Automatic voting script ip proxypráce


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    2,000 automatic voting script ip proxy Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    Pro vydání mobilní aplikace pro Android sháním programátora schopného vyvíjet v Apache Cordova, se znalostí Java script a na straně serveru se znalostí PHP.

    €483 Average bid
    €483 Průměr. nabídka
    16 nabídky

    ...Tvoje znalosti/zkušenosti: - Přehled o cloudových službách (AWS, Azure) včetně jejich nastavení, správy a řešení problémů. - Dobrou znalost počítačových systémů, zabezpečení, správy sítí a systémů, databází a systémů pro ukládání dat a telekomunikačních systémů. - Zkušenosti s virtualizačními technologiemi jako je VMware nebo Hyper-V. - Zkušenosti s prací s síťovými protokoly a službami (např. TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, VPN). - Zkušenosti s prací v systémech Linux a Windows Server. - Znalost nástrojů pro monitorování systémů (např. ...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Tengo un servidor con traccar le tengo personalizado unos botones pero me gustaria crear una apk webview o si tiene la GPS PRO que conecte con el servidor GPS PRO using traccar personalizado para ingresar la ip en español con notificaciones

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Tengo un proyecto realizado con el framework Laravel 7 con MySQL y necesito la conexión ya sea directamente al molinete TS1022PRO con un panel IP para control de acceso InBio 460 Pro o SDK para conectar al sistema ZKACCESS 3.5

    €516 Average bid
    €516 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    We are looking for a designer who can make some branding and packaging application for wine brands . We will give you design specifications. We would need a branding development and the application of those formats FULL DESIGNED READY-TO-PRINT whith our print templates. FORMAT 1 FORMAT 2 FORMAT 3: FORMAT 4

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Průměr. nabídka
    49 nabídky

    na routeru UBNT ER-X potřebuji nastavit interfaces a DHCP Požadavek: port Eth0 - Internet, statická IP port Eth1 - vlan10, subnet s DHCP serverem(1-254) port Eth2-4 - vlan 20, subnet s DHCP serverem (10-254) Obě vlany nebudou mít přístup k sobě, nebude se moct dostat z vlany 10 na vlanu 20 a opačně

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Help me fix a FileMaker Pro script via Teamviewer:

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    bug fixing, drobné úkoly webové aplikace; JAVA script, Angular 5, TypeScript nutností face to face contact in Prague, Czech Republic is a must

    €28 / hr Average bid
    €28 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky
    Project for David T.
    Ukončeno left

    Jsme Hackerly, globální konzultingová firma sídlící v Praze. Hledáme animátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci - vytv...Hackerly, globální konzultingová firma sídlící v Praze. Hledáme animátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci - vytváření 2D micro-learningových animovaných videí (Adobe after effects a Illustrator) pro globální projekt. Každé video je zhruba na 1:30 až 2min a jedná se o vytváření různých microlearningových modulů a budování e-learningové knihovny. Spolupráce bude probíhat s product development team typu script - brainstorming, core ...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Vytvoření programu
    Ukončeno left

    Zdravím, potřeboval bych vytvořit program, který umí načítat různé proxy servery a klikat na určité místa. Program by měl složit na mem webu ke zvýšení návštěvnosti a tím i ke klikání na reklamy. Děkuji za nabídky

    €152 Average bid
    €152 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    I need a pro to install a bitexchange script for me.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    Potřebuji na androidu v termuxu z pythonu komunikovat s midi zařízením přes rozhraní/api , ale to v termuxu není přístupné. Proto potřebuji vytvořit nativní androidí aplikaci, službu/server v androidu, který bude fungovat jako brána a bude oboustranně přenášet midi eventy. Na jedné straně bude komunikovat přes tcp/ip s pythonem který poběží ja tom samém zařízení a na druhé straně přes api s midi zařízením připojeném k zařízení s androidu. Vzhledem k realtime komunikaci by to mělo mít nízkou latenci. Je něco takového možné a kolik by mě to stálo?

    €163 Average bid
    €163 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    performance testing project interview proxy

    €165 Average bid
    €165 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    Mac Python Naprogramovat script v Python, ktery bude a) cist zpravy na Twiteru a Telegramu od definovanych odesilatelu, b) ze zpravy vyjme ciselnou informaci a vlozi ji do .xls a odesle na Api. Jedna se o udaje o pohybu trhů. Zprovoznit na Osx.

    €443 Average bid
    €443 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky
    Fireboxxx klient
    Ukončeno left

    ...využití internetu získává na důležitosti. Tuto funkcionalitu nabízí routery s pořizovací cenou v řádu desítek tisíců korun. Naše řešení zajistí požadovanou funkcionalitu s řádově nižšími pořizovacími náklady a zpřístupní tak bezpečnost na síťové vrstvě i domácnostem a menším firmám. Požadavky na prvotní funkčnost aplikce pod Android a iOS: - vytoceni L2tP pripojeni na server -smerovani veskereho IP provozu pres VPN server -instalace aplikace jako spravce zarizeni tj. nemoznost odinstalace ci ukonceni bez zadani kodu zarizeni - pouzivane napr. u Eset parental control -automatick&ya...

    €197 Average bid
    €197 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky
    Project for matejs
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den Matěji, pokouším se momentálně implementovat službu Premium SMS Action na webové stránky a řeším script který bude předávat automaticky generované odpovědi (PIN kód) plus upravit kód formuláře na stránkách, kam budou zákazníci tento PIN vkládat. Budu rád když mi s tím pomůžete. Určitě rád poskytnu podrobnější info. Děkuji, Tom Novak

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Tvorba softwaru
    Ukončeno left

    Potřebuji napsat script (php nebo java), který po implementaci do webové stránky rozpozná, zda je návštěvník mé facebookové stránky. Účel : zobrazení určitého obsahu jen pro fanoušky / nefanoušky dané fb stránky

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky
    Vytvořit software
    Ukončeno left

    Potřebuji jednoduchý php script program který bude mít administraci + uživatelské prostředí. Jde o přidělení firmě dle výše faktur určitý počet bodu dle nastaveného koeficientu. Příklad 1000 € = 100 bodů, firma bude akorát vidět číslo faktury suma faktury a stav bodů, administrátor bude jenom přidávat k jednotlivé firmě částky a body se budou automaticky navyšovat.

    €227 Average bid
    €227 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky
    Vytvořit software
    Ukončeno left

    Potřebuji script pracující velmi podobně jako épe od někoho kdo umí česky nebo rusky.

    €930 Average bid
    €930 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky
    automatic scanner
    Ukončeno left

    Tento program by měl být vytvořen v C# nebo v Unity3D a měl by spolupracovat s unityweb playerem. Základní funkce - měl by automaticky detekovat objekt v závislosti na vzdálenosti, barvě atp, a poslat instrukci na určitou vybranou klávesu pro vybranou akci. Dále daná akce by měla záviset na dostupnosti bufferu energie a nákladech na tuto akci. Spuštění a vypnutí by bylo vhodné opatřit kombinací kláves pro jednoduché ovládání. Má představa jak by mohl program vypadat - viz. příloha

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky vytvoření aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude kompatibilní s Mac & PC. Již máme hotov design GUI a potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Přikládám link s dalšími...

    min €4826
    min €4826
    0 nabídky

    watch series

    €965 Average bid
    €965 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...trochu vylepšil než má easy task. 2.10 - Systém hodnocení Možnost řešení mailungu: Tato část obsahuje: 1. Konfigurace serveru - Nastavování IP adres - Rozdělování subdomén na dané IP adresy - Konfigurace reverzních záznamů ( důležíté pro mailové servery, ptají se na tyto záznamy pro oveření pravosti odesílatele ) - Odchytávání bounce - ( Zjištování neexistujících emailu a notifikace ohledně bounce emailu ) - Konfigurace cronu 2. Naprogramovani weboveho rozhrani(Api): - Vytvoreni, editace, mazani HTML kampani - Rozdelovani do kategorii ( samozrejme...

    €1922 Average bid
    €1922 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Na serveru () probíhá neidentifikovaný script, který každé 3 minuty, úplně zahltí VPS. Občas dojde k úplnému výpadku. Potřebuju script najít a opravit. _____ On the server () runs unidentified PHP script that every three minutes, completely overwhelms the VPS. Sometimes there is a complete failure. I need find script find and fix it.

    €259 Average bid
    €259 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky
    PHP 5 to PHP 8 Upgrade
    6 dní left

    I need a skilled PHP developer to upgrade my web application scripts from PHP 5.x to PHP 8.x. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with PHP, especially with transitions from older to newer versions. - Proficient in web application scripting. - Ability to troubleshoot and debug issues that arise during the upgrade process. The script does not use any specific framework or libraries, which may simplify the process. However, a deep understanding of PHP's newer features and best practices is essential. The ultimate goal is to ensure the web application runs smoothly on the latest PHP version, taking advantage of improved performance and security updates.

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Průměr. nabídka
    61 nabídky

    I need male boy who can do a project in which you need to record an introduction video of 20 to 40 seconds on behalf of students. It is only an academic project not for posting on social media. Requirements: Pure English accent Confidence in recording videos Budget: 5 dollars How to apply: Send me your video introduction of little script in your English accent after remembering the lines(you should not be looking like you are reading only say with proper impressions for hiring) My name is Norvin and I'm taking this course because I'm interested in researching sociological issues.

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    I'm seeking a professional video creator to make a brief, sophisticated teaser for my clothing brand. The video will primarily be shared on Instagram, so it needs to be visually enga...for my clothing brand. The video will primarily be shared on Instagram, so it needs to be visually engaging and formatted correctly for the platform. I have made a (bad) sample below :)) Key Requirements: - Create a simple, yet captivating script - Incorporate provided photos in an aesthetically pleasing manner - Capture a sophisticated and elegant feel - Convey a message of luxury and exclusivity Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in video creation for Instagram is a must - Ability to create a sophisticated and elegant tone - Excellent script-writing skills - Previous work with l...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Průměr. nabídka
    18 nabídky

    Please find attched Script. I am looking for someone to create an explainer video that showcases my product using its designs. The video should incorporate kinetic typography and feature elements from the product's design, rather than relying on a fully cartoon-based animation. The designs are coded in Figma, and I will provide access for you to use them in the project. The video should be concise, lasting no longer than 3 to 3.5 minutes, and should deliver smooth and informative content. While I can arrange the voiceover separately, if you can provide a professional, non-AI-generated voiceover, please include that option in your proposal. For reference, there are two example videos that highlight the style and pacing I’m aiming for. The first example,

    €112 Average bid
    €112 Průměr. nabídka
    16 nabídky

    I need a C script expert to help me fix a buffer overflow in a C script for a Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge. The overflow needs to allow exploitation via "ret2libc". I've been unable to exploit it due to some stack misplacement issues. Requirements: - Must be highly skilled in C programming. - Proven experience with buffer overflow and "ret2libc" exploitation. - Familiarity with Linux platform. - Ability to provide a comprehensive write-up upon project completion. The project will only be marked as completed after you issue the write-up and we verify it's working. It is a relatively simple task and it should only take an hour or two if you know what you are doing. I'm currently facing a segmentation fault. Please let me know if you ca...

    €238 Average bid
    €238 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    I'm looking for a Python script that can download photos from specific pages on a site similar to Troostwijk Auctions. The script should save the photos as JPEGs. Key Requirements: - The script should be able to navigate to specific pages and extract photos. - It should save the downloaded photos in JPEG format. - and download photos in a specific folder Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python, with particular experience in web scraping and automation. - Knowledge of handling and processing image files in Python. Please note that the specifics of which pages to extract photos from and the method of executing the script will be clarified after the initial bid selection.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Průměr. nabídka
    26 nabídky

    I require someone to research the best ways in terms of script, flow of the animation and video and elements in it-to create my Fiverr gig videos. I require the second person to create a video for my fiverr gig. I will request fro 1-4 gig videos. 100 rupees for one video. Write I understood Ansaf. at the start of bid. And confirm the price for this project per video, deadline, and quality of your editing skills or research skills if applicable. Confirm your fluency in English to communicate with me as I do not speak any other languages except Malayalam. I will pay your project fees so you earn exactly I mention. Looking forward to meet great hidden talents. Ansaf

    €7 Average bid
    €7 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    I need a 2D animated video for my product trailer. The main purpose of this video is to elucidate the features of the product in a clear and engaging manner for the general consumer audience. Video length = 60 secs Voiceover to be included Story ideation will be provided based on which script also have to be written. Ideal skills would include: - Proficiency in 2D animation techniques - Previous experience in creating product feature trailers - Ability to translate complex product features into easy-to-understand visuals - Understanding of creating content for the general consumer market. Please provide samples of previous similar work. Reference video links

    €124 Average bid
    €124 Průměr. nabídka
    42 nabídky

    Good morning, I need a very simple strategy in pinescript to backtest an indicator. This indicator is a private script to which I have access and I cannot see the code, but I can see the signals (up and down arrows of the colors I choose) The script will simply have to detect these signals and based on them make operations

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    ...create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must chart and tables create with the information of report of AI. So it is necessary use inside the report page many shortcode and connection with a chart script. I already create using the AI the plugin to create the database, to create the comunication between the plugin uncanny or Ai engine and to create the shortcode for the pieces of report and charts. Unfortunally this plugin don't work perfectly, so it is necessary make some changes. And it is necessary use a free lugin, so or ai engine or wp automator I created also a plugi...

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    ...for trades to be executed automatically based on market conditions. - Advanced Analytics Tools: Real-time trading charts must be equipped with sophisticated, user-interactive analytics tools. This will provide users with the capacity to conduct in-depth market analysis and make informed trading decisions. - Stop-Loss Orders: Essential for risk management, this feature will allow users to set automatic sell orders to limit potential losses on their investments. Ideal candidates for this project should have substantial experience in developing crypto-related web applications, with a clear understanding of how to integrate these specific features. A portfolio showcasing similar past projects will be highly advantageous. The goal is to create a platform with minimal transaction dela...

    €6978 Average bid
    €6978 Průměr. nabídka
    52 nabídky

    I'm seeking an engineer to design a cartoning machine and feeding system specifically for handling food products. Key features: - The machine should have an automatic feeding system Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in designing packaging machinery, particularly cartoning machines - Understanding of food safety standards in machinery design - Ability to incorporate an automatic feeding system into the design - Skills in creating high-speed, multi-size compatible machines The machine should operate at a low-speed capacity. The machine will specifically handle dry goods. The machine should be constructed from stainless steel. The design must comply with CE marking standards. A PLC-based control system should be integrated into the design. The design should ai...

    €952 Average bid
    €952 Průměr. nabídka
    32 nabídky

    I'm looking for an expert in Laravel to help me add multilanguage support to my website. The site is currently hosted on c-panel and needs to detect user location for language preference. Project Details: - The site should support Spanish, German, and Dutch. - Language detection should be automatic based on user location. - No need for language-specific URL structures. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel - Experience with multilanguage website integration - Knowledge of c-panel hosting Please, only bid if you can deliver this service effectively and promptly.

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky

    I'm looking for a seasoned Pine Script professional to help me backtest a scalping strategy. This will involve the use of a personal harmonics indicator. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Pine Script to backtest a scalping strategy using a custom harmonics indicator. - Provide comprehensive backtest results and analysis. - Thoroughly document the Pine Script code for future reference and modifications. - Identify and fix any bugs in the initial script and backtesting setup. - Optimize the scalping strategy for maximum profitability and minimal risk. - Fine-tune parameters of the harmonics indicator for optimal performance. - Define and measure key performance metrics for the scalping strategy. - Automate the strategy execution on a trading platform, if po...

    €249 Average bid
    €249 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    I need a Pine Script expert to create a scalping trading strategy for me. The strategy will primarily use custom harmonics. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Pine Script - In-depth understanding of scalping strategies - Proficiency in identifying and utilizing custom harmonics - Strong background in algorithmic trading - Capable of developing and testing trading strategies in TradingView - Expertise in risk management and mitigation for trading environments. - Strong background in technical and fundamental market analysis. - Familiarity with a wide range of financial instruments beyond forex (e.g., stocks, commodities). - Experience with various backtesting tools and platforms. - Expertise in data analysis and interpretation to improve strategy decisions. - Ability ...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I'm looking for a professional to set up an automotive car parts site on Shopify. The site must be fully functional with integrated payment methods, social media, and all necessary features. Key Requirements: - Full Shopify setup for an automotive car parts site. - Integra...Google ratings to be integrated hasn't been decided yet, but a solid understanding of Google integration, ratings, and reviews is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Shopify store setup. - Knowledge of automotive car parts an advantage. - Strong skills in payment and social media integration. - Excellent understanding of Google ratings and reviews. - Ability to ensure full IP ownership. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. The design theme sh...

    €296 Average bid
    €296 Průměr. nabídka
    80 nabídky

    Needing an instagram story created for my new discord trading community. Our company name is "hawkeye investments net...content and other miscelanous tips within the discord community. I need the video to promote the launch of this discord channel. As we do not have the minimum requirement to post a link directly to our instagram stories, we need to have it include "link in bio." We have a logo, and want the story to include this same colorway. I am imagining an animated video with sound effects and music. The script may be something like this: Start by introducing the logo, and then telling viewers the discord is now available and to click the link in bio to join. Please give me your best creations, and not some AI generated generic videos. We also want to post...

    €29 Average bid
    20 příspěvky

    ...<div id="products"> <!-- Products will be dynamically loaded here --> </div> <script> fetch("/products") .then(response => ()) .then(data => { const productsDiv = ("products"); (product => { += ` <div class="product"> <img src="${product.image_url}" alt="${}"> <h2>${}</h2> <p>${}</p> <a href="${product.product_url}" target="_blank">View Product</a> </div> `; }); }); </script...

    €671 Average bid
    €671 Průměr. nabídka
    114 nabídky

    I'm seeking a talented animator who can create a cartoonish 2D storyboard for a 7 minute animation. This project is designed for an adult audience, with a humorous tone. - Ideal Skills: Expertise in 2D animation and storytelling, with a strong ability to convey humor visually. - Required Experience: Prior work in creating storyboards for ...storyboard for a 7 minute animation. This project is designed for an adult audience, with a humorous tone. - Ideal Skills: Expertise in 2D animation and storytelling, with a strong ability to convey humor visually. - Required Experience: Prior work in creating storyboards for cartoonish animations aimed at adults. If you're capable of bringing this script to life in a engaging and humorous way, please let me know so I can share ...

    €348 Average bid
    €348 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    Needing an instagram story created for my new discord trading community. Our company name is "hawkeye investments net...content and other miscelanous tips within the discord community. I need the video to promote the launch of this discord channel. As we do not have the minimum requirement to post a link directly to our instagram stories, we need to have it include "link in bio." We have a logo, and want the story to include this same colorway. I am imagining an animated video with sound effects and music. The script may be something like this: Start by introducing the logo, and then telling viewers the discord is now available and to click the link in bio to join. Please give me your best creations, and not some AI generated generic videos. We also want to post...

    €29 Average bid
    10 příspěvky

    ...with image recognition capabilities for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Image Recognition: The app should be able to identify food items to help users track their caloric intake. - Self-Motivation Features: Include daily reminders, progress tracking, and inspirational quotes to keep users engaged and motivated. - Barcode Scanning: Integrate a feature to scan food barcodes for automatic nutritional information retrieval. - Recipe Suggestions: Provide healthy recipe ideas based on the foods users have logged. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in mobile app development for both iOS and Android. - Experience in integrating image recognition technology into apps. - Ability to design engaging motivational features. The goal is to create a user-friendly, reliable, and motiva...

    €998 Average bid
    €998 Průměr. nabídka
    61 nabídky

    I need a custom-built ZOHO application for efficient vendor management. Key Features: - A shareable link for vendors to fill out their details (Company Name, Vendor Name, Email, Position, Phone, Address) - Automatic email dispatch to both the company and the vendor post form submission. - Contract issuance upon form completion. - Comprehensive vendor profiles with form details plus reminders for contract, insurance, and badge expirations (45 days prior). - An assets list within the app for assigning/unassigning assets, reflecting in both the assets list and vendor profile. - Document upload capability per vendor profile. - A feature for sending project announcement emails to vendors based on their designated "positions". Positions to include: - Various technician and co...

    €1448 - €2895
    €1448 - €2895
    68 nabídky

    I'm currently facing a critical issue with my email integration through the SendGrid API. My server has blocked the IP address, preventing me from sending emails. - Problem: The IP address has been blocked. - Urgency: I need a professional who can quickly diagnose and fix this issue. - Skills Required: Extensive experience with SendGrid API, server management, and email integration troubleshooting is essential. Promptness and efficiency will be highly appreciated as this issue is affecting my communication.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    ...your request in a clear and structured format for easier outsourcing. --- 1. Household Income Tab Not Displaying Options (★★★) Issue: On Android devices, tapping the "Household Income" tab does not display any options. Request: Investigate and resolve the issue. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 2. Disable Automatic Profile Entry When Logging in with Google Issue: When users log in via Google, their profile name is automatically entered. Request: Prevent the automatic entry of profile names upon Google login. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 3. Email Language Issue – Remove Default English Version Issue: When a user creates an account using email, two versions of the welcome email are sent (English & Japanese). Request: Ensure...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Průměr. nabídka
    58 nabídky

    Hello, I nee...after IDCCa and final ATC values are show "Final values " for every border. ‘PTDF’ means a power transfer distribution factor; 'CNE’ means a critical network element; I need explanation how it is calculated. I tried something but results are not the same. As second I need python script that will be able to download Final Domain from JAO API and other if needed values and will return exactly same ATC values as they have as result of IDCCb calculation. The Python script should output the final ATC values in JSON format. The explanation should outline a step-by-step process of the ATC calculation. Include a detailed, step-by-step explanation of each part of the ATC calculation. The step-by-step explanation should...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky