Local furniture pickup and delivery servicespráce


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2,000 local furniture pickup and delivery services Nalezené pracovní možnosti
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Pro Vocal Mixing & Mastering Services

€74 - €74
€74 - €74
0 nabídky

Zorem local pickup pro Plugin reinstall

€46 Average bid
€46 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months

€5015 - €10029
Neodkladné Zapečetěný
€5015 - €10029
3 nabídky

...počátečních návrhů a konceptů. Jaké jsou požadavky na nového kolegu? Hledáme kandidáta s následujícími zkušenostmi: - Junior+ nebo Medior Fullstack vývojář - Znalost HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, REST, PostgreSQL a React.js - Znalost TypeScript, , , rozšíření (JSX), MongoDB, GraphQL, Docker, Git (GitHub, GitLab atd.), ladění kódu (debugging), unit testování, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Webpack, Rollup - Angličtina na úrovni B1, Čeština - rodilý mluvčí - Orientace na výsledky a ochota neustále se rozvíjet Rozsah a typ spolupráce: - Typ spolupráce: IČO (živnostensk&ya...

€25 / hr Average bid
€25 / hr Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky

Only candidates with experience in software development and software testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech R...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky
company logo
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Company name:SEKKA Field : PRO SERVICES

€21 Average bid
€21 Průměr. nabídka
80 nabídky

Pozice zahrnuje návrh, vývoj, úpravy a migraci 100+ scénářů v JAVA technologii, primárně v oblasti vrstvy služeb (mikro-services, klasické services). Dlouhodobý projekt.

min €35 / hr
min €35 / hr
0 nabídky
€454 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...for an external lecturer - trainer. The subject of delivery is to provide a short "standup" training for call center operators on topics such as communication, stress, positive call management, etc. in polish language. Delivery consists of - Translation of existing materiáls or co-creating materials for topics - in polish language. Current materials are in the Czech language. - listening to calls for understanding issues and incorporating specific situations into training - provide training topics for smaller groups with several reps - length is 3hrs per training Communication during preparation will ideally be in Czech or English. We plan the project for several months but depend on the lecturer abilities to have even more and ...

€17 - €19 / hr
€17 - €19 / hr
0 nabídky
Website SEO
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SEO Services for

€105 Average bid
€105 Průměr. nabídka
32 nabídky

...poštou 5) Na každém vygenerovaném PDF bude umístěn vygenerovaný QR kód včetně jeho alfanumerické alternativy, kdy po jeho načtení (např. mobilním telefonem nebo zadáním alfanumerického kódu do formuláře, který je také potřeba vytvořit) a potvrzení dojde ke změně stavu objednávky. Možno využít např. tohoto modulu nebo vlastního řešení: Nutno generovat QR pro každý produkt individuálně (po jeho zaplacení) na zasílané PDF. U každého QR kódu bude jeho doba platnosti (např. 12 měsíců) po který jej lze "uplatnit" - toto bychom měli mít možnost u každého ...

€1094 Average bid
€1094 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky
Trophy icon Vytvořte mi logo k novému brandu
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..."Evenťačka" It is about a single female person / group of independent professionals and artists that are producing tailored made highly creative events. It is not an emerging event agency producing "event products" My company is looking for a 100% match and understanding with the client that is percieved as a co-creator of the event. The main focus of the brand is to reduce waste from events and to use and work gently with materials and props. "Eventačka" offers 3 services: - Tailor made events for business partners, employees, or the public. (Family, Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christmas parties, Opening events, Company anniversaries, Open days, Roadshow, Garden parties, Galaevenings...

€68 Average bid
64 příspěvky
SEM Campaign
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SEM Campaign for local business

€129 Average bid
€129 Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

Našemu významnému klientovi působícímu v oblasti financí a kapitálových trhů hledáme zkušeného Angular developera. Více informací rád poskytnu v chatu, případně v rámci emailové komunikace/telefonicky/via [Offsite communication is prohibited in the site].

€3019 Average bid
€3019 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky
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Hledáme solution architecta, který má zkušenosti s NetIQ eDirectory, Novell Directory Services, NetWare Directory Services pro jednorázovou konzultaci.

€36 / hr Average bid
€36 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky
Tvorba softwaru
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Hledáme solution architecta, který má zkušenosti s NetIQ eDirectory, Novell Directory Services, NetWare Directory Services pro jednorázovou konzultaci.

€36 / hr Average bid
€36 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...I'm looking to extend my website (WordPress) and introduce an effective SEO friendly online store. We aim to create the online store under our current domain and server. We will accept cash upon delivery within a specific area, we will also accept bank transfer, Paypal, Google Wallet and Stripe payments. This E commerce site will need to be integrated into our WordPress theme (Avada). There is 6 food products we will sell online (not much) We have already purchased WPML and its associated plugins that can offer multiple languages. I am looking for an experienced professional to do this job. Please read this brief before responding and include how you would do this, the tools you would use, how long and anything you may n...

€445 Average bid
€445 Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

Instalace šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrob... jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Prosím o orientační cenu a info jste-li plátcem DPH či nikoliv.

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Instalace šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrob... jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Prosím o orientační cenu a info jste-li plátcem DPH či nikoliv.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
PHP programátor
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MAFRA, a.s. hledá externího PHP programátora pro správu a vývoj webu VratnéPení Očekáváme: • velmi dobrou znalost programování v PHP (Nette framework výhodou) • orientaci v problematice relačních databází, zejm. MySQL Web Services (REST) • zkušenosti s programováním v JavaScriptu, (jQuery), znalosti HTML a CSS Nabízíme: • Externí spolupráce pro web VratnéPení • Předpokládané vytížení cca. 60-80 hodin/měsíc s předpokladem budoucího nárůstu (flexibilní řízení dle aktuálních potřeb). • Možnost ...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

Predpokladany objem práce je do konce roku 2014 minimalne. - zkusenosti z financniho sektoru, idealne retail banking - technologie: o Java (Standard + Enterprise) – servlets, JMS, web services, o Spring (IoC, Spring remoting) o Hibernate o Oracle DB o Maven o Jenkins/Hudson o Unit testing – JUnit, Mockito o Eclipse o Tomcat o Vyhodou znalost Eclipse RCP o Vyhodou znalost Weblogic Application Server

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky
Salah Prayer Time App & Widget
6 dní left

...mobile app developer to create a cross-platform Salah (Islamic prayer) app for Android and iOS, complete with a home screen widget. The app will allow users to select masjids (mosques) and display their prayer times on the widget. Additional features include user-driven timetable scanning via an AI API, geolocation to suggest nearby masjids, and a scalable backend database. This is an urgent project with a one-week timeline, achievable with the assistance of AI tools (e.g., Grok by xAI) for coding, debugging, and optimization. Key Features Cross-Platform App (Android & iOS): Built with Flutter or React Native for rapid deployment. Simple UI: List of masjids with multi-select functionality (checkboxes). Local storage to save user preferences (e.g.,...

€511 Average bid
€511 Průměr. nabídka
57 nabídky

PLEASE READ THE SPECS ATTACHED AND BUDGET; ONLY BID IF YOU BOTH OK FOR YOU. Project Brief: Car Rental Booking System Project Overview Total Budget: $250 USD The goal is to develop a car rental booking system with a user-friendly website, vendor dashboard, and admin panel. The platform will allow users to book cars, pay a 10% deposit (admin fee only), and pay the remaining amount directly to the owner at pickup. Owners will subscribe to a monthly package instead of paying a per-booking commission. DESIGN TO REPLICATE: Website *mrxcmm*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3NDA2NzQwMzAuQ2p3S0NBaUF0NEMtQmhCY0Vpd0E4S3AwQ1k3WS1LcTJnS0pUVTRnUjJwNmRxT0dsYnVkeVNjWVR4cl81VjU1bGZ3ZlJmUnM0dWdXdUZCb0M2d1FRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*MTQ0NTI1MTgxOS4xNzQwMjMxNTc3*_ga*MTI2MzYwM

€141 Average bid
€141 Průměr. nabídka
57 nabídky

I'm seeking a professional SEO expert to conduct work under my agency's name via comprehensive on-page, off-page, and technical SEO strategies. - Primary Goal: The main objective of this project is to boost conversions and sales through effective SEO work. - On-page Optimization: Of particular importance is the optimization of keyword research and content creation to enhance our site's visibility and attract potential clients. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proven experience in delivering successful SEO campaigns - Expertise in keyword research and optimization - Capability in creating and optimizing content - Proficient in technical SEO - Excellent understanding of off-page SEO strategies

€1671 Average bid
€1671 Průměr. nabídka
16 nabídky

...logo designer who can blend elements of a semi truck and grain bins for my farm's logo. The semi truck should be a key focus, with its stacks cleverly integrated as the 'L's in 'ROLLIN'. The name 'ROLLIN' should be encapsulated within the truck, with 'P FARMS' placed underneath. The logo should also incorporate grain bins and wheat stalks, with a prominent 'P' in the center grain bin. Key Requirements: - Experience in graphic design and logo creation - Ability to work with a mix of both agricultural and transport-themed imagery - Understanding of incorporating specific elements into a cohesive design In terms of color, I prefer a bold and vibrant palette for the logo, steering away from tradition...

€72 Average bid
€72 Průměr. nabídka
139 nabídky

...USD/EUR to Danish standards, and doing various small calculations as incorporating VAT and custom profit margin calculations. Key Tasks: - Translate all product information (SKU, Product name, price, image name, Manufacturer, etc.) from English to Danish using any suitable AI translation tool. - Delivery in a .xlxs spreadsheet which I can use to upload to Shopify. - Convert format and pricing from USD/EUR to Danish and e.g., changing 10.00 to 10,00 to be able to calculate prices correct. - Implement VAT calculations (25% in Denmark) and custom profit margin calculations. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with Excel - Experience with AI translation tools. - Ability to perform price conversions and calculations accurately. - Understanding of p...

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Průměr. nabídka
45 nabídky

I require a professional service to pick up a piece of official mail from my home address in Springfield, IL, scan it, and send it to me as a PDF. Location: Springfield, IL 62702, between Downtown and the Medical District. Key Requirements: - Pick up one piece of physical mail from my home address - Scan the mail and email it to me as a PDF - Must be professional and have references Ideal Skills and Experience: - Reliable and trustworthy - Prior experience with mail handling - Excellent communication skills - Proficient in using a scanner - Able to provide references

€90 Average bid
€90 Průměr. nabídka
19 nabídky

...door repair and installation business in Maryland. I have 3 years of experience in the industry and will soon be receiving my business license for the state. I'm looking for a reliable and communicative freelancer to assist me in growing my business. The main services I’m seeking are: Setting up Google Maps for my business Developing a new website optimized for SEO Running Facebook ads and Google ads to generate leads Lead generation and customer scheduling: I need help with strategies to bring in more customers, plus organizing meetings with clients I’m looking for someone who can be in daily communication with me and provide ongoing digital advertising support. I would love to hear any additional suggestions you may h...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
68 nabídky

...primary goal is to create appealing content that will help increase business for our firm. This content should draw attention to and raise awareness of the services we offer. Services offered: Bookkeeper Payroll Tax Returns (Personal & Corporate) Financial Audit Business Advisement Tax Strategy 1 with the previous 7 grouped together Ideal skills for the job include: - Excellent writing and content creation abilities - Experience in the accounting industry - Understanding of how to create engaging content for diverse audiences - Skills in SEO and social media marketing - Ability to create content across different platforms, including blogs, social media updates, and service brochures. Your main task will be to craft content that appeals ...

€126 Average bid
€126 Průměr. nabídka
46 nabídky

Thanks for giving me opportinuty, i provide you all these services - 5k instagram followers and 5k likes on various posts - 2.5 followers on Facebook - 500 followers on x - 1k subscription on YouTube Adding every 2 - 3 days is fine, I just don’t want them all at once.

€93 Average bid
€93 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
TripShare Inc
6 dní left

...create a multifunctional app - Tripshare. The main objective is to facilitate ridesharing, peer-to-peer shopping, and delivery. Key Features: - Ridesharing: The app should seamlessly connect users looking for a carpooling experience. It should provide safety features and allow users to share their ride preferences. - Peer-to-Peer Shopping: The app should allow users to shop from local stores together. This involves coordinating pick-ups and drop-offs. The shopping experience should be crowdsourced, making it unique and community-driven. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in app development with a focus on ridesharing and shopping platforms. - Experience in creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces. - Knowledge about implementin...

€303 Average bid
€303 Průměr. nabídka
83 nabídky

I'm seeking a skill...high-demand, low-competition electronics products for my WooCommerce drop-shipping store. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and source suitable electronics products. - Ensure products meet the specified criteria: high profit margin, high demand, and low competition. - Provide insights on potential market trends and product performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product sourcing for drop-shipping, particularly in the electronics sector. - Strong analytical skills to assess product viability. - Familiarity with WooCommerce platform. - Excellent research skills to identify market trends and low-competition products. I value quality work and timely delivery. Your expertise can significantl...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Průměr. nabídka
4 nabídky

I'm looking for a freelancer with experience in web design and development to create a modern and sleek website for my mobile carwash business. The site should have a user-friendly layout and be optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing. Key Features: - A comprehensive section detailing the various services we offer - An integrated, easy-to-use booking system While I'm currently uncertain about e-commerce functionalities, I'd appreciate a website that can be easily adapted to include an online store in the future. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience in creating modern, sleek, and user-friendly websites - Strong skills in web design and development - Previous experience with integrating boo...

€273 Average bid
€273 Průměr. nabídka
69 nabídky

A service based website that allows agricultural contractors to create there own profile and advertise their services at their own costs on the platform. Farms can then book on this website and compare local contractors. this will also contain payments online and an online calendar allowing for both to see what is booked at when.

€59 Average bid
€59 Průměr. nabídka
38 nabídky

...automate tasks, and seamlessly integrate with external systems. The bot should be optimized for accuracy, scalability, and real-time responsiveness. Key Requirements: Strong proficiency in Python, Node.js, or relevant AI frameworks Experience with NLP technologies (e.g., OpenAI GPT, LangChain, Rasa, Dialogflow) Ability to integrate APIs, databases, and external services Expertise in cloud deployment (AWS, Azure, GCP) Knowledge of vector databases & embeddings (e.g., Pinecone, FAISS) Experience fine-tuning AI models for performance improvement Project Scope: Develop an intelligent conversational agent with a natural, human-like response flow Implement task automation and workflow management based on user interactions Integrate with real-time data ...

€163 Average bid
€163 Průměr. nabídka
45 nabídky

As a cell phone repair and sales company, I need a talented graphic designer to create two distinct flyers - one for our repair promotions and another for our sales promotions. Repair Promotions Flyer: - The primary message should focus on promoting our discounts on repair services. Sales Promotions Flyer: - This flyer should highlight our limited-time discounts on various products. Key Requirements: - Use of our company logo and colors. I am open to your creative suggestions. - Inclusion of necessary elements: Our contact information and social media handles. - The designs should be vibrant, eye-catching and appealing to our customers. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Knowledge of marketing design principles - Ability to create engaging vis...

€90 Average bid
€90 Průměr. nabídka
66 nabídky

I'm seeking a skilled 3D modeler to recreate a medium-detail 3D model of a bronze knob for personal use. The model will primarily be used for 3D printing. Specification...recreate a medium-detail 3D model of a bronze knob for personal use. The model will primarily be used for 3D printing. Specifications: - Dimensions: 6.5” Width, 5” Length, 1 5/8” Height (projection) - Wall Thickness: 1.5mm Delivery: A .OBJ file Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experienced in 3D object modeling - Background in designing models specifically for 3D printing - High attention to detail, as the likeness to the image is important Please attach your portfolio of similar work with your bid. This will demonstrate your skills and allow me ...

€71 Average bid
€71 Průměr. nabídka
45 nabídky

I'm in need of a seasoned professional with deep expertise in Microsoft Azure and .Net. As specific Azure services were not pinpointed in the initial inquiry, flexibility and adaptability to work across various Azure platforms will be crucial. The primary focus will be on: Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in .NET for frontend development - Experience with MS Azure - Knowledge in creating secure login systems - Ability to design and implement various protected web pages

€17 Average bid
€17 Průměr. nabídka
11 nabídky

I'm in need of a park rendering that will primarily serve as an initial design concept. The target audience for this rendering will primarily be the local community. Key Requirements: - The park design should prominently feature a playground area. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in design software. - Experience with park or landscape design. - Ability to create engaging, community-focused designs.

€326 Average bid
€326 Průměr. nabídka
90 nabídky
Trophy icon Indoor Retractable Banner
6 dní left

Hi. I need to design a 33" x 81" retractable banner designed for indoor use to promote our brand. The primary focus of this banner will be showcasing our services. Key Requirements: - Design must fit on a 33" x 81" banner - Design must utilize our logo (attached) - Design must include our services: Tenant Services, Landlord Services, Real Estate Investment Management, Development/Construction Management - The design should be suitable for indoor events, considering visibility and legibility from a distance. - Experience with designing promotional materials, especially retractable banners, is highly preferred.

€23 Average bid
9 příspěvky

I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to create a comprehensive Edtech website centered around offering online courses. Key Features: - A robust Student Management System that caters to: ...comprehensive Edtech website centered around offering online courses. Key Features: - A robust Student Management System that caters to: - Students - Teachers - Administrators - Diverse course content delivery methods including: - Engaging Video Lessons - Interactive Modules - Informative Text-based Materials Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in developing Edtech platforms - Strong understanding of creating user-friendly, engaging online courses - Experience with designing inclusive student management systems - Proficient in integrating varied co...

€1105 Average bid
€1105 Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

I'm looking for a skilled 3D visualizer to create high-quality, realistic renderings for my modern villa project. This 231 sq.m. residential space will require a ...realistic renderings for my modern villa project. This 231 sq.m. residential space will require a maximum of 8 shots, covering the Living room, Dining room, Open kitchen, and Master bedroom. CAD drawings and detailed plans, along with furniture selection, will be provided. The ideal candidate will be able to: - Interpret provided CAD drawings and plans accurately. - Create high-detail, realistic 3D visuals with appropriate lighting and shadows. - Incorporate a mixture of neutral and bold colors into the renderings. In your response, please include: 1- Pricing per shot 2- Any pa...

€396 Average bid
€396 Průměr. nabídka
88 nabídky

I'm looking for a skilled and Canadian based content writer who can refine an engaging and compelling content for my website with a focus on customer engagement on vehicle sales. Key Responsibilities: - Craft captivating content for various sections of the website including the Home page, About Us page, Why Us, Products and Delivery, Contact us, Terms and Policies, Inventory page. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in website content writing - Excellent understanding of customer engagement strategies - Ability to write in a brand-consistent tone - SEO knowledge is a plus

€67 Average bid
€67 Průměr. nabídka
62 nabídky
Marketing Strategy package
6 dní left

...marketing strategy and brand presence. We need a consultant who can deliver high-quality marketing assets efficiently. Services We're Considering (will prioritize based on your recommendations): * Brand Messaging Framework & Positioning * Content Strategy with Editorial Calendar * Go-to-Market Strategy * Social Media Strategy & Content Plan * Value Proposition Development * Audience Persona Development * Marketing Channel Strategy * Website Messaging Optimization What We're Looking For: * Experience with US-based companies * Project-based (not hourly) approach with clear deliverables * Proven framework for delivering quality results without excessive time investment Budget Range: $1000-1500 for initial project(s) How to Respond: 1. Share your workflow...

€750 - €1500
Doporučené Zapečetěný
€750 - €1500
20 nabídky

I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me pull specific data from the website Aircharterguide.com. I need the following data organized in an Excel sheet: - Column A: Operator Name - Column B: Air...Falcon 8X 4. Embraer Lineage 1000E 5. Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 6. Airbus Corporate Jet (ACJ) 7. Gulfstream G550 8. Bombardier Challenger 650 9. Dassault Falcon 7X 10. Cessna Citation Longitude 11. Gulfstream G4/G4SP The final data delivery should be in both Excel and KML format. The completed files should be made available for direct download from Freelancer.com. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in data extraction and organization - Familiarity with Excel and KML formats - Previous experience with web scraping tools - Knowledg...

€106 Average bid
€106 Průměr. nabídka
87 nabídky

I’m seeking a qualified professional to oversee my US companies' tax filings and compliance checks at both state and federal levels. The company in question is a Delaware offshore LLC. Key Responsibilities: - Manage annual tax filings - Compliance verification with all relevant regulations - Provide advisory services to optimize tax strategy Ideal Candidate: - Demonstrated experience with US tax for offshore entities - Excellent understanding of Delaware state tax regulations - Proven track record in compliance verification and advisory services - Proficient in using various tax software Please note, I do not have any specific software that needs to be used, therefore, your recommendations would be appreciated.

€369 Average bid
€369 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky

I'm looking to develop a comprehensive roadside assistance app, similar to Ola or Uber, but specifically for towing services. This will be a web-based application compatible with both iOS and Android. Key Features: - Customer and Provider Logins: The app will have two separate logins, one for customers and another for service providers. This will facilitate onboarding for fleets and towing truck providers. - Booking System: Customers should be able to fill in their vehicle type, current location, destination, and answer a few additional questions to book a tow truck. - Real-Time Payment System: Payment will be collected from the customer in real-time. Just like other cab apps, the fare will be transferred to the tow truck drivers, deducting a...

€334 Average bid
€334 Průměr. nabídka
18 nabídky

...a skilled web developer who can create a classic and elegant E-commerce website for me. The primary purpose of the website is to facilitate online shopping. Key Features: - Subscription Box Services: I'm looking to incorporate a subscription service into the website. The developer should have experience setting up and managing this feature. -Comprehensive Product Catalog and Search Function: The site should be robust enough to handle a wide variety of products, with a user-friendly search function. Design Style: The website should embody a classic and elegant design style, as opposed to a modern minimalist or bold vibrant style. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding and appreciation for this design aesthetic. Skills ...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
160 nabídky