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    Stav zakázky
    2,000 data sharing html5 Nalezené pracovní možnosti to vhodné.? - Aktivně se účastnit týmových schůzek, přispívat k požadavkům projektu, designu a implementaci.?️ Nejdůležitější požadavky: - Přibližně 5+ let zkušeností v front-end vývoji s React.js. - Znalosti JavaScriptu, povědomí o ES6+ a TypeScriptu. - Důkladné porozumění principům React.js. - Zkušenosti s postupy pro React.js - Redux, Redux-Saga. - Ovládání webového značkovacího jazyka (HTML5, CSS3). - Znalost moderních nástrojů pro vývoj front-endu (Webpack, Babel, Git). - Zkušenost s CI/CD alespoň na úrovni porozumění a jednoduché konfigurace. - Zkušenost s platformou AWS, Azure nebo p...

    €1212 Average bid
    €1212 Průměr. nabídka
    38 nabídky

    ...baví grafika? U nás tenhle unikátní skillset patřičně využiješ! Víme, že požadované schopnosti jsou poměrně široké, a proto se neboj ozvat, i když si některou z nich teprve plánuješ osvojit. ? ? Co zcela jistě potřebujeme? ▪ Znalost SEO a souvisejících nástrojů (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager…). ▪ Komplexní správa webu – od výběru webhostingu po administraci Wordpressu. ▪ Pokročilá znalost HTML5, CSS3, hodí se i Javascript a PHP. ▪ Rutinní ovládání Adobe CC (PS, AI, ID). ▪ Tvorba wireframů a prototypů webu (Figma). ? Jaké úkoly tě můžou potkat: ▪ Komplexní SEO analýza webu ...

    €2022 Average bid
    €2022 Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky
    Webmaster CZ
    Ukončeno left

    ...dlouhodobou spolupráci programátora na správu, údržbu a rozšiřování nových funkcionalit našich webových stránek a e-shopu, který by projekt převzal od našeho současného programátora. V případě zapracování a oboustranné spokojenosti je možné převzít i další projekty některých našich klientů a také programování nových projektů. Požadujeme: - perfektní znalost PHP, objektové programování, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Jquery. - samostatnost, důslednost a zodpovědnost - grafické cítění - komunikativnost a analytické myšlení...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky

    Hledáme PHP programátora pro maintenance a pokračování vývoje formou zákaznických úprav na PHP/MySQL/Smarty platformě informačního systému. Požadujeme: - Znalost PHP7 a objektového programování - Znalost Nette/Latte a navazujících knihoven - Znalost práce s relační databází - MySQL/MariaDB - Znalost Git - Znalost HTML5/CSS3/Javascriptu/jQuery Nabízíme práci v rozsahu 10-50 hodin měsíčně. V případě prokázání profesionality, znalostí a spolehlivosti nabízíme možnost užší spolupráce a navýšení hodinové sazby. Jedná se n&aa...

    €44 / hr Average bid
    €44 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    ...věci? Welcome! Co u nás budete dělat? 1) Záznam výukových lekcí 2) Pomáhat studentům s řešením všech otázek v rámci vzdělávacího kurzu 3) Hodnotit výsledky studenta Co od Vás očekáváme? 1) Portfolio uskutečněných projektů 2) Dobré komunikační dovednosti 3) Schopnost vyučovat probíranou látku 4) Nemáte strach před kamerou (věříme, že to bez problémů zvládnete :) Jaké znalosti požadujeme? 1) HTML5 (znalost Canvas) a CSS3 2) SASS/LESS a Bootstrap 3) JavaScript a jQuery na úrovni alespoň junior-developera React.js 4) Znalost Vue.js, TypeScript je vítána 5) Orientace v ...

    €1255 Average bid
    €1255 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky
    PHP developer
    Ukončeno left

    Hledáme vývojáře se znalostí programování PHP a HTML5 (znalost Nette a PostgreSQL výhodou) pro dlouhodobou spolupráci při rozvoji našich webových aplikací.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    38 nabídky

    ...běžících na systému Wordpress. Také je potřeba aby jste měli zkušenosti s tvorbou webu na WP od A do Z. Požadavky: -znalost WP na úrovni dokumentace (např. umíte používat filtry, udělat vlastní plugin, příp. si dohledat potřebné funkce a rychle se v nich orientovat, znáte dokonale strukturu WP) -znalost PHP -znalost a praxe s ACF (nebo jinými custom fields pluginy) -znalost HTML a CSS (pozažmo HTML5 a CSS3) -javascript (jQuery) -samostatnost, kretivita, spolehlivost -dostupnost přes Skype v dopoledních hodinách Výhodou: -znalost a schopnost tvořit SQL dotazy (orientovat se v návrhu MySQL databází) -zkušenosti s GULP/GRUNT nebo ...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky
    Project for cerven
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den, moje meno je Juraj Cienik v v riadim vyvoj. Momentálne hledame HTML kodéra pro nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Js...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Dobrý den, Lukas, moje meno je Juraj Cienik v riadim vyvoj. Momentálne hledame HTML kodéra pro nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. ...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Dobrý den, Alex, moje meno je Juraj Cienik v v riadim vyvoj. Momentálne hledame HTML kodéra pro nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme ...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Prosím o urgentní překlad krátkého voiceoveru do angličtiny.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    Vytvoření 3D interaktivní šachovnice pro web stránku, jednotlivé pozice reagují na myš, click, a naopak PHP třída nebo script po zavolání rosvítí pozici, řadu nebo prusečík pozic.

    €28 - €237
    €28 - €237
    0 nabídky

    Pro naši agenturu PR Czech hledáme kolegu na dlouhodobou externí spolupráci. Máte praktické zkušenosti s JavaScriptem a AngularJS? Pak čtěte dále a velice rádi s Vámi nastartujeme spolupráci. Požadavky: - mít zkušenosti s JavaScript - A...volit optimální řešení z hlediska náročnosti a dokončit úkol Náplň práce: - práce se skriptovacím jazykem JavaScript a dalšími - zkušenost s webovými servery - příprava HTML a CSS kódu Nabízíme: - práci na zajímavých projektech - externí spolupráci - pracuješ odkudkoli, kdykoli - d...

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Hledáme programátora do týmu pro dokončení StartUpu Jedná se o naprogramování MMORPG browser hry (typu SFgame, Travian, BattleKnight nebo Gladiatus …) CO POTŘEBUJEME: Znalost HTML5 Canvas, PHP, JavaScript a MySQL Pečlivost a spolehlivost Čestný a týmový přístup CO NABÍZÍME: Pro obě strany výhodnou odměnu Možnost práce kdykoliv – pracuj si kdykoli chceš, pouze splň termín Možnost práce odkudkoli – pracuj si kdekoli chceš, pouze buď na příjmu Vhodné pro studenty čehokoli, záleží nám jen, jestli to zvládneš Jsme relativně tolerantní k termínu odevzdán...

    €964 Average bid
    €964 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Kompletní vytvoření webových stránek. Frontend developer; HTML5 & CSS3

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 nabídky

    Rádi bychom rozšířili náš tým o šikovného kodéra se znalostí HMTL a CSS stylů. Jedná se o implementaci již vytvořených designů na připravené e-shopy, případně převedení vzhledu z jiných systémů. Požadujeme: • výbornou znalost CSS, HTML • znalost skriptování v jazyku Javascript (Prototype nebo jQuery) • zkušenosti s HTML5 a CSS3 • zkušenosti s optimalizací pro mobilní zařízení • zodpovědnost, kreativitu, samostatnost • orientace v trendech moderního webdesignu

    €711 Average bid
    €711 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Streamování videa z webkamery - flash (rtmp) na server red5/wowza ke klientům (flash, html5). Přenos dat z webu pomocí do node.js.

    €3841 Average bid
    €3841 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Dobrý den, hledám programátora se znalostmi PHP, javascriptu, SQL, Linux/, HTML5, webGL pro vytvoření a vývoj webové aplikace. Hledám programátora pro dlouhodobější spolupráci. Líbí se mi Vaše reference. Máte zájem a časový prostor vytvořit pro nás novou aplikaci? detaily samozřejmě zašlu na vyžádání nebo předám při koverzaci

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Měsíční projekt nakódování webové stránky s využitím Bootstrap, jQuery, validní HTML5, CSS (až 3 verze), preprocessor LESS (nebo Stylus), GIT. Hledáme kodéra pro zpracování responzivně-adaptivního webu pro sklářskou společnost, který především prezentuje technologie, kterými disponují. Web by měl fungovat na těchto zařízeních: Desktop 16:10, Desktop 16:9, Tablet Landscape, Tablet Portrait, Mini Tablet Landscape, Mini Tablet Portrait, Mobil Landscape, Mobil Portrait. Web má zhruba 25 identických stránek, u kterých se mění pouze fotografie a umístění textu s nadpisem. Webová ...

    €448 Average bid
    €448 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...u obliku vodica: Tema 1. Želim iznajmiti apartman – što dalje? Iznajmljivanje za početnike . 2. Kako popuniti apartman izvan sezone : The How To Blog Post 3. Primjeri dobrih iznajmljivaca i njihovi postupci: The How To Blog Post Naslov, Uvod i sadrzaj po slijedecim koracima: Template: Dodatna literatura (koga interesira)

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Jedna se o webovy portal s video obsahem dostupnym po zaplaceni (preview mozne zdarma). Je mozne pouzit predpripravene (opensource) CMS systemy a templaty. Dle detailne pripraveneho zadani vcetne mockupu (pdf, Balsamiq) je potreba vytvorit portal o cca 20 ruznych strankach. Stranky by mely byt v HTML5/CSS3/JS a PHP (PHP neni podminkou) s responsivnim designem upravenym pro mobilni zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Pl...

    €2434 Average bid
    €2434 Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky
    html5 player
    Ukončeno left

    Hledáme programátora pro úpravu stávajícího HTML5 playeru, který umožňuje přehrávání nahrávky a živého vysílání. Úprava obnáší užití HLS jako transportní obálky.

    €3554 Average bid
    €3554 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    I ´m looking for coding of template for QuickCart. This template: template pay in "clean html" and pass the coding for QuickCart 6.2Alternatively. The result is a template for QuickCart 6.2 You can offer a similar custom template.   Thank you for your offer and I apologize for my English

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    I'm looking for a passionate and creative individual to engage with our Telegram community for our alt coin, $congress. Your role will involve creating a lively atmosphere through meme competitions and fun activities, as well as keeping the energy up. Key Responsibilities: - Engaging with the community on Telegram - Initiating and overseeing meme competitions and fun activities - Creating and sharing memes that humorously compare our token with rivals - Keeping the overall energy high within the community Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in community management, particularly in the crypto space - Strong understanding and interest in current events for timely meme creation - Creativity and humor in creating engaging and entertaining content - Ability to keep a ...

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...revenue-sharing opportunity, offering you a chance to build your personal brand and connect with a dedicated audience. What We’re Looking For: --Genuine interest in watching and reacting to various types of videos. --Open-mindedness, curiosity, and a willingness to engage with diverse content. --Ability to deliver authentic and expressive reactions to unexpected or shocking moments. --Interest in a wide range of content, including movie trailers, short films, religious videos, and viral clips. --No prior experience required; freshers are welcome! --Dedication, patience, and access to a good-quality camera phone for recording videos. Preference will be given to Non-Indian female candidates, but interested Indian females are also encouraged to apply. What We Offer: --Equal...

    €560 Average bid
    €560 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    ...Privacy (i) = Secure File Sharing (j) = Email Continuity (k) = Endpoint Protection (l) = DNS Protection (m) = Security Awareness Training (n) = BUNDLE: Email Risk Management (o) = BUNDLE: Data Risk Management (p) = BUNDLE: Email Compliance (q) = BUNDLE: Data Defense single letter values: (a) = 1.5 (b) = 2 (c) = 5 (d) = 5.5 (e) = 2.8 (f) = 4 (g) = 3 (h) = 7 (i) = 4 (j) = .5 (k) = 2 (l) = 2 (m) = 1 (n) = 4 (o) = 7 (p) = 10 (q) = 12 ________________________________________ double letter definitions: (aa) = Email Threat Protection (bb) = Advanced Email Threat Protection (cc) = Email Encryption (dd) = Advanced Email Encryption (ee) = Information Archive (ff) = Advanced Information Archive (gg) = Cloud to Cloud Backup (hh) = Email Message Privacy (ii) = Secure File ...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Průměr. nabídka
    20 nabídky

    Job Opportunity: Marketing Specialist for AI Training Programs (in Melbourne) Location: Southeast Melbourne, Victoria Employment Type: Casual / Part-time Payment Model: Profit Sharing About Us: Our AI training programs are a promising service, offering schools and community centres the essential skills to embrace the future of education and administration. With a growing demand for AI skills and wide coverage in the media, our programs are easy to penetrate into the market and highly impactful. We are based in Cranbourne and are looking for a motivated Marketing Specialist to help expand our reach in southeast Melbourne. Key Responsibilities: • Promote AI training programs tailored for: o Schools: Teachers, administrative staff, and students. o Community Centres: Administrat...

    €593 Average bid
    €593 Průměr. nabídka
    15 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled Android developer to create a utility/tool app focu...Android developer to create a utility/tool app focused on text-based content sharing. The app will primarily facilitate user-generated text posts. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an intuitive, user-friendly interface for an Android app - Implement a robust system for user authentication - Integrate features for content sharing, specifically text-based posts Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android app development - Prior experience in creating utility or social media apps - Strong understanding of user authentication systems - Expertise in designing interactive content sharing features Please provide examples of previous Android projects you've worked on, especially...

    €125 Average bid
    €125 Průměr. nabídka
    33 nabídky

    I'm looking for a professional to help transform my podcast audio into shareable, visually appealing video clips. These will feature stock photos and videos with captions and will be tailored for Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Key Requirements: - Skill in selecting appropriate stock visuals that align with audio content - Proficiency in creating engaging captions - Experience in editing selecting appropriate stock visuals that align with audio content - Proficiency in creating engaging captions - Experience in editing for a vertical (9:16) format The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of social media trends and what types of content typically perform well on these platforms. Your creativity and editing skills will be key in making these clips compelling for ...

    €387 Average bid
    €387 Průměr. nabídka
    33 nabídky

    ... specifically for the Android platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android app development - Strong understanding of social networking app features and user interface - Experience with integrating social sharing features - Knowledge of mobile app security measures - Ability to optimize app for performance and battery life - Good communication skills to understand project requirements and provide updates. The app should include: - User profiles and customizable settings - Friend requests and following features - Chat functionality - Post sharing capabilities (text, images, videos) - Notification system for interactions - Search functionality for users and content - Privacy settings for user control Please provide examples of similar projects you...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    28 nabídky

    ... specifically for the Android platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android app development - Strong understanding of social networking app features and user interface - Experience with integrating social sharing features - Knowledge of mobile app security measures - Ability to optimize app for performance and battery life - Good communication skills to understand project requirements and provide updates. The app should include: - User profiles and customizable settings - Friend requests and following features - Chat functionality - Post sharing capabilities (text, images, videos) - Notification system for interactions - Search functionality for users and content - Privacy settings for user control Please provide examples of similar projects you...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    30 nabídky
    make it real.
    6 dní left

    ... specifically for the Android platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android app development - Strong understanding of social networking app features and user interface - Experience with integrating social sharing features - Knowledge of mobile app security measures - Ability to optimize app for performance and battery life - Good communication skills to understand project requirements and provide updates. The app should include: - User profiles and customizable settings - Friend requests and following features - Chat functionality - Post sharing capabilities (text, images, videos) - Notification system for interactions - Search functionality for users and content - Privacy settings for user control Please provide examples of similar projects you...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    60 nabídky

    We are looking for a highly skilled development agency to build and optimize a full-scale Web3 platform on Solana, integrating customized token minting, bonding curve pricing, liquidity migration, referral tracking, and fee-sharing mechanisms. A public GitHub repository provides some core functionalities (token minting, exponential bonding curve pricing, and liquidity migration), but extensive customization, optimization, and refactoring are required to align with our project needs. Beyond blockchain development, exceptional UI/UX design skills are required—starting with high-quality mockups (beyond Figma) before moving into full frontend implementation. Key Challenges Smart contract customization for tokenomics, liquidity, and referral tracking Merging and refactor...

    €4780 Average bid
    €4780 Průměr. nabídka
    16 nabídky

    ...Includes job description, company info, attached documents, and application status timeline. - Application Actions: Apply, withdraw, or view application status updates. 3. Code Documentation & Version Control Document major components, utilities, and data models in code comments or a separate README. Use a version control system (Git) with clear commit messages and branching strategies (e.g., feature branches, pull requests). Detailed PRD & FRD: Figma Design Link:

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    ...development and marketing efforts. The ideal candidate will have expertise in creating professional websites and executing effective social media strategies. Project Scope: 1. Website Development:  Design and develop a responsive and visually appealing website.  Ensure SEO optimization to improve search engine ranking.  Include features like videos, images, contact forms, blogs, documents uploading/sharing features, analytics integration and others (home page, about, etc). 2. Social Media Development and Marketing:  Set up and optimize social media profiles (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/X).  Develop a strategy tailored to the target audience to enhance brand visibility.  Create and schedule engaging content (posts, videos, stories).  Manage paid ad campai...

    €293 Average bid
    €293 Průměr. nabídka
    104 nabídky

    ...Google Folder link for image uploads that can be used as inspiration or directly in the contest submissions. Denote that there are two folders, one is for saffron images which can be used freely in this contents, the second is for book cover inspirations that I like, but are not be used directly in content submissions: The following guidelines MUST be adhered to for submissions to be reviewed. Any submissions that do not follow these guidelines WILL NOT be accepted for review. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing-KDP Guidelines Summary of KDP Paperback Cover Guidelines: When designing a paperback cover for Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), ensure your cover is a single PDF file that includes the back cover, spine

    €97 Average bid
    49 příspěvky

    ...pairing travelers with similar interests and budgets. Options for one-on-one or group trips. Personalized trip recommendations based on user preferences and past activity. Safety and Trust: Verified profiles with identity badges. In-app chat with moderation and pre-defined message templates for introductions. Ratings and reviews for users and events. Community Building: Discussion boards for sharing travel tips and stories. App-hosted meetups and networking mixers. Interest-based groups like backpacking, culinary tours, etc. Travel Tool Integration: Cost-splitting calculators for group expenses. Direct booking links for transportation, accommodations, and activities. Integration with travel tools like Google Maps, local guides, and weather updates. Platform Preferences: We ai...

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    ...apps. -Set up the Node.js backend with for real-time chat functionality. -Install the React.js admin panel for easy management. Basic Customization: -Apply our branding (e.g., logos, colors). -Make minor adjustments to settings or configurations, as needed. Testing: -Ensure the website and apps are functioning smoothly and are bug-free. -Test features like real-time messaging, media sharing, and push notifications. Deployment: -Deploy the web app on our hosting platform -Publish the iOS app to the Apple App Store and the Android app to Google Play Store. What We Provide: -Full source code for the Whoxa Chat Script (Flutter, Node.js, React.js). -Comprehensive documentation for installation and setup. Key Skills Required: -Expertise in Flutter (iOS & Android apps). -Know...

    €193 Average bid
    €193 Průměr. nabídka
    94 nabídky

    Job Description: I am looking for ongoing project starting with 50 videos. Important! please read the last paragraph to apply. (Sample Request) I am looking for talented professionals to create After Effects video...Sample Request: Before proceeding, I would like to see a 15-second sample video based on the raw files provided. Feel free to add AI, audio, VFX, tracking, or any creative element that showcases your imagination and skills. Files for Sample Work: Access the raw files here: If interested, please submit your sample video along with a brief introduction and portfolio. Looking forward to seeing your creativity!

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Průměr. nabídka
    15 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer with extensive experience in React.js and CodeIgniter. The project involves creating a robust Freelancing Platform almost done something is remaining. Key requirements: 1. Eye and Recatcha (on sign up and login) 2. Remo...remaining. Key requirements: 1. Eye and Recatcha (on sign up and login) 2. Remove the word token and replace with club 3. Make this logo the home button 4. Where ever it states inr change to usdt 5. Referrals need to go to friends list 6. Remove test images 7. Load balancing 8. Wallet open in dapp browser pay with usdt to start 9. Delete channel or update name and photo 10. Get rid of the react when sharing link and put the latin phrase there 11. Posting working? Please provide your portfolio demonstrating rele...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    68 nabídky

    Project Overview: Develop a mobile fantasy game platform where users can play skill-based games like chess, ludo, and similar games of chance. The app will include real-money gameplay where users can deposit money, compete, and win. The pla...Legal Compliance: Ensure the platform abides by all Indian laws related to betting and skill-based games. Clearly outline terms and conditions regarding legality and responsible gaming. Monetization: Platform retains 30% of each game's winnings. User Engagement: Leaderboards, achievements, and tournaments. Social sharing and friend-invite systems. Additional Requirements: Compatibility with Android and iOS. Focus on scalability and security to handle financial transactions and user data. Integration of anti-fraud mechanisms and fai...

    €9 Average bid
    €9 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    You need to at least enjoy writing sci-fi. But if you loved 'Stranger Things' and want to write the next epic novel that goes beyond all that, then this is for you. I have more than a foundation for the idea. This story has been in my head since the late 80's early 90's - Before Harry Potter, X-Men and Stran...change with twists as events in the story affect them. I think such stories connect with the audience better. Where they can imagine being that person, or relate to events in their own lives or people they know. So that's my remit. I would prefer an experienced writer, skilled with plot and character development. I don't have a huge amount of funds available to me, but I'm also open to discuss sharing rights with the right person(s). Netf...

    €2827 Average bid
    Doporučené DOM
    €2827 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky
    Commercial Plans Review and Reporting
    12 hodiny left

    ...both PowerPoint and written report formats. The summary should cover: - Site logistics: focusing on material storage, access routes and traffic management. - Phasing for the elevator lobby, keeping in mind that the 2nd and 3rd floors will be occupied throughout the construction. - Identification of potential risks. - Assessment of specialty finishes, ceilings, etc. - Logistics for IT vendors: sharing insights on how to manage this with difficult vendors. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in construction management or a related field, with experience in reviewing architectural plans and overseeing site logistics. Attention to detail and strong communication skills are essential, as the final deliverables will need to be clear and comprehensive eno...

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Průměr. nabídka
    44 nabídky

    ...pre-designed A4 Artwork. Key Requirements: - Relink 5 unique QR codes on each page - Ensure page numbers match QR code file names - Deliver outputs as per specified naming scheme I will provide: - A total of 775 QR codes - Necessary files for the design - Custom file naming scheme Use the below link for the files: Deliverables: - PDF batch files named based on page numbering - Adobe Illustrator files Quality Assurance: - Only a random sample of the QR codes needs to be verified for functionality. Software: - The work needs to be done using Adobe Illustrator 2025. Make sure you begin your written proposal with the following: - Clarify if your Adobe Illustrator is genuine or pirated. Most of the fonts

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    26 nabídky

    I'm seeking a professional web developer to create an adult video sharing website. This platform should allow users to upload their own content, with all submissions requiring admin approval prior to going live. It's vital that the site is secure, user-friendly, and compliant with relevant regulations. Key features and skills required: - Video content hosting and streaming - User-upload functionality with admin moderation - Robust security measures - Experience with adult content sites (preferred but not mandatory) - Web development and design expertise A comprehensive understanding of subscription management systems and a comments and ratings feature would be a plus, although these are not required for the initial phase of the project.

    €797 Average bid
    €797 Průměr. nabídka
    44 nabídky

    I need an Excel Catalogue converted into a visually appealing, professional PDF Catalogue for customer showcase, print and online publication. Key Requirements: - Transforming an Excel Catalogue into a PDF - Designing a professional and formal layout - Incorporating product images, detailed descriptions, and pricin...pricing information - Image high resolution Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel and PDF design software - Excellent graphic design skills - Experience in creating product catalogues Please only apply if you can demonstrate a strong portfolio in similar projects. The file work on is in this google drive link: Please give me your best quote

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Průměr. nabídka
    105 nabídky

    I'm looking for a WordPress professional to create a blog/news site for me. Key Requirements: - Design a clean, user-friendly interface - Implement a robust commenting system - Integrate social media for easy sharing and following - Organize content using categories and tags - Ensure the design is fully responsive on all devices - Implement strategies to ensure fast loading times - Optimize the blog for search engines - Add strong security measures to protect the site Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress development - Experience with blog and news site design - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles - Excellent skills in social media integration Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid. Please include the following feature(s): portfolio.

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Průměr. nabídka
    44 nabídky

    I'm seeking assistance to extract email addresses from a dynamic website. I only have frontend access and this task is a one-time requirement. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: - Proficiency in web scraping...frontend access and this task is a one-time requirement. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and techniques - Understanding of dynamic websites and their structures - Ability to extract data efficiently and accurately Please note, the task requires a thorough and meticulous approach to ensure all relevant email addresses are captured. website: (follow instructions by this video:

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Průměr. nabídka
    51 nabídky

    I operate a non-profit organization in Ontario, Canada. We assist people who are living homeless and/or facing addiction issues. We are moving forward with using Dynamics 365 and the power platform to manage our operations. Long term we will be incorporating azure ai services. This project will specifically focus on phase one of this process. I have attached a google doc link with the req...setup. I am fairly competent in development however I lack the time to do this project myself. We need it done asap. Successful work will likely result in additional projects being awarded. There is a very ambitious long term plan we hope to achieve. I will setup a trello board to manage deliverables.

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky