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  • dll example
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2,000 dll example Nalezené pracovní možnosti

...libraries that function perfectly. Recently, the original API has been updated by the vendor and the original developer of the port libraries is not longer around. The port libraries uses the UnmanagedExports library developed by Robert Giesecke Version 1.2.7 (available using the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio or you can go directly to GitHub) to provide the glue. In addition to the Giesecke DLL, I have three (3) C# files (, and ) that contain the prototyped delegates and functions for the vendor API. These files, including the UnmanagedExports library (from above) are attached to this project as "". Everything you need should be in this .ZIP archive. ================================= OBJECTIVE =================================

€26 Average bid
€26 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

Hello, i am looking for a developer with experts in C# or Node.JS for developing an application will be receiving alerts in Json Payload, via a webhook, this application will be having some functions and rules for managing the trade after do the submission in the .dll file of NT8. requirements: knowledge of trading and knowledge of Ninjatrader further discussion in the chat.

€126 Average bid
€126 Průměr. nabídka
18 nabídky

...the past year. Looking for a freelancer skilled in data gathering and analysis. Ideally, your experience should include working with network parameters and cryptocurrency APIs. The dataset should include the following: - CPU utilization (percentage) - RAM usage (MB) - CPU quadratic deviation - Network upload rate - Number of crypto API calls to specified libraries[ ,crypt32.dll, , ,, ,] This dataset will significantly contribute to my research analysis. Therefore, its accuracy and relevancy to the specific project requirements are imperative. Previous experience in cybersecurity or crypto analysis will be highly advantageous. Please ensure your proposal includes proven expertise in this area, and feel free to detail

€17 Average bid
€17 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

hi, i have a c++ dll to make trade curency, i would like to had 2 functions 1) Load a model 2) run the model and return a flag yes/no I plan to use cppflow for simplicity My ddl is build with VS2019 in c++ i already try to add ML on this projet but im not good in c++ can you help me ?

€136 Average bid
€136 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky

I am seeking a skilled graphic designer to revise the typography in my current logo. The specifics are as follows: - Typography Adjustment: This is the main requirement of this project. You should have extensive knowledge and experience in typographical design. It's not required, but if you have any style recommendations, such as serif, sans serif, or script, they would be appreciated. Importantly, this task is time-sensitive and I am looking to have the project completed as soon as possible. Expertise in rapid and efficient work will be an added advantage. Please ensure your bid reflects this urgency.

€51 Average bid
Doporučené Neodkladné
€51 Průměr. nabídka
95 nabídky

i know that "sendinput" works for the whole system "postmessage" or "sendmessage" is convenient But !!! I need keyboard input at "sendinput" level. "sendinpu...handle like "postmessage" or "sendmessage" so I look for someone to solve this problem. no need bring windows to the top (don't use setforegroundwindow etc , no need this way) ★point is! should be able to send as low level as like "sendinput" to the handle of a specific window) ======= so~! ======= about C++ DLL Injection or Keyboard Global Hooking + DLL Injection keyboard events (like sendinput) at the system level and redirect them to specific applications. inject a custom DLL into the memory space of a particular process t...

€398 Average bid
€398 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

Hi there. I need a working example of Square's latest Web Payments form based on their PHP SDK. It came out over a year ago and they gave all these how to convert tutorials, but it's a super confusing migration. I just need a working example where I can paste my API Application ID and Application Secret in and process a real credit card. Simple. I just want an example that I can get working for processing credit cards. And tell me exactly which things to paste over with my own info. Thanks!

€26 Average bid
€26 Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

app folder ✔ What is your project named? … profi_file_upload ✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use ESLint? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use `src/` directory? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? … No / Yes It's a very simple task; in the already created and empty project, only components for uploading photos need to be made. In the project, a backend endpoint is already made that accepts multipart/form-data. The assignment already includes a repository with the application, so it's really not about creating the whole application; I only need the...

€148 Average bid
€148 Průměr. nabídka
37 nabídky
Ilmu berdagang
Ukončeno left

Berdagang disini sebenarnya buat kehidupan sehari". Seperti makan minum bayar cicilan dll. Biasanya berdagang melalui situs facebook itu lebih mudah(kalau udh tau barangnya) sekaligus lebih murah. Coba kamu bayangkan kadang ada orang butuh uang lalu ia menjual barang yang dia miliki. Otomatis dia akan memiringkan harga dari barang tersebut. Biasanya sih dibawah 50persen. Kadang ada juga barang harga 150an belum pernah kepake jadi dijual dengan harga 50an itupun masih nego lo. Disitu jiwa berdagang saya mulai muncul. Kalau ada barang murah ambil gitu trus dijual lagi dengan harga yang lebih tinggi.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky
Trophy icon upgrade a dll from 32 to 64 bit
Ukončeno left

upgrade a dll from 32 to 64 bit

€37 Average bid
3 příspěvky

I am in need of professional help to get data from online server of Assetto Corsa Competizione to work on pc. The project involves extracti...Assetto Corsa Competizione to work on pc. The project involves extracting data from the server WITHOUT using the game client, which might require technical knowledge. Your role will involve: - Connect to server - Send message to server - Get raw data from the server. - Preference for python with single .py file (no modules or libraries) I will provide: - The .exe of server process and relative .DLL - The sdk for broadcast using game as client (I remind you we need an application running without game as client) - A running server with static ip for tests Price max: 50 USD. Cost will be paid only when (and if) code will run properly. Delive...

€21 Average bid
€21 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

I urgently require a skilled programmer who can integrate functionality from existing C++.dll and C#.dll files into a React file. The primary purpose of this project is to leverage code that has already been compiled in C++ and C# within our React files, to improve the overall functionality and effectiveness of our code. To execute this task smoothly, you should have: - Solid understanding of C++, C#, and JavaScript - Proficiency in React and .dll files - Knowledge of data structures, as the output from .dll files would be in the format of CPP and C# files. Please bid only if you can deliver this project ASAP as time is of the essence. Remember, the ultimate goal is to integrate existing code to create a fluent communication channel between React and our ...

€19 Average bid
€19 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

I have this example project in django. I achieved to deploy it in lightsail AWS in development mode. I mean, running: python3 runserver SERVER-IP:PORT But, when I tried to deploy it in Production, I have this error: 500 Internal Server Error An internal server error has occured. I have followed the bitnami documentation: """ Enable Predefined Virtual Hosts For A Django Project The Bitnami installation comes with predefined HTTP and HTTPS virtual hosts for running Django projects with the mod_wsgi module. To enable them, follow the steps below: Copy the files to remove the .disabled suffix: NOTE: These files assume that the Django project is named sample and is located at /opt/bitnami/projects/sample. If your Django project is named or located differently, edit the ...

€28 Average bid
€28 Průměr. nabídka
16 nabídky

I am in search of a .dll engineer with specialized skills for a Windows-based project. This task specifically involves tweaking existing data. Key Requirements: - In-depth understanding of .dll and its operations on Windows - Capable of modifying existing data within the .dll files consistently Though the required programming language was not specified, having an understanding of common languages such as C++, C#, or Python could prove advantageous. Express your proficiency in your proposal, and let's make modifications that work!

€162 Average bid
€162 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky

Please message a sample of the work. Will be a shrunken heads search cartoon page. Jungle scenes. Coupoek, pretty girls dressed like jungle girls. Needs to be all shrunken heads, and sexy ladies.. I can provide images of the ones I want to be made into a scary looking B & W cartoon page. I want the look look the file attached. I am on the lookout for a talented comic book artist to assist with creating 1-10 pages of captivating artwork. The specific style isn't set in stone, so feel free to bring your unique interpretation to the table. Details for the job are as follows: - The dimensions must be 8.5" x 11" plus bleed - The resolution should be at 300 DPI - The final deliverables need to be in both PDF and JPG formats Ideal candidates for the job should exhibi...

€100 Average bid
€100 Průměr. nabídka
90 nabídky

1. Menerima tantangan dengan mengelola proses dari ujung ke ujung : - penelitian - perencanaan kampanye - produksi - pemantauan kinerja - pengoptimalan kampanye - pelaporan - konsultasi 2. Dapat Membuat konten yang bagus dengan aplikasi (PS/AI/AE/Canva/dll) 3. Bertanggung jawab untuk menyusun/merancang tujuan bisnis menggunakan iklan media sosial, iklan pencarian (Google, Yahoo, dan Bing), iklan bergambar, iklan YouTube, dan iklan aplikasi seluler lainnya 4. Analisis dan optimalkan portofolio kampanye menggunakan teknik berbasis data. Kemudian, kembangkan strategi untuk mengembangkan bisnis 5. Melakukan Research dan analisa setiap 2 minggu terhadap kompetitor ========================================= Syarat Ketentuan SEO : 1. Melakukan riset kata kunci untuk digunakan ...

€725 Average bid
€725 Průměr. nabídka
33 nabídky

buatkan merk dan design logo utk diaplikasikan langsung ke produk (botol, pouch dll)

€19 Average bid
€19 Průměr. nabídka
31 nabídky

...task to arrange the existing design or structure (which is also not bad) to match the example design/structure provided. It will NOT require adding any new features; however, some knowledge of PHP/Laravel may be needed to populate some content/sections that may not be available in the current design (for example, if featured posts are not showing in the contemporary design). Some level of coding knowledge may be needed. However, it is a design change task. The changes are primarily needed for six pages. Home page, Listing projects page, Project details page, Profile pages, Dashboard page, my projects page. For each page, I will provide an example link for the sample page. Original page link and example page link You do not need to integrate a new theme/te...

€89 Average bid
€89 Průměr. nabídka
71 nabídky
Buatkan saya website
Ukončeno left

Website saya ini harus didevelop menggunakan spring boot , jpa dan database mysql. Web ini hanya berisi pengenalan produk (gambar, deskripsi, dll), jadi untuk halaman backoffice nya juga harus mempunyai fitur product management. untuk benchmark websitenya, kurang lebih akan terlihat seperti link dibawah : Desain bisa menggunakan template web yang akan disediakan.

€473 Average bid
€473 Průměr. nabídka
33 nabídky
Enhance C++ DLL Code
Ukončeno left

...experienced C++ developer to help me with a DLL file that was initially created for a specific project several months ago. Unfortunately, the original programmer is no longer available, and I find myself in a position where modifications are necessary to address a critical issue and to enhance the overall performance of the DLL. **Requirements:** - Proficiency in C++ - Experience with DLL file structure and manipulation - Ability to debug and fix incorrect output issues - Skills to optimize and improve performance under various conditions **Objectives:** 1. **Bug Fixing:** There's an incorrect output when a particular function within the DLL is called. This needs to be identified and corrected to ensure reliability. 2. **Performance Improvement:** Th...

€148 Average bid
€148 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky

Convert Hurst Diamond Notation Pivots indicator from TradingView (PineScript) to SierraCharts (ACSIL) 64-bit. Deliverables - SierraCharts indicator (DLL) ACSIL C++ source code of indicator (build with Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition) Quote is $100 USD (£ GBP)

€93 Average bid
€93 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

pembuatan logo seperti logo produk, perusahaan,sekolah dll. serta desain pamflet dan banner.

€18 Average bid
€18 Průměr. nabídka
28 nabídky
Desain logo,editing
Ukončeno left

Membuat logo sederHana, dan editing Dengan kualitas baik/bagus. Logo sekolah,perkantoran dll Menerima proyek sesuai permintaan

€21 Average bid
€21 Průměr. nabídka
37 nabídky

...sample project with a picturebox and two buttons. the first button will simply load an existing bitmap file of the fingerprint into the picturebox. the second button will use either a pre-existing dll or an algorithm to determine the quality score of the fingerprint image. There is a free software that can be viewed here however I am unable to get it to work with my winforms project. I am looking for programmers whom have already used this functionality in prior projects and is willing to share their algorithm/dll/api. I'm open to using open source components as long as the dependencies are clearly communicated and such products can be used for business purposes... This project must be a winform project and

€46 - €93
€46 - €93
9 nabídky

I have provided an Example image, I need that to be created from scratch with original art, not stock images or licensed images from other sources. I need someone truly skilled at cartoon drawing that can take the image example along with the other reference images and create a new piece. Notes: The overall design should look similar to the Example image in terms of layout You may use the screw image, but I would prefer a new one or at least something stylized The Viper image is an example of how I would like the snake to look, more cartoonish.

€74 Average bid
€74 Průměr. nabídka
56 nabídky
Desain logo,editing
Ukončeno left

Membuat logo sederHana, dan editing Dengan kualitas baik/bagus. Logo sekolah,perkantoran dll Menerima proyek sesuai permintaan

€282 Average bid
€282 Průměr. nabídka
31 nabídky
Desain logo,editing
Ukončeno left

Membuat logo sederHana, dan editing Dengan kualitas baik/bagus. Logo sekolah,perkantoran dll Menerima proyek sesuai permintaan

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

I'm looking to work with a creative and talented designer to develop a logo for my brand. A key requirement for applicants is to showcase their past work. I have a unique style in mind, influenced by modern and minimalist principles, and I have an example ready to share to guide your creative process. Ideal candidates will have a keen eye for clean and stylish design, and extensive experience in logo creation. Your involvement in this project could potentially lead to further collaboration on graphic design needs for our brand.

€71 Average bid
€71 Průměr. nabídka
102 nabídky

Khusus yang freelancer di daerah JABODETABEK: Buatkan website untuk mengumpulkan tulisan ilmiah, jurnal dll. Sebagai contoh website seperti atau bisa juga Website ini nantinya website berlangganan, ada monetisasi sederhana, mengumpulkan dan mempublikasikan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Budget proyek 2 juta, proyek ini khusus untuk yang di sekitar jabodetabek bisa langsung ketemu dulu. Selanjutnya mari diskusikan proyek

€186 Average bid
€186 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I need a software engineer experienced in game development and cheat systems. The primary task is creating a test cheat for my game, specifically focusing on an "Anti Falling" feature for characters. Key Features: development and cheat systems. The primary task is creating a test cheat for my game, specifically focusing on an "Anti Falling" feature for characters. Key Features: - Automatic Character Stabilization: The character should stand still when the Anti Falling system is triggered. Skills and Experience: - Experience in Game Development, preferably working with anti-cheat systems - Knowledge of DLL - Capability to construct and execute relevant test cheats. Your expertise will play an essential role in improving the robustness of my anti-cheat s...

€21 Average bid
€21 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

Me again! I am working on my UI problem. Could you provide an example of how to pragmatically display graphic_a and then after x time display graphic_b?

€28 Average bid
€28 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I need developer for develop Stripe () API, pay via credit card and support 3d secure 2 (live mode). Validation process by Bank will sent confirmation code via SMS. I only want example project developed by node.js express (web application). If you can do or have experience in this field. Please offer a price and information about this work.

€98 Average bid
€98 Průměr. nabídka
11 nabídky

I have a .dll file developed in C++ that is currently set up to handle the graphics and animations on my user interface. This file utilizes a __int16, but I need it changed to Long in only one specific place. I'm looking for a proficient C++(Unreal 2.5) programmer who has experience with .dll files and user interface. This is a specific requirement and requires close attention to detail to ensure the file functions as needed after the modification.

€123 Average bid
€123 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky

Read and write EXT4 partition and extended partition, use C++ to make DLL and let C# call it

€131 Average bid
€131 Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky

I am looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a mobile app for me. The main purpose of the app is to publish data to a designated platform, which will eventually create a website. Platform: The app should be able to publish data to various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Additionally, it should integrate with web builder and SMS tools, as well as email services. Open source customization is also a possibility. Design: I don't have a specific design or layout in mind, so I am open to suggestions. I want the app to have a clean and user-friendly interface. Features: The app should have data collection forms that allow users to fill out information and make selections. It should also have the ability to relay this data to a database in real-time....

€4510 Average bid
€4510 Průměr. nabídka
39 nabídky

...capable of crafting a Windows DLL to facilitate communication over Bluetooth, Wifi, and USB. The DLL has to offer robust functionalities including: - Data transfer - Device discovery - Connection management Your proficiency in using C++ for DLL development will be an added advantage here. This project aims to build a DLL that not only supports these communication methods comprehensively, but also ensures smooth and efficient operation. The DLL should be designed keeping in view the complexities and requirements of data transfer, device discovery, and connection management protocols for each of the specified communication channels. Essential Skills: - Proficiency in C++ - Experience in DLL development - Knowledge of Bluetooth, Wifi, and USB c...

€259 Average bid
€259 Průměr. nabídka
6 nabídky

Hallo para gamers di sini saya akan memeberikan 5 Rekomendasi game dengan S...battle royale ini cocok banget buat kalian yang pengen main game moba tapi HP kalian tidak mendukung, dengan Full size 800MB saja kalian bisa merasakan sensasi permainan yang seru conquest 2 Game ofline/online RPG open world karya anak bangsa ini sangat cocok buat kalian pecinta game open world, di game ini kalian bisa melakukan banyak hal seperti memancing,berinteraksi dengan NPC,crafting dll, dengan game play seseru itu game ini hanya berukuran 400/300mb saja gays of fighters:Duel star Buat kalian yang suka dengan game yang bergenre turn base game ini sangat layak untuk di coba dengan grafik yang sudah lumayan bagus,dan game play yang simpel, dan juga dengan full size sebesar 200/300mb saja

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

...PASCAL (delphi xe6 and Lazarus) who can form a wraper connection to the DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file known as ''. I can provide the existing Cpp sources for reference. The DLL is designated for data processing and is expected to handle citizen data cardID—encompassing Name, Surname, Father, Mother, Residence, and other relevant information. Specifically, it needs to process and output this data effectively. Ideal Skills & Experience: - In-depth knowledge of DLL files and their functionalities - Proven experience with data processing and output - Familiarity with citizen data manipulation - Delphi and Lazarus - Proficiency in C++ programming. Your main task will be constructing a wrapper for this DLL to ensure it function...

€351 Average bid
€351 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky

I have a project on CPanel (and I have a WHM) on my VPS. We have hundreds of ba...samename_dbname1, samename_dbname2 and so forth. Each database has the same, identical structure and tables and columns. I think I can use the schema naming logic to update the same table, column and record in ALL of my tables from one query but I am not experienced in which schema names identify: All databases A particular table within those databases A particular record within those databases For example, what if I want this query? UPDATE SET title = "Learn XYZ" WHERE id=1 I guess that db would simply need to be some schema name that identifies any database or any database that starts with samename_ Sometimes I'll need to insert the same exact record into the same table in eve...

€141 Average bid
€141 Průměr. nabídka
76 nabídky

I require a skilled developer to create an Android client app to talk to a software service running on a current Android-based hardware platf...porting them into Android app wrapper (compatible with Android 10 Go, and Android 13). - Functions include establishing secure connection to service already running on an Android device, and sending command codes. - Verifying functionality on a test device (mailed to developer). Ideal Skills: - Expertise in GUI design and implementation. - Experience with Android device integration. - DLL decompiling - Knowledge of Android customization techniques. This project demands someone detail-oriented with a proven track record in both C# development and GUI creation. If you have a portfolio showcasing similar work, please include it in...

€527 Average bid
€527 Průměr. nabídka
43 nabídky
Design grafis
Ukončeno left

Membuat line art wajah untuk sovenir, untuk kado, dll

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
44 nabídky

Hi, I am looking for someone who can scrape (or create from scratch) a landing page. I will give you the site, which I need to copy.

€112 Average bid
€112 Průměr. nabídka
78 nabídky

Membuat tools seperti : ber...Contoh Saya Ingin video 1menit di jadikan 10jam, maka saya tinggal isikan 10:00:00. - source video di upload dari user, lalu hasilnya akan di simpan ke dalam server yang nantinya file video hasil generate ffmpeg akan muncul di galery menu upload youtube 2. Upload Youtube disini adalah menu dimana settingan upload video ke youtube dengan settingan API youtubenya dan settingan title,deskripsi,tag,dll... lalu terdapat list seperti galery video yang sudah di generate ffmpeg looping tadi dengan informasi jika video sudah berhasil di upload ke youtube maka ada tulisan success, jika gagal, gagal, 3. Akses User Login Semua tools ini berjalan pada 1 port, dan dibuat user login koneksi ke database jika ingin mengaksesnya,

€130 Average bid
€130 Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky