Buy source code flash gamepráce
Dobrý den, potřebuji ze stránky na binance vyextrahovat obchodovaný symbol, cenu, směr nákupu (buy long/short, close long/short) a zaslat přes API zprávu do binance na vytvoření objednávky, která bude vypadat dle github binance následovně: order = client.futures_create_order( symbol=symbol, side=side, type='MARKET', quantity=quantity, positionSide=positionside, closePosition=close kde symbol = pár (např. SOLUSDT); side = BUY nebo CLOSE; quantity = aby byla hodnota 120 USD, tzn. je nutné vypočítat dle přečtené ceny na stránce; positionSide: LONG nebo SHORT. Vize je, že chci kontrolova...
In order to understand the real e...would like to scrape the real estate listings from a website (). The website has ~5000 listings of apartments for rent, and ~7000 listings of apartments to buy. Goal is to scrape all the listings including its details, categorized correctly in Excel, to enable comparison of apartments by their size, condition, location within the city, etc. The website is in Czech language and I will happily translate anything you need. It is a one-time scraping, but please consider also the option of continuous scraping. The web scraping could potentially be expanded to other cities (within the same real estate website) Apartments to buy: Apartments to rent:
Zdravím, chtěl bych vytvořit jednoduchý koncept hry pro android (poběží na smartphonu) s Augmented reality / mixed reality, která by používala externí kameru. Jednoduchou hru myslím něco na způsob plošinovky známé z nejstarších her. Jde mi o to skloubit to s tou externí kamerou a AR, rozjet ideálně na UE nebo unity, záleží co půjde lépe s tou externí kamerou a jedním, resp dvěma markery. Více bych doplnil později. Jak jste na tom s dostupností do budoucna? Moc díky za Váš čas a odpověď Vojta M
For planned family beach resort I need new website. Expected design and scope as (I will buy this WP Theme). I need the installation and functional setup from you (working menus, each page type in one working example) then I will fill in the content myself, I will clone the pages myself to publish more rooms, more articles, etc. Content - I will transfer from my old website - all content from here must be available in new design and I need to add room booking based on WooCommerce as available in the Theme. I am not in hurry, but I need to keep the cost low and good final quality. So, pls review my above requirements and verify your bid. Pro pripravovany projekt maleho pensionu jsem zvolil WP theme Bellevue Hotel, ktery
...projekt je promyšlený a co nám schází je poslední nadšenec do našeho týmu, který s námi bude tento projekt vyvíjet. Pokud ti něco říká programování a tvorba komplexní webové aplikace (předpokládané technologie - React, JavaEE, Spring, REST), máš kladný vztah ke sportu a jsi nadšenec, který se chce zakousnout do zajímavého projektu, máš s námi možnost vybudovat sportovní platformu, která bude pravým GAME CHANGEREM nejen v ČR. Tohle není jedna z těch nabídek, za kterou dostaneš během měsíce zaplaceno pár desíte...
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Hra CityLine je zcela novým simulátorem, jehož nápad se u nás zrodil před cca půl rokem. Bude se jednat o simulátor městské hromadné dopravy v českém prostředí. Počáteční vývoj bude směřovaný hlavně k tramvajím, jelikož je jejich vývoj o něco jednodušší a méně nákladný. Postupně však přibudou i zbylé dvě trakce(autobus a trolejbus). Prostředí ve hře bude tvořeno podle města Brna a přilehlých Modřic(jelikož tramvaje zajíždí až tam). Do hry se rozhodně přidají po vydání i jiné města, ale na to je samozřejmě ještě brzy. Projekt leží momentálně "na pap&ia...
Jedná se o úpravu na míru Open Source produktu Dolibarr ERP and CRM () pro potřeby střední firmy
Mám 2 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.
Mám 3 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.
Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přistání, firemní stránky pro podnikání. propagace SEO, reklamní služby AdWords. Provádíme revizi služby a modifikaci stáva...další. Mám zkušenost s: JavaScript, HTML 5. СSS jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: znalost ...
...teambuildingovou hru do tabletů a mobilních telefonů. Hra bude založená na následujícím principu: 1. navštívení přesného místa - pozice tzv. "game point" 2. game pointy budou vyznačené viditelně a přehledně na celkové mapě 3. aplikace by měla podle GPS poznat kde se právě klient nachází 4. pořadí game pointů si klient bude volit z mapy sám - podle vlastní preference 5. každý game point bude mít různou bodovou hodnotu 6. na každém game pointu bude nějaký úkol (např. kolik soch je na mostě? nebo vyfoťte fontánu a odešlete fotografii, fotografie se odešle aut...
I want few methods from objective c to java to be translated.
Popis zadání úkolu je v příloze emailu. Důležité: navrhněte jednu cenu za vytvoření daného úkolu, která bude konečná, není možné cenu dodatečně navyšovat. Uveďte i reáldou dobu dokončení projektu. Úkol: Vytvořit 2 webové stránky, která bude založená na open source řešení s vlastnostmi, které jsou popsané níže Před zadáním úkolu ve zprávě navrhněte jaké open source řešení byste pro vytvoření webové stránky použili a proč. Více v příloze
Streamování videa z webkamery - flash (rtmp) na server red5/wowza ke klientům (flash, html5). Přenos dat z webu pomocí do node.js.
Potřebuji SW, který na podkladě zadání dotiskne obsah (texty z databáze, obrázky, popřípadě i vektory) na etiketu viz. fotografie v příloze. Mělo by to fungovat tak, že vyberu zákazníka, odrůdu vína, ročník a případně číslo šarže, zadám množství a dám tisk. Data se načtou dle zadání z databáze, vzhled určí uložená šablona. Texty z databáze bude možné editovat. Podle mne by něco takového zvládla webová Flash aplikace, ale možná existuje lepší způsob.
Vytvořit 5 různých webových řešení založených na open source – webové stránky, členské stránky a web pro online kurzy. Kompletní popis projektu je v příloze. Před udělením projektu navrhněte, jak byste daný projekt řešili v jakých open source platformách.
Podrobný popis úkolu je uveden v příloze. Před udělení projektu: Navrhněte, který open source redakční systém hodláte použít pro daný úkol. Vytvořit jednoduché webové stránky založené na open source redakčním systému. Stejný model formy jednoduchých webových stránek na open source redakčním systému se použije na více domén, tedy více webových stránek. – Takže úkolem je tento model open source redakční systém nahrát na webhosting/server a přiřadit k příslušné doméně – webhosting a domény již...
Mám průběžnou práci vztahující se k dřívějšímu projektuTetris + memory game'
Mám průběžnou práci vztahující se k dřívějšímu projektuFlash Banners'
I am looking for a Roblox dev that can help create a PvP shooter. My grandson wants to have a Roblox game made and since my job is to spoil him I told him I would see what I can do. Here are some things I hope will help you decide if you want to tackle this project. Game related -Players must be able to change ALL key binds. -Looking for standard gameplay modes like TDM, Zone Control, FFA, flag capture etc. -We want non-static spawns so there is no or reduced spawn killing and no spawn flips. -Heavy rag doll affects/effects for explosive kills. -We have 10 maps that my grandson has chosen. We have modified most of them. Since they have been modified by a 62 year old and a 9 year you’re gonna likely need to fix them……….a lot. -We are thi...
I'm seeking an expert to develop a Trade Manager for CTrader, focusing on automated trading strategies. There will be 2 different ways to execute trades With buy or sell buttons on the chart With coloured trendlines eg. Green for buy and Red for sell Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement an automated trading system based on trend following strategies. - Use price action as the primary trading indicator. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have exceptional understanding of trend following techniques. - Be proficient in CTrader and its programming language. - Have experience in developing automated trade managers. Attached are detailed user inputs with their variable settings To work with CTrader Desktop
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I'm looking for an experienced casual game developer to create a PWA (Progressive Web App). The game should encompass various casual game types such as Minesweeper, Scratch lottery, and a Puzzle game. The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in casual game development - Deep understanding of web and app development standards - Ability to incorporate additional features such as: - A tournament game progress method - An advertisement click and viewing reward system - A crawling function - Experience with implementing PWA standards Bidder participants must have casual game development experience. Only developers who can use a translator are encouraged to bid.
...hexagon tiles with numbers that will be used for an educational game targeted towards high school students. The tiles will have the following specifications: - Purpose: The hexagon tiles are intended for use in an educational context. They will be used to facilitate learning in a fun and engaging way. - Age Group: The design should be suitable for high school students, so it should be challenging yet accessible for this age group. - Subject: While the tiles can be used for various subjects, the primary focus will be on technology. The tiles should be designed with this in mind, potentially incorporating elements that would be relevant to this field. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in educational design, game design, and an understanding of high s...
There is someone who translates from English into German, but who is also a chess fan. I need to translate content into German, but the translator must have seen chess content (YouTube videos, books) so that he/she knows how to use the game specific terminology well. I ask to pay 1$ per 100 words and I have enough content to translate every week. do questionnaire. At th eend of the questionnaire the AI must show a report baed on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must ch...
There is a repository on github that contains the Whaticket code with some modifications. This code includes a connection to Facebook, Instagram and has a native integrated flowbuild. I am having a lot of difficulty installing it on my Hetzner VPS server. I need a programmer who can get the repository and get it running perfectly. If someone already has another more complete Whaticket code with more features, we can negotiate.
I'm looking for a talented developer to code a NSFW visual novel game with RPG elements on either Ren’py or Unity. It needs to be compatible with both PC and Mobile. We already have people working on the art. Given the nature of the game, a strong understanding and sensitivity towards NSFW content is essential. We already got the full idea for the game but we are opened to any changes for a better and smooth development progress. We are planning to start with small playable version and keep working on updating the game little by little. If you don’t have a problem with NSFW art and are a OP fan this project could interest you. We speak English and Spanish. Please include examples of relevant past work in your bid.
Training from scratch, fully remote. Part-time work is possible. Good day to everyone! I am looking for a video editor, specifically a reaction video editor using the game Gacha Club. Let me note right away that a lot of watched titles and knowledge of fandoms are required, so anime fans, this is the best job for you (plus it's remote)! I would also like to emphasize - this is a creative job, a high level of empathy is necessary (so that you can immerse yourself in the character's role) as well as patience. You will need a lot of it during the initial training period. If you haven't watched anime or have only seen a couple of top titles, please do not apply! I prefer young people aged 16 and older. To understand what kind of videos you will be making, you...
I'm looking for a skilled game developer to create a multiplayer gaming app for Android. The app should be similar to Aviator, an engaging and thrilling game. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android game development. - Experienced in creating multiplayer features. - Understanding of game mechanics similar to Aviator. And Colour prediction game - Ability to design engaging, user-friendly interfaces. Please include any relevant examples of your previous work in your bid.
I'm seeking a seasoned game developer to construct a tailored gaming server from scratch. The server needs to incorporate specific elements such as artifacts, anomalies, mutants, and dungeons. Key Requirements: - Proficient with Custom Engine for game development. - Implement crafting as a core game mechanic. - Integrate energy-based artifacts within the game. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in designing and developing game servers. - Profound understanding of crafting systems in games. - Creative skills to design various energy-based artifacts.
I'm looking for a seasoned game developer to help me turn a unique card game into a multiplayer mobile game for iOS and Android. This project entails: - Creating a visually appealing game with a moderately detailed design level. - Implementing social features like friend lists, in-game chat and leaderboards. - Incorporating banner ads with an option for users to go ad-free. - Create a comprehensive tutorial and onboarding process to help new players get started. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in mobile game development, particularly with card games, and a strong understanding of social features in gaming. A portfolio showcasing visually appealing games will be highly advantageous. Experience with ad integration is a must. ...
I'm seeking a skilled Android app developer to create a multiplayer crash battles Aviator-themed gaming app with unique cashino features. Key Requi...gaming app with unique cashino features. Key Requirements: - The app should encompass typical cashino elements. - Implement a comprehensive control panel for game settings. - Integrate a wallet system for balance uploads; this will require UPI PHONEPE payment gateway integration. - The core gameplay revolves around multiplayer crash battles, so experience in developing competitive multiplayer games is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development. - Prior experience with gaming app development. - Knowledge of cashino app features. - Familiarity with UPI PHONEPE integration. - Strong understanding of multiplayer ...
I'm in need of a skilled 3D artist to create and rig a series of realistic, human and animal characters for my game. The rigging should be comprehensive, covering every element down to clothing and accessories.
I am seeking talented designers and HTML developers for an upcoming project. The specific design and HTML development tasks will be determined based on your expertise and portfolio. Please Note - You do not need to create any website. You will need to create widgets that are parts of any website. You can choose any 5 of the below widgets/sections and create 5 options each. You can take inspiration from any visually appealing website. You need to submit your bid with the widget categories that you would like to work on. We will hire multiple designers and our budget is Rs 5000 each hire. 1. Header – Logo, navigation menu, contact details, search bar 2. Navigation Menu 3. Hero Section – Large banner with an eye-catching message, CTA (Call to Action) 4. Sliders 5. Article Sect...
...HIPAA and PCCIS, would also be beneficial. The ability to create engaging, gamified content is essential. Required skills: Virtual Reality Development (VR) – Expertise in developing interactive VR environments using Unity or Unreal Engine. Cybersecurity Awareness Training – Experience in designing cybersecurity training simulations, especially for healthcare compliance (HIPAA, PCCIS, NIST, etc.). Game Design & Gamification – Ability to create engaging, scenario-based learning experiences with interactive storytelling and gamification elements. 3D Modeling & Animation – Skilled in creating realistic hospital environments, avatars, and medical devices for immersive experiences. LMS Integration & VR Simulation – Knowledge of integrating VR-...
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...a Pine Script expert to create an indicator for TradingView. This indicator's main job is to identify buy and sell signals specifically in a trending market. Key Requirements: - The strategy should be momentum-based, capturing the strength of trends to signal potential buying or selling opportunities. - Experience with Pine Script and TradingView is crucial. - Prior work on similar projects will be highly regarded. - Understanding of market trends and momentum trading strategies is necessary. - Incorporate alert notifications for buy and sell signals through TradingView's alert system. - The indicator should support customizable parameters to allow users to adjust the sensitivity of buy and sell signals. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Pine Scri...
...who can create a 10-second animation of a two-sided strip of paper. On one of the sides of the strip of paper is written PERSPECTIVE 1 written in red. On the other side is written the PERSPECTIVE 2 written in blue. Then the animation displays the strip of paper twisting once into a Möbius strip. just before the the two opposing sides of the strip of paper join to become this one Mobious strip, a flash of light displays in the space between them. When the opposing side's ends connect, the light disappears, and the words that were once PERSPECTIVE 1 in red and PERSPECTIVE 2 in blue, now read JOINED PERSPECTIVES in purple. The video then displays the animiation of the Mobious strip being turned to reveal all of the sides of the strip to clearly show that the original 2 si...