It sales people to promote businesspráce
Přidejte se k nám do společnosti Optimis Agency! Hledáme dynamického a výsledkově orientovaného jednotlivce na pozici obchodního zástupce, který bude mít za úkol rozšiřovat naše portfolio klientů prostřednictvím aktivní akvizice nových obchodních příležitostí. O nás: Jsme mladá a perspektivní marketingová agentura s dvouletou historií na trhu. Zaměřujeme se na výkonnostní, obsahový a brandový marketing. Naši osmičlennou tým tvoří zkušení marketingoví experti, kteří využívají moderní technologie pro zvýšení efekti...
Dobrý den, potřebuji vytvořit sales funnel na digitální produkt a mojí online službu. Potřebuji doporučit SW na kterém to poběží a následně na něm vytvořit web z jejich templatu a vytvořit prezentaci a cesty.
rozesílaní pozvánek a emailu prostřednictvím sales navigator
Prace s LinkedIn sales navigator - kontaktovani nových leadů
...reklamního videa pro naši aplikaci Working People. Cíl videa: Představit aplikaci "Working People" jako užitečný nástroj pro manažery ke snadnému a efektivnímu sledování práce zaměstnanců na různých projektech a aktivitách, pracovní doby, dovolených a mezd. Ukázat, jak aplikace pomáhá vytvořit přehledné reporty a usnadňuje rozhodování při řízení personálu. Jak by mělo video asi vypadat? Jste manažer, který má problémy s evidencí pracovních hodin, dovolených a výplat zaměstnanců? Nezoufejte! Představujeme aplikaci Working People, snadno ovladateln...
...ability to captivate potential customers with your enthusiasm? Are you reliable, goal-oriented, and do you speak the national language perfektly? Do you have a driver license, are flexible in time and have some experience with promotion, sales or marketing? If so, you are the perfect match for this position! We are a young, innovative start-up company from Germany and will soon rank among the leading providers in the market for smoking accessories. You will showcasing our freshest products with the goal to gain new customers and partners. Send us your curriculume vitae and a recent photo, introduce yourself in a short video application and tell us why you are the right choice for this exciting career opportunity! You can contact us in the following languages: Englis...
Hledáš možnost zapojit se do dynamického prostředí plného inovací a rychlého rozvoje? Pokud ano, připoj se k nám. Jsme tým odhodlaných a nadšených lidí poskytující fulfillmentové služby našim zákazníkům. Navrhujeme a poskytuje klientům ucelená řešení pro jejich business. Postaráme se o outsourcing logistiky, expanzi do zahraničí, napojení na marketplaces, optimalizaci skladových zásob i zlepšení procesů. Jako náš nový kolega/kolegyně, který se připojí k našemu týmu budeš mít klíčovou roli při návrhu, impl...
...týmu hledáme kolegu, který má zkušeností a chuť podílet se na konzultačních, vývojových a servisních projektech. Hlavní pracovní náplň: Poskytování konzultací v oblasti SalesForce Návrhy a vývoj nových řešení Technická podpora a rozvoj současných implementací (50%) Údržba dokumentace Vaše znalosti a dovednosti: Praxe v oblasti vývoje nebo implementace Salesforce aplikací Znalost Salesforce Sales & Service Cloud Zkušenosti s administrací a vývojem na SF platformě (Apex, Visualforce, Lightning) Základní znalosti technologií REST/SOA...
Jsem z HR agentury Human Search, s.r.o., jsme zaměřeni na recruitment v oblasti sales, marketingu, a IT. Požadujeme zkušeného Frellancera s personalistikou naresearching v oblasti IT.
We are looking for an experienced web designer and graphic artist who is able to make a website that would differentiate us from our boring competition. We would like a website that will have a proper wow effect for anyone who looks at it. We are not looking for any dozen websites, of which there are many on the Internet. We operate in the field of Automotive and therefore the website should have a professional and technically appealing design with a dose of various animations and interactions for users. You can find comments on individual websites in the attachment Further work would concern the graphic design of various advertising and sales materials. Sites we like: Thanks and have a nice day David Hujer Hledáme zkušeného webového...
Dobrý den Ripon K., všimla jsem si vašeho profilu a rád/a bych vám nabídl/a svůj projekt. Podrobnosti můžeme probrat na chatu.
Hledáme digitálního designera, který nám pomůže krátkodobě vykrýt výpadek kapacit. Očekávaná vytíženost je 20 hodin po dobu 3 měsíců. Scope práce je zejména: -> Produkce sales one pagerů a sales decků na základě textových podkladů -> Grafická úprava článků na blog -> Grafická úprava success stories
hledam nekoho kdo vytvori a bude ridit projekt vytvoreni nove firmy
Ahoj, Zabýváme se poskytováním vzdělávání v IT prostřednictvím online-videokurzů a máme za cíl tento format převést na novou úroveň - svěží, kvalitní a dostupný content. Hledáme do svého týmu FRONT-END developera, který bude schopný předat své znalosti lidem a pomoct jim dosáhnout úspěchu v tomto oboru. Hledáš práci s možností se neustále rozvíjet, chceš být součástí grandiozního projektu a dělat opravdu úžasné věci? Welcome! Co u nás budete dělat? 1) Záznam výukových lekcí 2) Pomáhat st...
Hledáme kandidáta, který by chtěl stát části naší společnosti v rolí správce prodeje. Naše společnost se specializuje na výrobě a prodeje italských vín různých cenových kategorii a typů. Cílové klienti jsou v sektoru jak on-trade tak i off-trade na různých úrovních, a též v soukromém sektoru. Práce na dohodu, možnost růstu.
Do našeho technologického startupu hledáme kolegu na externí spolupráci, který by si vzal na starosti operativní správu IT prostředí. Typicky se jedná nastavování a administrace Office (různých produktů) na počítačích našich zaměstnanců (Win i Mac), instalace nových aplikací, integrace Projektových programů do Slack, Trella, Office a dalších programů. Dále se bude jednat o pravidelnou údržbu - migrace mailů, synchronizace a propojení kalendářů, nastavování nových účtů atd.
Create a high-definition PSD template based on a predefined design and encode it into HTML and CSS. REQUEST A VALID CODE!
Slušné provize za uzavřený obchod. Hlavní předmět obchodu je správa počítačové sítě - servisní smlouva na pravidelnou údržbu IT. Dále prodej cloudových služeb jako jsou virtuální servery, online zálohování dat do cloudu a lokální datová pole, případně jiné IT služby či dodávky technologií. Provize je možná buď jednorázová za uzavřený obchod, nebo dlouhodobá procentem z měsíční fakturace klientovi po určité období trvání kontraktu. Na úvod vás seznámíme s našim portfoliem služeb, dostanete produktov&...
Poradit mi s internetovým marketingem Potřebujeme pomoct s prezentací dvou různých firem (taneční studio, realitní kancelář) na internetu - Facebook, YouTube, Google, Instagram, Seznam atd. Chceme to mít skvělé a hledáme nadšeného parťáka:) Těšíme se na spolupráci!
Na trhu pusobime jako broker v letecke doprave. Na tozdil od letecke spolecnosti, nabizime sirokou nabidku ci uz privatnich, charterovych, cargo nebo medicinskych letu. Na prvnim miste je spokojenost nasich zakzniku a osobni pristup.
Business development v oblasti CRM, vlastní zavedené řešení mezinárodní společnosti včetně produkčního centra (full servis / mix / self-servis) se zaměřením na emailing. (Další oblasti outsourcingu k diskuzi.) Základní business case (analýza trhu / příležitostí včetně nacenění výše budegetu/příležitosti), oslovení potencionálních zákazníků a vedení projektu do fáze finálního odsouhlasení zakázek.
Vizova sluzba. Vyrizeni viza do celeho svetu pro Ceske obcane.
Více informací jen po osobním setkání a podepsání mojí Dohodu o ml?enlivosti, Ochran? informací a zákazu jejich zneu?ití. rnPreferuji dlouhodobou spolupráci a bydli?t? v Olomouckém kraji.
...jakýsi systém klubové základny. Jednoduše bych to popsal jako velmi jednoduchou sociální síť, něco ve stylu začínajícího Linkedinu, pro business účely. ** Sekce (stručně) ** - Dashboard (pouze určité info, stěžejní statistiky) - Přátelé / spojení (seznam lidí se kterými si můžeš psát přes Messanger - s ostatními to nepůjde) - přátele nepůjde přidávat, pouze potvrzovat (vysvětlím později) - Messanger (nemusí být formou chatu, spíš formou mailu - vytvoření zprávy, vyberání příjemce (1...*) a pak formou podchatu s ostatním...
NUjno prodavat ANtivirus . vsyo shto nujno est , tolko nujno gat traf i prodavat , zarabotok soglasno procentnomu sootnoshenuyu
I'm seeking a HubSpot specialist to customize my CRM and Sales Pipeline for my B2C business. Key Requirements: - Tailoring the CRM to fit our specific business needs - Customizing deal stages in the Sales Pipeline - Setting up automated follow-up sequences - Creating detailed reporting and analytics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with HubSpot CRM - Proven track record in customizing sales pipelines - Strong understanding of B2C business dynamics - Proficient in creating and interpreting detailed analytics
I'm looking for a professional who can help me promote my YouTube channel, specifically to increase my watch hours. The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience with YouTube promotions - Strong understanding of the platform's algorithms - Ability to devise creative and effective strategies to boost watch time I need this project completed within a week or two. Please only apply if you are confident in your ability to deliver results in this timeframe.
I'm looking for an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a landing page dedicated to selling my financial services. Key Features: - The primary goal of this landing page is direct sales. - Include Call-to-action buttons strategically throughout the page to prompt immediate purchases. - Customer testimonials are crucial to build trust and credibility. These will need to be presented in an appealing and effective manner. - Comprehensive Product/Service descriptions are necessary to inform potential clients about what I'm offering. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a must. - Proven experience in creating high-converting landing pages is highly desirable. - Skills in designin...
I'm looking for an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a landing page dedicated to selling my financial services. Key Features: - The primary goal of this landing page is direct sales. Thus, it must be optimized for conversion. - Include Call-to-action buttons strategically throughout the page to prompt immediate purchases. - Customer testimonials are crucial to build trust and credibility. These will need to be presented in an appealing and effective manner. - Comprehensive Product/Service descriptions are necessary to inform potential clients about what I'm offering. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a must. - Proven experience in creating high-converting landi... seeking an experienced business plan writer to craft a comprehensive and visually appealing business plan for my Chilean restaurant with a full bar. The plan should highlight our commitment to exceptional service, and include photographs as visuals. Key Areas of Focus: - Exceptional Service: The plan should emphasize our dedication to providing unparalleled service, which is a core aspect of our business model. - Visuals: The plan should incorporate photographs in an engaging manner. - Financial Projections: This is a key area of emphasis. The writer should be able to present our financial projections in a clear and compelling way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in business plan writing, particularly for t...
...seeking a consultant to help navigate the legal landscape of selling cigarettes through an online food delivery app from my shop in Tamil Nadu. Key Areas of Concern: - Licensing for online sales: I need clarity on what licenses are necessary to sell cigarettes online, and how to obtain them if I don't have them already. - Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements to ensure that my business is compliant with state and national laws. Current Licensing: - I currently possess a Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (COTP) license, as well as a trade license and GST registration. Ideal Candidate: - A legal professional with experience in e-commerce and tobacco sales in India. - Understanding of health regulations and age verific...
As an eCommerce shop focusing on high-quality baby essentials, we're in need of a specialist who can identify trending baby ads for them. Your responsibilities will include: - Identifying trending baby essentials - Selecting top-performing video ads for these products - Recreating multiple, optimized short clips (under 15 seconds) for Facebook and Instagram Your role is crucial in boosting our product sales and expanding our reach to parents worldwide. Ideal candidates will have: - Strong experience in product research within the baby niche - Proven track record in ad creation and understanding of social media trends - Ability to create engaging, high-quality video content Please include examples of your previous work in product research and ad ...
...videos. Each video needs to include a 5 second ad break featuring my brand, using clips from my Google Drive. Example videos: & If you can automate the creation so it's easier for your to create that is fine. I'm looking for a long term editor. Key Requirements: - Experience with editing short form videos - Ability to seamlessly integrate a 5 second ad break into each video - Skill in using a smooth fade transition between the main video and the ad break The videos to be used can be found in the following links: - Google Drive (5 Second Clips): - Google Sheet (Videos to use): https://docs
...specialist for my League of Legends boosting service website. My primary goal is to boost online sales or conversions through effective SEO strategies. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive SEO: I need an expert who can handle all aspects of SEO including On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO. - Targeted Approach: The main focus will be on improving our visibility in the UK, France, and Germany. Payment Structure: - Initial Payment: I'm willing to pay $65 for the first month, focusing on ranking 30 keywords. - Potential for Increase: Once we start seeing results and some keywords hit the first page, I will upgrade the monthly payment to $150. Please note, I've been advised that it typically takes 1 to 4 months to see significan...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a minimalistic and clean business website for me. Key Features: -Convert an existing Website to WordPress platform - Contact Form: The site should have a functional contact form for customer inquiries. - Service Showcase: A dedicated section to showcase our services is essential. - Online Payment & Scheduling Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Web development experience - Understanding of minimalistic and clean design principles Please include examples of previous similar work in your bid.
...content creation, scheduling, and performance analysis. We are seeking an experienced Social Media Marketing specialist to develop and execute a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing our online presence and engagement across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Scope of Work: Strategy Development: Create a tailored social media marketing plan aligned with our business objectives. Content Creation: Design engaging posts, graphics, and videos to promote our products/services. Scheduling and Posting: Manage a consistent posting schedule to maintain audience engagement. Community Management: Monitor and respond to comments and messages to foster a positive community. Analytics and Reporting: Track perfo...
We need a creative and professional logo for our SaaS business, Gosuite. About Gosuite: Gosuite is an all-in-one marketing and sales software that simplifies business operations by integrating multiple tools into one platform for an affordable price. Instead of juggling multiple subscriptions, Gosuite provides everything in one place. Requirements: The logo should reflect innovation, simplicity, and affordability. It must align with the SaaS industry and communicate the idea of integration and value. Final files should include high-resolution vector formats (AI, EPS, PNG, and JPG). We are leaving this open to your creativity! Bring your best ideas to life, and let’s see how you envision Gosuite as a brand. We’re excite...
I'm in need of a proficient Excel expert who can devise a mathematical formula tailored for tracking a business budget. The primary function of this formula will revolve around facilitating various financial calculations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Excel - Strong background in financial analysis - Previous experience in creating budget-tracking tools - Ability to explain complex formulas in simple terms
Seeking an Arabic-speaking sales professional to answer customer queries online (instagram and what’s app) Key Responsibilities: - Answer any customer questions - Represent our brand and product line with professionalism and enthusiasm. -Instagram story reposting Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Arabic, with excellent communication skills. - Experience in retail, particularly in jewelry, is an advantage. - Capable of addressing customer concerns - Ability to engage with customers and promote our products effectively.
I'm searching for seasoned B2B sales associates with a passion for sales and lead generation. Requirements: - Proven track record in B2B sales. - Exceptional lead conversion skills. - Ability to turn a lead into a sale. What to Expect: - A 30-day commission-only period to demonstrate your capabilities. - Transition into a salary plus commission role for top performers. Preferred: - Video proposals. - Sales professionals who thrive on challenges.
...LinkedIn specialist for a 30-day project to manage lead generation and outreach campaigns for two businesses: 1. Your Space to Heal – Focused on securing corporate speaking engagements for mental health and wellness. 2. The Luxury Recharge Collection – A community for ambitious women learning to prioritize rest and recharge. This role involves optimizing LinkedIn profiles, using Sales Navigator to target ideal clients, crafting personalized messages, and nurturing leads to build meaningful connections and drive engagement. Responsibilities: • Optimize LinkedIn profiles for both brands to align with their messaging and goals. • Set up and refine Sales Navigator filters to accurately target potentia...
...Build a Comprehensive Downstream Oil and Gas Operations Dashboard on Notion Description: I am looking for an experienced freelancer to help me design and develop a dynamic and user-friendly dashboard on Notion tailored to track and manage downstream oil and gas operations. The dashboard will serve as a centralized platform to monitor key processes, performance metrics, and data related to refining, distribution, and marketing activities. Scope of Work: 1. Dashboard Design: Create a visually appealing and intuitive layout for the dashboard. Organize sections for refining, logistics, compliance, and marketing metrics. 2. Data Integration: Set up a structure to input, organize, and display critical data such as refining yields, distribution sched...
We're a digital marketing firm seeking ambitious, fresh-faced interns for our sales department. If you're looking to kick-start your sales career in 2025, this could be your perfect opportunity. Please note that: - Previous sales experience is a must. - You should be ready to hit the ground running as we do not offer formal training sessions nor on-the-job training. Your responsibilities will include tasks such as: - Client outreach - Market research - Content creation As we value communication, digital marketing knowledge and an eagerness to learn, these skills will certainly give you an edge. Join us, and let's make 2025 your year in sales!
I'm launching a new business and I need a creative professional to design a unique and appealing logo for me. Key Requirements: - Design an innovative combination logo incorporating both text and symbol. - Use a color palette of teal, purple, and gold jewel tones. - Although specific styles were not requested, a modern, minimalist, or vintage approach could be appreciated. My logo should incorporate St Brigids Cross as a principal part of the design. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design tools (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). - Strong understanding of color theory and typography. - Previous experience in logo design, especially combination logos.
I'm looking for a designer who can help me to improve my current business logo. I'm open to suggestions and would love to see what you can come up with. NAME: JUMPSTART KETO ****Sorry, for those asking what we do, we produce a keto-friendly drink mix. Energy, fuel, workout drink that works with the keto diet. ****Please make sure final files are compatible with Photoshop as Layers. ****Current design uses "ITC Zipper" font but it is not required for entries. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe - Creativity - Good communication skills