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    Stav zakázky
    2,000 dapper doughnut menu Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    ...týmu „MASTER BURGER“ budoucí manažery — energické, cílevědomé a pohostinné profesionály, kteří jsou připraveni sdílet naše hodnoty a snahu o úspěch! CO TI GARANTUJEME: - Oficiální zaměstnání od prvního dne; - Sociální balíček při zaměstnání na HPP; - Odměny na základě pracovních výsledků; - Placení školení a stáže na začátku; - Flexibilní pracovní doba; - Firemní pracovní oděv; - Slevy na celé menu; - Financování firemních akcí pro zaměstnance; - Možnost účastnit se programu "Najdi zaměs...

    €535 Average bid
    €535 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    ...produktu: Díky své kompaktní velikosti nezabírá mnoho místa a je ideální pro instalaci v omezených prostorách. • Možnost prostupu pro elektrikářský kabel: Flexibilita pro instalaci elektrikářských kabelů. • Chráněný užitný vzor: Produkt je chráněn užitným vzorem v EU a USA, což zdůrazňuje jeho inovativnost a exkluzivitu. Obsah a struktura stránky 1. Hlavička s logem a navigací: Krátké a výstižné menu s odkazy na hlavní sekce stránky. 2. Úvodní sekce: Krátký, ale přitažlivý popis produktu, jeho hlavní přednosti a význam pro cílovo...

    €432 Average bid
    €432 Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    I have a Wordpress site used for Visitor Management. The site reads data from Google Firebase Database via the plugin Integrate Firebase PRO: I would like some help with styling one page. Its mostly using shortcodes. And there is one menu. The theme is Astra. I have attached two pics. One is of the current layout, and the other is what I want the page to look like ( inspiration)

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Průměr. nabídka
    18 nabídky

    Jedná se o projekt do školy. Vytvořte jednoduchou fungující dynamickou webovou aplikaci s využitím Fat-Free Frameworku (F3). Dynamická webová aplikace by měla: • načítat data pro jednotlivé strany webové aplikace z MySQL databáze • vygenerovat menu, které zobrazí přehled stran daného webu • zobrazit dané stránky • NEmusíte programovat administrátorské rozhraní (back-end). Postačí prostředí pro zobrazení obsahu návštěvníkovi (front-end) • pro zobrazení jednotlivých stránek doporučuji v URL použít jejich ID, které webová aplikace z URL použ...

    €116 Average bid
    €116 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky
    menu layout
    Ukončeno left

    menu layout (kafe, restourant, hotel...)

    €363 Average bid
    €363 Průměr. nabídka
    29 nabídky
    Ukončeno left

    moje hra je animace menu play 1

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    - úprava kódu ve WordPressu k webovým stránkám , , , - oprava nefunkčního menu na a , atd

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    18 nabídky

    Poptáváme vytvoření webové stránky s redakčním systémem a databází pro přihlášení klientů. Původní web na adrese Požadavky: 1) Celková konstrukce webu zůstává bez razantních změn (umístění tlačítek, stránek, obrázků a td). Grafický design musí být nový, včetně barevného provedení. Barvy: šedá, žlutá, bílá. Fónový obrázek na pozadí – šedý s grafickými prvky. Změna menu produkty (nejdříve katalog s výběrem produktu) 2) Včetně mobilní verze stránek – ta...

    €610 Average bid
    €610 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Instalace šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrobce a m.j. v detailu produktu a v quick view Help desk service: - pomoci vytvořit menu (který modul, jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci)

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Instalace šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrobce a m.j. v detailu produktu a v quick view Help desk service: - pomoci vytvořit menu (který modul, jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci)

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Jedná se o rezervační systém pro náš projekt. Backend rezervačního systému je již připravený. V tuto chvíli je třeba připravit šablonu do WP jakožto front end případně upravit již existující šablonu, aby vyhovovala našim potřebám. Šablona musí obsahovat následující - landing page s jednoduchým menu, možnost přihlášení a vyhledávání - profilovou stránku podniku (popis, fotka, služby, mapa) - stránku vyhledávání (bude částečně převzatá z backendu) - Rezervační stránku (částečně převzatá z backendu) - Jednoduchou pro...

    €29 / hr Average bid
    €29 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Jedná se o rezervační systém pro náš projekt. Backend rezervačního systému je již připravený. V tuto chvíli je třeba připravit šablonu do WP jakožto front end případně upravit již existující šablonu, aby vyhovovala našim potřebám. Šablona musí obsahovat následující - landing page s jednoduchým menu, možnost přihlášení a vyhledávání - profilovou stránku podniku (popis, fotka, služby, mapa) - stránku vyhledávání (bude částečně převzatá z backendu) - Rezervační stránku (částečně převzatá z backendu) - Jednoduchou pro...

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Jedná se o rezervační systém pro náš projekt. Backend rezervačního systému je již připravený. V tuto chvíli je třeba připravit šablonu do WP jakožto front end případně upravit již existující šablonu, aby vyhovovala našim potřebám. Šablona musí obsahovat následující - landing page s jednoduchým menu, možnost přihlášení a vyhledávání - profilovou stránku podniku (popis, fotka, služby, mapa) - stránku vyhledávání (bude částečně převzatá z backendu) - Rezervační stránku (částečně převzatá z backendu) - Jednoduch...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky
    Navrhnout logo
    Ukončeno left

    Potřebuji navrhnout logo pro firmu zabývající se rozvozem obědů.Název firmy je Vezu menu s.r.o.

    €69 Average bid
    €69 Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    Potrebujeme: vytvorit multistore pre rozne jazyky, importovat produkty z 3 xml a cvs vytvorit prehladne menu na stranke (sablonu mame) implementovat skrill a paypal vytvorit exporty pre porovnavace

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    ...(preview mozne zdarma). Je mozne pouzit predpripravene (opensource) CMS systemy a templaty. Dle detailne pripraveneho zadani vcetne mockupu (pdf, Balsamiq) je potreba vytvorit portal o cca 20 ruznych strankach. Stranky by mely byt v HTML5/CSS3/JS a PHP (PHP neni podminkou) s responsivnim designem upravenym pro mobilni zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Plan je, ze se portal bude dale rozvijet, cili mame zajem o dlo...

    €2405 Average bid
    €2405 Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky

    Potřebuji velice jednoduchou webovou stránku, která budé mit jedinou funkci: Kromě základního menu, potřebuji na hlavní stránce text box, kde uživatele anonymně pošlou dotaz ohledně plastické chirurgie, třeba i s přiloženou fotkou(nebo fotkami) - na dotaz bude pak reagovat kvalifikovaný lékař. Dotaz se zobrazí na hlavní stránce po schválení administrátorem stránky. Zobrazený dotaz bude propojený s FB comunitou kde se tyto dotazy budou zveřejňovat, a chtěl bych pod aby byli pod dotazem zobrazené i počet like, komentářů atd. Něco podobného funguje na webu Hosting a doménu mám.

    €189 Average bid
    €189 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    Hledám freelancera, který udělá aplikaci odesílající GPS souřadnice. Aplikace se bude do budoucna rozšiřovat, takže neuzavřít si žádné cesty. Workflow: -> Přihlášení uživatele oproti serverovému API nebo registrace (Odkaz na www stránky) -> Dashboard s ikonama (Zatím zde bude pouze sledování polohy) -> Při odchodu z aplikace musí posílat data na pozadí. Pokud ji uživatel nevypne v menu aplikace. Ve sledování polohy: -> Tlačítko začít sledovat X Ukoncit sledování -> Odesílá data na server pomocí get požadavku. Při zapnutí sledování...

    €781 Average bid
    €781 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Náplň webu Potřeboval bych vytvořit web na kon...potiskem. Máme již několik prezentací, které by měly držet stejný koncept – , , . U tohoto webu se programově se jedná o podporu zboží prezentované na našem webu Logo je již hotové, na webu by asi měla by převažovat modrá barva. Stránky budou běžet na doméně Přehled jednotlivých sekcí webu (horní menu): Úvod Produkty  Obklady za kuchyňskou linku FotoGlass  Pracovní desky do kuchyní FotoGlass  Výplně dvířek a posuvných dveří FotoGlass  Skleněné obrazy FotoGlass  Skleněné stěny FotoGlass Motivy Galerie realizac&iacu...

    €155 Average bid
    €155 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    IM LOOKING FOR A Talented Roblox developer to create a cozy and inviting modern cafe for me. This cafe should seamlessly integrate interactive seating, a custom menu system and a VIP Lounge. [Key Requirements] - A cozy and inviting minimalist-industrial style cafe - Interactive seating arrangements - a custom menu system - A VIP Lounge with exclusive seating areas [The Landscape of the Cafe] -Snowy with Small Snowy rocks around the cafe. -A outside Seating for customers. [The Theme Of The Cafe] -Dark, Snowy, And Aesthetic. [Cafe Arrangements] I would like 5 Interviewing rooms, inside of the cafe. With these 5 interviewing rooms i want them to be enclosed with glass doors. With the interviewing rooms, nothing special. table, and two office chairs. I have a Reference Pict...

    €377 Average bid
    €377 Průměr. nabídka
    78 nabídky

    I'm looking for a professional menu designer to create a standard food menu for my nightclub. The menu will feature a range of American food items to cater to our patrons. Key Responsibilities: - Design a comprehensive standard food menu - Include a variety of American dishes - Ensure the menu is suitable for a nightclub setting Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in menu design - Strong understanding and appreciation of American cuisine - Creative flair for nightclub-themed design - Excellent attention to detail

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Průměr. nabídka
    86 nabídky
    Rustic Menu Design
    6 dní left

    I'm seeking a rustic-style menu design in neutral tones (black, white, gray) that incorporates a selection of coffee arts, smoothies, and a few of my personal photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: A strong portfolio in menu or similar design. - Modern Rustic Aesthetic: Deep understanding and appreciation for rustic design elements. - Image Editing: Ability to seamlessly integrate photos into the design. - Attention to Detail: Ensuring the design is visually appealing and easy to read.

    €180 Average bid
    €180 Průměr. nabídka
    101 nabídky

    Seeking a designer to create a traditional-style menu card for an Asian cuisine restaurant. The design should reflect a classic, traditional aesthetic while being clear and easy to read.

    €50 Average bid
    €50 Průměr. nabídka
    93 nabídky

    ...Prisma The application will include the following features: Application Features Customer Features: Authentication: Login and register using email or phone number. Support for social login (e.g., Google). Browse Restaurants and Stores: View nearby restaurants based on geolocation. Filter restaurants by category (e.g., Fast Food, Desserts, Drinks). See restaurant ratings and previous reviews. Menu: Browse menus with images, descriptions, and prices. Search functionality to find specific dishes or restaurants. Cart and Checkout: Add items to the cart and modify quantities. View order details, including taxes and delivery fees. Multiple payment options (Cash on Delivery, Visa & MasterCard). Order Tracking: Realtime notifications for order status (e.g., Preparing, On the W...

    €1094 Average bid
    €1094 Průměr. nabídka
    146 nabídky to conduct thorough testing of my web page across mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. The testing should cover compatibility with Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Brave. Key Aspects to Focus On: - Layout and Alignment: Ensure elements are positioned correctly across all devices and browsers. - Navigation Functionality: Test the responsiveness and functionality of the navigation menu on different devices. - Loading Speed: Measure and report on the loading speed across different devices and browsers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in testing responsive web pages is a must. - Proficiency in using different browsers and devices for testing. - Excellent attention to detail to spot any layout or alignment issues. - Ability to assess and report...

    €121 - €121
    €121 - €121
    22 nabídky

    I'm looking to enhance my existing counselling website, making it more professional and appealing. The primary focus of this project is to improve the integration with ...enhance my existing counselling website, making it more professional and appealing. The primary focus of this project is to improve the integration with the Jane app for online bookings. The ideal freelancer for this job should have experience in web development and a good understanding of the Jane app. Key Requirements: - Seamless integration with the Jane app for online scheduling - Simplified menu structure for better user navigation Design Preferences: - A warm and welcoming theme - Professional and elegant aesthetics Freelancers with a portfolio showcasing similar projects will be given preference. Th...

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Průměr. nabídka
    72 nabídky

    I'm seeking a modern redesign of my website, aimed at enhancing user experience with a specific focus on the navigation menu, blog layout, and classified page. The primary goal is to make the website more intuitive and enjoyable to navigate. Key Components: - A complete overhaul of the navigation menu to ensure it's user-friendly and efficient. - A revamped blog layout that is engaging and easy to read. - An updated classified page designed for simplicity and ease of use. Our Website: The redesign should embody a bold and colorful theme. Ideal skills for this project include web design, UX/UI design, and a strong understanding of modern design trends. Experience with creating visually appealing, user-friendly websites

    €82 Average bid
    €82 Průměr. nabídka
    86 nabídky

    I have an Microsoft MVC Web App with a target framework of .NET 8.0 that accesses a Microsoft SQL Database on my local machine. I am using Entityframework as well as Dapper to access the database. Everything runs successfully on the local machine. I have uploaded the local Web App to an Azure Web App using a compressed *.zip file. I have uploaded the local SQL Database to an Azure SQL Database using a *.bacpac file and restored the database. I have added the correct secrets to an Azure Key Vault. Everything works on my local machine. From Azure the Web App opens as expected and I can view all static pages correctly. I am unable to connect from the Azure Web App to the Azure SQL Database. I keep getting the following error .......[03:29:46 ERR] An exception occurred while iterat...

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Průměr. nabídka
    30 nabídky

    I'm looking for a freelancer to assist with running day to day in a restaurant. The tasks will include updating the POS system (Lightspeed) with menu items, using Canva to ensure everything aligns with the restaurant's branding, and helping with rosters and tracking back-end costings. Ideal candidates should have: - Previous experience in restaurant management - Proficiency in using POS systems, particularly Lightspeed - Skills in graphic design and use of Canva - Ability to create and update rosters - Experience in tracking back-end costings - Understanding of labor, inventory and overhead costs

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    30 nabídky

    I'm looking for a freelancer to assist with running day to day in a restaurant. The tasks will include updating the POS system (Lightspeed) with menu items, using Canva to ensure everything aligns with the restaurant's branding, and helping with rosters and tracking back-end costings. Ideal candidates should have: - Previous experience in restaurant management - Proficiency in using POS systems, particularly Lightspeed - Skills in graphic design and use of Canva - Ability to create and update rosters - Experience in tracking back-end costings - Understanding of labor, inventory and overhead costs

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    20 nabídky

    ...would like to make the following updates and adjustments to my website (hosted and managed on Namecheap): 1-Redirect "Get Access" Button: Update the "Get Access" button so that when clicked, it scrolls down directly to the pricing list section at the bottom of the page. Content Removal: 2-Remove the following elements: The "Guides" and "FAQs" buttons. The "Feature" option. The second line of the menu at the bottom of the page. The "Lifetime Update" mention in the pricing section. Sentence Rewording: 3-Reword some of the existing sentences on the site to improve clarity and effectiveness. (Details or specific sentences to be provided). Image Updates: 4-Replace the images on the site, including: Images for both laptop...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Průměr. nabídka
    68 nabídky

    ...Cooked Food Delivery Description: We are looking for a skilled developer or team to create a hybrid mobile application (Android & iOS) for a hyper-local home-cooked food delivery platform. The app will connect home cooks with customers within a 3 km radius and focus on delivering fresh, homemade food. The scope includes: For Home Cooks: Menu management, order dashboard, notifications, and integrated payment collection. For Customers: Location-based menu listing, ordering with cutoff times, payment gateway integration, and delivery tracking. For Admin: Order and delivery tracking dashboard, analytics, and customer/cook support tools. Additional features include user-friendly UI/UX, real-time notifications, and scalable architecture. Familiarity with food delivery app...

    €301 Average bid
    €301 Průměr. nabídka
    75 nabídky
    Restaurant Management Assistant
    6 dní left

    I'm looking for a freelancer to assist with running day to day in a restaurant. The tasks will include updating the POS system (Lightspeed) with menu items, using Canva to ensure everything aligns with the restaurant's branding, and helping with rosters and tracking back-end costings. Ideal candidates should have: - Previous experience in restaurant management - Proficiency in using POS systems, particularly Lightspeed - Skills in graphic design and use of Canva - Ability to create and update rosters - Experience in tracking back-end costings - Understanding of labor, inventory and overhead costs

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    62 nabídky

    Cozy & Inviting Modern Cafe in Roblox IM LOOKING FOR A Talented Roblox developer to create a cozy and inviting modern cafe for me. This cafe should seamlessly integrate interactive seating, a custom menu system and a VIP Lounge. [Key Requirements] - A cozy and inviting minimalist-industrial style cafe - Interactive seating arrangements - a custom menu system - A VIP Lounge with exclusive seating areas [The Landscape of the Cafe] -Snowy with Small Snowy rocks around the cafe. -A outside Seating for customers. [The Theme Of The Cafe] -Dark, Snowy, And Aesthetic. [Cafe Arrangements] I would like 5 Interviewing rooms, inside of the cafe. With these 5 interviewing rooms i want them to be enclosed with glass doors. With the interviewing rooms, nothing special. table, and tw...

    €166 Average bid
    €166 Průměr. nabídka
    25 nabídky

    ...component for a nested menu, using the Quasar qItem and qMenu components (see ). Sample data is in data.js. It is important to note that the levels may vary, so the component must be recursive to handle any number of levels in the data. Please check the file for how the recursive menu component should be invoked. Requirements: 1. The component must be recursive. 2. Avoid using provide or inject. 3. Submenu opening should be triggered by both click and mouseover. 4. I need control over the behavior of closing all menus when the mouse leaves them. There should be a variable that if set to true, closes all open menus if the mouse is out of any menu after 1 second. If set to false, all open menus will remain open, even if the mouse is out of any menu....

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    50 nabídky

    ...the project requirements. I have strong proficiency in Angular and Material Design, which ensures that I can develop responsive and visually appealing user interfaces. In my previous projects, I have successfully implemented complex navigation systems and modals, optimizing them for both performance and usability. One of my recent accomplishments includes building a highly customizable navigation menu and modal system for SchoolERP, which improved user interaction and navigation efficiency. I am skilled at debugging and troubleshooting issues efficiently, ensuring that the project progresses smoothly without delays. Beyond technical skills, I am passionate about creating user-friendly applications that provide a seamless experience. I see this project as an exciting opportunity...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky
    Update website layout
    6 dní left

    I'm looking to modernize my entire business website, navigation menu and content layout. The desired style for the updates should be professional and clean, simplistic and user friendly. I have a lot of subdomains and articles which need to be converted to the new design and gutenberg blocks. I am looking to redo the whole site. The entire project budget is not decided yet, but depending on the consultants hour fee and how long it will take to complete the task is something we will discuss. My current website is: We are currently providing training regarding CPR and first aid as well as Fire safety training. - The website is currently using wordpress and I want the layout to be built using Gutenberg block builder together with the addon Kadence blocks. - I do

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    300 nabídky

    ...a link to the enrollment page. If you have a form plugin installed (like WPForms), use the Form widget to create a registration form. 9. Footer Section Include important links, such as contact information, social media profiles, privacy policy, and terms of service. Add the school’s address and contact info. Steps: Go to Appearance > Widgets and add relevant widgets like Text, Social Icons, Nav Menu, or Contact Info. Step 4: Customize the Design 1. Typography & Colors Choose school-friendly fonts such as serif for headings and sans-serif for body text. Keep the typography professional but modern. Use the Global Settings in Elementor to define the global font styles and colors for consistency across the site. 2. Spacing & Alignment Ensure proper padding and margi...

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Průměr. nabídka
    30 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled app developer to create a user-friendly platform for home chefs to sell their culinary creations and food enthusiasts to purchase them. Key Features: - Chef Registration & Profile Setup: The app should allow chefs to register, create profiles, and set up their menus and p...attract potential buyers and showcase the chefs' culinary skills. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in app development - Familiarity with e-commerce and food delivery platforms - UI/UX design skills to create an engaging and intuitive interface - Knowledge of secure payment integration - Ability to implement a rating and review system Please note, the chef's profile will primarily include their menu and pricing. A captivating and visually appealing app is crucial for...

    €371 Average bid
    €371 Průměr. nabídka
    229 nabídky

    Need a WordPress site with the following features The home page should show similar to a blog showing e-books and/or post. (will show a sample site of how it should look) Ensure the layout is responsive and visually appealing. The nav menu should be able to be edited from WP. Under Store menu, there will be a dropdown with the following: - Subscribe - Issues The subscription page: (subscriptions are for 1yr) - Needs option for buyer to select if they are either an individual or institution/company - Needs option to purchase either a Print/Digital or Both. - Needs option for auto-renewal The Issues page: - Should show covers with mouse over of a basic description. User Account Management: Subscribers should be able to manage their accounts, subscriptions, and payment d...

    €386 Average bid
    €386 Průměr. nabídka
    421 nabídky

    I'm looking for a modern-style menu for my Asian food cart. The menu should include a variety of appetizers and main courses. Ideal Skills: - Menu Design - Culinary Knowledge (specifically Asian cuisine) - Graphic Design (for a modern aesthetic) Experience in designing food cart menus or similar would be highly beneficial. Please provide samples of your previous work if possible.

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky

    I'm in need of a skilled MERN stack developer for some maintenance on my website. The job involves full stack development, specifically: - Maintaining and enhancing the frontend/UI and backend/server - Working with the database for optimal performance Additionally, I require the developer to add a small section to the site. This new section will predominantly feature: - Add one to Menu bar - Interacting with express backend to get data Ideal candidates should have: - Proficient knowledge and experience with the MERN stack - Strong skills in full stack development - Prior experience in creating and maintaining websites - Excellent understanding of database management - Capable of integrating text and images in a visually appealing way. Please bid only if you meet these qu...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Průměr. nabídka
    101 nabídky
    Modern Food Menu Design
    5 dní left

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create a modern, vibrant food menu for me. The designer should be able to incorporate images of the dishes and descriptions of each dish in an appealing and engaging way. Key requirements: - Proficient in modern design aesthetics - Experience in food menu design - Ability to create engaging visual content - Good understanding of layout and typography The ideal candidate will have a portfolio that showcases their modern design style and their ability to create visually appealing, user-friendly menus.

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Průměr. nabídka
    78 nabídky messages. 2. Add Buttons to Tags • Create custom buttons related to tagging or categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forw...

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    I'm seeking a designer to craft a modern, professional menu for my Middle Eastern restaurant. Key Requirements: - Design a menu that is modern and sleek, yet suitable for a Middle Eastern cuisine establishment. - Include dish names and descriptions. - Incorporate prices in a clear and appealing manner.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Průměr. nabídka
    151 nabídky

    I'm looking for a designer to create a menu card for my two cloud kitchen brands, both of which cater to different cuisines. One brand serves North Indian food, while the other specializes in dumplings. Key Requirements: - Design Style: The menus should reflect a minimalist aesthetic, keeping the design clean and uncluttered. - Cuisine Representation: The designer should be able to visually represent the different cuisines in a subtle, yet effective way. - Format: The final design needs to be suited for print. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in minimalist design - Experience in food menu design - Good understanding of representing different cuisines visually - Proficient in designing for print

    €51 Average bid
    €51 Průměr. nabídka
    99 nabídky

    I'm looking for a professional designer who can create a traditional-style, multi-page booklet for my restaurant menu. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing restaurant menus - Strong understanding of traditional design styles - Ability to create engaging, easy-to-read multi-page layouts Please provide examples of previous work that align with this project.

    €63 Average bid
    €63 Průměr. nabídka
    184 nabídky

    I need an experienced HTML, CSS and Bootstrap designer along with a skilled PHP developer to help update my existing website. The task primarily focuses on design/UI modifications. Specific areas of focus include: - Homepage - Navigation menu - Footer Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design and development, with particular expertise in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and PHP. The goal is to enhance the overall design and user interface of the site.

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Průměr. nabídka
    78 nabídky

    ...into the WP template. Create a new template with name Create a new page with title “Homepage” and assign template to this page. This page should also be marked as your frontpage. Please create a theme settings page (without using any plugin). Theme settings should include the following- Image Upload for Logo Phone Number Address Information Fax Number Social Media Links Menu should be created within WordPress You can use Contact Form 7 for the form Page content should be manageable within Wordpress. How to submit test: Please make sure you’ve followed the above instructions before submitting your skills test. Please follow instructions below to submit: Export the database in sql format Create a single Zip file of your WordPress site (please include DB file in...

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Průměr. nabídka
    130 nabídky