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    2,000 how to share code react react native Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    Zdravím, hledáme freelancera pro vývoj mobilní aplikace ve Flutteru nebo React Native pro privátní fitness centrum. Funkce aplikace: ✅ Rezervace + online platby (GoPay nebo jiná platební brána) ✅ Zobrazení QR kódu pro vstup do fitness centra (napojení na vstupní systém – Phobos nebo TSS Group) ✅ Propojení přes API s rezervačním systémem (Reenio/Reservio) ✅ Integrace platební brány a vstupního systému Pokud máte zkušenosti s podobnými aplikacemi, zašlete prosím ukázky předchozích projektů a předběžnou cenovou nabídku. Díky a těším se na spolupr&aac...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky

    Spracovanie a obohatenie dát z webového formuláru do podoby, ktorej rozumie ÚPVS () aby občania Slovenskej republiky vedeli jednoduchšie komunikovať so samosprávou. No predtým ako ich vôbec pošleme ich musíme zvalidovať, transformovať a podísať. Veríme, že všetky tieto úkony by boli pre bežn...úkony by boli pre bežného developera otravné, no ak si ešte nerobil komunikáciu so štátom, práve toto by pre teba mohlo byť zaujímavou príležitosťou. Všetko toto robíme na pozadí v PHP a aplikujeme do CMS Wordpress, ktorá veríme, že ako otvorená a zrozumiteľná platforma pomáha samo...

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Jedná se o projekt nového pojišťovacího Core systému. Současný systém je napsaný na starých technologiích. Celý projekt je nyní na začátku a v přípravné fázi. Tento rok poběží přípravná fáze - vydefinování high level zadání a naplánování realizace na další období. Systém bude modulární a bude obsahovat věci pro správu pojistek, škody, likvidace, provize a další moduly. You will get more information during the interview

    €628 Average bid
    €628 Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky

    Hello everyone, we are an artificial intelligence company, in order to develop software, we want to recruit hundreds of Czechs to record Czech audio for us,We need to record 1050 sentences, each sentence is 2-8 seconds,and the pass rate must reach 96.5%. without violating any of your privacy. If you are interested in helping us record the audio, please contact me! Note: Those who have participated in the startask app recording cannot participate in this job. Ahoj všichni, jsme společnost zabývající se umělou inteligencí, abychom mohli vyvíjet software, chceme naverbovat stovky Čechů, aby nám nahráli český zvuk, Potřebujeme nahrát 1050 vět, každá věta má 2-8 sekund, trvá ...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Poptáváme React Native developera na remote spolupráci. Jsme plně remote, je nás šest a hledáme kolegu, který nás doplní. Máme dlouhodobý projekt. Jestli už máš dost korporátu a chceš zkusit zase příjemnější spolupráci, ozvi se.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky
    €293 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    Pro firmu zabývající se vyhledáváním a personalizací na eshopech a firemních webech hledáme kolegu na dlouhodobou spolupráci, který se bude starat o REACT komponenty, jenž obsluhují zobrazování výsledků hledání ve stránce. Ze začátku to bude práce na několik týdnů, dlouhodobě pak jednotky dnů za měsíc.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    16 nabídky

    Build me a Professional Web APP I want a person or agency to design, implement and develop a professional corporate system that is from wireframe to development release and after that maintenance different contract. Will involve 1. Design and Integration of Wireframe in Figma and other applications on design 2. Animation software if need be 3. Vscode, GitHub, 4) Mongo Database, Express NOde, for back end React or Angular for front end Comment, revision, visual commenting Example pages to understand kind of work needed

    €2600 Average bid
    €2600 Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky

    We run an app that needs a new FE in React or Vue.js The new UX has been prepared including a styleguide in Adobe XD. We are using REST API between FE and BE. We will be doing BE with our own team. We estimate this to 20-30 MD, about 200 hours. We will not consider any offers until we can review your code. Then we will provide access to the current application, user manuals and access to the new UX to prepare your estimate. We prefer someone for full time, but you can do this as a side job, however we expect 20h/week as a minimum commitment.

    €7102 Average bid
    €7102 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Co požadujeme: - Pokročilá znalost a zkušenost s Node.js - Schopnost psát čistý a udržitelný kód - Přemýšlet nad problémy a odvážně se pouštět tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - Nástup ideálně hned :). Pokud to nepůjde, tak co nejdříve. Co nabízíme: - Práce na projektu s mezinárodním přesahem a zajímavým tématem (travel) - Full remote práce na ŽL, bez nějaké pracovní doby od - do - Pohodový přístup bez zbytečného stresu - Na projektu je nás pár, budete se tak velkou měrou podílet na jeho tvorbě - 500-700 Kč na hodinu, dle zkušeností.

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Dobrý den, do našeho týmu hledáme dalšího programátora. Ideálně někoho, kdo: - ovládá React Native - primárně potřebujeme někoho na front a aplikace, ale full stack by bylo velkou výhodou (backend je v node.js) - má minimálně do konce roku dostatek času se projektu věnovat - je precizní - přemýšlí nad problémy a odvážně se pouští tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - dodržuje domluvené termíny - může pracovat na ŽL Výhodou by byl vztah ke zdravé stravě, udržitelnosti a touha vytvářet něco s přidanou hodnotou pro společnost. Ale na tom nijak nelpím :).

    €30 / hr Average bid
    €30 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Dobrý den, do našeho týmu hledáme dalšího programátora. Ideálně někoho, kdo: - ovládá React Native - primárně potřebujeme někoho na front a aplikace, ale full stack by bylo velkou výhodou (backend je v node.js) - má minimálně do konce roku dostatek času se projektu věnovat - je precizní - přemýšlí nad problémy a odvážně se pouští tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - dodržuje domluvené termíny - může pracovat na ŽL Výhodou by byl vztah ke zdravé stravě, udržitelnosti a touha vytvářet něco s přidanou hodnotou pro společnost. Ale na tom nijak nelpím :).

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    Nadějný startup , který využívá jedinečného systému pro spolupráci lokálních podniků, nadstandardně ohodnocuje zaměstnance a přináší nové zákazníky. A to i hlavně pro podniky ve světe Offline (právě v offline světě je prostor pro růst) :o Hledáme Fronted developera, který s námi projekt dotáhne. Bude dostávat plat od úkolu a když bude oboustranná spokojenost, chceme aby měl na projektu podíl v %. :) Pro více info si stačí prohlédnout web a vše Vám bude jasné ;) Podmínkou je freelencer z Česka nebo Slovenska.

    €3742 Average bid
    €3742 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    ...promyšlený a co nám schází je poslední nadšenec do našeho týmu, který s námi bude tento projekt vyvíjet. Pokud ti něco říká programování a tvorba komplexní webové aplikace (předpokládané technologie - React, JavaEE, Spring, REST), máš kladný vztah ke sportu a jsi nadšenec, který se chce zakousnout do zajímavého projektu, máš s námi možnost vybudovat sportovní platformu, která bude pravým GAME CHANGEREM nejen v ČR. Tohle není jedna z těch nabídek, za kterou dostaneš během měsíce zaplaceno pár desítek tis&iacut...

    €8 - €100136
    €8 - €100136
    0 nabídky
    Ukončeno left

    Dokumentaci musíte zabalit do jedné prezentace ve formátu PDF. Což v důsledku toho pošleme sponzorům jako komerční nabídku. Co znamená prezentace ve formátu PDF sama o sobě? Je nutné popsat, co Giveaway je, pak napsat, jak to projde, jaké jsou výhody pro sponzora a folofers. Pošleme vám příklady, na které budete také muset napsat. ONLY FOR CZECH NATIVE PEOPLE.

    €130 Average bid
    €130 Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    Hledáme šikovného kodéra (nebo firmu) na vytvoření javascriptové webové single-page aplikace. Máme vytvořenou mobilní aplikaci v Angularu a pro ni chceme vytvořit webovou alternativu. Zadání je dokonale definované naší mobilní aplikací a ušetříme si tak tápání a prošlapávání slepých cestiček. Požadované technologie jsou ideálně Angular, případně React nebo Vue.js. Jsme tvůrci online jazykových kurzů, kterými prošlo již více než 90 tis. uživatelů v České republice a na Slovensku. Nyní chceme dobýt svět a proto se pouštíme...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...automatizovanych dokumentu pro Salesforce - Diky ktere budou uzivatele schopni jednim kliknutim vygenerovat dokument ze Salesforce (faktura, smlouva, marketingova brozura atd…) - Ktera bude native na Salesforce, ale pozdeji bude schopna pridat i ruzne dalsi systemy - software na elektronicke podpisy, ostatni CRM atd.) - uvitam navrhy reseni jak toto provest Jak by to melo fungovat (hlavni funkce): - Vytvorim a nahraji sablony (word, excel, powerpoint nebo text dokument) do te appky na Salesforce. Tento template ma takzvane merge policka. Tj. kod, kterym si zakaznik bude moci vytvorit libovolny template a dat tam vzdy to policko ze Salesforce, ktere potrebuje, aby se mu ukazalo na finalnim -dokumentu - Zde jsem schopen spravovat ruzne sablony, rozhodnout se...

    €3093 Average bid
    €3093 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    EN App Stack Node backend application is written in asynchronous. Frontend in react. What is the problem? We have GoPay (Czech payment gateway) integration with Shopify as a third-party gateway. We right now have some small issues we need help with regarding backend codebase. We need someone experienced with REST API’s and ideally with payment gateways. API’s CZ Stack Node backend aplikace napsaná v asynchronně, frontend je v react.js. Co je za problém? Máme GoPay integraci pro Shopify, nyní však nemáme kapacitu na to se o aplikaci starat a vznikly tam některé potíže které se týkají backend části, proto hledáme někoho zkušeného s...

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky
    Virtualni asistentka
    Ukončeno left

    - Český jazyk (Only native Czech language!!!) - Asistence pri tvoreni websites (Vhodne pro studenty) - Tvoreni databaz - Psani clanku - Korekce clanku - Vyhledavani na webu - Asistence pri obchodnich aktivitach

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    Mám 2 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.

    €8 - €9
    €8 - €9
    0 nabídky

    Mám 3 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.

    €8 - €9
    €8 - €9
    0 nabídky

    I want few methods from objective c to java to be translated.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    Looking a person with excellent knowledge of the English language (EN - native language) . Original text is in Russian, which text is translated. Need to edit texts in english language. Offer about 100$.

    €89 Average bid
    €89 Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky

    I wait funky

    €1452 - €2904
    €1452 - €2904
    0 nabídky

    ...need you to build a website similar to a CRM that has these additional special features: - A complex permission system - Realtime Chat - PDF generation with some predetermined templates Qualifications: - Please be very experienced with , Flask, React - Familiar with Task Queuing - Just have a lot of experience - Fluent English. I need to understand when you talk. Please note: - I won't hire anyone with open jobs. Also, you don't have the right to have an another job during our work together. You can get another job after 1-2 months of our work. We have to start strong and then I will be flexible. - We will have almost daily standup meetings (10-20 minutes) - You have to create a PR almost daily to Github and I will do ...

    €551 Average bid
    €551 Průměr. nabídka
    28 nabídky

    I'm seeking a Native American English speaker for project discussions. The primary focus will be on project requirements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native American English speaker - Excellent communication skills - Prior experience in project discussions - Able to understand and articulate project requirements clearly

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    20 nabídky

    We are looking for experienced Yii2 PHP developers to revamp our existing website with a modern design makeover and migrate key features from the old platform to the new one. Project Scope Complete UI/UX redesign for a fresh, modern, and user-friendly experience Seamless migration of essential features from the old website Optimization for speed, security, and performance Responsive design for all devices Ensuring smooth functionality and bug-free deployment Requirements Strong experience with Yii2 PHP Framework Expertise in front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, or Vue/React) Ability to work with existing databases and APIs Knowledge of security best practices Experience in performance optimization Nice to Have Previous experience with...

    €1896 Average bid
    €1896 Průměr. nabídka
    58 nabídky

    We are opening a new restaurant, Burger Junction, specializing in gourmet and classic burgers. We need a creative, memorable logo that reflects our casual and welcoming vibe. Design Pr...logo that reflects our casual and welcoming vibe. Design Preferences: - Style: Modern with a playful or retro touch. - Colors: Warm tones like red, yellow, or brown. - Typography: Bold and easy to read. - Icon Ideas: Burgers, grill marks, or junction/road-inspired elements. Deliverables: - High-resolution files for print and digital use. - Scalable vector formats (e.g., .AI, .SVG). We highly encourage you to use AI tools in your design process. If you are interested, please share your estimated delivery time and fixed cost. We’re excited to work with a talented design...

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Průměr. nabídka
    16 nabídky

    I'm looking for a beginner Figma UI/UX designer to join my team. You'll be working on both website and mobile app designs, following custom guidelines. Sallary: 10000 INR Key Responsibilities: - Full-time 8 hours daily (9AM - 6PM) - 6 Days a week (Friday is off) - Learning and applying design principles under my guidance - Completing tasks assigned in English Essential Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong background in UI/UX design - Able to converse in English Please share your portfolio demonstrating relevant experience.

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Průměr. nabídka
    25 nabídky
    Excel VB Code Optimization
    6 dní left

    I'm seeking a professional to review and optimize the VB code in my Excel file, which has been modified over the past 20 years. The primary goal is to streamline the code for future users. The code has sections that handle macros and automation scripts. These scripts involve data import, formatting, and report generation. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - Extensive experience with Excel - Previous experience in code optimization for performance - Excellent problem-solving skills, particularly with macros and automation scripts - Ability to simplify complex code for future understanding

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    ...fine. I have tried to add Serilog with tracing (trace ID) and Serilog.Enrich.Exception. And I have tired to add OpenTelemetry traceability and custom metrics. All of this is working in the console log - I can see Serilog logs on the console. I can see my custom meters on the console. And I can see OpenTelemetry traces' instrumentation on the console. And the entire system, both applications, the Aspire Dashboard, etc, all currently starts with "docker compose up" That is all working currently. I am trying to send all the logs, metrics and traces to Aspire Dashboard's docker container image :latest. However, while I see all the logs, metrics, and traces on the console, none of that shows up on the Aspire Dashboard. This job is to...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    32 nabídky

    ...(AI) into Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), specifically by developing AI-powered trainer simulators to assist medical professionals in improving their diagnostic skills. PACS systems are used to store and share medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, which are crucial for accurate diagnoses. However, interpreting these images can be complex, and medical professionals need continuous training to enhance their expertise. my project aims to design AI-driven simulators that offer realistic, interactive training scenarios for radiology technologists, doctors and administrators. These simulators will use real patient data, while ensuring privacy, to simulate clinical cases. AI will assist users by providing feedback, hig...

    €2826 Average bid
    €2826 Průměr. nabídka
    23 nabídky

    I'm looking for a developer to create a bot that translates trading signals from a chosen Telegram channel into automatic orders on my PocketOption account. The signals will pertain to Binary Options and will be in the form of buy/sell indicators. Key Requirements: - Experience with bot development - Familiarity with PocketOption platform - Ability to work with Telegram's API or bot integration - Knowledge in Binary Options trading The bot's primary task will be to interpret buy/sell signals from the Telegram channel and execute corresponding orders on the PocketOption platform. I'm open to suggestions on the best method for the bot to authenticate and access the Telegram channel. It could be via a provided API key, through...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    33 nabídky provider, we need an experienced PHP developer to upgrade the codebase to PHP 8.1+ while ensuring all functionalities remain intact. Project Scope: Upgrade the website from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.1+ Update deprecated functions and ensure compatibility with modern PHP standards Update database connections to work with PHP 8.1+ Ensure photo upload and album management features work correctly post-upgrade Perform necessary testing to confirm full functionality Requirements: Proven experience in upgrading legacy PHP applications Strong knowledge of PHP 5.6 and PHP 8.1+ Experience with database migrations and connection updates Familiarity with debugging and troubleshooting deprecated functions Ability to ...

    €569 Average bid
    €569 Průměr. nabídka
    82 nabídky

    Upgrade 7-Zip 16.04 SFX to 7-Zip 24.09, Maintaining Existing Customizations We have a highly customized self-extractor based on the 7-Zip project SFXSetup that is included in the standard 7-Zip source codes available at We need this code to be upgraded to the latest version of 7-Zip (currently 24.09), while retaining all of our customizations and compatibility settings. For instance, the minimum operating system supported by our compiled binary is Windows XP without any service packs installed, and this compatibility needs to be retained. The resulting self-extractor must also be able to take advantage of compiler intrinsics for the fastest extraction speeds on the latest generation of CPU hardware. To help you accurately estimate the ...

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    ...regulatory framework eligibility. We’ll share with you the requirements of the device and how the prototype was created and you’ll be required to plan and design/improvise it, create schematics for pcb components bom etc which are available/accessible on common/popular platforms for fabrication and assembly. You’ll also be required to check and fix any issues on the designed unit ensuring a compliant final product. Need someone experienced in prototyping and designing, spl related to medical device.. Need to build a reproduce-able mvp in med tech category, we have initial unrefined version. Need to sign nda before sharing any in depth details. Key Features: - Low Power Consumption: The device will be used in various...

    €33 Average bid
    €33 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    hello I have a dedicated server I would like to share (streaming, movies and series) with an application compatible with all types of machines, streaming my personal movies and personal series with all codecs, (example avi and others) what solution do you offer me what type of software and solutions similar iptv

    €155 Average bid
    €155 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    I'm looking for a passionate developer or team to create an Android app and a corresponding web app focused on content sharing, specifically videos. Key Features: - This platform will primarily share videos. Therefore, video uploading, viewing, liking, sharing, and commenting functionalities are essential. - The platform should also have features for managing photos and images. This includes image editing tools, user tagging, and a system for photo albums and categorization. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing Android apps and web applications. - Strong understanding and experience in building content sharing platforms. - Proficiency in implementing image editing tools and user tagging mechanisms. - Previous work with categorization systems i...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I'm seeking a freelancer to enhance my skills in using SignUpGenius for email marketing, particularly focusing on transactional emails. Key Responsibilities: - Creating and managing transactional email messages - Automating email workflows to streamline the process - Assisting with document transfers and payment process setups This is an hourly-based role aimed at helping me gain proficiency in these tasks. Experience with SignUpGenius and email marketing is crucial. Please share your availability and rates.

    €390 Average bid
    €390 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled video editor for my personal project, 'Smile Only'. This project revolves around a unique theme, capturing smiles in various contexts, and transforming these footage into an engaging video. Key responsibilities include: - Editing raw footage into a polished final product - various contexts, and transforming these footage into an engaging video. Key responsibilities include: - Editing raw footage into a polished final product - Incorporating sound, and possibly other footage - Creating a narrative around the theme of smiles Ideal applicants should have: - Extensive experience in video editing - A creative mind to help tell the story - A good understanding of pacing, sound, and visual storytelling. Please share your portfo...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I'm seeking a talented UI/UX designer proficient in Figma to design an engaging and user-friendly interface for my construction company website. Key Responsibilities: - Design a comprehensive website UI in Figma targeting the following pages: - Home - Services - Creating Value (Benefits) - Project Showcase/Case Studies (Blog?) - Contact Us - Integrate several pre-existing React modules into the design. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in UI/UX design, particularly for websites. - Proficiency in Figma. - Familiarity with React and its design principles. - Strong understanding of construction industry aesthetics and usability. This project will help me present my company's services in a clear and appealing manner, ultimately ...

    €1452 - €2420
    €1452 - €2420
    64 nabídky

    ...(Python) ? Compensation: Equity-Based (5-15% based on contribution & milestones) ? Location: Remote (Flexible) ? Commitment: Part-Time / Full-Time ? About MyAi MyAi is an AI-driven, next-gen trading system designed to outperform hedge funds & protect retail traders from market manipulation. Our goal is to build a highly intelligent AI trading bot that integrates quantum AI, deep learning, and reinforcement learning for ultra-accurate market predictions. We are looking for a highly skilled Python developer with experience in AI trading models, machine learning, and market analysis to help develop MyAi's AI engine. ? Key Responsibilities ✅ Build & optimize AI trading models using Python, TensorFlow/PyTorch ✅ Develop & integrate real-time mark...

    €4505 Average bid
    €4505 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I'm looking for a talented developer to create a travel app that runs on both iOS and Android. The app's core feature will be a comprehensive booking system. Key Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: The app should allow users to share their experiences and provide feedback on various travel services. - Offline Access to Guides: Users should be able to download travel guides for offline use, ensuring they can access information without needing a data connection. - Map Integration: The app should seamlessly integrate with maps to help users navigate their destinations. - AI Feature: I'm particularly interested in incorporating an AI feature, which could provide personalized recommendations or assist users in planning their trips. I...

    €1819 Average bid
    €1819 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    I'm in need of a comprehensive and appealing branding package for my underground house music record label. The branding should be minimalist in style, incorporating a logo and social media graphics. Ideal Skill...record label. The branding should be minimalist in style, incorporating a logo and social media graphics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly in creating minimalist aesthetics. - Experience with branding for music labels or similar industries. - Ability to create engaging social media graphics that align with the brand's identity. I am open to color suggestions, so a good understanding of color theory and its application in branding is crucial. Please share your portfolio, particularly any work that aligns...

    €110 Average bid
    €110 Průměr. nabídka
    118 nabídky

    I am looking for...Themes: - Personal Growth: I want to highlight the various challenges I've faced and the lessons I've learned along the way. - Career Achievements: My professional journey has been quite eventful, and I want to share the milestones and experiences that have shaped my career. - Family History: My family has played a significant role in my life, and I want to weave our history into the narrative. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional narrative writing skills. - Experience in ghostwriting autobiographies or similar genres. - Ability to capture and convey personal stories in an engaging manner. - Understanding of e-book formatting and publishing. If you have a knack for storytelling and can help me present my life journey in an engaging a...

    €1064 Average bid
    €1064 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their...

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 20 sentences. Every sentences is 2 word, you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $1.5 dollar for 20 sentences record. Every sentences is 2 word If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    ...biographies. My book is about how God raised and is using Donald John Trump to rescue and restore America's morality and the fear of God. It discussed his family faith background and how his family's faith in Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible for over 150 years shaped his worldview and propels his passion to Make America Great Again. The manuscript is less than 33,000 words. I will not pay more than between $150 and $200.00 USD. My book is political and Christian leaning and please, if you are of other or no religion, do not apply as I would not want you to be reading the Bible verses in my book by force or without understanding what it means as just a job. No offense, just try to respect others' believe as well as mine. Key r...

    €438 Average bid
    €438 Průměr. nabídka
    61 nabídky

    My C++ trading code is experiencing an authentication failure while trying to connect to the Deribit API. This is hindering my ability to manage my trading accounts. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix authentication issues with Deribit API - Experience with C++ and Deribit API is a plus - Proficient in troubleshooting in Windows environment This project calls for a professional who can efficiently resolve the problem, allowing me to resume trading activities.

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    ...Prototype link Hero Section: Headline: "Learn Emirati Arabic ? Speak like a local!" Subheadline: "? Interactive & Fun Classes | Online or Face-to-Face ?? Embrace Emirati culture with expert instructors. Join our engaging classes for kids and adults at all proficiency levels." Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Supporting Image: Smiling students engaged in a virtual and classroom learning experience. Why Learn with AlLahjah Institute? At AlLahjah Institute, we specialize in teaching Emirati Arabic to students of all ages and backgrounds. Here’s what sets us apart: Expert Instructors: Native Emirati speakers with years of teaching experience. Flexibl...

    €97 Average bid
    12 příspěvky