Import csv file into numberspráce
Dobrý den, prosím o pomoc při parsování dat z CSV do XLSX. Zdrojové CSV obsahuje HEADERS, pak je několik řádků dat vztahujících se k těmto Headers. Po datech následují další HEADERS, které jsou rozdílné od předchozích HEADERS v názvech i počtu, a opět následuje několik řádků dat. Toto se opakuje, celkem jde o cca 368 řádků v CSV, z toho asi 20 HEADERS řádků. Data z CSV nechť jsou exportována do jediného XLSX. Struktura cílového XLSX: 1) ke každému (skoro každému) HEADERS řádku bude vytvořen v XLSX nový List, jehož název bude zhruba odpovídat prvn&ia...
Jedná se o byt 3+kk, import z Autocadu (DWG), ale zdi nejsou rovné (jedná se o rekonstrukci činžovního domu, který je celý křivý) s poměrně náročnými okny, které nejdou vytlačit kvůli těm zdem. Já musím udělat Design projekt, ale zasekla jsem se s těmi stěnami a už týden řeším obrysy. Potřebuji pomoc. I will send the floorplan in .dwg (2D) and I need to make 3D in sketch up. The ceiling hight will be provided as well in .pdf. I need to build the whole thing up, insert doors and windows, that is it.
Hello, I am in need of someone experienced with implementing the codeswholesale-sdk-php. There is also a WordPress plugin, but it hasn't been actively developed for several years. Either customize the old plugin or implement the API. I would need everything the plugin for WordPress can do (regular import, update, order synchronization). I need to import price relationships, product attributes, descriptions - all possible available product information. I am in a distributor position. I can provide API data on sandbox. () So, I would need either to modify the existing plugin or create a new one or implement it differently - for example, in functions.php. PHP SDK: Plugin no longer supported for
I need to scrape data from real estate website. Specifically data under these two filters: Together some 9300 real estates in two separate datasets. Only the text data is needed (no pictures, no maps), preferably in xls or csv.
Převod v minulosti zaznamenaných měření z na Chci to mít někde pohromadě. Původní webapp je dost nepřehledná a non-user-friendly, nová lepší, ale nemá možnost ručního přidání starších dat ani nějaký jednoduchý import. Zdrojová data z Healthplanet by snad měla jít sosnout přes nějakej json (případně ručně, ale je toho dost), do MyTanita pak naimportovat v podvrženém CSV jako data z váhy BC-601.
...neumožňuje ukládání do XLS. Sháníme tedy programátora, který se chce na našem projektu podílet a vytvoří jednoduchou aplikaci, který bude sloužit k ukládání vyčítaných dat do PC. Požadavky: Spustitelný *.EXE SW s možností přidání do naplánovaných úloh. SW bude mít jen pár základních parametrů. 1) URL ke xml souboru (možnost zadání user & password) 2) Název souboru kam vyčítat 3) přípona (xls, xlsx, csv) 4) interval ukládání hodnot (xml je aktualizováno při každém obnovení) 5s, 10s, 30s, 60s, 120s, 300s, 600s, (3...
Dobrý den, máme zájem o vytvoření jednoduché utility, která by dokázala importovat data z XLS souboru do příjemky v Pohodě s možností konfigurace účetní jednotky, cílového skladu, členění skladu. Import podle EAN.
Who is the Czech who can help me translate the language from English into Czech?Kdo je dáma, která mi může pomoci přeložit jazyk z angličtiny do češtiny?
Dobry den, poptavam podporu pri web scrappingu informaci o nemovitostech z konkretniho webu. Jedna se mi o strukturovane ulozeni informaci z webove stranky (bude upresneno) do xlsx/csv a idealni automatickou aktualizaci teto databaze. [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions -Section 13:Communication With Other Users] Predem dekuji. S pozdravem, Dan Vasko
Jedna se o dokonceni eshop od webnode na kterym uz pracuji. Par detailu + hlavne import produktu od Partnera pomoci CSV souboru. Predem dekuji.
Hledám programátora, který zajistí automatický import produktů (dat) ze stránek dodavatele do e-shopu. Součástí importu bude i překlad (Google)
Disassemble Freescale MPC5674F hex file to assembler. IDA PRO, winhex is a must!
Create a high-definition PSD template based on a predefined design and encode it into HTML and CSS. REQUEST A VALID CODE!
Potřebujeme PHP skript který z daných odkazů (v textovém souboru - jedna URL na jeden řádek) stáhne z Amazon webu potřebné informace - tj. nadpis, popis, pokud je tak také krátky popis, náhledové obrázky, varianty (může se vložit klidně jako produkt zvlášť - tj. bílá bude produkt zvlášť a černá také, nemusí to být v sobě) a cenu. Společně s cenou potřebujeme její cenu snížit o 20%, automaticky. Takže produkt se přidá s o 20% nižší cenou a to vše se uloží do WooCommerce
Potřebuji vytvořit jednoduchý SW a GUI v Jave, který se bude připojovat na cca 5 zdrojů dat přes jejich API, bude ukládat data z těchto zdrojů do .csv plus bude schopen využít některé příkazy jednotlivých API zdroje.
Potřebuji vytvořit jednoduchý SW a GUI v Jave, který se bude připojovat na cca 5 zdrojů dat přes jejich API, bude ukládat data z těchto zdrojů do .csv plus bude schopen využít některé příkazy jednotlivých API zdroje.
Hledam spolehliveho externiho PHP/nette programátora, jez ma chut vyvijet aplikaci pro sitovou bezpecnost. Co nabizim: -zcela volnou pracovni dobu -jednou tydne se vecer potkame na skype a vyhodnotime/rozdelime si ukoly na dalsi tyden -zasveceni do dalsich technologii: bezpecnost na sitove vrstve, autentifikace Radius server, konfigurace zarizeni pres API/SSH, export/import ucto/banka -dlouhodobou spolupraci na nevsednim projektu. -oceneni dle nasi domluvy.
Hledáme vývojáře pro projekt eshopu s customizerem. Shop bude obsahovat male množství položek (desítky), ale každý produkt bude mít možnost přizpůsobení vzhledu - barva jednotlivých částí produktu, text potisku, font textu, velikost. V tuto chvíli nejde o funkcionalitu klasických eshopů, jako je sledování stavu objednávek, import položek, export xml feedů, fakturace a podobné vlastnosti monolitických CMS . Taktéž zatím není počítáno s backendem. Eshop by měl pouze představit jednotlivé produkty po kategoriích, umožnit jejich přizpůsobení přání zákazníka, vložení vybra...
Hledáme někoho, kdo nám dokáže upravit poskytované dostupnostní soubory od dodavatelů tak, aby byly validní s požadavky Shoptet na import zboží. Jsme internetový obchod. Všechny informace zašleme.
Úpravu CSV importu pro import produktů do Magenta.
Chtěli bychom přenést stávající eshop (), který běží na pronájmu na vlastní prestashop řešení. Z eshopu bychom chtěli hromadně přenést produkty (xml nebo csv) a kdyby to bylo možné, tak i dosavadní objednávky a nějaká další data. Od systému prestashop bychom poté požadovali tyto funkce: xml import produktů (automatický z feedů dodavatelů), xml export na srovnávače (heureka, zboží, hyperzbozi,...), možnost SEO optimalizace (úprava meta informací, "dobré" url adresy), možnost integrace platební brány, integrace Ulož (výběr z odběrných míst), generován...
Nejprve popis naší online služby: Služba umožňuje konverzi výpisů z PayPal do formátu, v kterém je výpis možné automatizovaně importovat do účetních programů. Služba tak redukuje čas potřebný na zpracování transakcí až o 98% a snižuje náklady na zaúčtování až o 94%. Logo by mělo vyjádřovat právě spomenuté benefity - velkou úsporu času / peněz při používaní naší služby. Zejména logem se může blížit logu , čímž hned návštěvníka ujistí o souvislosti služeb. Zachování současného sloganu "saving time and money" je preferované. ...
Nejprve popis naší online služby: Služba umožňuje konverzi výpisů z PayPal do formátu, v kterém je výpis možné automatizovaně importovat do účetních programů. Služba tak redukuje čas potřebný na zpracování transakcí až o 98% a snižuje náklady na zaúčtování až o 94%. Logo by mělo vyjádřovat právě spomenuté benefity - velkou úsporu času / peněz při používaní naší služby. Zejména logem se může blížit logu , čímž hned návštěvníka ujistí o souvislosti služeb. Zachování současného sloganu "saving time and money" je preferované. ...
Dobrý den, chtěl jsme se zeptat jestli by jste mi nepomohl s jedním problémem. Potřebuji dostat nejaký 3D objekt z Blenderu (např .obj), do sharpGL, nevím jak to napársovat. Dělám bakalářskou práci, že mám vymodelovat naší budovu, ale nevím jak ji mám dostat do c#. Pokud by jste byl ochoten mi pomoci, budu rád když se mi ozvete. Děkuji S pozdrave Meravý Martin
Dobrý den, chtěl jsme se zeptat jestli by jste mi nepomohl s jedním problémem. Potřebuji dostat nejaký 3D objekt z Blenderu (např .obj), do sharpGL, nevím jak to napársovat. Dělám bakalářskou práci, že mám vymodelovat naší budovu, ale nevím jak ji mám dostat do c#. Pokud by jste byl ochoten mi pomoci, budu rád když se mi ozvete. Děkuji S pozdrave Meravý Martin
I'm seeking an experienced data analyst and Power BI expert to design an engaging and insightful dashboard for tracking both project progress and financial metrics in the construction industry. Key Features: - The dashboard should track project-related metrics such as completion percentage, milestones achieved, and tasks overdue. - Financial metrics shou...percentage, milestones achieved, and tasks overdue. - Financial metrics should include revenue forecasts, expense categorization, and project rating. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Power BI - Strong background in project management tracking and financial reporting - Experience in the construction industry is a plus - Excellent data visualization skills The dashboard should integrate data from Excel/CSV files. start propos...
...Requirements: - The theme of the banner should be 'Educational and Academic' yet appealing to children and their parents. - It should incorporate 'Bright and Vibrant Colors' to catch the eye and stand out. - Specific elements to include are 'Books and Educational Materials', 'Toys and Playful Elements', as well as our 'School Emblem and Motto'. - Incorporate 'Contact Information' such as phone numbers and email addresses for both schools. - Include 'School Website URLs' so parents can easily find more information online. Ideal Candidates: - Have a strong portfolio in similar work, particularly in designing playful yet educational banners. - Proficient in using bright and vibrant color schemes. - Able to creati...
...flags (pins) to start as ‘low’ The project’s main program shall define an ISR to be named ‘bufferIsFull’ The project’s main program shall define a timer that shall be programmatically set to be turned on or off The timer shall be configured to run after 100 milliseconds The program’s function associated with handling the timer shall be name ‘timeIsUp’ The program shall generate ASCII letters and numbers (no particular order, case or constrains of any type) The program shall send groups of 16 characters at the time using SCIC TX The program shall monitor the receive-FIFO on SCIB and trigger an interrupt to be handled by the ISR ‘bufferIsFull’ when 16 characters have been received The bufferIsFull ISR shall stop th...
...faster loading times. 3. Design the Website Wireframes and Mockups: Use tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch to design the layout. Focus on a clean, user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation. Key Pages: Homepage: Highlight featured products, promotions, and categories. Product Pages: Include high-quality images, descriptions, pricing, and reviews. Category Pages: Organize products into categories and subcategories. Cart and Checkout: Simplify the checkout process with minimal steps. User Account: Allow users to track orders, save payment methods, and manage addresses. Contact and Support: Provide customer service options (chat, email, phone). 4. Develop the Website Frontend Development: Create responsive and interactive UI components. Implement product filte...
I have an English and an Arabic logo that need to be combined into one file. The texts should be positioned side by side. I also have specific brand colours that need to be used in the logo. Black colour en Gold colour
I'm seeking a Zapier expert to help automate a process involving email tracking and website verification. I receive emails with car VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers) and need to check their status on our website. Key Tasks: - Read incoming emails on Gmail to extract VINs from plain text - Navigate our custom HTML/CSS website to find the corresponding VIN page - Use Zapier to return the link to the VIN page and its availability status (available or sold) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Zapier - Experience with Gmail - Familiarity with navigating custom HTML/CSS websites - Strong problem-solving skills This project will streamline a crucial part of my workflow, so I appreciate your expertise in making this as efficient as possible.
I need to leverage AWS Bedrock for extracting specific fields from my scanned documents. This task will involve processing a daily influx of these documents. Key Requirements: - Extract fields: Names and addresses, Dates and case numbers from legal documents. - Deploy the model across different AWS accounts. I need to learn what Bedrock models I can use for this purpose, how to train my model for better accuracy and finally, how to deploy this model to different aws accounts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AWS Bedrock. - Experience in document processing and field extraction. - Knowledge in deploying models across multiple AWS accounts.
...Extraction: The AI should be able to extract 'Name' and 'Email' from Instagram, FaceBook, Ticktok, X, Youtube and compile this data into a CSV file. - Email Management: It should check for duplicate entries and manage email campaigns, sorting emails based on their status (with a focus on 'Opened'). It should have the ability to send emails in batches. - Extend data extraction capabilities to include LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest. - Implement advanced filtering options to target specific demographics or interests. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI development - Experience with data scraping - Understanding of email marketing systems - Ability to create and manage CSV files I'm looking for a professional who can deli...
...forecasting methods ineffective. What We Need We need a forecasting solution that can: Handle random sales patterns Accurately predict sales & demand fluctuations Integrate with our in-house software through API to pull real-time inventory & sales data Provide actionable insights to prevent inventory shortfalls & overstocking. (if possible, model will tell the reasoning behind the predicted numbers) Key Challenges & Requirements ✅ Sales data is NOT linear or seasonal – our sales pattern is highly irregular, meaning a simple time-series model like ARIMA or SARIMA won’t be effective. ✅ The solution must incorporate multiple real-world factors affecting demand. ✅ We have an in-house API that will provide real-time data – you need to work with ...
I need info from a PDF file transferred into an Excel spreadsheet. The PDF is a membership directory. I only need members that are a "Presenting Organization" (which starts about half-way down the directory). I've attached the PDF and a blank xls file with headers to populate. Please provide a bid and an estimate of the numbers of members to be imported so I know you understand the scope.
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor who can seamlessly add me into a special event group photo. The background of the original image should remain unchanged, but I need to be inserted into the scene in a way that allows me to blend in naturally with the rest of the group. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Experience with photo manipulation and retouching - Ability to create realistic edits that are not noticeable - Keen eye for detail to ensure consistency in lighting, shadows, and perspective - Refine the edges of hair to avoid any visible cut-out lines. - Ability to match skin tones to ensure consistency with other group members. The final image should be in standard resolution. The final image should be in web resolution (72 dpi). The client w...
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Detailed project proposals How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
I'm in need of an AI agent that can help me streamline my data extrac...Key Requirements: - Data Extraction: Primarily from Instagram, but also from other platforms like Facebook, TikTok, X, and YouTube. The AI should be capable of extracting 'Name' and 'Email', compiling this data into a CSV file. - Email Management: The AI should check for duplicate entries and manage email campaigns, sorting emails based on their status, with a focus on 'Opened'. It should have the ability to send emails in batches. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI development - Experience with data scraping - Understanding of email marketing systems - Ability to create and manage CSV files I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a system that...
...platforms, not just social media sites but also blogs, forums, and public records and databases. - An exhaustive reach, covering 'everything that's out there'. - Specific tracking on all major social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. - AI-powered analysis to identify and highlight patterns or connections in the gathered data. - Multiple data export options including CSV, PDF, and other formats for easy reporting. - Historical data retrieval to access information that has been deleted or altered. - User-friendly interface that allows investigators to easily navigate and use the software. - Cross-platform compatibility to ensure the tool works on different operating systems. - Anonymity features to conduct research without revealing th...
We are seeking someone to create a .thmx file for us to use across all Microsoft products. Will will use this as the standardizing format package for our business. OUTPUT GOAL Creation of a .thmx file SCOPE OF PROJECT Details: there may be more that goes into it, but my understanding is the 3 main pieces are: 1. Font selection (ideally one that works with online and desktop versions) -- we would love your help curating a few font choices that we can select between. We serve professional and corporate clients, so we'd want this to be easy to read, yet still crisp and not overly stuffy nor too informal 2. 10 theme colors (with gradients) -- I can share our website and the virtual background that we use for video calls. I imagine you might be able to extract a ...
I'm in need of a data entry specialist. The task involves transcribing customer information from paper documents into a database. Ideal skills and experience include: - Excellent attention to detail - Prior experience with data entry - Proficiency in database management - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines Key responsibilities: - Accurately transcribing customer information from paper documents - Ensuring all data is correctly entered into the database Your role is crucial in helping me organize and manage customer information effectively.
I need an SQL expert to help me export specific query results from my SQL database into a CSV file. - Database Type: SQL - Export Format: CSV - Data to Export: Custom query results Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in SQL with experience in data extraction. - Familiarity with exporting data to CSV format. - Ability to understand and execute custom queries. - Attention to detail to ensure data is accurately exported. No additional data processing or transformation is required before exporting the data. The data needs to be exported at scheduled intervals. The data needs to be exported daily at scheduled intervals.
I'm looking for a skilled VOIP engineer to assist me in porting numbers from another VOIP provider. This is critical for the expansion of my services. In addition, I need support in implementing a white label solution, specifically with branding messages. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with VOIP systems - Proven track record in number porting - Knowledge in implementing white label solutions - Strong understanding of branding through VOIP systems
I have a set of last year's ticket sale data that needs to be entered into Excel. - Data Entry: The tickets are currently in Excel 10, and I need someone to accurately input all relevant data. - Excel Skills: Proficiency in Excel 10 is crucial, as the data will be entered into this software. - No Analysis Required: At this stage, I do not require any data analysis or reports generated from the entered data. However, a keen eye for detail will be beneficial to ensure accurate data entry.
THIS IS NOT AI GENRATED POST>>> PLEASE READ PROPERLY to APPLY IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT TO DO JOB Need quick help in Wordpress product migration from Non Wordpress site Concern: We are able to download product CSV file from Non Wordpress site but when we are uploading in our current wordpress development site which is not supporting. I hired scarpper also who scrapped product data from Non wordpress site and build custom CSV file for wordpress site, you need to validate and see if everything is good to import. if not then scrapper can also help you get desire CSV file. Need someone who already have experience in this and available immediate to start. Your expertise in this area is crucial for a smooth and swift transition. Thank ...
I'm looking for a professional with data scraping experience to help me export descriptions from active eBay listings. Key Requirements: - Extracting descriptions from various sellers' active listings on eBay - Exporting the data to a CSV file - Identifying listings by specific seller usernames Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data scraping tools and techniques - Familiarity with eBay's platform and its listing structure - Experience in creating and managing CSV files
I require assistance in entering numerical data sourced from various online platforms. The final output should be neatly organized in a database. Key Responsibilities: - Efficiently sourcing and entering numerical data from online sources into a database. - Ensuring accuracy and consistency in data entry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in data entry, particularly with numerical data. - Familiarity with online data sourcing. - Proficiency in handling databases. - Strong attention to detail and accuracy.
I need assistance with decoding a cache file. The cache file is in a binary format and contains metadata. The textual data within the cache file is encoded in UTF-8. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Proficiency in handling binary files - Experience with metadata analysis - Strong skills in UTF-8 data decoding