Battle net advertisement botpráce
Hledám někoho, kdo je schopný vytvořit Jito Solana MEV bota, speciálně zaměřeného na sandwich attacky nebo frontrunning. Pokud máte zkušenosti a dovednosti v této oblasti, ozvěte se a domluvíme se na spolupráci.
Android max pro NET VPN para Celestino e aí no paydroid e
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj poloautomatizovaného systému vkládání a ověřování zdravotních dat pro naší platformu Moje Srdce. Dosavadní vývoj probíhá v .NET a Vue.js, systém běží na MS Azure, databáze MS SQL. Rozpočet na projekt je 250.000,- Kč, termín dokončení 12/2023. Děkuji, s pozdravem, Václav Durdil
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj poloautomatizovaného systému vkládání a ověřování zdravotních dat pro naší platformu Moje Srdce. Dosavadní vývoj probíhá v .NET a Vue.js, systém běží na MS Azure, databáze MS SQL. Rozpočet na projekt je 250.000,- Kč, termín dokončení 12/2023. Děkuji, s pozdravem, Václav Durdil
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
This is a product that is used for painless hair removal. I would need approximately 3 short videos that I could use as an advertisement for tiktok. The company name is Smoothy and the website name is
Dobrý den, potřebuju vytvořit webovou aplikaci na copy trading na Binance. To znamená, že se automaticky budou otvírat a zavírat obchody přesně podle tradera kterého vyberu. Bot by měl fungovat tak, že se člověk zaregistruje do webové aplikace. Po přihlášení vloží API a API key ze svého Binance účtu, a nakonec vloží UID tradera, kterého chce kopírovat. Dále si bude si moct vybrat jak velký sizing bude chtít a jak velkou leverage používat. To znamená, že když trader, kterého kopíruje otevře trade v hodnotě 100 000 a on tam má nastaveno aby se vždy otevřelo například 10% z jeho size tak jemu se otevře trade v hodnot...
Hledáme juniorního/middle/ seniorního full stack vývojáře se znalostí .Net, Angular a MS SQL na dlouhodobější spolupráci. Aplikace Dobrý Hospic () pomáhá mobilním hospicům efektivně pracovat v rámci širokého týmu a ulehčuje s tím spojenou administrativu. Do konce roku můžeme nabídnout práci v rozsahu cca 0,5 úvazku a od nového roku práci na IT podpoře této aplikace nebo případnou spolupráci na nových projektech. Aplikace je téměř hotová. Ve spolupráci s autorem aplikace je potřeba ji doladit a poté převzít do správy. We are looking for a junior / middle...
Hledáme juniorního/middle/ seniorního full stack vývojáře se znalostí .Net, Angular a MS SQL na dlouhodobější spolupráci. Aplikace Dobrý Hospic () pomáhá mobilním hospicům efektivně pracovat v rámci širokého týmu a ulehčuje s tím spojenou administrativu. Do konce roku můžeme nabídnout práci v rozsahu cca 0,5 úvazku a od nového roku práci na IT podpoře této aplikace nebo případnou spolupráci na nových projektech. Aplikace je téměř hotová. Ve spolupráci s autorem aplikace je potřeba ji doladit a poté převzít do správy.
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR
Dorogoy Rodion, ya hotel u vas uznat', net li u vas vozmozhnosti rabotat' v Germanii? Yest' vozmozhnost nanyat' vas na proekt v Münchene, gde ponadabyatsya vashy znanija IBM DataStage. Budu rad pogovorit' s vami ob etom, esli yest' vozmozhnost'. Pjotr Schulmann
Dobry den, hledam zkuseneho programatora v .NET pro dlouhodoby projekt. V pripdade zajmu mne prosim kontaktujte.
Přeji si pro svůj projekt "prodej ručně vyráběných bot" založit internetový obchod. Může být na internetové šabloně.
V současnosti máme otevřený projekt na .NET programátora pro společnost zabývající se činností v oblasti bankovnictví. Použité technologie jsou .NET 4.5, C#, WCF, Entity FW, MEF (nebo jakýkoliv další DI framework). Dále je vhodné mít dobrou znalost OO designu. Rate na Mainday je na dohodě, pohybuje se okolo 5000Kč.
Vývojář webových aplikací na platformě .NET, převážně webové aplikace ASP.NET
...vsázené itemy bude na stránce limit 50 vsazených itemů, nebo 60vteřin na každou jednu hru. 4. Od této chvíle začne odpočítávání (jako například na ) a vybere jednoho výherce. 5. Výherce bude vybrán podle procentuální pravděpodobnosti příklad : Celkem jsou vsazeny itemy za 100USD a jeden ze vsázejících vsadil za 60USD = 60% pravděpodobnost na výhru. 6. po určení výherce musí tento bot poslat opět trade offer hráči a předat mu tyto vyhrané itemy. 7. 5% z hodnoty prize poolu si však nechá jako poplatek. (či nejbližší jeden item v blížící se poměrov...
...vsázené itemy bude na stránce limit 50 vsazených itemů, nebo 60vteřin na každou jednu hru. 4. Od této chvíle začne odpočítávání (jako například na ) a vybere jednoho výherce. 5. Výherce bude vybrán podle procentuální pravděpodobnosti příklad : Celkem jsou vsazeny itemy za 100USD a jeden ze vsázejících vsadil za 60USD = 60% pravděpodobnost na výhru. 6. po určení výherce musí tento bot poslat opět trade offer hráči a předat mu tyto vyhrané itemy. 7. 5% z hodnoty prize poolu si však nechá jako poplatek. (či nejbližší jeden item v blížící se poměrov&eac...
Dobrý den, hledáme další kolegy na rozšíření našeho týmu v rámci externí/interní spolupráce. Jsme softwarová firma z Ostravy artio(dot)net / info(at)artio(dot)net a aktuálně hledáme spolupracovníky na vývoj v php nebo Java. Rádi s vámi probereme podrobnosti na chatu - máme k dispozici různé typy projektů, jak velmi dlouhodobého charakteru, tak i malé krátkodobé úkoly.
Dobrý den SigmaVisual, všiml jsem si vašeho profilu a rád bych vám nabídl svůj projekt. Podrobnosti můžeme probrat na chatu. It is a simmilat project you applied earlier
I need a straightforward user login system using...account. This project involves creating several protected pages, including a Dashboard, Users List, Device List, User Details, and Device Details. Key aspects of the project: - A simple, secure token-based authentication system. - Modern and minimalistic design for all protected pages. - Two-tier user access: Admin and Regular User. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in .NET for frontend development. - Extensive experience with MS Azure. - Proven track record in creating secure login systems. - Strong ability to design and implement various protected web pages. Please note, the login system does not require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or Single Sign-On (SSO). ***The project must be deployed on our Azur...
I'm in need of a .Net developer with a strong focus on WebSockets and WinForms. The project is centered around creating an application for real-time data communication, primarily intended for internal employees. This application will be handling customer data. Key Requirements: - Proficient in .Net, with substantial experience in WebSocket and WinForm - Proven track record in developing applications for real-time data communication - Prior experience in creating desktop applications with rich UI - Understanding of customer data handling Ideal Skills: - .Net Development - WebSocket - WinForms - Real-time Data Communication Applications - Desktop Application Development - UI Design - Customer Data Management
I'm a beginner looking to kickstart my career in software development. I need intensive training in Python, JavaScript, Java, or .NET, followed by immediate placement assistance. The ideal trainer should have strong industry connections for job placement post-training. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python, JavaScript, Java, and .NET - Extensive experience in software development - Strong industry connections for job placement - Proven track record in training beginners - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Able to provide intensive and hands-on training Your role will be to train me comprehensively and help me secure a job. The goal is to gain enough skill and knowledge to be competitive in the field of software development. Thank you.
I'm seeking a proficient developer to create an interactive live streaming application with PK battle features. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, omitting the need for a web version at this stage. Key Requirements: - Implement social media login for user authentication. The supported platforms for login include Facebook, Google, and Twitter. - The app should have the capability for short video clips, similar to popular shorts video apps. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development (iOS and Android) - Experience with live streaming application development - Social media API integration - Knowledge of PK battle game mechanics
.Net development company located in Canada and focused on the healthcare space in the US. Currently working on a product with a short timeline and need help. It is a simplified EMR (limited service lines without the need for referrals, requisition and typical lab work but spans a marketing level; a Client services level and a Provider (Doctor) level We are looking for an experienced developer. It would be all the better if you had experience in all our technologies, but we could also have you build the front end in React, and we would connect the services as needed
Looking for experienced developers to create a no-code platform where users can easily build their own AI-powered crypto agents for Telegram—with seamless Solana integration and Phantom Wallet login! Project Scope: ✅ No-code AI agent builder for Telegram automation ✅ Solana b...login! Project Scope: ✅ No-code AI agent builder for Telegram automation ✅ Solana blockchain integration for payments & transactions ✅ Phantom Wallet login for seamless Web3 onboarding ✅ Each AI agent creation costs 0.20 SOL (automated payment system) ✅ AI-powered bots for trading, alerts, community management, and automation Required Skills: ? Solana Smart Contracts (Rust, Anchor) ? Telegram Bot API & AI Automation ? No-Code / Low-Code Platform Development ? Web3 & Wallet Integration (Ph...
...Precalificación en WhatsApp Cuando un lead llega a Kommo, un bot le hace 5 preguntas para calificarlo: ¿Buscas inversión o vivienda? ¿Qué tipo de apartamento te interesa? ¿Tienes un presupuesto estimado? ¿Quieres pagar de contado o financiamiento? ¿En qué ciudad te encuentras? Si responde todas las preguntas, el bot le pregunta si quiere agendar una presentación en vivo. Si dice "Sí", se envía el link de Calendly para agendar la cita. Se configuran recordatorios automáticos por WhatsApp (4 horas, 1 hora y 5 minutos antes de la reunión). ✅ Automatización en el Pipeline de Ventas en Kommo CRM Al mover el lead de una columna a otra, se activan diferentes auto...
I'm looking for a skilled animator who can create a 3D animation of my energy drink for online marketing. The animation should be dynamic and captivating, suitable for online ad campaigns. Key Requirements: - Create an engaging and eye-catching 3D animation of my energy drink. - The animation is aimed at marketing and advertisement. - The final output should be optimized for online ads. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D animation software. - Previous experience in creating product animations for consumer goods. - Strong understanding of creating content suitable for online advertisements. connecting from Server 2, although they initially connected to Server 1. Additionally, the system should be integrated with a Telegram bot, which allows users to: Authenticate & attach a specific IP address to their login. Change their assigned IP address from a preloaded pool by clicking a button in Telegram. Upload configuration files manually or via script to update the available IP pool. Requirements: ✅ Develop a Bash (.sh) script or another suitable method for automatic deployment on two servers. ✅ Properly configure WireGuard, forwarding, and network settings. ✅ Enable seamless traffic forwarding between the two servers. ✅ Integrate a Telegram bot that allows users to: Attach an IP address upon authentication. Request a new IP from the available pool. ✅ Ensu...
I'm looking for an experienced animator to create a top-notch 3D animation video for my product. The primary purpose of this video is for marketing and advertisement, so the animation needs to be captivating and effective at promoting my product. Key components of the project include: - Incorporating product animations: The video should showcase the product in a dynamic and engaging way. - Using motion graphics: The animation should include sophisticated motion graphics that will enhance the visual appeal of the video. Ideal candidates should have substantial experience in 3D animation, particularly for marketing and advertisement purposes. A strong portfolio demonstrating previous work with product animation and motion graphics is a must. Creativity, attention to deta...
I'm looking for an experienced animator to create a top-notch 3D animation video for my product. The primary purpose of this video is for marketing and advertisement, so the animation needs to be captivating and effective at promoting my product. Key components of the project include: - Incorporating product animations: The video should showcase the product in a dynamic and engaging way. - Using motion graphics: The animation should include sophisticated motion graphics that will enhance the visual appeal of the video. Ideal candidates should have substantial experience in 3D animation, particularly for marketing and advertisement purposes. A strong portfolio demonstrating previous work with product animation and motion graphics is a must. Creativity, attention to deta...
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a modern, minimalistic style banner for advertisement purposes. The banner will be displayed in a physical location, so it needs to be eye-catching yet simple enough to fit within a minimalistic design style. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Banner Design - Understanding of Modern/Minimalistic Design Aesthetic Please provide examples of similar work in your proposal.
Role: .Net Fullstack with MS Dynamics CRM About The Role: Drive Dynamics CE implementations through all project phases, including discovery, definition, build, test, and deploy. Effectively manage associated issues and risks and ensure on-time and on-budget implementation delivery that meets clients' needs and requirements. Lead data-centric discussions with the client through discovery meetings. Design and lead the system architecture process, in partnership with the Development Team, to create, define specifications for and implement customizations for any custom code or data migration requirements. Conduct end-user training and create and maintain knowledge transfer documentation. Develop and continue to refine CE implementation standards and tools. Present tailored demo...
Task List for Developer (Flutter & Laravel) I have a fully functional Laravel website and a working Flutter mobile app. I need the following updates and optimizations: Integrate Bunny Net CDN – For faster content delivery. Add Product Labels – Display Quality, Autonomy, Weight in the mobile app. Modify Categories & Subcategories – Update categories and add an extra selection option. Remove Unnecessary Features – Remove the Reviews section and Wishlist from the app. Authentication Update – Enable login only via phone number (remove email login). UI Change – Move the "Support" button to the bottom main menu. Video Support – Enable video uploads and display, same as on the website. Sync Bank Payment Method – Ensure the ...
Project Overview This project involves setting up a WireGuard-based VPN system across two Ubuntu servers (versions 22.04 to 24.04) with an automated Bash script for deployment and a Telegram bot for user authentication and IP address management. The system is designed for traffic forwarding, where: Server 1 (Entry Point) receives VPN connections from users. Server 2 (Exit Point) routes the traffic so that clients appear to be browsing from Server 2. The solution must ensure seamless NAT configuration, secure traffic forwarding, and dynamic IP assignment using a Telegram bot. Deliverables & Features 1️⃣ WireGuard VPN Dual-Server Setup & Traffic Forwarding ✅ Automated deployment of WireGuard VPN on two Ubuntu servers. ✅ Traffic flows from Server 1 (Entry) → Serv...
Note this is for TELEGRAM ! Creating a telegram bot / multiple bots in one program that operates as the following: - Automatically invite users with a random rest per invite of (randomly) 60 to 90 seconds, with an objective of 900 to 1,000 invitations per day. - Automatically post messages in the groups / channels from where we send the invites, to ensure telegram is less likely to block the account as also messages are being posted. - Automatically post GIF's in the same groups / channels from where we send the invites, to ensure also telegram is less likely block the account. - Transmit an alert to an email address once Telegram is requesting manual labour or captcha verification. - Allowing the accounts manager still post regular messages, minimizing the accounts being...
I'm in need of a forex programming expert to develop a trading bot for the Deriv platform. This bot should be equipped with automated trading execution capabilities and backtesting capabilities. Key Requirements: - Expert in forex programming - Proven experience in developing trading bots - Knowledge of the Deriv platform - Ability to implement automated trading execution - Experience in incorporating backtesting capabilities Please include in your proposal examples of similar projects you've completed. Thank you!
Project Overview This project involves setting up a WireGuard-based VPN system across two Ubuntu servers (versions 22.04 to 24.04) with an automated Bash script for deployment and a Telegram bot for user authentication and IP address management. The system is designed for traffic forwarding, where: Server 1 (Entry Point) receives VPN connections from users. Server 2 (Exit Point) routes the traffic so that clients appear to be browsing from Server 2. The solution must ensure seamless NAT configuration, secure traffic forwarding, and dynamic IP assignment using a Telegram bot. Deliverables & Features 1️⃣ WireGuard VPN Dual-Server Setup & Traffic Forwarding ✅ Automated deployment of WireGuard VPN on two Ubuntu servers. ✅ Traffic flows from Server 1 (Entry) → Serv...
I'm looking for an expert in .NET Core to create a token generator for Agora RTC specifically tailored for group video calls. The tokens should be efficiently generated for seamless connectivity and interaction in a group setting. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in .NET Core - Previous experience with Agora RTC is a plus - Ability to design for group video call functionality - Familiarity with token generation processes Note: The project does not currently specify a particular authentication method, so flexibility and creativity in this aspect will be appreciated.
Project Overview We are looking to create an exclusive, luxury website for ABC, a private members’ club for high-net-worth individuals. The website should feel prestigious, highly curated, and aspirational—positioning the club as the best opportunity they didn’t know they needed. The goal is to create intrigue, maintain exclusivity, and drive applications while ensuring that membership feels earned rather than simply purchased. Design & Aesthetic Minimalist, Elegant, and British-Inspired Clean white background with gold and black accents (luxury, prestige, exclusivity) High-end typography with a modern yet timeless feel Subtle animations and transitions for a polished experience Strong use of negative space to maintain an air of exclusivity No cheesy or over-...
I'm in need of a native Vietnamese content creator who specializes in crafting compelling marketing materials, particularly Facebook advertisements. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and design engaging content for Facebook advertisements in Vietnamese - Understand and incorporate cultural nuances to resonate with the target audience - Meet deadlines for advertisement release schedules Ideal Skills: - Exceptional content creation and marketing skills - Proficiency in Vietnamese, with native-level understanding of the language - Experience with Facebook advertising - Ability to understand and incorporate cultural nuances in content
I'm in need of a talented video creator who can help me craft a compelling mixed media advertisement aimed at promoting a product. The ad will be targeted for social media, so it will need to be engaging, shareable and optimised for these platforms. Key Requirements: - Expertise in mixed media video production - Experience in creating product promotion ads - Knowledge of social media video optimisation - Creativity and ability to deliver engaging content The ultimate goal is to create a video that not only promotes the product but does so in a way that resonates with the social media audience.
For my project, I'm looking for an experienced developer who is proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It involves converting an existing ASP.NET project into an API based one. Prima...pages to a pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript front end - Translate business logics currently in pages to the new setup Key Features: - Data management functionality, specifically financial calculations. An understanding of how to process and maintain these calculations in the new API based project is crucial Ideal Skills and Experience: - Portfolio showcasing prior experience in converting .net to API based projects - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Understanding of data management systems, specifically financial calculations - Solid knowledge of APIs and how to apply them to this ...