Free laravel cmspráce
Spracovanie a obohatenie dát z webového formuláru do podoby, ktorej rozumie ÚPVS (sloven...() aby občania Slovenskej republiky vedeli jednoduchšie komunikovať so samosprávou. No predtým ako ich vôbec pošleme ich musíme zvalidovať, transformovať a podísať. Veríme, že všetky tieto úkony by boli pre bežného developera otravné, no ak si ešte nerobil komunikáciu so štátom, práve toto by pre teba mohlo byť zaujímavou príležitosťou. Všetko toto robíme na pozadí v PHP a aplikujeme do CMS Wordpress, ktorá veríme, že ako otvorená a zrozumiteľná platforma pomáha samospráva z...
Dobry den, zvazuji prechod od shoptetu na eshop postaveny v Laravel. Zajimala by me financni stranka, kdybychom chteli integrovat do eshopu platebni branu Comgate, napojeni na iDoklad a aby se v eshopu zobrazovali ceny s i bez DPH. Předem díky
...hotelové hosty. Chanel Manageru, který každý den přenáší statisíce požadavků na zahraniční ubytovací portály. PWA aplikacích pro hotelové hosty a hoteliéry. Různých API na systémy třetích stran (zámky, vytápění, restaurační systémy, mobilní aplikace, aj.). Jaké technologie budeš používat? Backend píšeme v PHP8 (Zend 1 / Symfony 6) - pokud neznáš nevadí, stačí znát jakýkoliv jiný framework (Nette, Laravel, ...). Data ukládáme do MySQL (MariaDB), ElasticSearch nebo Redisu. Pokud umíš i JS, můžeš nám pomoc&...
Καλησπέρα, διαθέτω 2 eshop το ένα κατασκευασμένο με OpenCart και το άλλο ειναι κατασκευασμένο με custom CMS (αρκετα αρχαίο) απο ελληνικη εταιρεια η οποια έχει και το hosting , και...
potřebuji do svých stránek udělat sip klienta. Používám laravel, php a javascript. Takže nejlépe v JS. Potřebuji to promtně turbo rychle vývoj webových stránok, mobilných aplikácií a rozsiahlych systémov na mieru pre našich klientov. Hlavnou náplňou práce je vývoj webových stránok, od nakódovania šablón podľa grafického návrhu po napojenie na administráciu a samotné spustenie webu. Kód píšeme prevažne v TypeScripte a Sasse, na animácie používame Framer Motion. Náš devstack je založený na , pracujeme s rôznymi headless CMS typu DatoCMS, Kontent, alebo čoraz známejším Strapi. Vhodným kandidátom by teda bol človek so skúsenosťami s Reactom a TypeScriptom, ale najdôlež...
Tengo un proyecto realizado con el framework Laravel 7 con MySQL y necesito la conexión ya sea directamente al molinete TS1022PRO con un panel IP para control de acceso InBio 460 Pro o SDK para conectar al sistema ZKACCESS 3.5
Jsme franšíza Remax. Společnost má systém Maxis Remax, který ukládá data o realitních objektech a makleřech. Máme vlastní web na CMS Opencart, kde chceme zobrazovat objekty nemovitostí a spojené s tím informace. Úkoly jsou následující: 1. Jé třeba propojit systém Maxis s naší stránkou na CMS Opencart; 2. Exportovat realitní objekty ze systému Maxis (všechna data, která jsou tam uložena) na náš web; Můžete to udělat jakýmkoli způsobem, hlavním úkolem je automatické exportování všech objektů ze systému Maxis na náš...
Dlouhodobě dovážíme značku elektroniky v segmentu SDA a vycítili jsme konečně potřebu tvorby webu pro jednoduchou prezentaci portfolia produktů. Finálním produktem by měly být responzivní stránky s jednoduchou strukturou. Web by měl běžet na CMS, aby produktoví manažeři byli schopni utvářet nové produkty a upravovat stávající, v ideálním případě i přidávat kategorie a podkategorie produktů. Landing page: > Informace o značce > Informace o dovozci > Kontakty > Produkty >Produktové kategorie >Produktové podkategorie >Produktové stránky (produktový text prokládaný fotkami, p...
Dobrý den, hledáme člověka k vytvoření jednoduchých webových stránek pro jednu z našich firem. U stránek potřebujeme zajistit jak grafiku (design), tak nakódování, ideálně v jedné osobě najednou. - postačí jedna jazyková mutace(EN) - 4 až 5 sekcí - nyní potřebujeme, aby měly webovky víceméně informační charakter, ale aby byla možnost do budoucna propojit s dalšími doplňky - nutné mít přístup do CMS Na základě kontaktu jsem schopná poskytnout info, jaký by měly mít stránky charakter.
Hledáme někoho, kdo se nám postará o redesign webových stránek na základě vybrané šablony WP. (2 weby na základě jedné šablony, v jednom stylu) Objem (struktura) webových stránek - 10–15 stránek včetně blogu/každý web Systém pro správu obsahu (CMS) – WopdPress (pagebuilder Elementor) Šablonu a wireframe poskytne zákazník. Na ceně se lze dohodnout.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
Dobrý den, hledám LARAVEL programátora na dokončení webu, předchozímu programátorovi byla předána grafika na tvorbu webu. Ten mi po měsíci napsal, že má hotovo 40% webu a že na zbytek si mám najít někoho jiného, že to nestíhá. Kód: Zatím hotovo (kódování šablon jak webu, tak administrace + návrh databáze a backend základy (modely,, základní controllery)
Poptávám vytvoření internetové stránky na CMS WordPress. Jedná se mi o tvorbu webu+grafika+napojení několika widgetů z codecanyon. Jedná se o poměrně rychlý a jednoduchý web za který jsem ochoten dát fér odměnu a v budoucnu dále spolupracovat na postupných updatech tohoto webu.
...bude umísten na stávajícím FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktu...
...bude umísten na stávajícím FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktu...
Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přis...stávajících stránek, mobilní verzi, online kalkulačky, analyzátory, psaní modulů, webové stránky redesign a další. Mám zkušenost s: JavaScript, HTML 5. СSS jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: znalost a zkušenost...
Pro naši webovou analytickou platformu připravujeme nový web a support web s dokumentací. Produktový web bude prakticky několik stránek (homepage, features, case studies, about, contact). Supportni web bude místo pro technickou dokumentaci se zakladnim designem. Oba 2 weby budou multijazykove (minimalne 2 jazykove verze). Hledáme developera s detailní znalostí MODX CMS, který by pro nás tyto weby připravil dle předem daných grafických designů a zároveň se o něho i do budoucna staral (tzn. úpravy na míru dle potřeby). Oba weby bychom rádi spustili v polovině srpna 2016.
...vývojáře pro projekt eshopu s customizerem. Shop bude obsahovat male množství položek (desítky), ale každý produkt bude mít možnost přizpůsobení vzhledu - barva jednotlivých částí produktu, text potisku, font textu, velikost. V tuto chvíli nejde o funkcionalitu klasických eshopů, jako je sledování stavu objednávek, import položek, export xml feedů, fakturace a podobné vlastnosti monolitických CMS . Taktéž zatím není počítáno s backendem. Eshop by měl pouze představit jednotlivé produkty po kategoriích, umožnit jejich přizpůsobení přání zákazníka, vložení vybraného ...
Budeš tvořit frontend pro administraci zbrusu nového CMS nabitého nejnovějšími technologiemi - AngularJS, SPA (Single Page Aplikace), Bootstrap, Rest API, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, CDN
Jedná se o stránky hudebního projektu. Účel stránek je prezentovat hudební videa a skladby, zveřejňovat informace o plánovaných i proběhlých událostech, umožnit návštěvníkům se zaregistrovat a vytvořit svůj účet, propojení na sociální média. Stránky jsou bez dyn...dynamických efektů, pouze se na pozadí mění fotografie. momentálně jsou zde 3 hlavní stránky - homepage / about (pouze text) / events / a 7 vedlejších stránek - splashpage/kontaktní formulář / registrace nového uživatele/ přihlášení/ obnova hesla/ profil uživatele/ seznam přihlá&scaron...
В момента съм в процес на търсене на хора, които могат да помогнат за довършването на един проект. Проекта е използва фреймуърк Laravel и има работа както по фронт така и по бекенд.
Jedna se o webovy portal s video obsahem dostupnym po zaplaceni (preview mozne zdarma). Je mozne pouzit predpripravene (opensource) CMS systemy a templaty. Dle detailne pripraveneho zadani vcetne mockupu (pdf, Balsamiq) je potreba vytvorit portal o cca 20 ruznych strankach. Stranky by mely byt v HTML5/CSS3/JS a PHP (PHP neni podminkou) s responsivnim designem upravenym pro mobilni zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Pl...
Pracovní náplní je vytvoření šablony pro WordPress podle námi dodaného grafického návrhu. Dále pak nainstalovat instanci CMS WordPress na hosting a s využitím vytvořené šablony naplnit námi dodaný obsah. Součástí vytvoření šablony bude i rozdělení grafického návrhu na jednotlivé segmenty webu ( záhlaví, tlačítka, atd...)
...developer/designer to create a modern, high-tech, and professional website that reflects our expertise in low, medium, and high voltage electrical contracting for commercial and federal government projects. We are inspired by the design aesthetics of , , and and want a sleek, interactive, and responsive website. Requirements: • Custom WordPress, Webflow, or other modern CMS-based design. • AI-generated and high-quality stock imagery (since we have limited pictures). • Mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and SEO-optimized. • Includes: o Homepage (Modern, High-Tech feel) o About Us o Services (Low, Medium, High Voltage, Federal) o Portfolio/Our Work o FAQ o Contact Us (Email form widget, no payment processing required) &bul...
I need a professional editor who has a conservative Christian perspective and experience in proofreading American political biographies. My book is about how ...than between $150 and $200.00 USD. My book is political and Christian leaning and please, if you are of other or no religion, do not apply as I would not want you to be reading the Bible verses in my book by force or without understanding what it means as just a job. No offense, just try to respect others' believe as well as mine. Key requirements: - Proofreading expertise to ensure the text is free from errors and reads smoothly. - Experience with political biographies. - Conservative Christian viewpoint to align with the book's perspective. Please share your relevant experience, and why you would be a good f...
I'm seeking assistance to integrate Google Ads with my Highlevel CRM, specifically on how to track and report conversions back to Google Ads. I know Highlevel pretty well but next to nothing about Google Ads. Your expertise will help me monitor: - All form submissions from selected forms - Specifically, submissions from the Free Consultation form Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Google Ads and Highlevel CRM - Experience with conversion tracking - Ability to provide clear, step-by-step instructions on setup
...all proficiency levels." Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Supporting Image: Smiling students engaged in a virtual and classroom learning experience. Why Learn with AlLahjah Institute? At AlLahjah Institute, we specialize in teaching Emirati Arabic to students of all ages and backgrounds. Here’s what sets us apart: Expert Instructors: Native Emirati speakers with years of teaching experience. Flexible Learning: Choose between in-person classes in the UAE or online classes worldwide. Tailored Programs: Courses designed for kids (ages 5+) and adults at all proficiency levels. Interactive Approach: Engaging lessons that make learning fun and effective. CTA: "Book Your Free Trial ...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
I'm looking for an experienced Laravel developer to migrate my old PHP gay adult site to a Laravel format. The site includes a User Membership System, Content Management System, and Video Streaming Capability, among other features. Key Requirements: - Complete migration of all existing features from the old PHP site to the new Laravel version - Enhanced site performance post-migration - Excellent understanding of Laravel framework - Experience with user membership systems, content management systems, and video streaming capabilities The primary goal for this project is to improve the site's performance and makie it Google-search friendly. Please only bid if you have significant experience with Laravel and can ensure a high-quality, efficient m...
1. Website Type & Purpose I need a modern, responsive website built using an easy CMS (Content Management System) or special design . The site should allow me to easily add, edit, update, and delete content (text, images, and pages) without needing a developer. also it neade to create an idintity for me like creating an iconic design to attract clintes. The website will represent my business as a real estate devoloper, and contractor so it should have a professional design, clear navigation, and be optimized for user experience and conversions (turning visitors into clients). 2. Key Features & Pages The website should include 5-10 pages, such as: Home Page – A professional and attractive introduction. About Us – Information about my business. Services Page &nd...
I need a creatively designed postcard to increase brand awareness for my small-scale, artisan alcoholic drinks company. Two sided. Key elements to include: - Our company logo and tagline - Contact details Skills needed: - Graphic design - Branding - Print design Experience with designing for the alcoholic beverage industry is a plus. I'm open to different design styles, so feel free to showcase your creativity.
I'm looking for a seasoned professional with expertise in Node.js and TypeScript, who is also familiar with CMS platforms like Ghost CMS and Beehiiv. The task involves integrating JavaScript paywall snippets from my Node backend into Beehiiv sites, which are already functioning well for Ghost CMS. Key requirements: - Restrict access to premium content via the paywall on Beehiiv sites. - Customization of the paywall snippets to include custom payment gateways, a personalized user experience, and analytics and reporting tools. - Implementing email and password as the user authentication method for the paywall. I will share detaild requirements during chat, but you have to understand main goal what I am going to do. I will ignore unqualified answers and DO NOT BID...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer with experience in transforming WordPress plugins into a mobile application. My site is built on a different CMS and has a WordPress plugin for its mobile version. The ultimate goal is to upload this app onto both the App Store and Google Play Store. Key Aspects: - The primary function of this application is for e-commerce and membership sales. - The app must include in-app purchases, member profiles, and push notifications, as these are essential features. - The app should be capable of accommodating future updates and new features that we are currently developing for the website. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly with e-commerce applications. - Proficiency in tran...
...within 24 hours after project assignment. Additional Details: Hosting & domain are already set up. Content, images, and products are already uploaded—only design and structural modifications are needed. If you have experience with WordPress, WooCommerce, and e-commerce website development, and can deliver within 24 hours, please apply with your portfolio and estimated cost. and yes i only want free themes and plugins so please don't ask me to purchase anything Looking forward to working with a professional who can bring my vision to life!...
We have a multilingual website built with WordPress, currently available in five languages. We need to migrate it to Laravel while maintaining the same design and frontend theme. The new site should use FilamentPHP as the CMS for content management, ensuring flexibility and ease of use. The goal is to replicate the current user experience while improving performance, security, and scalability. Let’s discuss how we can make this transition as seamless as possible!
...Sellers. o Global Payment Gateway with Multi-Method Checkout. o Multi-Vendor Storefronts. ________________________________________ Required Skills: • Experience with e-commerce and marketplace platforms (Custom solutions or existing platforms). • Experience with social commerce features (video integration, interactive shopping tools). • Proficiency in React, , Vue.js (Frontend) and Node.js, Laravel, or Django (Backend). • Strong knowledge of API integrations (Payment & Logistics). • Experience in multi-vendor marketplace development is a plus. • Understanding of China’s e-commerce infrastructure and local market trends. • Ability to work independently and deliver projects within timelines. ________________________________________ Prefe...
...looking for a redesign of our current CMS, QuickCart, with a focus on upgrading the user interface to a more modern, intuitive, and professional style. The new design should be visually appealing and aligned with current design trends. Key Requirements: - Expertise in user interface design - Experience with CMS, php shops and professional design styles - Ability to create a modern and visually appealing CMS Please note that this project is primarily focused on improving the design of the CMS user interface. We are not looking to change overall performance or significantly alter the user experience. The main objective is to enhance the visual aspect of the CMS, ensuring a contemporary and attractive website for our visitors. Ideal Skills: - Experienc...
I'm seeking a talented poet with a penchant for free verse to help me with a creative writing project. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of poetic devices and the ability to craft intricate, thoughtful pieces of poetry. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven track record in creative writing, particularly poetry - Exceptional command of the English language - Ability to understand and use poetic devices effectively - Experience in writing free verse poetry - Creativity and original thought
I'm looking to enhance my PHP Laravel application by adding a new feature - Add a feature so that user can be be registered in specified role Key Requirements: - Implement an OTP-based user authentication system (Firebase). - Experience with PHP Laravel is a must. - Prior work with developing secure, reliable authentication systems is a plus. - Ability to deliver high-quality, well-documented code. I need a professional who can seamlessly integrate this feature while ensuring the overall integrity and performance of the application remains intact.
I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to create a dashboard for a property management app, similar to the Azuro app. The project involves utilizing a Laravel template I already have from Codecanyon and developing APIs for a Flutter app. Key Features: 1. Three levels of privileges: Tenant, Property Manager, and Landlord 2. Tenant Dashboard functionalities: - View lease agreements of his ap (203) - Submit maintenance requests - Pay rent - Communicate with the property manager or operations via in-app chat - Create QR codes for guests - Upload photos on move-in and move-out 3 property manager : Home Screen: You'll see an overview of Building 2: List of all apartments in the building, including Ap 203 Occupancy rates and upcoming vacancies Outs...
I'm in need of a Laravel expert who can assist with minor CSS modifications on my site. The primary focus will be on styling form components, so a deep understanding of Laravel's structure and functionality is essential. Key requirements: - CSS alterations mainly on form components. - Adherence to specific color schemes and styles I've outlined. - Ensuring the changes do not disrupt Laravel's built-in functionalities. Ideal skills include: - Proficient in Laravel and CSS. - Experience with form component styling. - Ability to follow specific design instructions. Please only bid if you have relevant experience.
I'm seeking a dedicated, detail-oriented, part-time Laravel developer with strong coding and debugging skills. You will be responsible for implementing new features on our clients' projects and working directly with our project manager. Key Responsibilities: - Attend daily scrum meetings. - Work autonomously, at your own pace and time. - Implement new features. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in coding and debugging. - Strong front-end development skills. - Experienced with API integration. - Knowledgeable in version control systems and SQL & Databases. - Excellent analytical thinking. Please, individual freelancers only, with at least 20 hours a week to dedicate. Companies, kindly refrain from bidding. When applying, specify your proficiency level in each relevant skil...
I need an app icon character made I have developed an app called Lingoad that is tailored towards language learning students that learn in a classroom environment or by tutor. Im looking for an app icon character to be made, like duocards elephant or the duolingo bird etc. You have free reigns to design what you think is a good fit, including the color scheme. I just initially need an app icon made but there is scope to expand into more designs using the same character.
I'm seeking a data entry specialist to add listings for homestays, restaurants, and experiences to client WordPress website. You can use google for search, other airbnb or other similar website to copy data. You have to create a account on the website for posting. it is free. You can not post more than 5 listing from similar state/area. So need it need to be from different state. In each listing, the following information should be included: - Name and address - 5 images minimum - Contact details - Amenities and features - Price Give me a quote of 100 listings for starting. Type my quote for 100 listing in 3 categories are (YOUR QUOTE INR) Thanks
I need a WordPress CMS website dedicated to overseas education. The main focus of the site will be highlighting our application assistance services for college admissions. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in WordPress CMS - Experience in designing educational websites - SEO knowledge to enhance website visibility - E-commerce integration for potential service purchases - Strong portfolio of past WordPress projects Please provide samples of your prior work, particularly if you have experience in the education sector or designing application assistance platforms.
...seamless payment process. Invoice & Payment Receipts – Auto-generated receipts after payment. 5. SEO & Digital Marketing Readiness: On-page SEO (meta descriptions, keyword optimization, URL structure). Blog section with easy content management for regular updates. Social media integration (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter). Google Analytics & Search Console setup. 6. Technology & CMS Preferences: WordPress (preferred) with LearnDash / Tutor LMS / Custom LMS OR a lightweight, scalable alternative. Custom theme development (if needed) for high performance. Clean, well-documented code for easy future updates. 7. Budget & Timeline: Please provide an estimated timeline and cost breakdown. Preferred completion within 4-6 weeks. Freelanc...
I need a fun and creative logo for my financial firm, Future Capital. The logo should reflect our engagement with various financial instruments and incorporate financial symbols, like graphs and dollar signs. Key R...logo for my financial firm, Future Capital. The logo should reflect our engagement with various financial instruments and incorporate financial symbols, like graphs and dollar signs. Key Requirements: - A fun and creative approach to a financial firm’s logo. - Integration of financial symbols into the design. - Modern and sleek design aesthetics. Color: - No specific color preferences, so feel free to use a diverse palette. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Understanding of Financial Symbols - Creativity and Innovation Uploaded the current logo ...
** You must have a minimum of 2 RapidAPI accounts with ability to subscribe, i.e. payment method attached ** Subscribe to the free plan and test the following API: Then, provide us with a screenshot of the API page so that we can confirm once done. You will be paid $5 per subscribe + rating.
...troubleshoot and enhance our intricate music school management system. This project primarily involves the backend, which is developed in Java. Key Areas of Focus: - Student Management: Streamline and rectify this component to ensure smooth tracking and handling of students. - Course Scheduling: Improve and fix scheduling conflicts and system errors. - Payment Processing: Ensure this component is bug-free and functions seamlessly. I have comprehensive, detailed documentation of the system, allowing you to understand the intricacies of the current setup. The most pressing issue we are encountering are bugs and errors throughout the system, which need to be addressed urgently. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java with a strong backend development background - Prior...