Market research for new productpráce
Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuCreation of Professional Product Images'
Dobrý den, potřebuji ze stránky na binance vyextrahovat obchodovaný symbol, cenu, směr nákupu (buy long/short, close long/short) a zaslat přes API zprávu do binance na vytvoření objednávky, která bude vypadat dle github binance následovně: order = client.futures_create_order( symbol=symbol, side=side, type='MARKET', quantity=quantity, positionSide=positionside, closePosition=close kde symbol = pár (např. SOLUSDT); side = BUY nebo CLOSE; quantity = aby byla hodnota 120 USD, tzn. je nutné vypočítat dle přečtené ceny na stránce; positionSide: LONG nebo SHORT. Vize je, že chci kontrolovat nov&a...
...goal-oriented, and do you speak the national language perfektly? Do you have a driver license, are flexible in time and have some experience with promotion, sales or marketing? If so, you are the perfect match for this position! We are a young, innovative start-up company from Germany and will soon rank among the leading providers in the market for smoking accessories. You will showcasing our freshest products with the goal to gain new customers and partners. Send us your curriculume vitae and a recent photo, introduce yourself in a short video application and tell us why you are the right choice for this exciting career opportunity! You can contact us in the following languages: English, German, Russian. It is not important that you have a perfect com...
In order to understand the real estate market in a specific city (Praha) in a small European country (Czech Republic), I would like to scrape the real estate listings from a website (). The website has ~5000 listings of apartments for rent, and ~7000 listings of apartments to buy. Goal is to scrape all the listings including its details, categorized correctly in Excel, to enable comparison of apartments by their size, condition, location within the city, etc. The website is in Czech language and I will happily translate anything you need. It is a one-time scraping, but please consider also the option of continuous scraping. The web scraping could potentially be expanded to other cities (within the same real estate website) Apartments to buy:
...----------------------------------- As a representative of the company on the CZ/SK market, we want to create a copy of the website , functionally and structurally. Everything built ideally on Wordpress so that we can fulfill and manage ourselves. Alternatively, another editorial system, but we prefer Wordpress. CZ and SK language mutation. Ideally, the CZ mutation should be on the .cz domain and the .sk mutation on the sk. domain, but everything was managed under one Wordpress as CZ and SK mutations. But we are not sure if this solution is possible or if there must be 2 separate wordpress. The condition is a section for registered clients only, where they will have documents visible for download - price lists, etc. Ideally, after registration and the registratio...
On my multistore: I have linked 7 multistores. TASK1: -On , I want to remove two types of material options from the dropdown list: "Transparent sticker (only for white wall)” “White sticker (for colorfull wall)" TASK 2: Add to the Material “Restick, white sticker” —> “Restick, white sticker (can be used several times)” Here is the translation of "(can be used several times)” in all languages: SK: (možno použiť viackrát) CZ: (ize použít několikrát) DE: (kann mehrmals verwendet werden) FR: (réutilisable plusieurs fois) PL: (może być używany wielokrotnie) These changes should appear permanently on all website (, , , , , , )
Pro naše architektonické studie klikarch potřebujeme vytvořit nový web. Rádi bychom využili platformy editorX / WIX. Hledáme profesionála, který se umí efektivně pohybovat v prostředí této platformy a má přesah do grafického designu, copywritingu a částečně obsáhne i content creation / marketing. Máme vybranou šablonu resp. šablony - ale bude potřeba ji upravit pro naše použití a prezentaci projektů. Znalost SEO i v rámci wix je "much needed". Přebrandovali jsme se z klik na klikarch ( nové logo v příloze) a tomu by měl odpovídat i nový web, včetně doplnění content všech našich referencí...
Only candidates with experience in software development and software testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hour...
1) Rozsah článku v českém jazyce: 1.500 - 2.000 slov, tj 8.000 - 10.000 znaků 2) Důležitý bude poctivý research na českých i zahraničních webech, protože chceme kvalitní, a ne jen "copy+paste" texty 3) Musí obsahovat: - číslované seznamy - podtituly 4) Musí obsahovat klíčová slova: - nebankovní půjčka - nebankovní půjčka bez příjmu - nebankovní půjčka bez registru - nebankovní půjčka ihned - nebankovní půjčka online - nebankovní půjčka bez nahlíženi do registru - nebankovní půjčky bez potvrzení příjmu Vhodný příklad z hlediska titulků a obsahu: PRAVIDELNÁ SPOLUPRÁCE NA RO...
ENG: Creating a social network / application / web / backend for users / ecommerce solutions / all for one market segment. More information in chat, thanks for the offers CZ: Vytvoření sociální sítě / applikace / webu / backendu pro uživatele / ecommerční řešení / vše pro jeden segment trhu. Více informací v chatu, děkuji za nabídky Ondra B.
POtřebuji napsat indikátor pro market analyzer na ninjatrader 8. Bude to kolonka, kde se napíše ano x ne x poslední, podle toho, jaké bylo volume. Pokud ano, tak bude 1,5x větší volume, než je průměr za posledních 10 svíček.
Dobrý den, Jedná o vytvoření jedinečného prostředí e-commerce marketplace na podporu nezávislých švýcarských hodinářu nikoliv mainstream (rolex atd.) jedná se zakázkovou výrobu limitovaných kusů méně známých značek, které třeba ani lidi neznají. Obchodní stránku (exekuci) zařizuji já již jsem na největší výstavě ve Švýcarsky a navázal konexe. Potřebuju někoho kdo se postará o výrobu samotného marketplace prostředí, jeho udržování a nebude chtít za to hned statisíce (chápu druhou stranu a zadarmo to taky nechci) přece jen to budu...
Dobrý den, Jedná o vytvoření jedinečného prostředí e-commerce marketplace na podporu nezávislých švýcarských hodinářu nikoliv mainstream (rolex atd.) jedná se zakázkovou výrobu limitovaných kusů méně známých značek, které třeba ani lidi neznají. Obchodní stránku (exekuci) zařizuji já již jsem na největší výstavě ve Švýcarsky a navázal konexe. Potřebuju někoho kdo se postará o výrobu samotného marketplace prostředí, jeho udržování a nebude chtít za to hned statisíce (chápu druhou stranu a zadarmo to taky nechci) přece jen to budu...
Cílem je přepsat některé naše terapeutické aplikace do IOS. Některé jsou již hotové a je potřeba pouze dodělat nové funkce. Příklad aplikace pro android: a pro IOS:
1. Need to download product description 2. Need to transfer into plain text 3. Need to format H1, H2 and table result will be well formated text with proper HTML tags See below: FROM THIS ----------------------------------------------------- Popis výrobku Brusinkový čaj na močové cesty Bylinný čaj porcovaný v nálevových sáčcích. Brusinky obsahují antioxidanty, přispívají k normální funkci močové soustavy, podporují přirozenou obranyschopnost. Bříza, šípek a zlatobýl přispívají k normální funkci ledvin a močových cest. Kopřiva a přeslička podporují vylučování. Složen&...
Dobrý den, máme shop s bateriemi, adaptéry a klávesnicemi. Běží na Prestashopu. Každý produkt v eshopu má několik stovek kompatibilit. Potřebujeme vytvořit XML feed, který bude generovat názvy v kombinaci s každou kompatibilitou. Příklad: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK ACER 19V 3.42A (5.5X1.7) Kompatibility v databázi: Acer Aspire 1200, Acer Aspire 1200X, Acer Aspire 1200XV, Acer Aspire 1202, Acer Aspire 1202X, Acer Aspire 1203X, Acer Aspire 1203XC, Acer Aspire 1203XV, Acer Aspire 1360, Acer Aspire 1410 Výsledek v XML exportu: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200 NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200X NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200XV NABÍJEČKA N...
...přihlásí a vyplní svoje steam trade url (Pokud již nemá vyplněno u BOT_1 -trade url bude stále uloženo, pokud si hráč nezmění.) 2. Po prokliku na tlačítko Deposit items příjde hráčovi na steam trade offer, kam tento hráč zadá itemy, které chce vsadit a potvrdí. 2. Tyto itemy se následně přidají do databáze a zobrazí se po prokliknutí Withdrawal (nebo Marketplace viz. ) 3. Hráčovi se v ceně jeho vložených itemů přidělí virtuální měna, za kterou bude moci hrát jednotlivé hry. 4. Pokud hráč vyhraje, může si za tuto měnu zvolit libovolný předmět v ceně z nabídky. 6. V tomto ohledu...
Potřebuji provést průzkum polského internetu, více informací v chatu.
Mam pro Vas nabidku prace na projektu, jehoz zakaznik je na Novem Zelandu. Je to docela zajimavu projekt v oblasti stavebnictvi. Jake mate zkusenosti s programovanim v C#, MSSQL? Jake mate zkusenosti s anglictinou? Na jake jste urovni? Jaka je Vase hodinova, mesicni sazba pri dlouhodobejsi spolupraci? Mate zkusenosti s vyvojem software na dalku? Zakaznik si preje platit hodinove a spoluprace by byla na 2 - 3 mesice a pripadne i dale. Ja jsem momentalne na Novem Zelandu, muzeme se klidne domluvit na Skype, pokud budete chtit. Pekny den. Petr Kott
...Below are the comprehensive requirements for the project: 1. API Retrieval and Optimization: Retrieve integrated APIs (Eden AI, Salesforce, Getty Images, Azure, OpenAI). Assistance may be required for inaccessible accounts due to geographical restrictions. 2. Domain & Email Integration for Local Market: Build a robust system for selling AI domains and email registration, specifically catering to the region of Anguilla. Ensure compliance with local copyright laws. 3. Enhanced User Experience via Icons: Replace traditional category representations with visually appealing side-by-side icons for all features. Description texts will be provided and need to be properly placed. 4. Regulatory Adjustments: - Make login/sign-in optional for bu...
Job Description: I am looking for a detail-oriented and reliable Virtual Assistant to help automate and streamline my job search in the Supply Chain & Logistics field. Your primary task will be to apply for relevant job openings based on my resume and specific criteria. Responsibilities: Search for job postings that match my skills and experience in Supply Chain & Logistics Submit applications on job boards (LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, etc.) Track submitted applications in a spreadsheet for organization Customize cover letters and make small resume adjustments when necessary Reach out to recruiters and hiring managers on LinkedIn to increase responses Provide weekly progress updates on application status Job Requirements: Experience in jo...
I am seeking researchers in Georgetown, Guyana to conduct market research for a retail audit. The ideal candidate should have good communication skills and access to a smartphone. You will visit 25 bars in the city of Georgetown, and the payment for this project is €250, plus the cost of the product and project materials. Specific requirements for the project include: - Conducting a retail audit in Georgetown, Guyana - Collecting data on consumer behavior and preferences Skills and experience needed for this project: - Excellent communication skills - Ability to finish the project by a specific deadline - Strong analytical skills - Flexible schedule Please get in contact if you are interested in this project.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can craft a long, in-depth essay exploring the political values of the current era in the United States. Key aspects to cover: - A comprehensive historical analysis leading up to the present political landscape. - An examination of how these values compare with those of previous eras. - Critical analysis and interpretation of various political events and their influence on current values. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional research and writing skills. - Strong background in historical analysis. - Ability to present complex concepts in a clear, engaging manner. - Familiarity with the political landscape of the USA. - Experience in crafting long-form essays. Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project. here is t...
I require a mechanical blueprint for a product design. The blueprint should contain detailed specifications, suitable for manufacturing purposes.
Project Title: Research & Analysis Project Description: We are seeking a skilled and experienced researcher and writer to contribute to a public policy research initiative. • Analyze relevant data and reports to support evidence-based recommendations. • Ensure all research and writing adheres to the highest ethical standards and is properly cited. Requirements: • Demonstrated expertise in public policy research and analysis. • Strong analytical and critical thinking skills. • Excellent written and verbal communication abilities. • Familiarity with policy research methodologies and data analysis techniques. Project Deliverables: • 6,000 words of original, high-quality written content for a policy ...
I'm looking for a professional designer to create a premium, minimalist and clean pitch deck for me. The primary purpose of this deck is to attract investors. Key Components: - Market Analysis: I need a comprehensive overview of the industry landscape. - Financial Projections: Clearly laid out and realistic predictions. - Team Profiles: Highlighting the strengths and expertise of our team. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of what investors are looking for in a pitch deck, as well as a strong background in design. Experience in creating pitch decks for startups is a plus. Looking forward to your proposals!
We are a growing e-co...multiple brands since 2016. We’re looking for an SEO Product Launch Specialist to join our team remotely. We are looking for full-time, long-term options. Payment: Between $700 and $1000 monthly Key Qualifications: - Must be located in one of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Spain or the USA. - Conduct detailed research to analyze competitor listings and identify opportunities to optimize our product listings. - Write clear and engaging product listings that resonate with customers. - Perform comprehensive keyword research and create keyword strategies. - E...
We are a growing e-commerce company managing multiple brands since 20...are a growing e-commerce company managing multiple brands since 2016. We’re looking for an SEO Product Launch Specialist to join our team remotely. Key Qualifications: - Must be located in one of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Spain or the USA. - Conduct detailed research to analyze competitor listings and identify opportunities to optimize our product listings. - Write clear and engaging product listings that resonate with customers. - Perform comprehensive keyword research and create keyword strategies. - Ensure l...
Seeking expert guidance for our Google Ads campaign aimed at enhancing views on our daily changing product review videos, while simultaneously reducing our cost-per-view (CPV). Ideal freelancers should be skilled in: - Google Ads - YouTube marketing - Cost-effective advertising strategies Please bid only if you can provide strategic advice on how to implement these goals.
...Specification for Developing a Customizable HFT Trading Bot Project Goal To develop a high-frequency trading (HFT) bot for the futures market that analyzes order book imbalances and market orders, automatically opens positions, and manages them based on user-defined settings and parameters. Core Functionality 1. Order Book Analysis - Process data for 20 levels of the order book. - Calculate the overall imbalance between buy and sell orders. - Adjustable imbalance threshold (default: 60%). 2. Market Order Analysis - Assess activity of buyers and sellers using market orders. - Adjustable time interval for analysis. - Threshold values for market order activity to confirm signals. 3. Combined Analysis - Ensure two co...
...looking for an SEO Product Launch Specialist to join our team remotely. This role is critical in ensuring the success of our product launches through effective competitor analysis, SEO optimization, and strategic planning. Key Responsibilities: •Competitor Analysis: Conduct detailed research to analyze competitors listings (pricing, images, keywords, and copywriting) and identify opportunities to optimize our product listings. •Listing Writing: Write clear, professional, and engaging product listings that resonate with customers. •SEO Optimization: Perform comprehensive keyword research, create keyword strategy lists, and optimize product listings with the best-performing keywords to enhance visibility and search ra...
...functionality, and styling to meet our specific redesign goals. This is not just a minor refresh; we are looking for a substantial visual and functional overhaul. Modern Design Aesthetic: Create a contemporary design within the constraints of the Flatsome theme that reflects the quality and trustworthiness of our offerings. The design should be clean, minimalist, and visually engaging, avoiding a cluttered or outdated look. Research current design trends in e-commerce, particularly within the relevant industry. User-Centered Design: Prioritize user experience by creating intuitive navigation, clear product displays, and a seamless checkout process. The design should be optimized for both desktop and mobile devices (responsive design), leveraging Flatsome'...
A fast-growing company needs Dutch-speaking freelancers for web research and data entry positions Training will be provided. Main requirements include: - time commitment of approx. 40 hours per week - fast internet connection - web research skills - phone call skills - fluency in English - fluency in Dutch
I am seeking researchers in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso to conduct market research for a retail audit. The ideal candidate should have good communication skills and access to a smartphone. You will visit 25 bars in the city of Ouagadougou, and the payment for this project is €250, plus the cost of the product and project materials. Specific requirements for the project include: - Conducting a retail audit in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - Collecting data on consumer behavior and preferences Skills and experience needed for this project: - Excellent communication skills - Ability to finish the project by a specific deadline - Strong analytical skills - Flexible schedule Please get in contact if you are interested in this project.
I'm launching a new venture and I'm in need of a modern, striking logo. The design should embody a contemporary aesthetic while utilizing vibrant, bright colors. An integral part of the design will be the incorporation of a unique icon or symbol. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly with modern aesthetics - Strong portfolio showcasing previous work with bright colors - Ability to create unique, memorable icons or symbols Skills Needed: - Graphic Design - Branding - Illustration
I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can create a unique, premium GTA V - RAGE:MP roleplay server for me. All necessary and premium scripts should be included, and the server must be fully developed in Romanian language because our target is Romanian market. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive Roleplay Scripts: The server should include all essential roleplay scripts, and these scripts should be premium quality. This includes a fully functional job system, housing system, and economy system, etc. We pay for everything needed - Game-themed User Interface: The server's user interface should be styled in a game-themed format. This means it should be immersive and consistent with the aesthetics of GTA V. Important Notes: - No Free Stuff: I am not inter...
I'm looking for an expert to build and set up a filament extruder for processing PLA. The extruder needs to output filament with a diameter of 1.75mm. Key Responsibilities: - Constructing the filament extruder - Setting up necessary wiring and tension belt - Ensuring the extruder produces 1.75mm PLA filament Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in building filament extruders - Proficiency in working with PLA - Understanding of 1.75mm filament specifications - Ability to set up wiring and tension belts - Craftsmanship in constructing reliable and durable machines. need of a skilled data scraper to extract product descriptions and customer reviews for liquor products from various platforms. The primary sources for this project include Google Shopping, Online Liquor Stores, and Review Websites. Key Requirements: - Proficient in web scraping techniques - Prior experience with eCommerce data scraping - Familiarity with liquor product market (preferred but not necessary) - Ability to deliver data in an organized and usable format Ideal Skills: - Data Analysis - Python or equivalent programming languages - Attention to detail Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed. Your bid will be evaluated based on your experience, the quality of your previous work, and your proposed timeline f...
I'm seeking a skilled copywriter with a flair for crafting engaging product descriptions. The goal is to make these descriptions appealing and understandable for casual consumers. You can use versions that are already online as many vendors reuse the manufacturers description. Key Responsibilities: - Write captivating descriptions for various liquor products. - Include detailed information about the ingredients and origin of the products. - Highlight the tasting notes and flavor profiles in an appealing way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product description writing, particularly in the liquor industry. - Excellent understanding of casual consumer's preferences. - Strong ability to convey complex information in an engagin...
? Hiring Python Developer for MyAi (Equity-Based) ? Position: AI-Powered Trading Bot Developer (Python) ? Compensation: Equity-Based (5-15% based on contribution & milestones) ? Location: Remote (Flexible) ? Commitment: Part-Time / Full-Time ? About MyAi MyAi is an AI-driven, next-gen trading system designed to outperform hedge funds & protect retail traders from market manipulation. Our goal is to build a highly intelligent AI trading bot that integrates quantum AI, deep learning, and reinforcement learning for ultra-accurate market predictions. We are looking for a highly skilled Python developer with experience in AI trading models, machine learning, and market analysis to help develop MyAi's AI engine. ? Key Responsibilities ...
I'm in need of an SEO specialist who can significantly increase the traffic to my new website, primarily by attracting new visitors through content marketing. Your role will focus on enhancing the site's visibility and search engine ranking, with the ultimate aim of boosting the number of unique visitors to the site. Key Responsibilities: - Implement effective SEO strategies to improve the website's search engine ranking and online visibility. - Develop and execute a content marketing plan aimed at attracting new visitors. - Monitor, analyze and report on website traffic and SEO performance. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO and content marketing. - Strong understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking strategies. - Excellent content cre...
*** Only a freelancer who can provide me 1 design for free can apply this project**** If you agree to offer a free design, please write "I will provide you 1 page of free design for free" in application form -Creating android app using exist web(Similar as -New design -Adding push alert feature -Push on/off feature by set time -Upload app on google play store
I am conducting an academic research project that involves the transformation of statues into realistic human figures. This project requires a deep understanding of all aspects of realism, including facial features, body proportions, and skin texture. Key Project Aspects: - The transformations need to be as realistic as possible, covering all aspects of human appearance. - I have a set of reference images that can guide the transformations. - The final output will be used for academic research purposes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in 3D modeling and animation. - Strong attention to detail to ensure accurate transformations. - Previous experience with creating realistic human figures from static objects. - Ability to work from reference images and follow...