řízení personálu. Jak by mělo video asi vypadat? Jste manažer, který má problémy s evidencí pracovních hodin, dovolených a výplat zaměstnanců? Nezoufejte! Představujeme aplikaci Working People, snadno ovladatelnou aplikaci, která zjednodušuje správu zaměstnanců. Ve videu uvidíte frustrovaného manažera, který čelí v&yac...
Chceme tě v Praze! Jste společenský, rádi se spojujete s ostatními a umíte zaujmout potenciální zákazníky svým nadšením? Jste spolehlivý, cílevědomý a ovládáte perfektně národní jazyk? Máte řidičský průkaz, jste časově flexibilní a máte zkušenosti s propagací, prodejem nebo marketingem? Pokud ano, jste pro tuto pozici perfektní! Jsme mladá, inovativní začínající společnost z Německa a brzy se zařadíme mezi přední poskytovatele na trhu kuřáckých potřeb. Budete předvádět naše nejčerstvější produkty s...
...Linux servery a síťové prvky, který žije v Praze – budeš řešit problémy v případě nepřítomnosti hlavního správce, zpravidla v datacentru Praha 5. Tedy budeš v podstatě stand-by záloha pro případy dovolených, služebních cest, nemocí apod. Tvoje zaškolení do prostředí je samozřejmostí - čas Ti bude uhrazen. Tvoje odměna bude dvousložková: • za pohotovost (á hodina za potřebný časový úsek pohotovosti) • za reálný výkon práce (á hodina za vykonanou práci při zásahu a/nebo dle dohody za ad hoc jednorázové práce). Po...
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
? O pracovní příležitosti Spravuješ weby, SEO máš v malíku a zároveň tě baví grafika? U nás tenhle unikátní skillset patřičně využiješ! Víme, že požadované schopnosti jsou poměrně široké, a proto se neboj ozvat, i když si některou z nich teprve plánuješ osvojit. ? ? Co zcela jistě potřebujeme? ▪ Znalost SEO a souvisejících nástrojů (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager…). ▪ Komplexní správa webu – od výběru webhostingu po administraci Wordpressu. ▪ Pokročilá znalost HTML5, CSS3, hodí se i Javascript a PHP. ▪ Rutinní ovládání Adobe CC (...
Dobrý den, jsme začínajícím obchodem, který se zabývá elektronickým prodejem potravin a hledáme fotografa v oblasti Prahy, nebo Liberce a okolí. Vyhovující by byl termín třetí případně čtvrtý týden v březnu 2021, abychom v rámci společné spolupráce vytvořili fotografie 100 produktů a následně je z naší strany přidali do našeho online katalogu. Potřebujeme 2/3 fotografie pro každý produkt (SKU) včetně úpravy. Fotografie musí zobrazovat produkt v původním obalu s bílým pozadím. Zároveň je obrázky potřebné přejmenovat pomocí...
...targetingovou reklamu v Google Ads a Facebook. Reprezentujeme beauty studia v Praze. Potřebujeme objednávky přes nástroje placené reklamy. Pro objednávání klientů používáme systém Yclients. Tento systém se dá propojit s analytikou Google a Facebook pro zobrazení eventů. Cíle: ◦ Zkontrolovat/naladit správně Google Tag Manager | Analytics | Ads a Facebook Ads. Je třeba aby tegy a pixely správně fungovali. ◦ Zavést vyhledávací kampaň v Google Ads. Testovat varianty reklamy. Zvýšit počet kliku a snížit cenu za klik ◦ Naladit naplnění publika (skupiny)pro remarketing bannerové reklam...
...směřovaný hlavně k tramvajím, jelikož je jejich vývoj o něco jednodušší a méně nákladný. Postupně však přibudou i zbylé dvě trakce(autobus a trolejbus). Prostředí ve hře bude tvořeno podle města Brna a přilehlých Modřic(jelikož tramvaje zajíždí až tam). Do hry se rozhodně přidají po vydání i jiné města, ale na to je samozřejmě ještě brzy. Projekt leží momentálně "na papíře", čeká se na zformování týmu(vás). Dopředu jsem si připravil detaily hry, popis a také seznam základních funkcí prototypu, který bude potřeba vytvořit p...
Hledáme kandidáta, který by chtěl stát části naší společnosti v rolí správce prodeje. Naše společnost se specializuje na výrobě a prodeje italských vín různých cenových kategorii a typů. Cílové klienti jsou v sektoru jak on-trade tak i off-trade na různých úrovních, a též v soukromém sektoru. Práce na dohodu, možnost růstu.
... Hledáme muže či ženu, kteří se nebojíkomunikovat s klienty, dodavateli a nebojí se vzít telefon a oslovit stávající nebo nové obchodní partnery. Manager bude vytvářet kalkulace a prezentovat své nápady. Nedílnou součástí také bude komunikace s ostatními pracovníky a zadávání úkolů k daným zakázkám. Vaší rolí bude také vedení nejrůznějších projektů. Je důležité, abyste měli opravdový zájem o obchod a také chuť na sobě pracovat. Důležité budou také konzultace s obchodními...
V současné době do naší firmy hledáme spolehlivého, ...naší firmy hledáme spolehlivého, flexibilního programátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci. Hledáme člověka, který by byl schopen fungovat v týmu a byl připravený vést o vývoji diskuzi. Možnosti úvazku: HPP, DPP, Půl úvazek Odborné znalosti: - Dobrá znalost vývoje a návrhu firmweare v jazyce C/C++ - Zkušenost s programováním procesorů ARM, (znalost kompilátoru RVCT výhodou) , MediaTek - Znalost vývojového prostředí VisualStudio 2008 a prostředí Linux - Orientaci v elektronick&yac...
Sháníme zaměstnance na pozici "Prodejce letenek", úvazek freelance - práce z domu. Jedná se o exkluzivní prodej letenek pro nově vzniknou firmu. Prozice vhodná pro lidi se základní znalostí marketingu, prodeje, cestování.
ACCOUNT MANAGER / IDEA MAKER Jste komunikativní a kreativní osobnost? Toužíte se realizovat v marketingu? Pak hledáme právě Vás! Co by bylo náplní Vaší práce? Akvizice nových zákazníků Vyhledávání nových zákazníků a analyzování jejich potřeb Navrhování řešení marketingových potřeb zákazníků Tvorba ideových konceptů Iniciování a vedení obchodních schůzek Udržování vztahů se stávajícími zákazníky Plánování aktivit a reportování v...
Kao što smo dogovorili u privitku vam šaljem printscreenove...šaljem printscreenove gde su naznačene promene koje želimo u toj fazi promeniti odnosno doraditi. Pored toga treba naštimati formate fontova, datuma, vremena, valuta na evropske znači naše formate a ne na američke. Imamo i za instalirati 5 pluginova odnosno scripta ( radi se o samostalnim izrađenim plugonovima odnosno skriptovima) koji se samo instaliraju: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Molim za ponudu št opre. Pozdrav
I'm in need of an experienced Property Manager to handle my vacation rental. Key Responsibilities: - Property listing: Create compelling listings on Airbnb to attract potential renters - Tenant management: Communicate with guests, handle booking inquiries, and manage check-ins/check-outs - Maintenance oversight: Ensure the property is well maintained and address any issues promptly - Rent collection: Coordinate all financial transactions related to the rental Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in property management, particularly with vacation rentals - Excellent communication and customer service skills - Ability to oversee maintenance and manage repairs - Proficient in handling financial transactions and rent collection - Familiarity with Airbnb platform and its listi...
...for an web developer/designer to create a simple yet attractive website for my company, which sells kids’ art. I need a site that functions as an online store with a beautifully designed main page that reflects the creativity and charm of the art. Project Details: • Website Type: E-commerce store for kids’ art • Pages Required: • A visually appealing main page • A simple online store page for displaying and selling products • Design: Bright, playful, and engaging design to appeal to families and art enthusiasts • Functionality: • Easy navigation and responsive design for both desktop and mobile devices • Basic e-commerce features (product listings, shopping cart, checkout process) . I ...
We are looking for talented translators who can accurately handle subtitle translation for Chinese short dramas (approximately 120 mins). The ideal candidate should have strong language skills in both Thai/Vietnamese/Malay/Indonesian/Japanese and Chinese, as well as a good understanding of cultural nuances. Also, we look forward to receiving applications from enthusiastic translators who are eager to create excellent subtitles with our team and can deliver translations within 24 hours of contract confirmation! Attention to detail and the ability to meet deadlines are crucial. Required Skills: - Fluency in Chinese-Thai/Vietnamese/Malay/Indonesian/Japanese - Excellent written and verbal communication skills - Strong attention to detail - Cultural sensitivity and understanding - Prom...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is ...
BRAZI LIAN IM CHAT OPERATOR Descrição da Empresa A New Media Services Pty Ltd é uma empresa global de BPO especializada no fornecimento de serviços de terceirização inteligentes por meio de uma combinação de aprendizado de máquina e atividades orientadas por humanos. Fornecemos serviços altamente personalizados e econômicos para ajudar a melhorar a produtividade de empresas em todo o mundo. Oferecemos uma gama de serviços inteligentes de suporte ao cliente, incluindo suporte multilíngue ao cliente, moderação de conteúdo baseada em inteligência humana e artificial, serviços de operador de chat e a plataforma de IA conversacional TIRO. ...
Szeretnénk egy általános kutatást összeállítani egy platform használati szokásairól. A kutatás célcsoportja magyar. A kitöltőket online felületekről irányítjuk a kérdőívhez. A projekt manager feladata: - piackutatási sztandardok meghatározása - Koncepció, kérdések összeállítása - Folyamatra és infrastrukúra felépítése - adatelemzés
...customers with a wide range of products, including gifts, cosmetics, herbal and organic items, jewelry, and pet supplies. We empower local vendors by expanding their reach while providing customers with the convenience of doorstep delivery. Job Description: We are looking for a Marketing Specialist to drive the growth of our customer app downloads and in-app purchases through highly targeted advertising campaigns. The ideal candidate will be experienced in Meta Ads (Facebook & Instagram) and proficient in A/B testing, audience targeting, and conversion tracking. Key Responsibilities: 1. Set up and optimize Meta Pixel tracking to analyze conversions and refine audience targeting. 2. Develop and execute high-converting ad campaigns on Facebook & Instagr...
Position: Mechanical Designer (Freelancer) Project: CG Analysis on a multirotor at various banking angles Employment Type: Freelance Location: Remote About the Project: We are seeking an experienced freelancer to conduct a comprehensive Center of Gravity (CG) analysis on a multirotor drone at various banking angles. The project aims to assess the CG shifts, stability, and performance impact under different flight conditions. Key Responsibilities: • Perform detailed CG analysis for a multirotor drone at various banking angles. • Generate simulation models to validate findings (preferably using tools like ANSYS, SolidWorks, or MATLAB). • Collaborate for technical clarifications and regular progress updates. Requirements...
E-Commerce Marketplace Manager (Full-Time, Remote) Location: Remote (Philippines-based preferred) Salary: $700 - $1,000 per month (based on experience) Employment Type: Full-Time About the Role We are seeking a skilled and proactive E-Commerce Marketplace Manager to establish and grow our brand’s presence on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms. This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated individual who is passionate about e-commerce, has hands-on experience with Amazon Seller Central, and is confident in setting up and managing online stores from the ground up. As our E-Commerce Marketplace Manager, you will take ownership of building our marketplace accounts, optimizing product listings, developing marketing strategies, and ensuring ...
I'm a clinical Hypnotherapist and Master NLP practitioner looking for a skilled social media manager to elevate my brand, , across relevant platforms. The ideal candidate will have experience in the wellness or similar industry, content creation prowess, and a deep understanding of my customer demographic. Key Responsibilities: - Oversee and manage all my social media platforms including Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and future platforms like Instagram. - Regularly post and engage with followers to foster a community. - Create and post a mix of educational content, promotional posts, and engaging multimedia. - Optimize all social media for maximum engagement and results. Qualifications: - Proven experience in managing social media for ...
I...but we will provide any translations needed. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective advertising strategies on Google and Facebook. - Optimize campaigns for maximum ROI. - Conduct A/B testing to refine ads and target audience. Desired Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing Google Ads and Facebook Ads, particularly for E-commerce sites. - Proficiency in understanding and leveraging data analytics. - Strong knowledge of current trends in digital marketing. - Excellent communication skills for regular updates and strategy discussions. The ideal candidate will have a track record of increasing sales through digital advertising. The monthly budget for advertising is between $2, $4.000 Allocate the budget equally between Google Ads and Fac...
I am seeking a property manager for my mixed-use property. The property manager will be responsible for: - Managing property inquiries - Handling bookings - Keeping track of property availability The property manager will primarily operate through online booking platforms, such as Airbnb and Bookings. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in using online booking platforms - Excellent communication skills to handle property inquiries - An active Airbnb account (as a guest) - mandatory NB: - Previous experience is not required, as full training, materials, and instructional videos will be provided. - Candidates should be located exclusively in Europe, North America (U.S. or Canada), or South America (Argentina, Colombia, Parag...
Freelance Thai-English / English-Thai Translator & Interpreter Wanted We are an international consultancy agency looking for a new colleague to assist us with Thai-English and English-Thai translations during business conversations. Having recently launched in Thailand in Q4 2024, we are now establishing our first connections with Thai companies. To support this, we are searching for a freelance translator who can assist us during online meetings, translating between Thai and English in real time. Role & Responsibilities: Provide live translation (Thai-English / English-Thai) during online business meetings (approx. 4 hours per week). Participate in phone and video conference calls. Reach out to potential clients with a simple script (e.g., "...
I'm looking for a Facebook advertising expert who could provide me a 30-60 minute comprehensive walk-through of Facebook Events Manager. Specifically, how to set up in-app event conversions for our Facebook ads and monitor events in Facebook Events Manager. To highlight it again, it’s for in-app events sent from our game, NOT a website. Our Unity game is live on both App Store and Google Play, currently logging only automatic events. Our developer has implemented manual event tracking for upcoming versions, but we're facing issues not covered in the documentation, such as: - Why some manually sent events appear inconsistently in Events Manager - How to verify which events were actually received by Facebook - The purpose and ...
...result-driven Freelance Business Development Consultants to generate quality leads and secure projects for our company. With a flexible work schedule and performance-based pay, this role is an excellent opportunity for those with strong marketing skills and a solid network. Services: - Branding & Corporate Identity - UI/UX Design & Web Designing - Web & Software Development - Web Applications, CRM & ERP Solutions - Pre-press, Poster & Banner Designing - Social Media Handling - Android & iOS App Development Expectations: - Generate a minimum of 5 successful projects monthly - Expand business opportunities both within and outside Kerala - Target: Startups, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Corporate clients Compensation: - ₹30,000/...
Freelancer – Candidate Sourcing Specialist We are looking for a Freelance Candidate Sourcing Specialist to help us identify and connect with potential candidates for our 3-month HR Training Program. If you have experience in recruitment, lead generation, or candidate outreach, this is a great opportunity to work remotely with flexible hours! Responsibilities: ✔ Source and connect with potential candidates interested in HR training ✔ Promote the HR Training Program through various channels (social media, job portals, groups, etc.) ✔ Generate leads and encourage candidate sign-ups ✔ Maintain a database of interested candidates and follow up as needed ✔ Provide weekly updates on sourcing progress Requirements: ? Experience in recruitment, candidate sourcing...
...skills with a passion for healthcare tech. **What You’ll Gain:** - Hands-on experience with real-world AI healthcare projects. - Mentorship from AI professionals. - Certificate of Internship and potential for future paid opportunities. --- ### **2️⃣ Business Development Intern (Unpaid Internship)** **Duration:** 3 months **Location:** Remote **Reporting to:** Business Strategy Team **Responsibilities:** - Identify potential clients, therapists, and healthcare partners for Whiz Tech. - Assist in preparing business proposals, pitches, and partnership documents. - Conduct competitor analysis and market research to support strategic decisions. - Help manage CRM tools to track client outreach and responses. **Requirements:** - Currently pursuin...
I'm seeking a talented motion graphics designer for a 3D animation video done in Adobe After effects. This is a great opportunity for newcomers to to build their portfolio with a quick turnaround project. The budget is fixed at ₹600. Key Requirements: - Tools: Proficiency in Adobe After Effects or Blender - Time Frame: Able to complete the project within 6 hours Deliverables: - Final rendered video - Original source files (illustrator/After Effects/Blender) What I'll Provide: - A concise script - Logo files - A reference video for guidance Ideal Candidate: - A beginner looking for their first project on Freelancer - Skilled in 3D motion design and creating smooth animations - Capable of ...
I'm looking for a a freelance professional Malaysian translator with a high level of English language understanding to translate PDF documents from English to Malaysian.
We are currently in need of a professional freelance translator to carry out translation from English to Korean.
...working on various projects that require a highly skilled and insightful Content Writer to create educational, informative, and engaging content. The goal is to build brand authority, and engage an audience over time through well-researched and structured writing. This role is perfect for someone who excels in storytelling, research-based content, and audience engagement. If you have experience in content marketing, and long-form storytelling, this opportunity is for you! Responsibilities: ✅ Research and write high-quality, value-driven content that educates and engages audiences. ✅ Create articles, whitepapers, e-books, social media posts, case studies, and newsletters. ✅ Structure content to enhance readability, audience engagement and SEO. ✅ Follow a predefine...
I'm in search of a talented Figma designer who can work on both mobile apps and websites, with a focus on creating visually appealing and innovative designs. Project Scope: - Designing a productivity-focused mobile application. - Crafting a website aimed at showcasing products and services. The ideal candidate should have rich experience in designing for both mobile apps and websites, with a strong portfolio showcasing previous work in the productivity and e-commerce sector. Key Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Experience in designing mobile apps and websites - Creative thinking and design innovation - Previous work in productivity apps and e-commerce websites Please note, this is a fre...
I'm seeking a skilled freelancer for my marketing agency who can effectively run Facebook ads in the astrology niche. The primary objective of these ads is lead generation, targeting a specific demographic. Skills & Experience Needed: - Proficiency in Facebook Ads Manager - Experience in lead generation campaigns - Knowledge of astrology industry is a plus - Ability to target specific demographics - Creativity in ad content to attract the target audience (18-24) - Proficiency in using analytics tools to track campaign success The target audience is from around the world.
...Remote / Contractual / Full-Time We are a dynamic creative agency looking for a talented Graphic Designer to provide design support on a regular basis. You will collaborate with our in-house team to design high-quality brand assets while adhering to established brand guidelines. Our clients include high-end, designer, and luxury brands, as well as those in the film and production industry. We are based in Sydney, Australia. What we’re looking for: Proven experience in brand design, especially for designer or high-end brands A strong portfolio showcasing past work in brand identity and visual storytelling Knowledge and understanding of hospitality and luxury brands Ability to collaborate effectively with our in-house team Availability to work on ...
I need a freelancer to create a SharePoint list and workflow for managing approval of all types of purchases, from office supplies to rent and other services. The workflow should involve department managers as the approvers. This will need to be setup on Sharepoint on Office 365 Key Requirements: - Notify requestor by email - Update purchase order status - Forward to finance for payment Drop down fields to lookup the manager requiring approval from a separate list which must contain the Department name and the Managers Name. The workflow will flow to the following people for approval. If anyone rejects, the originator is notified an the workflow stopped. 1. Department Manager (lookup person from Department List) 2. Department HOD (Look...
I'm in need of an expert to design and create a Facebook ad for my physical product. The primary goal of this ad is to generate sales or leads. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in creating successful Facebook ads, particularly for physical products. - Strong understanding of the Facebook advertising platform and its capabilities. - Ability to design compelling visual content that speaks to the target demographic. Target Audience: - The ad should be tailored for adults aged 20-40. Skills: - Digital marketing - Graphic design - Knowledge of target audience trends and interests - Experience with Facebook Ads Manager. Please include examples of past successful campaigns in your proposal.
Job Title: Full Stack Developer Type: Contract / Freelance Duration: Project-Based (Expected 6-8 weeks) Company Overview: We are a small but dynamic and innovative branding company dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions to our clients. We are currently seeking a talented Full Stack Developer to join our team for a special project. Project Description: We are looking for a skilled Full Stack Developer to design and develop a responsive 6-9 page WordPress website. The website will serve as a key platform to showcase our client’s services, and company information as well as other pertinent information. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in both front-end and back-end development, with a...
Use Wix’s Blog or Wix Email Marketing Create a blog post or an email campaign within Wix. Design it using Wix’s drag-and-drop editor. Create your newsletter in an external tool (Canva, Word, or PowerPoint). Convert it to PDF. Upload it to Wix Media Manager and link it in your emails or website.
I'm seeking a skilled social media manager to oversee my Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. The role includes creating and posting 5 posts and 3 reels on Instagram and Facebook weekly, as well as producing content for YouTube shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging FB, INSTA posts, reels and YouTube shorts. - Scheduling and Posting: Ensure posts are uploaded at optimal times for maximum engagement. - Community Engagement: Primarily focused on initiating conversations with followers. - Paid Campaigns: Plan and manage paid advertising to boost visibility and engagement. - Organic Marketing: Develop strategies to grow the channels without relying solely on paid ads. - Logo Creation: Design a unique and appealing logo for the brand...