How to create expert advisor mt4 freepráce
Hledám kreativního střihače short form videí pro sociální sítě. Kapacitně hrubým odhadem na 20 hodin měsíčně. Práce podobné kvality, jako jsou tato videa:
Hello All, We required logo for Wallpaper Website. FIRM NAME : WALLPAPER फैक्ट्री ( unit by Sardar ji interiors)
Hello pak Ok sy akan kerjakan layoutnya btw tmbhin 5$ ya pak ? Thank
On the live site, the users purchases a woocommerce product to enrol in a course created in LearnDash… the products and courses are linked together by custom plugin… the custom pugin is migrated to the staging site and all functionalities working… when we started the development on the staging site, we duplicated the live site and restore it in the staging site, the development took 4 months, so in the last 4 months we don’t have the data on the staging site. That’s what we need to now migrate from LIVE to STAGING. We need to migrate Users, Users metadata, WooCommerce Orders, and anything related to users, and we need to migrate the learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some ...
Jedná se o projekt do školy. Vytvořte jednoduchou fungující dynamickou webovou aplikaci s využitím Fat-Free Frameworku (F3). Dynamická webová aplikace by měla: • načítat data pro jednotlivé strany webové aplikace z MySQL databáze • vygenerovat menu, které zobrazí přehled stran daného webu • zobrazit dané stránky • NEmusíte programovat administrátorské rozhraní (back-end). Postačí prostředí pro zobrazení obsahu návštěvníkovi (front-end) • pro zobrazení jednotlivých stránek doporučuji v URL použít jejich ID, které webová aplikace z URL použ...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
Hi , I have existing website, but i like to add just one page additional for astrology. In that page i need to show the current planet positions (live) and should be able to get the position of planet by setting up the particular date and time and location. Any one with prior experience in developing the astrology based website/application is preferred. Similar to this (open this link) :
Page Optimizer Pro Expert NO GENERALIST!!!
Deseo contratar un experto en moodle que nos instale moodle
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
need this done asap by a pro adobe illustrator
Create a high-definition PSD template based on a predefined design and encode it into HTML and CSS. REQUEST A VALID CODE!
Online magazín pro ženy, který přináší denně informace a rady, tipy. Tvoříme vlastní obsah webových stránek díky zkušeným redaktorkám. Mezi hlavní rubriky online magazínu patří móda, krása, zdraví, životní styl, sex a vztahy, gurmán, soutěže. Články jsou sdílené na sociální síti facebook. Rádi bychom se...rubriky online magazínu patří móda, krása, zdraví, životní styl, sex a vztahy, gurmán, soutěže. Články jsou sdílené na sociální síti facebook. Rádi bychom se dostali do podvědomí čtenář...
Developerský projekt v blízkosti Prahy, který nabídne 100 bytů, hledá člověka který by nám pomohl s web designem, online marketingem a prodejem.
migrate/upgrade filemaker pro 6 database to filemaker pro 15
Hledáme videomakera, který by vytvořil krátkou videoprezentaci studentského spolku. Video by mělo trvat maximálně 60 sekund, na jeho výrobu spěcháme. Jedná se o video bez mluveného komentáře, pouze textové efekty dokreslující zmíněné informace. Celkově má video být informativní charakter (i design by měl připomínat infografiku) a hlavním cílem videa je nábor nových členů.
Poptáváme vytvoření grafických návrhů samolepicích etiket. Projekt je dlouhodobý. Jsme výrobci a dodavatelé samolepicích etiket a obalů pro zákazníky zejména v ČR. Pro malé, střední i začínající výrobce chceme vytvořit katalog návrhů, ze kterých by si mohli vybrat dle jejich požadavků, potřeb i vkusu. Něco ve smyslu Envato atp. Jde nám o vytvoření funkčního vztahu zákazník - grafik - tiskárna. Projekt je na začátku a tímto bychom chtěli vás freelancery přizvat jak ke spolupráci, tak k "doladění" našeho projektu. Kontaktovat nás můžete i na jano...
Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuCreate banner for e-shop'
Mám práci navazující na náš dřívější projekt 'Create User Registration/Login web with Map and Categories'
Potřebuji naprogramovat indikátor nebo strategii jenž se spustí v MT4 a díky tomu se jakákoli provedená akce v MT4 (otevření/zavření obchodu, počet získaných/ ztracených pipů, nastavení SL/TP, nastavení čekajících pokynů atd.) bude moci zaznamenat. Takto zaznamenaná akce se (asi pomoci API funkce, nebo pomocí nějaké komunikace, přenos) ihned pošle do www stránek, kde se takto otevřený obchod zobrazí. Platba po předvedení funkčnosti (možná osobní schůzka) Děkuji.
Hledám člověka se zkušeností, který mi napíše mini ebook na dané téma ( menopauza) ve stylu 30 rad jak přežít menopauzu bez pomocí léku. Téma bude blíže vysvětleno při zadání projektu. Délka cca 30 stránek plus obrázky. Originální, plagiarism free, psané s nadhledem, tak aby to nebyla jen holá fakta.
I'm in search of a Marketplace sales expert, particularly for MercadoLibre for Mexico. The focus will primarily be on competing in catalog listings, combating piracy, reviewing shipping costs, and positioning new brands. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with MercadoLibre - Proven track record in driving sales through catalog listings - Skills in tackling piracy and protecting brand integrity - Capable of assessing shipping costs for competitiveness - Experience in brand positioning and market entry strategies Main Goal: The primary objective is to gain higher rankings within catalog listings. Current Strategies: So far, I have primarily relied on paid advertising to boost visibility and rankings. I'm looking for someone who...
I'm in need of a seasoned LinkedIn Ads specialist to enhance my campaign manager's effectiveness, focusing primarily on retargeting. The objective is to drive conversions on my website, specifically product purchases of my digital offerings. Key responsibilities: - Design and implement a comprehensive LinkedIn Ads campaign aimed at boosting website conversions. - Employ strategic retargeting techniques to reach potential customers who have previously interacted with my brand. Ideal candidate: - Extensive experience with LinkedIn Ads and Campaign Manager. - Proven track record of driving website conversions, specifically product purchases. - Strong understanding of digital product marketing. - Excellent skills in retargeting strategies.
I need a freelancer to create a visually appealing horizontal collage by merging three bodybuilding images. The final output should blend the images seamlessly while maintaining a high-quality resolution. Requirements: Merge the provided images into a single horizontal collage Ensure smooth transitions and blending Maintain high image quality without distortion Final output should be in PNG or JPG format Deliver within 1 hour Need Sample first please read carefully Preferred Skills: Photoshop or any advanced image editing software Experience in photo manipulation and collage creation Attention to detail and creativity Budget: Open for discussion based on experience.
Looking for a skilled Rhino designer. Specific tasks and industry applications are yet to be defined. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling, Rendering and Scripting with Rhino - Versatile across various industries: Architectural, Product and Jewelry design - Familiar with different file formats: .3dm, .stl, .obj - Good communication skills for task clarification and project updates
...Feel free to include the mountain in the background as well as the flag pole with a flying flag. Requirements: - Image Transformation: The project involves transforming a photograph into a stamp design. - Line Style: The lines in the design should be medium and balanced - not too thin or overly detailed, but also not too thick or bold. - Detail Preservation: The design should preserve minimal detail from the original photograph. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Strong background in graphic design, particularly in creating line-based designs. - Adobe Illustrator or Similar Software: Proficient in using design software to manipulate images and create clean, scalable designs. Experience: - Previous work creating designs for stamps or similar projects. - Portf...
...seeking a talented individual who can create an engaging, visually stunning video using VFX (Visual Effects). The video will be based on a document I will provide, and your task will be to bring it to life in a way that captivates an audience seeking entertainment. Key Responsibilities: - Transform my document into an entertaining video using VFX techniques. - Incorporate character animations, special effects, and dynamic camera movements to enhance the visual experience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using VFX software and tools. - Experienced in creating 2D and 3D animations. - Skilled in character design and animation. - Able to create and integrate special effects seamlessly. - Knowledgeable in dynamic camera techniques and movements. I l...
I'm seeking a developer to configure and set up the metadata for my already-launched Solana token on mainnet. The necessary metadata JSON file and logo PNG are already uploaded on Pinata and we have an Arweave account set up. Key Requirements: - Configuration of the token metadata on mainnet. - Ensuring seamless integration with Solana's Token Metadata Program. - Verification of the metadata on Solscan and prominent Solana wallets, primarily Phantom Wallet and Solflare Wallet. This is the token metadata on Devnet, we want it like this on mainnet: (). I will send you the mainnet token URL via chat. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with IPFS, Pinata, and Arweave. - Deep
I'm looking for an expert in Machine Learning who can work with Zero-Bias Deep Neural Network (ZBDNN) code using MATLAB. Your task will be to find a mechanism to run a code using Self-Healing Data and produce results like accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score. Additionally, you will need to find anomalies in the data. Key Project Details: - Data Type: We will be using image data for the Self-Healing mechanism. - Anomaly Detection: The specific anomalies we are interested in are faulty or corrupted images. - Metrics: The primary metric we want to focus on when evaluating the results is accuracy. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MATLAB and machine learning. - Experience with Zero-Bias Deep Neural Network (ZBDNN) code. - Skills in anomaly detection i...
A fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly website showcasing the best free bets from top bookmakers, similar to The site will feature: Daily AI-generated football & horse racing tips automatically posted. AI-generated sports news articles published daily. A sleek homepage displaying free bets in various widgets, along with well-written explanations about free bets. User login for content creators to manage and post content. Built for speed, mobile responsiveness, and top-tier SEO performance.
I'm looking for a Klaviyo Email Marketing professional to help me craft and execute a series of promotional email campaigns aimed at boosting sales. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage promotional offers through Klaviyo. - Optimize campaigns for maximum reach and effectiveness. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Klaviyo. - Strong understanding of email marketing strategies focused on driving sales. - Ability to analyze campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments. Please note. This is a norwegian online store. And we only have costumers in norway. All text that is sent to the costumer must be in norwegian
I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my dropshipping store, The Charger Shop. The logo should be catchy and incorporate an animated image of a wireless phone charger. The color scheme should be Orange,...overall style should be modern and sleek This logo will primarily be used for my website header and social media profiles, with potential use on product packaging. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in graphic design, mainly logo creation - Experience with modern and sleek design aesthetics - Proficient in creating visually appealing designs with specified color schemes - Ability to creatively incorporate specified elements into a cohesive design Please submit your creative proposals as soon as possible. The winner will be awarded promptly, as I need this A...
I'm seeking a professional video creator to transform a provided document into an informative 5-minute mixed (animated and live-action) video. Key Requirements: - The video should be engaging and suitable for conveying the information in the document effectively. - The style of the video is a combination of both animated and live-action elements. - You are free to use your creativity as there are no specific visual elements or branding guidelines to follow. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in creating mixed style informative videos is a plus. - Strong understanding of animating and live-action video mixing techniques. - Excellent storytelling capabilities to turn the document content into an engaging video.
I'm looking for a web developer to create a straightforward open access website. The primary purpose of this site is to display various pages of information about the free journal with links to Dropbox. The site should have a multi-page layout with a navigation menu to easily access different sections. Key Features: - Multi-page layout with a clear navigation menu - Pages containing information about journal - Links to Dropbox for accessing journal issues Ideal Skills: - Web development - Experience with creating multi-page websites - Understanding of user-friendly navigation design Please note, this website does not require functionalities such as article submission, peer review systems or an open access archive. Content can be cop...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a modern and minimalist Amazon affiliate linked website. The main focus of this site will be on product search and filtering capabilities. Key Features: - Robust Product Search and Filter: This is a critical component of the site. The ability for users to easily locate products will be key to the site's success. - Seamless Affiliate Link Integration: Every product will need to be linked to its corresponding Amazon affiliate link. The ideal candidate for this project will have: - Extensive experience in creating e-commerce and affiliate websites. - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalist web designs. - Excellent understanding of product search and filtering systems. - Proven tr...
...skilled professional to help find high-profit, high-demand, low-competition electronics products for my WooCommerce drop-shipping store. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and source suitable electronics products. - Ensure products meet the specified criteria: high profit margin, high demand, and low competition. - Provide insights on potential market trends and product performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product sourcing for drop-shipping, particularly in the electronics sector. - Strong analytical skills to assess product viability. - Familiarity with WooCommerce platform. - Excellent research skills to identify market trends and low-competition products. I value quality work and timely delivery. Your expertise can significantly con...
I'm seeking native German speakers to conduct themed conversations to support a speech recognition technology. - Task Description: Two individuals will form a team and conduct 7 topic-based discussions. Each discussion will last 20 minutes. Conversations will be recorded online. The recordings will be exclusively used for testing the speech recognition technology. - Compensation: Participants whose recordings are deemed qualified will receive 500 RMB (approx. 64 EUR), payable via bank transfer. - Requirements: Participants must speak German as their first language. Conversations should be conducted in a natural, authentic tone. Recordings must be done online. - Application: Please contact us if you are interested in this task! Ideal candidates will ...
I'm seeking a skilled 3D modeler to recreate a medium-detail 3D model of a bronze knob for personal use. The model will primarily be used for 3D printing. Specifications: - Dimensions: 6.5” Width, 5” Length, 1 5/8” Height (projection) - Wall Thickness: 1.5mm Delivery: A .OBJ file Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experienced in 3D object modeling - Background in designing models specifically for 3D printing - High attention to detail, as the likeness to the image is important Please attach your portfolio of similar work with your bid. This will demonstrate your skills and allow me to gauge if your style matches my vision.
I'm in need of a seasoned professional with deep expertise in Microsoft Azure and .Net. As specific Azure services were not pinpointed in the initial inquiry, flexibility and adaptability to work across various Azure platforms will be crucial. The primary focus will be on: Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in .NET for frontend development - Experience with MS Azure - Knowledge in creating secure login systems - Ability to design and implement various protected web pages
I'm looking for a freelancer with experience in promoting eBooks on Amazon. The job involves buying the eBook from multiple Amazon accounts and leaving genuine, thoughtful reviews to increase its visibility and credibility. Key Requirements: - Familiarity with Amazon's review policies to ensure compliance - Ability to strategically manage multiple accounts without violating policies - Attention to detail to simulate organic engagement - Experience in promoting eBooks or similar products Please note, this project requires strictly adhering to Amazon's guidelines while fostering the book's success.