Binance stop loss and take profit at the same timepráce


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2,000 binance stop loss and take profit at the same time Nalezené pracovní možnosti

Dobrý den, potřebuji ze stránky na binance vyextrahovat obchodovaný symbol, cenu, směr nákupu (buy long/short, close long/short) a zaslat přes API zprávu do binance na vytvoření objednávky, která bude vypadat dle github binance následovně: order = client.futures_create_order( symbol=symbol, side=side, type='MARKET', quantity=quantity, positionSide=positionside, closePosition=close kde symbol = pár (např. SOLUSDT); side = BUY nebo CLOSE; quantity = aby byla hodnota 120 USD, tzn. je nutné vypočítat dle přečtené ceny na stránce; positionSide: LONG nebo SHORT. Vize je, že chci kon...

€194 Average bid
€194 Průměr. nabídka
11 nabídky

Dobrý den, potřebuju vytvořit webovou aplikaci na copy trading na Binance. To znamená, že se automaticky budou otvírat a zavírat obchody přesně podle tradera kterého vyberu. Bot by měl fungovat tak, že se člověk zaregistruje do webové aplikace. Po přihlášení vloží API a API key ze svého Binance účtu, a nakonec vloží UID tradera, kterého chce kopírovat. Dále si bude si moct vybrat jak velký sizing bude chtít a jak velkou leverage používat. To znamená, že když trader, kterého kopíruje otevře trade v hodnotě 100 000 a on tam má nastaveno aby se vždy otevřelo například 10% z jeho size tak jemu se otevře trade v...

€3971 Average bid
€3971 Průměr. nabídka
18 nabídky

Hello everyone, we are an artificial intelligence company, in order to develop software, we want to recruit hundreds of Czechs to record Czech audio for us,We need to record 1050 sentences, each sentence is 2-8 seconds,and the pass rate must reach 96.5%. without violating any of your privacy. If you are interested in helping us record the audio, please contact me! Note: Those who have participated in the startask app recording cannot participate in this job. Ahoj všichni, jsme společnost zabývající se umělou inteligencí, abychom mohli vyvíjet software, chceme naverbovat stovky Čechů, aby nám nahráli český zvuk, Potřebujeme nahrát 1050 vět, každá věta má 2-8 sekund, trvá t...

€22 Average bid
€22 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

ASAP Hledáme grafika - freelancera - pro pomoc s přípravou nové webstránky (takové produktové microsite). Web bude celý vytvořený ve Squarespace, šablona už je vybrána a naplněna strukturou i nefinálním obsahem. Teď potřebujeme id...nefinálním obsahem. Teď potřebujeme ideálně někoho, kdo by do téhle šablony uměl co nejsamostatněji našroubovat naši identitu (skrz obrázky, infografiky, formátování textů a další grafické elementy). Představovali bychom si to ideálně tak, že by naše nová externí posila dostala přístup do šablony, k tomu naše brand guidelines a obs...

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

...require and are looking for a freelacer who is able to communicate on a regular daily basis. We are looking for someone who has extensive experience in copywriting, where it is possible to document previous assignments and work. The required respondent should be able to 100% complete the set dates and form of assignment. We require 1x preliminary revision of the work and 3x total revision of the completed work. About us: We are an advertising agency together with a video and graphic studio, which focuses on medium and large companies. Form of audit and brochure: Technically describe how a particular industry works, list the subcategories that may be audited for the proper functioning of the...

€139 Average bid
€139 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

3 Years Experience in premire pro....

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

A poem Předmluva autora ...a jak živě to mám stále před sebou. Author's foreword This book gets into the hands of you, dear readers, thanks to the three Marys. The first was my mother. It was for her pleasure and consolation that I wrote Údolí and Uncle František. I was inspired to the Valley by the memory of a "black watch" with her sitting in a dark room with me, a child, and I encouraged her again and again to tell me about once walking with her mother through the Silent Eagle Valley and then through the tunnel to Willingly at the station where her dad worked, and how the train once ran, and how terribly afraid it was t...

€237 Average bid
€237 Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky

Who is the Czech who can help me translate the language from English into Czech?Kdo je dáma, která mi může pomoci přeložit jazyk z angličtiny do češtiny?

€116 Average bid
€116 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky
Build a website
Ukončeno left

need a non profit website created

€34 Average bid
€34 Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

Create a high-definition PSD template based on a predefined design and encode it into HTML and CSS. REQUEST A VALID CODE!

€36 Average bid
€36 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky

Looking a person with excellent knowledge of the English language (EN - native language) . Original text is in Russian, which text is translated. Need to edit texts in english language. Offer about 100$.

€89 Average bid
€89 Průměr. nabídka
11 nabídky

Blognames: 1. HeyImVictor 12. HowToSurviveTomorrow 13. FreeSpinSiteReviewer

€372 Average bid
€372 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Hledáme účetní na 2 dny v týdnu v Karlíně na DPP s min 3 letou praxi. Znalost AJ.

€235 - €706
€235 - €706
0 nabídky

Potřebujeme vytvořit pro naše malé radio online player pro systémy Android a iOS. Potřebné feedy poskytneme. Po grafické stránce nejsme nároční. Funkce: - Play, Stop - Právě hraje "hudba" - právě hraje "DJ" - Historie

€279 Average bid
€279 Průměr. nabídka
4 nabídky

Hledáme vývojáře který je schopný vytvořit android aplikaci která bude umět : Krokoměr, automatickou inicializaci (kolo,běh,chůze,auto), počítání kalorií daného uživatele, všechny hodnoty bude vracet v grafické podobě. Možnost počítání formou start a stop na začátku a konci jakékoliv aktivity viz. Výše (běh,kolo). Skica : -login (zatím jen staticky později se nápoji na server) - dashboard steps - grafy aktivit - možnost Play a stop (manuální měření)

€172 Average bid
€172 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Hledám freelancera, který udělá aplikaci odesílající GPS souřadnice. Aplikace se bude do budoucna rozšiřovat, takže n...stránky) -> Dashboard s ikonama (Zatím zde bude pouze sledování polohy) -> Při odchodu z aplikace musí posílat data na pozadí. Pokud ji uživatel nevypne v menu aplikace. Ve sledování polohy: -> Tlačítko začít sledovat X Ukoncit sledování -> Odesílá data na server pomocí get požadavku. Při zapnutí sledování odesílá navíc parametr start. Při ukončení sledování či ukončení aplikace zasílá parametr stop. Ap...

€784 Average bid
€784 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky
The Gravy Train
Ukončeno left

The Gravy Train

€34 Average bid
€34 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
Amazon wholesale
6 dní left

Products research low competition and high profit. Authentic Product wholesalers or distributors. Selling approval.

€380 Average bid
€380 Průměr. nabídka
23 nabídky

I am in need of a ...that primarily serves to monitor traffic conditions at an airport and vertiport. This interface should be capable of displaying real-time data for both air traffic and ground vehicle traffic. Key Project Requirements: - The HMI should be web-based, making it accessible from various devices and platforms. - It needs to integrate and display real-time updates on air traffic and ground vehicle traffic. - The interface should be user-friendly, facilitating easy navigation and interpretation of data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in HMI and web development. - Prior experience in developing traffic monitoring systems is a plus. - Excellent understanding of real-time...

€530 Average bid
€530 Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky
Business Projection for New Franchise
23 hodiny left

I'm seeking a financial expert to create a comprehensive business projection for a brand new industry franchise in British Columbia, Canada. This pr... This projection will primarily be used for investment proposals. Key Focus Areas: - Revenue Estimates: Anticipating future earnings based on various scenarios and market conditions. - Expense Forecasts: Predicting future costs and identifying potential financial challenges. - Profitability Analysis: Assessing the potential for profit and return on investment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in financial planning and analysis. - Proven experience in creating business projections for franchise businesses. - Familiarity with the Canadian market, particularly Britis...

€141 Average bid
Neodkladné DOM
€141 Průměr. nabídka
23 nabídky

...experienced crypto trading bot developer to set up and optimize GoodcryptoX for market-making on PancakeSwap (Binance Smart Chain). The bot must be configured to manage structured buy/sell orders, create automated trading volume, and optimize fees for liquidity growth. Responsibilities: ✅ Install and configure GoodcryptoX for TRUMPX on PancakeSwap. ✅ Set up buy orders at $0.03 and structured sell orders up to $10.00 (to support price appreciation). ✅ Ensure 50-100 automated trades per day to increase volume and visibility on CoinGecko, DexTools, etc. ✅ Optimize trading settings to reduce gas fees and avoid detection as a bot. ✅ Enable sniper mode to attract early buyers and increase market activity. ✅ Provide a simpl...

€458 Average bid
€458 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

More details: Which part of the activation process are you looking to bypass? Both parts What type of solution are you looking for? Software modification / firmware Do you have access to the source code of the FutureRip software? No

€128 Average bid
€128 Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky

...organization that primarily focuses on community engagement. The site should prominently display our company history and mission, and include the following specific features: - Discussion forums: This will allow our community members to engage in conversation, share ideas and connect with each other. - Event calendars: We want our community to be informed about upcoming events and activities. - Volunteer sign-up forms: This feature will enable interested individuals to easily sign up for volunteer opportunities. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in creating community-focused websites, with a strong understanding of how to integrate interactive elements such as forums and calendars. A background in non-...

€269 Average bid
€269 Průměr. nabídka
20 nabídky

...developer with proficiency in Kotlin and hands-on experience integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) into mobile applications. The primary focus will be on implementing chatbot functionality and text analytics within the app. Key Responsibilities: Develop and integrate NLP-powered chatbots into the app. Implement text analytics for enhanced user interaction. Ensure multilingual support for chatbot functionalities. Ideal Candidate: Strong expertise in Kotlin and Android development. Proven experience in NLP implementation within mobile apps. Background in chatbot development and text analytics. Experience working with multilingual applications. This is a long-term opportunity, and compensation will be discussed based o...

€34 / hr Average bid
€34 / hr Průměr. nabídka
33 nabídky

...real-time stock prices from the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), specifically from the equity segment. The scraper should be built using Python and integrate with MySQL for data storage, Flask for web serving, and HTML for the front-end interface. All necessary libraries should be utilized. Key Requirements: - Real-time data fetching: The scraper should continuously monitor and fetch stock prices in real-time. - Use of Python, MySQL, Flask and HTML: The scraper should be built using these technologies, showcasing fluency and expertise. - Data storage: Stock prices should be efficiently stored in MySQL for potential future analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python and web scraping ...

€9 Average bid
€9 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

I am seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create an iOS and Android app aimed at assisting blind individuals in locating household items. I already have a Python version of this app, and this project will require the implementation of object and speech recognition into the mobile platforms. Key Requirements: - Replication of the existing Python version into a mobile app - Implementation of object recognition for various household items - Integration of voice recognition technology to enable the app to respond to user commands - Ensuring the app is user-friendly for those with visual impairments The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in mobile app development for both iOS and...

€34 / hr Average bid
€34 / hr Průměr. nabídka
53 nabídky

I'm seeking a creative profe...professional to help develop a fun and playful kids' drink called Time Machine. This drink should appeal to children, capturing the essence of adventure and imagination. Key Responsibilities: - Conceptualize a drink that embodies the theme of time travel in a fun and engaging way. - Develop a minimalist yet playful packaging design that stands out and appeals to both kids and parents. - Create a range of fruity flavors for the drink, appealing to children's taste buds. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in beverage development, particularly for the kids' market. - Strong creative skills, with a portfolio showcasing fun, playful designs. - Understanding of minimalist ...

€10 Average bid
69 příspěvky

...please read the note and read entire description carefully and while write your bid explain what you understand, auto bid/without reading bidder will be mark as spam and rejected immediately.. Ita a long term project and need to work with multiple same category website, that means all website task/requirements will be the same. Note : Must work remotely by AnyDesk to the selected pc. Don't apply or bid on the project if you cant do. I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer who can assist me with theme customization on a selected PC via AnyDesk. The project entails: - Layout and design alterations to an existing theme - Adding new features to the theme - Connecting and configu...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky
€7 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...brand, The Devotion Method. The design should embody an elegant style, using neutral colors to reflect the brand's high-end, soft aesthetic. Key Elements: - The logo can incorporate the brand's initials, possibly in the form of a monogram. - I'm open to other design elements, but they should align with an overall elegant style. - Minimalist and modern touches can be included, as long as they don't detract from the main elegance of the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in designing high-end, luxury brand logos is a plus. - Strong skills in minimalist and elegant design. - Ability to creatively incorporate monograms and other design elements. - Proficiency in...

€45 Average bid
€45 Průměr. nabídka
77 nabídky

I seek a growth hacker. My app 10 Kudos is made to share useful contacts among friends: I suggest my babysitter, you suggest your vet, and at the end we have a kind of community yellow pages, a list of the favorite providers of your friends. I think it can be useful, but now I have no idea how to spread it. I'm not seeking a marketing agency who will spend zillions on ads, I'm seeking a strategist who can teach me how to spread the app so that the people find it useful, and ideally have the users themselves bring their friends to the app.

€8146 Average bid
€8146 Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky KiCad (or Eagle) based on the provided schematic (hand drawing). The design should incorporate a range of features and components, as outlined below: - XIAO-ESP32-C6 module from SeedStudio (only pinhead for it) - SIM800L module (pinhead for it + additional capacitors) - RS485 communication on the MAX3486 (IC + dicrete parts round) - 2x MT3608 step-up (IC + dicrete parts round) - LM2596 step-down (IC + dicrete parts round) - one 5mm pitch 4-pin connector for RS485 - one 2mm pitch 4-pin connector for I2C - one 5mm pitch 2-pin connector for battery Please take look at the attached photo of the 'proof-of-concept' design made on development board. The result should be the full documentation of KiCad files b...

€120 Average bid
€120 Průměr. nabídka
40 nabídky farming facility and want to use Odoo Enterprise as our central platform to digitize our business processes. We are looking for an experienced Odoo developer or a development team to customize Odoo according to our specific requirements. Project Scope: 1. Website with Integrated Webshop & App – Company presentation, blog, fish species & nutrition, contact forms, online sales of fish products 2. Accounting – Financial management, invoicing, cost control 3. Fish Farming Management – Management of fish stocks, water parameters, feeding, cleaning, employee work hours 4. Mobile App for Employees – Mobile data entry (feeding, cleaning, work hours) ________________________________________ 1. Website with Integrated Webshop & App The websit...

€2178 Average bid
€2178 Průměr. nabídka
68 nabídky

I need a comprehensive financial forecast plan for a new online service business. This plan should cover all critical aspects including: Profit and Loss, Cash Balance, Cash Flows, Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA), etc. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a solid background in finance, particularly in creating business forecasts.

€56 Average bid
€56 Průměr. nabídka
32 nabídky

...looking for highly skilled and insanely creative video editors who can transform my 1-2 minute phone-shot videos into engaging, viral-worthy content for Instagram Reels & YouTube Shorts. If you’re passionate about high-quality, visually stunning editing and want a gig that rewards creativity and performance, this is for you! ? What You’ll Be Doing: ✅ Trim & Cut Smartly – Keep videos fast-paced and engaging to boost retention. ✅ Add Animations & Motion Graphics – Use memes, overlays, and dynamic effects to enhance storytelling. ✅ Layered Editing – Multi-layer visuals, smooth transitions, and text effects that stand out. ✅ AI-Powered Enhancements – Use AI tools to: Ensure I’m looking at...

€27 / hr Average bid
€27 / hr Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky

I'm developing an action-packed game where players embody "The Gadget Guru", a genius inventor and tech hero. The game revolves around mixed combat, intertwining both melee and ranged combat styles, as players navigate through a variety of environments, from urban landscapes to natural terrains. Key Features: - Combat: The primary focus of the game is action and combat. Players will need to outsmart enemies using a range of innovative gadgets. - Puzzle-solving: Players will also face intricate puzzles which need to be solved in order to progress. - Diverse Environments: The game will take players through different settings, primarily urban landscapes and natural terrains. Ideal skills and experie...

€889 Average bid
€889 Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

I am looking for a full-time video editor to help with my YouTube production. The content primarily consists of kids' jingles and short stories, and both types of videos will need editing equally. Key Responsibilities: - Edit both jingles and short stories, ensuring they are engaging for a young audience. - Implement simple cuts and transitions to maintain pace and flow. - Utilize animated effects and graphics to enhance visual appeal. - Integrate sound design and music to create a polished final product. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - You can definitely use AI tools. it is a plus and we will give high preference if you know how to use AI to...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky

I'm a disciplined remote worker seeking to enhance my efficiency with time management tools, specifically focusing on task prioritization. Key Requirements: - Training on digital tools, primarily time management tools - Expertise in task prioritization techniques - Experience in a work-from-home environment Your role will be to provide tailored training that will enable me to better prioritize my tasks, ensuring I meet deadlines without compromising on quality or work-life balance. A structured approach with practical examples and exercises will be appreciated.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Průměr. nabídka
24 nabídky

My website is experiencing functionality issues, specifically with the user login and registration process. Users are receiving error messages during these processes, leading to a frustrating experience and potential loss of users. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in debugging website functionality - Experience with user authentication systems - Proficient in web development and design - Ability to deliver prompt and effective solutions to technical issues

€14 Average bid
€14 Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

I'm in search of a dedicated PHP Laravel developer to join me for a fixed 6-month duration. The developer will primarily focus on building new features and maintaining existing code for various web applications. My budget is Rs. 15000/month. Key responsibilities: - Developing new features for web applications - Maintaining and optimizing existing code This is a remote position, with work hours from 10AM to 5PM. Given my budget constraints, I am offering a limited salary with weekly payments via freelancer. Ideal candidate should possess: - At least 1 year experience with PHP Laravel - Strong skills in building and maintaining web applications - Ability to work independently without the need for daily supervision or team meetings

€245 Average bid
€245 Průměr. nabídka
24 nabídky

I'm looking for a skilled Wix developer who can enhance my website with a lead generation form tailored to collect contact information. The form should be simple yet effective, capturing the following fields: - Name - Email Address - Phone Number The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience with Wix - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies - Excellent skills in web form development. While I haven't yet decided on a chat service for integration, a good understanding of popular services like Wix Chat, LiveChat, or Tidio could be beneficial. Please include examples of your previous work with Wix websites and lead generation forms, as well as any relevant certifications you may have.

€93 Average bid
€93 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky

I have two page photo of the book. I want you to use the same font and formatting style and create word file. Deliverables 1. Word and pdf file with exactly same formatting style and fonts 2. Fonts file used in the book

€6 Average bid
44 příspěvky

Like agreed in the chat

€14 Average bid
€14 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...looking for a skilled web developer to create a fully responsive website with real-time package delivery tracking functionality. Key Features: - Package Delivery Tracking: The core functionality of the site will be tracking packages in real-time. - Responsive Design: The website needs to be compatible with all devices, not just desktop or mobile. It should have a seamless experience across all platforms. - Real-Time Updates: Users should be able to see real-time updates about their package's journey. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in creating tracking systems, especially for package delivery - Expertise in responsive design - Knowledge in implementing real-time update...

€135 Average bid
€135 Průměr. nabídka
34 nabídky

...content writer with a basic understanding of content creation, eager to grow and develop their skills. Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask ...

€74 Average bid
€74 Průměr. nabídka
43 nabídky

I'm looking for an e...experienced Pine Script programmer to debug an existing TradingView script. The script should take half the profit when the price reaches 50% of the take profit goal, however, there seems to be a discrepancy between the expected and actual results. I need this existing code to be debugged. I had a feature coded that will take half the profit when price reaches 50% of the the take profit goal. However, price is not exactly splitting 50/50 and I have to use the the settings 50/66 and then it comes close to 50/50. Its a strange anomaly. Also the halving of the profit target seems to not be what...

€164 Average bid
€164 Průměr. nabídka
19 nabídky

More details: What platforms do you want the remarketing campaigns to target? Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads What is the primary goal of your remarketing campaign? Boost sales conversions Which customer behaviors do you want to target for remarketing? Visited specific product pages, Completed a purchase, People who are searching for ADU's and Expansion in browsers

€338 Average bid
€338 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky
€13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
46 nabídky