Joomla virtuemart standard shipping modulepráce
...In individual branches and mention and incorporate the methodology of work (not the solution; the solution is the subject of another assignment). Form of text output: - Module name: XY - Methodology of work of our company - Content (as determined by headings and numbering of individual categories) - Name and number audit subcategories + describe the text theoretically. Here is an example of the form of work of one developed module for strategy: Approximate word range for one module = 2000-5000 words Required scope of work = 10,000 - 20,000 words Required developed modules: 1. graphic design development networks Více o zdrojovém textuPro
– Vytvoření template projektu z hotových HTML/CSS šablon – Programování jednoduchých komponent z využitím externí DB
...poslat zákazníkovi poštou 5) Na každém vygenerovaném PDF bude umístěn vygenerovaný QR kód včetně jeho alfanumerické alternativy, kdy po jeho načtení (např. mobilním telefonem nebo zadáním alfanumerického kódu do formuláře, který je také potřeba vytvořit) a potvrzení dojde ke změně stavu objednávky. Možno využít např. tohoto modulu nebo vlastního řešení: Nutno generovat QR pro každý produkt individuálně (po jeho zaplacení) na zasílané PDF. U každého QR kódu bude jeho doba platnosti (např. 12 měsíců) po který jej lze "uplatnit" - toto bychom měli m&i...
Dobrý den, máme shop s bateriemi, adaptéry a klávesnicemi. Běží na Prestashopu. Každý produkt v eshopu má několik stovek kompatibilit. Potřebujeme vytvořit XML feed, který bude generovat názvy v kombinaci s každou kompatibilitou. Příklad: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK ACER 19V 3.42A (5.5X1.7) Kompatibility v databázi: Acer Aspire 1200, Acer Aspire 1200X, Acer Aspire 1200XV, Acer Aspire 1202, Acer Aspire 1202X, Acer Aspire 1203X, Acer Aspire 1203XC, Acer Aspire 1203XV, Acer Aspire 1360, Acer Aspire 1410 Výsledek v XML exportu: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200 NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200X NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200XV NABÍJEČKA N...
Potřebuji provést změny ve stávajících webových stránkách Prosím o úpravy webu v systému Joomla a PHP. Jedná se mi o přidání textů, obrázků, přidání aktualit atp.
Dobrý den, poptávám migrace internetových stránek na Joomla z 2.5.x na verzi 3.... Jedná se o internetové stránky Předem vělice děkuji a jsem s pozdravem Lukáš Daška [Removed by Admin]
Aby-Ball Galerie in myaby App-System.
...FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktura textu, roboti, sitelinky, meta) 6) Integrace Google...
...FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktura textu, roboti, sitelinky, meta) 6) Integrace Google...
Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přistání, firemní stránky pro...mobilní verzi, online kalkulačky, analyzátory, psaní modulů, webové stránky redesign a další. Mám zkušenost s: JavaScript, HTML 5. СSS jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: znalost a zkuše...
Zdravím, poptávám tvorbu webové aplikace, do budoucna i mobilní aplikace pro iOS a Android. Webová aplikace může být i jako komponenta do Joomla nebo Wordpressu. Níže posílám hrubý náčrt funkcí, které by měl projekt splňovat. 1. Front end - propracovaný fulltext vyhledávač - kategorie, podkategorie více úrovní - nabídky a poptávky odděleně, řazení, filtrování,... - seznam uživatelů, řazení podle hodnocení, filtrování, atd... 2. Administrace uživatele - registrace, vyplnění profilu - control panel (moje poptávky, moje nabídky, moje hodnocení, ...
uprava formuláře, při změně načíst jiny obsah.... Jedná se o uprade stránek, ale systémově to má fungovat jako na starých stránkach. jde především o úpravu javascriptu. jde o joomla 3.4.8 a adsmanager komponentu
Jedná se o rekonstrukci tohoto webu Bylo by potřeba vytvořit šablonu wp/joomla. Design dodáme.
vytvořit 2 funkční e-shopy se zakomponovanými blogy založené na open source joomla 3 a virtuemart 3 - viz rámcový popis v příloze a vzájemná domluva - Oba e-shopy budou kopie, ale s jiným obsahem.
...našeho projektu na vývoj aplikace pro mobilní zařízení hledáme urgentně programátora pro Joomla!, PHP případně JavaScript. Boxed je společnost zabývající se dodáváním ICT řešení především do školního prostředí. V rámci našich aktivit jsme před dvěma leta spustili portál sloužící mj. ke sdílení výukových materiálů mezi pedagogy. Na tomto portálu jsme zpřístupnili i jednoduchý nástroj pro podporu výuky – modul iTřída. V současné době se snažíme vyhovět posledním trendům a připravujeme podle tohoto mo...
Pozdrav Imate li iskustva s izradom Jooomla 3.3 modula ? Radi se o pretraživanju baze podataka.
Predpokladany objem práce je do konce roku 2014 minimalne. - zkusenosti z financniho sektoru, idealne retail banking - technologie: o Java (Standard + Enterprise) – servlets, JMS, web services, o Spring (IoC, Spring remoting) o Hibernate o Oracle DB o Maven o Jenkins/Hudson o Unit testing – JUnit, Mockito o Eclipse o Tomcat o Vyhodou znalost Eclipse RCP o Vyhodou znalost Weblogic Application Server
...stránky pre spoločnosť Tara, s. r. o. V súčasnej dobe spoločnosť disponuje doménou a webom , založeného na joomla platforme. Keďže sa spoločnosť začína rozrastať na trhu B2C (business to consumer), web-stránka si vyžaduje väčšiu prepracovanosť a pútavejší dizajn. Web spoločnosti si predstavujeme podobne ako túto stránku , , čistý, moderný, jednoduchý s dôrazom na detail. Dizajn webu by sme si dokázali zabezpečiť aj sami ale prosíme Vás o vytvorenie cenovej ponuky: a) Cenová ponuka komplet web-stránka aj s dizajnom b) Cenová ponuka bez designu (len naprogramovanie stránky) Nie je nutnosťou založenia webu na platf...
Mám průběžnou práci vztahující se k dřívějšímu projektuWebsite with Shopping Cart - Joomla or Wordpress'
Sháním externího programátora pro dlouhodobou spolupráci na úpravy, případně vývoj nových aplikací pro platformu Joomla! a Virtuemart.
I'm a university student seeking a mentor to help me navigate my data module. The focus is primarily on using Excel functions to sort numerical data. Key Responsibilities: - Interpret and explain the tutorials provided - Help me understand and apply Excel functions to sort numerical data - Provide guidance on data analysis techniques Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Strong understanding of data analysis - Previous experience tutoring or mentoring university students Looking forward to your bids.
We are looking for a ZOHO Deluge programmer with extensive knowledge with Magento to link our products in ZOHO Inventory with our catalog in Magento. In a perfect world what we would like to see is the ZOHO Inventory Module control the pricing ( via customer pricelists )
I'm in need of an experienced developer who can integrate the Ebay API into my system. The purpose of this integration is to retrieve and analyze comprehensive data from active and sold Ebay listings. The specific information I want to gather includes: - Item details - Price history - Seller information - Quantity sold - Selling price - Shipping price - Quantity available The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Proven experience with Ebay API - Strong skills in data analysis and interpretation - Excellent understanding of e-commerce platforms - Ability to deliver within a tight timeframe Your task will be to create a system that can pull this data in real-time from a document that contains brand names and model numbers, allowing for up-to-date analysis. Please pro...
...should be optimized for low-power operation, real-time data acquisition, and fault-tolerant operation. Develop bare-metal firmware (NO RTOS) for STM32 microcontroller. Implement multiple UART sensor interfaces (data request, parsing, checksum validation). Handle analog sensors (ADC readings, conversion, scaling). Implement PWM-based control for actuators (motor, pump, or fans). Interface an NB-IoT module (AT commands, CoAP UDP or MQTT data transmission). Control and update SPI-based E-Ink display (screen refresh, low-power optimization). Develop MODBUS RTU protocol (bare-metal implementation, register mapping). (optional) Implement self-diagnostics, error handling, and watchdog management. Optimize for low power consumption and robust communication handling. Provide well-document...
"Freelance N8N Specialist with Agents Module We are looking for an experienced N8N specialist with expertise in the Agents module to support our automation workflows. You will work on designing, optimizing, and maintaining automated processes using N8N, integrating with multiple APIs and data sources. Requirements: Proven experience with N8N, especially with the Agents module. Strong understanding of API integrations and workflow automation. Experience with low-code/no-code automation tools. Ability to troubleshoot and optimize workflows."
We are looking for an experienced and creative Product Catalogue & Company Profile Designer to design a high-quality, visually appealing, and professional catalogue and company profile for our export business. Project Requirements: Product Catalogue Design Design a sleek, modern, and export-standard product catalogue. Ensure a visually appealing layout with high-quality images, product descriptions, and specifications. Include engaging typography and well-structured sections. Provide print-ready and digital-friendly formats (PDF, AI, or other required formats). Company Profile Design Create a professional and engaging company profile. Highlight our company’s vision, mission, achievements, and export capabilities. Use a corporate yet creative design that aligns with our ...
...integrate Shiprocket API into my multi-vendor e-commerce platform (6ammart-based). The integration will allow vendors to manage shipping directly from our platform without needing to log into Shiprocket. Project Scope: 1. Admin Dashboard Enhancements: • Add an option “Enable 3rd Party Shipping” in store settings. • Manage API details and settings for a centralized Shiprocket account. • Allow vendors to configure pickup addresses. 2. Vendor Dashboard Features: • Fetch and display real-time shipping options with pricing from Shiprocket. • Allow vendors to select a shipping option, generate and print shipping labels. • Let vendors manage the entire shipping process from the dashboard, including ord...
I'm seeking a professional 3D logo that will catch eyes across platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, FB, and Discord. The logo needs to reflect a futuristic and sci-fi style, far surpassing the standard designs typical for these platforms. Key elements of the project include: - A 3D representation of my current SWS logo, with the last 'S' mirrored - This logo should be intertwined with a high-detail, glossy, and menacing octopus (kraken) - Optional but welcomed elements: torpedoes, cross hairs, and/or naval fighting ships. I have existing artwork and a few design examples for reference. The final design will need to be licensed for commercial use. Ideal candidates will have: - Strong expertise in 3D design and logo creation - Experience with creating high-qu...
I'm in need of a professional CV tailored for a senior-level position in the technology sector. The CV should be formatted in a standard, professional manner without any unusual or distracting formatting. Desired Roles: - Senior Network Engineer - Network Manager The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong understanding of the technology industry, particularly in networking. - Experience crafting CVs for senior-level roles. - Excellent attention to formatting and detail, ensuring the final product is polished and professional. Please, don't apply if you cannot guarantee a CV free of weird formatting.
I need assistance from a skilled SCCM professional to create a new Standard Distribution Point (DP) within my on-premises network. This DP will primarily support Windows operating systems. Key Requirements: - Proficient in System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) - Experience in creating Standard Distribution Points - In-depth knowledge of Windows OS support - Familiarity with on-premises network configurations
I have a 1500+ word advertisement file in the insurance domain that needs urgent translation from English to Marathi. Key requirements: - Native and experienced Marathi translator - Specialization or substantial experience in the insurance domain is a plus - Ability to meet a very urgent turnaround time (TAT) - Attention to detail and commitment to...English to Marathi. Key requirements: - Native and experienced Marathi translator - Specialization or substantial experience in the insurance domain is a plus - Ability to meet a very urgent turnaround time (TAT) - Attention to detail and commitment to producing high-quality work Please note, while there are no specific regional dialects or terminology requirements, a deep understanding of standard Marathi and its nuances will be b...
...trademark registration ### **Deliverables:** - **Main Logo:** Full version with text and icon - **Alternate Logo:** Monochrome and simplified versions for different backgrounds - **Favicon/Icon:** A standalone icon that can be used as a profile picture or app icon - **File Formats:** - Vector files (AI, EPS, SVG) for scalability - Transparent PNG for digital use - JPEG for standard display - PDF for printing ### **Deadline:** [7 days week] ### **Additional Notes:** We are **open to creative interpretations**, so feel free to suggest innovative concepts that align with our brand’s vision. The final logo should be **timeless, inspiring, and highly adaptable** for long-term branding....
Web development - Blog I am looking for a web developer to create a blog website within a tight timeline of 1-2 week...developer to create a blog website within a tight timeline of 1-2 weeks. Specific functionalities and features are already outlined in a detailed list, which will be provided to the chosen developer. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experience with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla - Knowledge of responsive design and mobile optimization - Ability to incorporate SEO best practices for improved search engine visibility The developer should be able to create a visually appealing and user-friendly blog website that meets all the specified req...
...**Tracking Information Transfer (Fulfillment Network → ERP)** The fulfillment network will provide real-time shipment tracking information, which must be transferred to the ERP system. This will allow us to monitor the status of orders directly from the ERP platform. The integration should support multiple shipping providers and various tracking formats to ensure it can accommodate all logistics partners used. The system should also provide automatic updates for tracking numbers and shipping statuses. 4. **Purchase Order Notifications (ERP → Fulfillment Network)** We need the ERP system to send advance purchase order notifications to the fulfillment network. These notifications should include detailed information about the items, quantities, and expected del...
I need an expert in either VBA or Python who can help me ...should be shared in another cell indicating whether the data is 'Matched' or 'Not Matched'. Key Requirements: - Proficient in either VBA or Python - Expertise in Excel data manipulation - Ability to implement custom logic for data validation and comparison - Capable of creating clear output in Excel Data Validation: - The data will need to be checked for specific patterns. - The patterns are not standard and will require custom logic to identify. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience with Excel's VBA or Python integration - Excellent problem-solving skills for creating custom data validation logic - Attention to detail for accurate data comparison - Good communication skills for understanding the sp...
...pipe. 1.4. Smart Display Panel • Location: Mounted externally on the pipe. • Function: Displays consumption data, flow rate, and leakage alerts. • Shape: Small, rectangular LED screen, water-resistant. 1.5. AI Processing Unit • Location: Connected to the smart display, either integrated or as a small external module. • Function: Analyses data, interacts with the user, and sends alerts. • Shape: Compact electronic unit with sensor ports. 1.6. Wireless Communication Module (Wi-Fi / Bluetooth) • Location: Integrated within the intelligent processor. • Function: Enables users to monitor water consumption via a mobile application. • Shape: Small electronic chip within the control unit. 2. Overall 3D Model Structure &bul...
...and responsive Include features such as search functionality, profiles for therapists, and contact forms Complete the project within the budget of £300 Quick turnaround time is essential Skills and Experience: Proven experience in website design, especially in creating directories Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Familiarity with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla Excellent communication skills and attention to detail Please send your portfolio, a brief description of your relevant experience, and your estimated timeline for completing the project to [Your Email Address]. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled....
...? Detailed Software Requirements: 1️⃣ Patient Management & Online Booking Patient registration system with full medical history and previous test records. Online appointment booking via website or mobile app with confirmation notifications. Advanced patient search by name, phone number, or ID. 2️⃣ LIS Integration for Device Connectivity Direct connection with laboratory instruments via standard protocols (HL7, RS232, TCP/IP). Automated result retrieval to minimize manual entry errors. Review system before finalizing and releasing results. 3️⃣ Billing & Contract Management Comprehensive invoicing system supporting cash, card, or bank transfers. Automated billing for corporate and insurance contracts. Detailed financial reports for revenue, expenses, and profi...
I need a QR code that has dual functionality. When scanned offline, it should display a standard Vcard. When scanned online, it should redirect the user to my website's homepage. This QR code will primarily be used on print media. Ideal skills for this project include: - QR code generation and customization - Understanding of Vcard - Basic web development knowledge - Print media experience
I'm making a custom CD of an unavailable, but previously available CD. It just so happens to be the image of the back cover doesnt exist online, and I cant edit it w...I cant edit it well enough myself in a high quality (without shadows and such). I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to enhance the resolution of the attached image. The final deliverables have to be in either JPG or PDF format. Since I can resize it myself, the dimensions of the CD cover are not a concern. However, it is crucial that the quality is significantly improved to a higher standard. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience with image resolution enhancement - Able to deliver in required formats (JPG, PDF) - Attention to detail and qual...
I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation
I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation
I need a professional PCB designer for my environmental monitoring device. It will include 4 sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure), an MCU, ESP32, and possibly a flash and memory module. The PCB must support a USB-C connection with a capacity of up to 3A, a battery management system (BMS), and a battery. Key Requirements: - Design a multilayer mixed signal PCB. - Select the appropriate MCU based on the project specifications. - Ensure the design supports all specified components. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in multilayer mixed signal PCB design. - Proficient in selecting suitable MCUs. - Familiar with designing for environmental monitoring devices. Timeframe: The project is time-sensitive and needs to be completed within 3 days. Further details will be provided upon ...
...Checked WPML compatibility for content translation (teams, clubs, statistics, etc.).________________________________________ 7 - Moroccan league management (Botola Pro 1 & 2) o Detailed files for all teams (strength, calendar, results, rankings). o Championship statistics: o Team rankings. o Scorers' ranking. o Fairplay ranking (yellow/red cards). o Championship results. 8 - Create a module to obtain a module as shown below. 9 - I'd also like to create a large database of Moroccan players or players of Moroccan origin. To do this, they will be classified by country, then by league and finally by club. In each case, all you have to do is click on the corresponding logo. Example: France logo, Ligue 1 logo, PSG logo. I'll then have access to all PSG play...
I need a skilled professional who can convert my CAD files into 3D printer compatible files. The project involves a detailed mock-up of a device using the following components: - Alvium 1800 2040c C-Mount - Computar 12 Mega Pixel, 1.1" 8mm F2.8 lens - Advanced Navigation Spatial (MEMS) IMU - Forge Carrier Board for NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ - Jetson AGX Orin 32GB Module - Allied Vision MIPI camera board - NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Active Heat Sink I require moderate detail with visible features for the 3D printed mock-up. The CAD files do not need any modifications or enhancements, just a straight conversion to 3D print files. The preferred material for printing is PLA. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in CAD and 3D printing - Experience in convertin...
I'm looking for a skilled AI developer who can create software for me that automates operational decision making. The AI should be able to handle: - Inventory Management: Keeping track of stock levels, predicting future inventory needs based on historical data, and making recommendations for restocking. - Logistics Optimization: Determining the most efficient routes for transportation, managing shipping schedules, and minimizing costs. - Workflow Automation: Streamlining processes, reducing bottlenecks, and enhancing overall productivity. If you have experience with AI in these areas and can deliver a reliable software, please reach out.
...(Makler), Investor Role-based access control Secure login & registration 2. Property Management Step-by-step property submission form Upload for images, floor plans, legal documents Google Maps API for location input 3. AI-Generated Property Descriptions Integration with OpenAI API Generates automated, editable property descriptions 4. Exposé (Property Brochure) Generator Three types: Teaser, Standard, Investor Users select images & documents PDF export with custom templates 5. Dashboard & Filtering Admin approval system for listings Property list with filters for agents & investors Archive system for old listings Technical Stack: Backend: WordPress (PHP, MySQL) Frontend: Vue.js/React APIs: OpenAI, Google Maps PDF Generation: TCPDF/Dompdf Project Timeli...