Joomla single column wrapperpráce
– Vytvoření template projektu z hotových HTML/CSS šablon – Programování jednoduchých komponent z využitím externí DB
Hledáme šikovného kodéra (nebo firmu) na vytvoření javascriptové webové single-page aplikace. Máme vytvořenou mobilní aplikaci v Angularu a pro ni chceme vytvořit webovou alternativu. Zadání je dokonale definované naší mobilní aplikací a ušetříme si tak tápání a prošlapávání slepých cestiček. Požadované technologie jsou ideálně Angular, případně React nebo Vue.js. Jsme tvůrci online jazykových kurzů, kterými prošlo již více než 90 tis. uživatelů v České republice a na Slovensku. Nyní chceme dobýt svět a proto se pouštíme...
Hello, I need to design a logo for my new emerging brand, including an inverse variant. The name of the company is: "Evenťačka" It is about a single female person / group of independent professionals and artists that are producing tailored made highly creative events. It is not an emerging event agency producing "event products" My company is looking for a 100% match and understanding with the client that is percieved as a co-creator of the event. The main focus of the brand is to reduce waste from events and to use and work gently with materials and props. "Eventačka" offers 3 services: - Tailor made events for business partners, employees, or the public. (Family, Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christmas parties, Opening e...
Potřebuji provést změny ve stávajících webových stránkách Prosím o úpravy webu v systému Joomla a PHP. Jedná se mi o přidání textů, obrázků, přidání aktualit atp.
Dobrý den, poptávám migrace internetových stránek na Joomla z 2.5.x na verzi 3.... Jedná se o internetové stránky Předem vělice děkuji a jsem s pozdravem Lukáš Daška [Removed by Admin]
...FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktura textu, roboti, sitelinky, meta) 6) Integrace Google...
...FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktura textu, roboti, sitelinky, meta) 6) Integrace Google...
Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přistání, firemní stránky pro...mobilní verzi, online kalkulačky, analyzátory, psaní modulů, webové stránky redesign a další. Mám zkušenost s: JavaScript, HTML 5. СSS jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: znalost a zkuše...
Pro nově vznikající multifunční prostor, který bude sloužit pro školení, workshopy, semináře atd ... hledám dodavatele, který je schopen komplexně zastřešit tyto služby: - příprava "single page" webu. Obsahově jednoduchý web, kde budou hlavní část tvořit fotografie, by měl být postaven na platformě, která bude dostatečně "responsivní" pro většinu zařízení (včetně mobilních). Dále by měl bezproblémově spolupracovat s Google Analytics za účelem optimalizací PPC kampaní. - Příprava PPC strategie a následná administrace kampaní Příprava strategie,...
...celém světě. Chráníme Internet přes DDoS útoky a jinou digitální havětí. Vlastně sis díky nám mohl koupit oblíbenou věc ve svém oblíbeném e-shopu, dívat se na video, na Live přenos, aniž by sis něčeho neobvyklého všiml. Ale chceme být ještě lepší, ještě větší. Chceme být nejlepší. A k tomu potřebujeme vytvořit dobrou webovou aplikaci, proto potřebujeme tebe! Hledáme: • Vývojáře na frontend single page webové aplikace pro zákazníky, v JavaScriptu. • Chceme ji mít dnešní, hledáme člověka se zkušenostmi ...
Zdravím, poptávám tvorbu webové aplikace, do budoucna i mobilní aplikace pro iOS a Android. Webová aplikace může být i jako komponenta do Joomla nebo Wordpressu. Níže posílám hrubý náčrt funkcí, které by měl projekt splňovat. 1. Front end - propracovaný fulltext vyhledávač - kategorie, podkategorie více úrovní - nabídky a poptávky odděleně, řazení, filtrování,... - seznam uživatelů, řazení podle hodnocení, filtrování, atd... 2. Administrace uživatele - registrace, vyplnění profilu - control panel (moje poptávky, moje nabídky, moje hodnocení, ...
uprava formuláře, při změně načíst jiny obsah.... Jedná se o uprade stránek, ale systémově to má fungovat jako na starých stránkach. jde především o úpravu javascriptu. jde o joomla 3.4.8 a adsmanager komponentu
Jedná se o rekonstrukci tohoto webu Bylo by potřeba vytvořit šablonu wp/joomla. Design dodáme.
vytvořit 2 funkční e-shopy se zakomponovanými blogy založené na open source joomla 3 a virtuemart 3 - viz rámcový popis v příloze a vzájemná domluva - Oba e-shopy budou kopie, ale s jiným obsahem.
Budeš tvořit frontend pro administraci zbrusu nového CMS nabitého nejnovějšími technologiemi - AngularJS, SPA (Single Page Aplikace), Bootstrap, Rest API, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, CDN
...našeho projektu na vývoj aplikace pro mobilní zařízení hledáme urgentně programátora pro Joomla!, PHP případně JavaScript. Boxed je společnost zabývající se dodáváním ICT řešení především do školního prostředí. V rámci našich aktivit jsme před dvěma leta spustili portál sloužící mj. ke sdílení výukových materiálů mezi pedagogy. Na tomto portálu jsme zpřístupnili i jednoduchý nástroj pro podporu výuky – modul iTřída. V současné době se snažíme vyhovět posledním trendům a připravujeme podle tohoto mo...
Pozdrav Imate li iskustva s izradom Jooomla 3.3 modula ? Radi se o pretraživanju baze podataka.
...stránky pre spoločnosť Tara, s. r. o. V súčasnej dobe spoločnosť disponuje doménou a webom , založeného na joomla platforme. Keďže sa spoločnosť začína rozrastať na trhu B2C (business to consumer), web-stránka si vyžaduje väčšiu prepracovanosť a pútavejší dizajn. Web spoločnosti si predstavujeme podobne ako túto stránku , , čistý, moderný, jednoduchý s dôrazom na detail. Dizajn webu by sme si dokázali zabezpečiť aj sami ale prosíme Vás o vytvorenie cenovej ponuky: a) Cenová ponuka komplet web-stránka aj s dizajnom b) Cenová ponuka bez designu (len naprogramovanie stránky) Nie je nutnosťou založenia webu na platf...
Mám průběžnou práci vztahující se k dřívějšímu projektuWebsite with Shopping Cart - Joomla or Wordpress'
Sháním externího programátora pro dlouhodobou spolupráci na úpravy, případně vývoj nových aplikací pro platformu Joomla! a Virtuemart.
Replace ESP32 with STM32G030C8T6, adding protection, debugging, and programming circuits. Remove IO expander and RTC IC; use STM32’s internal RTC with CR2032 battery and crystal. Add optocouplers for UART isolation and RS232 printer TX. Update RTD circuit with constant current source, ensuring noise reduction, CMRR. Im...ESP32 with STM32G030C8T6, adding protection, debugging, and programming circuits. Remove IO expander and RTC IC; use STM32’s internal RTC with CR2032 battery and crystal. Add optocouplers for UART isolation and RS232 printer TX. Update RTD circuit with constant current source, ensuring noise reduction, CMRR. Improvement in other analog section apart from RTD for noise and CMRR. Redesign PCB for single-side SMD assembly. Select compact, reliable, cost-eff...
...through the application, which is installed on a local CPU in the work environment. The application provides the following functionalities: View Recordings: Select and watch videos from a specific table for any date and time within the retention period. Merged Video Playback: Seamlessly view a combined stream of the two camera recordings for a single table. Video Clipping: Extract specific segments from the recordings for review or export. Single Table Focus: The system allows users to view and manage videos from one table at a time, ensuring detailed monitoring and analysis. Local Environment Operation: The application is hosted on a local CPU, ensuring secure and uninterrupted access to video data within the facility. Users must utilize this system to view, ...
I need an expert in Proxmox and Virtualizor to help troubleshoot and resolve some configuration errors on my single server setup. I'm experiencing network latency issues that are impacting the performance of my VMs. Ideal skills for the job include: - In-depth experience with Proxmox and Virtualizor - Strong problem-solving skills, particularly with configuration errors - Knowledge of network setup and troubleshooting - Ability to enhance VM performance and manage resource usage Please, only apply if you can demonstrate relevant experience and have a track record of resolving similar issues.
I'm seeking a developer experienced in OAuth2 and Buddyboss to create a tailored Single Sign On (SSO) solution for a network of Buddyboss sites. Solution needs to be built using open source software and scalable without restrictions on number of users. This is a proof of concept and implementation validation - a more robust solution will be implemented once we validate the ability to connect users to multiple websites, using a single registration and login. We'll start with a small network of 10 websites Key Requirements: - The SSO should support the OAuth2 authentication method.- Open Source code only - It must facilitate logins from Google as an external identity provider. - The solution should sync users' profile details and activity history across the...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
I'm in need of a bot that can forward text messages from multiple Discord channels into a single channel. This kind of bot might already exist online, not sure. Key Requirements: - The bot should forward messages from 8 or more different channels. - It should not filter messages, but rather forward all text messages it receives. - The forwarding target is one specific channel. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Discord API and bot development. - Experience in building message-forwarding bots. - Knowledge of Python or JavaScript (commonly used for Discord bots).
The Job is to search a single candy brand on the internet and use statistical analysis to determine its presence. We are looking to show that it has a strong presence as a brand rather than a descriptive term. At the end we need the freelancer to sign a notarized statement of his/her findings. Completion must be by Wednesday. The freelancer must be USA based. I need a skilled statistical analyst to help me comprehend my brand's visibility and reputation across various platforms. The ideal candidate should be proficient in conducting comprehensive statistical analyses. Key Responsibilities: - Perform in-depth statistical analysis on diverse data sets, including social media mentions, website traffic, survey responses, and other relevant data points. - Utilize both descript...
Soporte y desarrollo a un sitio web Desarrollo interno para el sitio Soporte a lo existente en el sitio Trabajo remoto y por favor 100% hablar español indispensable Joomla versiones 4 y 5
I'm looking for a skilled Excel developer to create a custom Excel form for me. This form should automate the generation of professionally designed, formal and professional PDF donation receipts. The Excel form will need to collect: - Donor information - Donation amount and date - Custom messages or notes The ideal freelancer for this job should have extensive experience i...professionally designed, formal and professional PDF donation receipts. The Excel form will need to collect: - Donor information - Donation amount and date - Custom messages or notes The ideal freelancer for this job should have extensive experience in Excel, PDF generation, and ideally has a background or understanding of creating formal and professional documents. The final output should be a single r...
We're seeking a skilled professional to enhance our site and servers' resilience. We operate primarily in the Information and Communication/SIP services sector and need a load balancer that does not rely on a single data centre. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Asterisk and Kamailio - Proficiency in various load balancing solutions (HAProxy, NGINX, AWS Application Load Balancer) - Strong skills in improving Scalability, Redundancy, and Failover capabilities Our current setup requires significant upgrades in all aforementioned aspects. We are open to suggestions regarding the most suitable load balancing solution. Ideal candidates should have hands-on experience in this field, with a solid track record of creating robust, scalable, and resilient server setups. Your exp...
I'm in need of a sleek, modern and minimalist app title and logo design. - **Style**: The design should be contemporary and uncluttered, embodying the should be contemporary and uncluttered, embodying the principles of minimalism. - **Display**: The logo and title will primarily be showcased on the splash screen of the app, so it needs to be eye-catching yet simple enough to reflect the minimalist aesthetic. - **Color Scheme**: A monochromatic color scheme is preferred. This means the use of variations in lightness and saturation of a single color. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in modern and minimalist designs, particularly in the tech space. Experience with app design is a plus. Please include samples of your work that align w...
I'm looking for an experienced Joomla developer to assist with upgrading my website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. The key focus of this project will be to migrate my extensions, which encompass components, modules, and plugins. Key Project Requirements: - Upgrade Joomla from version 3 to version 5. - Migrate all standard extensions (components, modules, plugins) to the new version. - Ensure the upgraded site maintains its original functionality and performance. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with Joomla upgrades and migrations. - Proficient in working with Joomla extensions. - Strong understanding of Joomla's architecture and functionality. Please note, all my extensions are standard and do not have any custom modif...
I'm looking for a Power Automate expert to create a workflow that monitors a SharePoint folder for a .csv file. The workflow should open the file, filter it based on text variables in 2 column, and create a new file for each filtered variable save back to SharePoint, attach to an email, and send to email addresses linked to each filtered variable Alternatively, it can paste the results from each filtered variable into the body of an email to and send to email addresses linked to each filtered variable . If possible, only selected columns of the original .csv file needs to be included in the output. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Power Automate - Experience with SharePoint and .csv files - Ability to create automated workflows - Understanding of filtering based on text varia...
I need a Windows software with a graphical user interface (GUI) that can create flash USDT tokens on the TRC20 network. The tokens ...that can create flash USDT tokens on the TRC20 network. The tokens should be transferable to different wallets, visible for at least 60 days and with at least 5 to 6 transfers. Key Requirements: - Software to run on Windows OS - Creating flash USDT tokens on TRC20 network - Tokens to be transferable to different wallets - Tokens to be visible for at least 60 days - At least 5 to 6 transfers - Single user access control Ideal Skills & Experience: - Experience in software development, particularly for Windows - Familiarity with blockchain technology and TRC20 network - Previous work creating GUIs for software - Understanding of token creation, spe...
...effectively communicate our message: of how convenient it is to have us as Comprehensive property solutions for their business. - Highlight our diverse services, including commercial contract cleaning, painting and decorating, handyman services, and full office renovations, including bathrooms and kitchens. The messaging needs to be simple and straightforward, emphasizing the convenience of having a single provider for all property maintenance needs. - Incorporate features such as service descriptions, contact forms,, and a gallery of past work. - Ensure the website is responsive and optimized for various devices. -Create a unique and memorable logo that reflects the essence of our business and resonates with our target audience. Experience in the Property Maintenance Industry:...
I need a web services expert to suggest a reputable Domain/Hosting reseller that can signup and integrate seamlessly into our own website. This project requires that you integrate a single or multiple reseller services into simple website that works seamlessly as our own. Users should not be able to tell we are a reseller or that services are not provided directly by us. The website should function this like 1) Allow users to register domains on our website and access domain name management services. 2) Allowing users to sign up for hosting, which automatically sets up hosting on the reseller account and gives users access to hosting management services. 3) Create a custom page for website plans, where users can select and purchase/subscribe to website setup and maintenance ...
...used and geographic count (Could be useful for tracking unusual activity or fraud detection, but make sure users understand this is part of your security measures) User Agent String Computer ID (Definitely useful for banning purposes, ensuring that users cannot easily evade bans; but this needs clear user consent and transparency) User Preferences & Lifestyle: Relationship Status (Single, Divorced, Widowed, etc., could add context to what users are looking for) Do you want children? (Helps users find others with similar family goals) Smoking (Non-smoker, Social smoker, etc.) Drinking (Non-drinker, Social drinker, etc.) Pets (Do they have pets, or do they like pets?) Dietary Preferences (Vegetarian, Vegan, etc., for lifestyle matching) Life...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me with a data entry project. The task involves taking mixed data from a spreadsheet and entering it into a specific website. Details: - The data is organized in the spreadsheet as single rows with different fields. - The data types include both text and numerical data. - If an error occurs while submitting a row, the process should skip the erroneous row and log the error for review. Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience with data entry. - Proficiency in using websites for data input. - Ability to troubleshoot minor issues. - Familiarity with logging errors. Please note that the project requires careful attention to detail, as accuracy is critical in data entry tasks.
I'm looking for a Python script that uses Selenium to ease my work. Currently, I have to log into a specific website manually to check who has contacted me, as these messages don't appear in my email inbox. I need a program that can do the following: - For a single property: - Log into the website and stay logged in. - Extract contacts at a set interval and save them to an XLSX file on the desktop. - If I have 2 to 5 properties: - The script should stay logged in on multiple Chrome browser instances (up to 5 properties). - Extract the contact information and create 5 folders on the desktop. - Save the contacts every 2 hours inside their respective folders. I would be inputting the login credentials manually each time. The contact information should be save...
I'm looking for a Python and Selenium expert who can create a script that will automate the process of logging into a real estate website, extracting contact information, and saving it to an XLSX file on my desktop. Key Features: - For a single property: - Log into the website and remain logged in. - Extract contacts at a preset interval and save them to an XLSX file on the desktop. - For multiple properties (2 to 5): - The script should manage multiple Chrome browser instances (up to 5 properties). - Extract contact information and create 5 folders on the desktop. - Save the contacts every 2 hours inside their respective folders. Contact Information to be Extracted: - Name and message - Email address I have the login credentials for all the properties....
I'm looking for a full stack developer and app who can help m...Figma and Adobe XD for creating intuitive and engaging UI/UX for both web and mobile platforms. - Frontend Development: Extensive experience with React.js and React Native. - Backend Development: Skilled in Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. - API Integration: Familiar with Google Maps API for location services, and capable of integrating a payment gateway (preferably Razorpay or Stripe) for handling single payments. - Push Notifications: Experience with FCM and OneSignal for real-time notifications. - Testing & Deployment: Competent in ensuring the application is bug-free and ready for launch. This project is ideal for a freelancer who has a strong portfolio in similar projects and can deliver high-quality work w...
Sorry, I'm reposting this project. I had some family issues that delayed the process. I'm going to award this project on Monday February 10th (US Pacific Time Zone) I'm looking for a professional to help me transform a PowerPoint presentation into a structured training website using Joomla 5.0 with the Guru extension. The website is already set up with the required software. The training course will be approximately 14 hours in length. The PowerPoint is complete but is not setup for online elearning. The exact number of slides would be determined while setting it up. But it could be 13 to 20. Mental health section has 80 slides PowerPoint Slides. The slides are approximately 350. Format: Short quiz after every section/module (5 question / multiple choice and or y...
...connections,reverse proxy installations for loadbalancers - nginx settings / possible restart nginx/ change streaming ports /rtmp ports/ etc / admin pass change - whitelist / add ips for reverse ip between loadbalancers and servers - firewall block, maxmind api, geo block, country block, lock user to X country connect, user log activity (invalid creds, blocked logs, bruteforce attacks, block single ip, block subnet) - Overview blocked ips, Overview Whitelisted ip adresses/add/delete Stream Checkker, Connection Checker in C++ communicate realtime with frontend dashboard - means check, if user restreamer, check user max allowed logins (open connections at same time) - means (check user realtime, connection status (from server to user connection) green perfect, red bad, orange...
I need a robust C application that displays a mosaic of 4 RTSP video streams in a single window. The program should immediately open the window with the mosaic layout, begin connecting to the RTSP streams, and every 60 seconds check if each stream is active—reconnecting any inactive streams. The final source code must compile and run reliably on both Ubuntu x64 and Raspberry Pi.
I’m looking for an architect with experience in designing Ranch-style houses to create a blueprint for my single-family home. The house should have an open floor plan, so I need a professional who can effectively design this type of layout. Needs 3 bed 1 bath but home is off grid does not need electric or plumbing planned I'll do that myself. Looking for 28x38 Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in home design and architecture - Previous experience with Ranch-style house designs - Expertise in open floor plan designs - Ability to create detailed, accurate blueprints - Familiarity with building codes and regulations Please include examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal.
I'm in need of a house blueprint for a traditional style single-family home. Three bed one bath but no plumbing or electrical is needed in the blueprint since the house will be off grid would prefer the foundation to be on concrete pillars mostly open floor plan Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in architectural design software - Experience in designing traditional style homes - Strong understanding of single-family home requirements
Service Member Excel Tracker. I need an Excel spreadsheet with automated formatting and drop-down lists. Conditional Formatting – The "Action" cell will turn red if more than 3 days have passed since the date was entered. Drop-Down Menus – "Types of Service" in Column B "Reason(s) for Visit" in Column I with all the requested options below: • Army Credentialing Assistance • ArmyUniversity BNCEDP • ArmyIgnitED Enrollment • ArmyIgnitED Problems • ArmyIgnitED Information • ArmyU Credentialing • BSEP Counseling • Chapter Counseling • College Information • Commissioning Assistance • Dashboard • Exception to Policy Counseling • Financial Aid Information • HE Track C...
...2D/3D output (in QT). - Incorporate real-time recording and playback of the data stream. - Enable real-time positioning on recorded data when in the specific GPS position and maneuvering within a virtual 3D horizon. Further instructions will be given. Platform: QT Technical requirements: - High level experience in hardware and PCB design in order to incorporate all the necessary modules to a single hardware module. - Top level experience with QT framework. - Ability to handle 3D data representation and manipulation. - GUI design and development in QT. Timeline: Flexible delivery date Estimated budget: Negotiable, fixed price is preferred....