Myspace bots mac osxpráce
Do našeho technologického startupu hledáme kolegu na externí spolupráci, který by si vzal na starosti operativní správu IT prostředí. Typicky se jedná nastavování a administrace Office (různých produktů) na počítačích našich zaměstnanců (Win i Mac), instalace nových aplikací, integrace Projektových programů do Slack, Trella, Office a dalších programů. Dále se bude jednat o pravidelnou údržbu - migrace mailů, synchronizace a propojení kalendářů, nastavování nových účtů atd.
Mac Python Naprogramovat script v Python, ktery bude a) cist zpravy na Twiteru a Telegramu od definovanych odesilatelu, b) ze zpravy vyjme ciselnou informaci a vlozi ji do .xls a odesle na Api. Jedna se o udaje o pohybu trhů. Zprovoznit na Osx.
Dobrý den, hledáme vývojáře pro vytvoření aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude kompatibilní s Mac & PC. Již máme hotov design GUI a potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Přikl&aac...
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 10 eur u 14 dana ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato je jakno važno da koristite samo dobre prakse! Sa...
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 10 eur u 14 dana ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato je jakno važno da koristite samo dobre prakse! Sa...
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 20 eur ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. USLOVI : Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez administracije fb sajta). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno (na random) proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse! USLOVI PLAĆANJA : Plaćeni ste na kraju pro...
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 20 eur ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. USLOVI : Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez administracije fb sajta). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno (na random) proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse! USLOVI PLAĆANJA : Plaćeni ste na kraju pro...
I'm seeking an experienced programmer for a project focused on developing a trading bot. The bot is intended to automate tasks via an API. Therefore, expertise in: - Software development - Web development - Creating and working with APIs is crucial. The ideal candidate should have a solid background in programming ...seeking an experienced programmer for a project focused on developing a trading bot. The bot is intended to automate tasks via an API. Therefore, expertise in: - Software development - Web development - Creating and working with APIs is crucial. The ideal candidate should have a solid background in programming with a keen understanding of trading systems. Previous experiences in creating trading bots will be highly regarded. Please include examples of your wo...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create an overlay simulator for my website. This simulator should be able to display various types of content, including text, images, and videos, over the website to provide an interactive experience for users. Key Requirements: - The overlay should be...overlay should be compatible with my website, which you can check here: Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development with experience in creating overlay simulators. - Strong understanding of interactive content creation. - Familiarity with the website mentioned above. Please refer to the following link for an example of the desired simulator:
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a basic informational chatbot for our project. This bot should be equipped with voicebot functionality and able to handle user que...informational chatbot. - Implement voicebot functionality to allow for interactive voice queries. - Ensure the bot can handle both text and voice user queries seamlessly. - Integrate the bot with our existing systems, if necessary. - Deploy the bot on our website and mobile app. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in developing chatbots and voicebots. - Strong understanding of designing informational bots. - Experience with website and mobile app integration. - Multilingual programming skills, specifically in English, German, and Italian. Please provide your portfolio of similar projects, along...
We are looking for an independent designer and frontend developer (freelancer) who excels in...partnership is successful. - Flexible collaboration with clear deadlines. - Interesting and diverse projects that can be worked on alongside other clients (this is not a full-time role). To ensure you’ve fully read this advertisement, please include the word “iamabuilder” somewhere in your response. Applications without this word will not be considered, because most of the reactions here are bots or automatic replies. What We Need From You: - A short introduction about yourself. - Examples of similar projects you have worked on. - Your availability and indicative hourly rate. - Indicate whether you have knowledge of Vue.js and PHP. We look forward to hearing from you...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
My macros are not functioning on my Mac and I need an expert to troubleshoot this for me. Ideal candidates for this job should have: - Deep understanding of Excel VBA - Experience with Mac versions of Excel - Problem solving skills to troubleshoot why macros aren’t running and resolve code, where required branch code into mac or pc subs/functions.
I am aware of setting up a Python-based AI trading bot on a Windows or amazon server. Configure the code and database on the server, and add up API credentials for BONKbot, which ensured the bot interacting...code and database on the server, and add up API credentials for BONKbot, which ensured the bot interacting correctly with BONKbot on Telegram The bot wil be capable to perform automated buy and sell orders based on its checks of selected coins. I am an experience for this job including such skills: - Tremendous knowledge of python programming and java scripts. - Experience setting up trading bots - Proficient in working with Windows or Linux servers and sql databases - Ability to configure and add API credentials I look forward to hearing back from you Sincerely, Parmin...
I need a Discord bot that can connect to my Gportal server on Rust console. This bot should allow me to run commands directly from Discord. Key Requirements: - The bot should connect to Gportal from Discord. - I should be able to type com...more commands and features in the future. Future Enhancements: - The commands will mainly pertain to server management and player management. - The bot should be designed to accommodate additional command features as I expand its use. Access: - I have full admin access to the Gportal server. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating Discord bots. - Experience with Gportal servers and Rust console. - Ability to design bots that can be easily expanded with new features. - Knowledge of server and player management commands in...
I'm in need of a Telegram bot that handles join requests for my channel. The primary purpose of this bot is to automatically accept channel joining requests, with an additional feature of sending a welcome message to new members. ...primary purpose of this bot is to automatically accept channel joining requests, with an additional feature of sending a welcome message to new members. Key Features: - Automatic acceptance of join requests - Sending a welcome message to new members The welcome message should be a text with an image and a link. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in creating Telegram bots, and should be able to understand and implement these specifications effectively. Skills in handling multimedia content within Telegram messages w...
...injection, rate limit APIs to prevent brute force/DDos attacks, OAuth for API Authentication. Instead of likes - user send each other "Roses" Messages are controlled, every day 3 credits are placed in a users account - they can send up to those 3 credits, the maximum number of saved credits is 6 - to prevent spammers Information to be collected: User Identity & Basic Info: Captcha to prevent bots Username to be shown on site (Good for anonymity, while also having a recognizable handle) First Name (First names are generally enough for privacy, unless you require full names) Last Name (Consider if this is necessary for initial use—may be optional) Age/Date of Birth (Important for age verification and matching) Gender (This is essential ...
I'm looking for a simple Android app with a single feature: a chat window. The chat will be connected to a GPT bot (I will provide the endpoint). I will also provide the app's graphic layout. Key Requirements: - No user authentication is needed; the chat is open for all. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android ap...looking for a simple Android app with a single feature: a chat window. The chat will be connected to a GPT bot (I will provide the endpoint). I will also provide the app's graphic layout. Key Requirements: - No user authentication is needed; the chat is open for all. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android app development. - Experience with integrating APIs, particularly GPT or similar bots. - UI/UX understanding to implement...
I'm looking for a day trading-focused stock bot, specifically designed for the eToro platform. Key Requirements: - The bot must implement a day trading strategy, making quick trades based on real-time market data. - It should be compatible with the eToro platform, and if not, an alternative solution must be provided. Ideal Skills: - Experience with stock trading bots is a must. - Proficiency in creating bots for eToro or equivalent platforms is preferred. - Knowledge of day trading strategies and market indicators is essential. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid. In the document you will find the project I am workng on.
I'm in need of a skilled developer who can create a crypto currency trading bot platform for me. The bot should support futures and spot trading and be capable of handling both perpetual contracts and options on futures. Key requirements: - Expertise in creating trading bots - Deep understanding of futures trading strategies - Experience with integrating bots with major cryptocurrency exchanges The bot needs to be integrated with: - Binance - Kraken - Coinbase Pro - buybit If you have the relevant skills and experience, I'd love to hear from you.
...Google Scholar for citation tracking. CrossRef for DOIs. ORCID for author profiles. API Access: Allow external tools to fetch data or integrate services. 13. Accessibility & Compliance WCAG Compliance: Ensure the site is accessible for users with disabilities. Multi-language Support: Offer content in multiple languages. 14. Security HTTPS Encryption. Regular security audits. Protection against spam, bots, and DDoS attacks. Would you like me to create a project brief document or design a basic website prototype for this? Let me know how you'd like to proceed! Website Features: SSRN-Like Platform 1. User Accounts & Authentication User Registration: Allow users to sign up with email or social accounts (Google, LinkedIn). Login & Authentication: Secure login with t...
...remote access tool primarily for Windows. This tool should allow for distant supervision and command over remote computers through an encrypted unattended connection, with a focus on ensuring security across multiple platforms including Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. Key Features: - The initial release should prioritize Windows as the core platform. - The Android version should incorporate several core functionalities including the Black Screen feature, Microphone enable, File Transfer, Unattended connection, and compatibility with multi-OS (Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS). Security: - The tool should implement end-to-end encryption to secure the connection. - It should also feature Activity Logging to monitor the interaction with the remote system. Ideal Skills and E...
My WordPress blog has hit resource limits on shared servers due to high bot activity and slow database queries. I need an expert to: - Block non-essential bots (mainly Amazonbot and MJ12bot) causing resource overload - Optimize the blog for better resource consumption - Identify and fix slow database queries The priority is to get the site up and running again as quickly as possible. Ideal skills include WordPress expertise, database management, and server optimization. Please ensure you're able to start immediately.
I'm in need of a proficient video editor and colorist for a feature film in the fantasy/horror genre. This is an onsite job with preference for candidates who can work on a super high-speed MAC using Davinci Resolve. Key Responsibilities: - Rotoscoping - Color Grading - Compositing - Some VFX The film is shot in super high resolution 8K videos, so experience with high-res footage is a must. The desired mood for the film's color grading is 'dark and moody'. Ideally, you would have a strong understanding of how to create this atmosphere through color. Although I have a general idea of the style I'm aiming for, I don't have specific reference films. Therefore, a creative approach and the ability to interpret and execute a vision is key. Skills and Ex...
...the standards for successful arbitrage. Categories and Formats: traffic focused on banner ads. Freelancer Responsibilities: Identify and recommend reliable traffic sources that meet the specified criteria. Ensure that the traffic can be connected via RTB for seamless integration with our platform. Verify and confirm the quality of the traffic to ensure it aligns with our requirements (no bots or fake traffic). Provide a detailed plan or strategy for acquiring the traffic within the budget. Requirements: Proven experience in sourcing adult traffic via RTB. Familiarity with the adult advertising industry and platforms like ExoClick, TrafficStars, or others. Ability to evaluate traffic quality and ensure compliance with our specifications. Excellent communication and reporting sk...
Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python or similar programming languages - Experienced in building Telegram bots - Knowledgeable about cryptocurrency trading and exchanges - Familiar with APIs of major crypto exchanges - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail
...Payment and Earnings System** - **Features:** - Secure wallet system for users to track and withdraw earnings. - Minimum payout threshold (e.g., ₹500). - Integration with popular payment methods (UPI, Paytm, bank transfers). - Transaction history for transparency. --- ### **8. Suspicious Activity Detection** - **Features:** - AI algorithm to detect fake accounts, duplicate posts, or bots. - Trigger warnings or auto-suspend accounts flagged for suspicious activity. - Admin panel for manual review of flagged accounts. --- ### **9. Admin Panel** - **Features:** - Manage user accounts (approve, suspend, delete). - Monitor and approve/reject business accounts and campaigns. - View platform analytics: - Number of active users. - Posts submitted and...
I need help setting up a Python-based AI trading bot on a Windows or Linux Amazon server. The bot's code is complete, I just need someone to: - Configure the code and database on my s...six API credentials for various systems, including Telegram and BONKbot - Ensure the bot interacts correctly with BONKbot on Telegram The bot is designed to perform automated buy and sell orders based on its checks of selected coins. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Python - Familiarity with Solana blockchain technology - Experience setting up trading bots - Proficient in working with Windows or Linux servers and databases - Ability to configure and add API credentials I look forward to working with a professional who can get this project up and ru...
I'm looking for a skilled developer who can build a trading bot for me on the Solana blockchain. The primary purpose of this bot is token sniping. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a trading bot that operates on the Solana platform. - Implement functionality for 'sniping' for me on the Solana blockchain. The primary purpose of this bot is token sniping. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a trading bot that operates on the Solana platform. - Implement functionality for 'sniping' tokens, i.e., buying tokens as soon as they are listed on the exchange. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in blockchain technology, particularly with Solana. - Experience in building trading bots. - Understanding of token sniping strategies. Please provide examples of similar projects... should automatically analyze the market and give trade signal * User Interaction: The bot should be semi-automated, requiring user confirmation for each trade. * User-friendliness: The bot must be stable and provide visual indicators for signals and it should match real time of market to platform same time signal Ideal Skills and Experience: * Proficiency in developing Telegram bots * Experience with the IQ Option binary trading platform * Strong understanding of trading strategies and market analysis * Ability to create user-friendly interfaces * Knowledge in implementing visual indicators in software Please contact me if you are interested in this project. Note: You can add your contact information and any additional details you'd like to include in the con...
...automatically analyze the market, pinpoint the best investment opportunities, and execute transactions. 3. User Interaction: The bot will be semi-automated, requiring user confirmation for each trade. 4. User-friendliness: The bot must be stable, effective, and have visual indicators for signals and trades to enhance user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in developing Telegram bots - Experience with the IQ Option binary trading platform - Strong understanding of trading strategies and market analysis - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces - Knowledge in implementing visual indicators in software Please note, the specifics of trading signals (i.e., technical, fundamental, or sentiment analysis) have not been predetermined. A flexible and adaptive appr...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a Telegram chat bot that uses Asterisk. The bot should be able to make calls, capture DTMF tones, and spoof caller IDs. It should also read custom text to the receiver of the call and be capable of placing calls from a...caller IDs. It should also read custom text to the receiver of the call and be capable of placing calls from a spoofed number. Key features should include: - Making calls - Capturing DTMF tones - Spoofing caller ID The bot will only run on the Telegram platform, specifically as a chat bot. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Asterisk - Proficient in developing Telegram bots - Strong understanding of DTMF tone capture - Ability to implement caller ID spoofing - Experience with text-to-spee...
Project Proposal: Installation and Configuration of an Emulator to Run the Worldcoin App on a Computer Project Objective Successfully install, configure, and run the Worldcoin mobile application on a computer, ensuring all app functionalities are ful... Brief documentation: Clear instructions for replicating the process or troubleshooting future issues. Initial support: Address any questions or technical problems within an agreed support period after project delivery. Required Skills Previous experience configuring emulators (Bluestacks, NoxPlayer, LDPlayer, etc.). Knowledge of performance optimization and compatibility adjustments on Windows/Mac. Familiarity with installing Android apps from Google Play in virtual environments. Delivery Timeline 2–3 days (flexible depending o...
I need a skilled developer to maintain and update my Mac desktop app which interfaces with a USB device. The app requires user interface updates, error handling and bug fixes, as well as implementation of additional features based on user requests and internal decisions. Key Tasks: - Overhaul of the user interface - Debugging and error handling - Integration of additional features - Improvement of device compatibility You will also be expected to enhance user settings and ensure the app is compatible with a wider range of devices. The app has detailed and updated documentation, which will provide guidance and insight into its current functionalities and future needs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Mac app development - Experience with USB device interfacing - Strong UI/U...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to review and fix my multi-chain arbitrage bot script. This bot is designed to find and act on profitable trades across decentralized exchanges (DEXs). I have been encountering a number of error messages. The execution failures ...bug identification during these tests. Key Responsibilities: - Debug the source code and resolve error messages. - Test the script on my VPS and provide feedback on issues encountered. - Identify bugs during the testing process. - Offer suggestions for improvements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in coding, particularly in languages used for DEX trading bots. - Previous experience with multi-chain arbitrage bots. - Familiarity with decentralized exchanges (DEXs). - Ability to provide clear, con...