Asp net gmail chatpráce
Android max pro NET VPN para Celestino e aí no paydroid e
Potrebuju vytvořit databázi 50 zákazníků s reálnými údaji : Jméno příjmení : smyšlené Adresa bydliště : reálná ( musí být dohledatelné - ideálně různé města po ČR - ulice , č popisne , PSČ , mesto ) E-mail : založení na gmail či na seznam / e-mail / centrum + heslo k přihlášení do e-mailu ( muže byt u všech stejné heslo ) Rodné číslo : vygenerovane přes generátor RČ ( věk ideálně od 25-50 let ) Číslo OP : libovolné generování smyšlené s tím ale ze počet čísel musí odpovídat reálné délce č&i...
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj poloautomatizovaného systému vkládání a ověřování zdravotních dat pro naší platformu Moje Srdce. Dosavadní vývoj probíhá v .NET a Vue.js, systém běží na MS Azure, databáze MS SQL. Rozpočet na projekt je 250.000,- Kč, termín dokončení 12/2023. Děkuji, s pozdravem, Václav Durdil
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj poloautomatizovaného systému vkládání a ověřování zdravotních dat pro naší platformu Moje Srdce. Dosavadní vývoj probíhá v .NET a Vue.js, systém běží na MS Azure, databáze MS SQL. Rozpočet na projekt je 250.000,- Kč, termín dokončení 12/2023. Děkuji, s pozdravem, Václav Durdil
Datum orientační, když se bude jednat o dlouhodobou spolupráci.
Hledáme juniorního/middle/ seniorního full stack vývojáře se znalostí .Net, Angular a MS SQL na dlouhodobější spolupráci. Aplikace Dobrý Hospic () pomáhá mobilním hospicům efektivně pracovat v rámci širokého týmu a ulehčuje s tím spojenou administrativu. Do konce roku můžeme nabídnout práci v rozsahu cca 0,5 úvazku a od nového roku práci na IT podpoře této aplikace nebo případnou spolupráci na nových projektech. Aplikace je téměř hotová. Ve spolupráci s autorem aplikace je potřeba ji doladit a poté převzít do správy. We are looking for a junior / middle...
Hledáme juniorního/middle/ seniorního full stack vývojáře se znalostí .Net, Angular a MS SQL na dlouhodobější spolupráci. Aplikace Dobrý Hospic () pomáhá mobilním hospicům efektivně pracovat v rámci širokého týmu a ulehčuje s tím spojenou administrativu. Do konce roku můžeme nabídnout práci v rozsahu cca 0,5 úvazku a od nového roku práci na IT podpoře této aplikace nebo případnou spolupráci na nových projektech. Aplikace je téměř hotová. Ve spolupráci s autorem aplikace je potřeba ji doladit a poté převzít do správy.
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Dobrý den, poptávám vývoj menšího projektu v prostředí Microsoft (.NET Core, MSSQL) pro firmu se sídlem v Brně. Jednalo by se primárně o backend řešení předplatitelského systému pro časopis, který firma vydává. Prosím je možné se o tom s Vámi pobavit? S pozdravem Leoš Gromeš 602716271
Zmapování potřeb evidence a akcí spojených s agendou Návrh, realizace řešení a dohled při spuštění systému vč. jeho vývoje. Požadavek: webová platforma, přístupná odkudkoliv na námi provozovaném serveru (výběr na straně zhotovitele) Integrace: Google Drive, Gmail a s ním spojené služby, API Popis: Databáze pro 3 skupiny uživatelů vykonávající každá své vlastní akce vč. řízení oprávnění. Evidence zařízení (Skladová karta) - Půjčení a monitoring doby zapůjčení a s tím spojená operativa. I can pay max. 20 EUR / hour Deadline for ...
Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR
Dorogoy Rodion, ya hotel u vas uznat', net li u vas vozmozhnosti rabotat' v Germanii? Yest' vozmozhnost nanyat' vas na proekt v Münchene, gde ponadabyatsya vashy znanija IBM DataStage. Budu rad pogovorit' s vami ob etom, esli yest' vozmozhnost'. Pjotr Schulmann
Dobry den, hledam zkuseneho programatora v .NET pro dlouhodoby projekt. V pripdade zajmu mne prosim kontaktujte.
V současnosti máme otevřený projekt na .NET programátora pro společnost zabývající se činností v oblasti bankovnictví. Použité technologie jsou .NET 4.5, C#, WCF, Entity FW, MEF (nebo jakýkoliv další DI framework). Dále je vhodné mít dobrou znalost OO designu. Rate na Mainday je na dohodě, pohybuje se okolo 5000Kč.
Vývojář webových aplikací na platformě .NET, převážně webové aplikace ASP.NET
Dobrý den, hledáme další kolegy na rozšíření našeho týmu v rámci externí/interní spolupráce. Jsme softwarová firma z Ostravy artio(dot)net / info(at)artio(dot)net a aktuálně hledáme spolupracovníky na vývoj v php nebo Java. Rádi s vámi probereme podrobnosti na chatu - máme k dispozici různé typy projektů, jak velmi dlouhodobého charakteru, tak i malé krátkodobé úkoly.
hiii hw r u ....................................................................................................................................................................
Hledáme zkušeného a kvalitního programátora, který se dobře orientuje v jazyce ASP. Především potřebujeme aktualizovat webové stránky o nový obsah a posouvat je stále dál - vývoj nových sekcí, postupné budování administrace, vkládání článků, videí, obrázků do fotogalerie a další. Samozřejmostí je také budování SEO a přinášení nových vlastních nápadů, jak web vylepšit. Specifikem našeho webu je, že obsahuje 5 jazykových mutací, které se snažíme budovat rovnoměrně. Předpokládan&yac...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create an interactive platform similar to ResumUp. This platform should allow users to build their CVs or Resumes in a customizable and user-friendly manner. You are expected to host the platform where I can test on render or any place. Key Features: 1. User Registration: Users should be able to register on the platform using their Gmail accounts. 2. CV/Resume Creation: Users should be able to input details about their Work Experience, Education History, and Skills & Certifications. 3. Information Presentation: The platform should present the user's input in customizable sections. 4. PDF Download: Users should have the option to download a one-page PDF of their CV or Resume. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in web development with...
I'm in need of a sample code in REach and .NET Core that takes a single input (a name) and calls an API to pass this name. The primary focus of this project is to implement robust security measures so that the API can only be accessed via login and is protected from hacking attempts or manipulation via tools like Postman. Key Requirements: - Development of a sample .NET Core and REach code - The API should accept one input: a name - Robust security implementation to prevent unauthorized access To be considered for this project, please specify in your bid how you plan to secure the API. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in .NET Core and REach - Extensive experience with API security implementation - Familiarity with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) - Understanding...
I need assistance in reducing spam emails. Either through adding better captcha or other methods to reduce amount of spam. Also setup emails in Gmail so can send and recieve from each domain email. If you can do well there can be other work. Also some other various web dev tasks.
I'm looking for an experienced Android native developer to help me set up and run the Delta Chat project locally on my machine. You can find the project at - Tasks: Your primary responsibility will be to get the project up and running on my local environment. - Resources: I have all the necessary dependencies and environment setup instructions ready for use. - Documentation: I will only require a basic guide on how to run the project. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in Android development and be familiar with working on open-source projects. Experience with Delta Chat or similar projects would be a plus.
Project Description: I am looking for a game developer to build a simple online game where players take on the role of a household bug crusher and crush different types of bugs to earn points. The game should be browser-based and allow users to sign up, play instantly, and compete on a leaderboard. Project Features: User Authe...for milestones (e.g., "You just made it to the Top 10!"). Additional Features (Optional but Preferred): Basic animations & fun sound effects. Mobile-friendly responsive design. Shareable score (allow players to share their high scores on social media). Technology Stack (Preferred but Open to Suggestions): Frontend: Angular, HTML5 + JavaScript or Unity WebGL, or similar game engine Backend: C# .NET Core (or Node.js/Python if preferred) Databa...
...etc.) Interactive Message Replies (NFM – Non-Forwardable Messages) Project Requirements: Technology Stack: Backend: C# (.NET Core) Database: Microsoft SQL Server ORM: Entity Framework Core Webhook Functionality: Receive and parse WhatsApp webhook events. Store received messages in the SQL Server database. Handle different message types dynamically. Additional Requirements: Code should be well-structured and documented. Ensure scalability and security in processing webhook events. Use dependency injection and follow best practices for .NET development. Preferred Skills & Experience: Experience with WhatsApp Cloud API integration. Strong knowledge of C# and .NET Core/.NET 8. Entity Framework Core . Experience with RESTful APIs and Webhooks. Erro...
Hey mate! When you're ready, lets ge this ad design going so I can get some clients rolling in! Was thinking a catchy headliner, with a clear and concise description, and maybe some eye catching media? Keen to hear your thoughts. Thanks :D for a fresh start. 2. "Fishing as a Livelihood" () Depicts Venezuelan refugees in Peru learning or working in the fishing industry. The focus is on economic empowerment, showing refugees acquiring skills to sustain themselves. Two variations to choose from: a) A refugee being taught by a local fisherman. b) A group of refugees working together, casting a fishing net, symbolizing community support. The water should feel expansive and full of opportunity, contrasting with the previous struggles of migration. 3. "A New Beginning" – Housing & Shelter () A young Venezuelan refugee family standing in front of their newly built, simple home in Peru. The home represents stability, safety, and a fresh start, funded by Amamericana’s housing
I want to provide an easy option for people to sell my AI chatbot and earn commission. Currently, people can sign up for a trial version and explore the chatbot, but I want them to have the option to select from different packages and prices to sell to other businesses and earn commission. For example, if they sell a chatbot on a monthly basis, they earn 90% of the sale price for the first month. If they sell it on a yearly basis, they earn 40% of the sale price. Here’s an example: - Monthly subscription sold for $100: they earn $90. - Yearly subscription sold for $1,000: they earn $400. It would be great to give them the option to choose different themes, adjust the CSS, and add their own marketing materials. The website needs to be RTL friendly, as it will be in Persian. I n...
I'm in need of a talented UI/UX designer to craft an intuitive, visually appealing design for a chat application aimed at the general public. The project will focus on creating the MVP, covering 5-7 essential screens: splash, onboarding, main dashboard, chat, preferences, and user profile screens. Key Responsibilities: - Design the app to evoke feelings of trust and safety, while maintaining a clean, responsive aesthetic. - Develop interactive prototypes to illustrate app functionality and flow. - Provide detailed design handoffs for our development team. - Conduct usability tests to gather insights on the user experience and identify areas for improvement. - Incorporate user feedback into designs to ensure the app meets user expectations and needs. - Create comprehens...
I'm seeking a unique logo for my pool cleaning business, MoJo Pool Cleaning, located in Aledo, TX. This is a veteran-owned business, and I want to incorporate a military style into the design. Key Aspects: - Military Theme: The logo should have a military style, with elements...Understanding of military design elements and how to incorporate them in a tasteful and professional manner. - Creativity: Ability to come up with unique and innovative design ideas. I am open to new ideas and interpretations, as long as they align with the overall military theme and focus on the business name. If the Marine Corps EGA can be used that would be a bonus. Maybe a Marine carrying a pool net. I am open to any good creative and simple ideas that would be an easy Logo for a small pool cle...
Design Notes: -Make "Logan Thompson Autograph Signing at Eavesdrop!" the main headline -Use Washington Capitals colors (red, white, blue) -Feature action shots of Logan Thompson while keeping the layout clean -Showcase Eavesdrop Brewery as the venue and a key sponsor -Neatly place social media icons and include Eavesdrop’s logo -Consider a subtle ice rink or hockey net background Host: Above Average Graphing (AAG) Venue: Eavesdrop Brewery, Manassas, VA Style: Bold, high-energy, professional, hockey-themed Event Details: Date: Sunday, March 2nd | Time: 2:00 - 3:30 PM Location: Eavesdrop Brewery, 7223 Centreville Rd, Manassas, VA Autograph Pricing: -Any Item: $99 | Inscription: $40 | COA: $10 -Rookie Cards: $150 | Game-Used Equipment: Inquire for Pricing Call to Ac...
Desde un borrador de un correo en Gmail, poder enviar correos automatizados a través de Google Apps Script. Tan solo eso
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can help me create a formula that calculates payment using the FIFO (First In, First Out) method for my invoices. The data is spread across multiple sheets, so the freelancer will need to be comfortable with cross-sheet r...with complex formulas and cross-sheet referencing. - Previous experience dealing with invoice data - Understanding of FIFO payment calculation The invoice data includes: - Multiple sheets with different invoice amounts and dates - Payment records - A column that indicates how much credit can be taken (PBC) if the credit value is sufficient The ultimate goal is to use this formula to reduce the net credit to be paid. Please note that attention to detail is crucial in this task as any miscalculation can lead to significant...
Thanks for you support. 1. graphics as described. 2. Support with gmail.
...AWS Texttract. - Proficiency in AWS Bedrock/SageMaker. - Knowledge in deploying models for inference - Knowledge in creating and training models for better accuracy ********** EXAMPLE PDF CONTENTS ********** Company Name: Acme Demo Ltd Activity Period: 01/01/2023 - 01/31/2023 Statutory Deductions Statutory Levy 123422 J DOE £64.26 633435 A SMITH £34.85 254646 T ROGER-THOMAS £45.27 Net Pensionable Earnings 123422 J DOE £238.90 633435 A SMITH £294.57 254646 T ROGER-THOMAS £343.32 Superannuation Contribution 123422 J DOE @ 5.20% £2138.90 633435 A SMITH @ 9.80% £2914.57 254646 T ROGER-THOMAS @ 5.20% £3343.32 Units of Hours Activity per Employee 123422 J DOE Current Financial Year 2024/25 34.4...
I'm looking for a professional to assist with fully migrating my wordpress website to Google Cloud. Once set up, I need a new contact form code (which I already have) to be inserted. Additionally, I require setting up email addresses that link my domain to Gmail. I would like this to be conducted using live while sharing screens. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. - Proficient in website migration. - Experienced in website coding and form integration. - Familiar with setting up domain-linked Gmail accounts. - Skilled in DNS management and configuration. - Understanding of security best practices for cloud-hosted websites. The migration should be completed within 1 week. Additionally, I require as-needed maintenance after the... such as manufacturing, professional services (consulting, legal, accounting), and technology. Utilize various online resources, databases, and tools to find relevant leads. Outreach & Communication: Reach out to decision-makers in Marketing and Communications roles via cold calling, email marketing, and social media. Use professional communication, avoiding generic email platforms like Gmail or Hotmail (only business emails are acceptable). Lead Qualification: Ensure that leads meet specific criteria: Interested in custom promotional items (such as pens, mugs, bags, etc., with company branding). Minimum order size of $500. Valid business email addresses (company domain). Physical business address in the USA or Canada (no P.O. boxes). Reporting & Coordination: M...
Experienced DotNet developer required to host sourcecode and database on Hosting server to make live to do all functionalities. Links of sourcecode, database and hosting server credentials will be given in messaging. Website Address - User emailid- userany303@gmail.c Password- kaspersky Technology - .Net Languages - C#
We Need a Web Application Security Specialist for Penetration Testing We are looking for an Information Security Specialist with expertise in Web Applications to conduct penetration tests, including SQL Injection, Pentesting, and oth...would like to perform comprehensive security tests on our platform to ensure it meets the highest security standards. We have already conducted multiple security tests and made significant improvements to our systems. The primary goal of this engagement is to receive a detailed security report highlighting specific vulnerabilities and corrective actions. Technology Stack: Web 3.0 technologies ASP Classic (primary) Some PHP and C# Infrastructure: Windows Server 2016 + Linux (MySQL) For more information, visit our website: ?
*****This Project is ONLY for Copywriters living in to inspect for errors or deviations from your instructions before sending the campaigns to our Editors for a final check -Strict adherence to all deadlines which will always be 2 days for each Assignment that must be completed. You will be logging into and using our proprietary system that guides you through the entire process: You need to be experienced working in Mailchimp, Leadpages, Gmail and Google Drive. You will also be completing and submitting assignments within our proprietary system you will find is extremely useful in completing your assignments. So, if you think you can write the literary goods that are going to take our clients, and our agency, to the top, please apply and let's see what you're ...
I have a restAPI build in .net and I have implemented AWS SES and SNS for some reason i am not able to receive the message. My source code is working, but i think i may not be properly configuring my end. I need someone with aws account and have knowledge in net to be able to help me with this task is pleain simple review the SMS and email API to see how i set it nupa dn test them with their account and that way i am able to tell if my aws setup is the issue and assist me with it Must have a giyhub account Must have an aws account
...Firebase, MySQL). ✅ Experience with cloud hosting (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) and server deployment. ✅ Understanding of game security practices (anti-cheating, encryption, data protection). ✅ Strong problem-solving skills and ability to optimize game performance. ✅ Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a team environment. Nice-to-Have Skills: - Experience with Photon, Mirror, Fish-Net, or other networking solutions. - Knowledge of microservices architecture for scalable backend solutions. - Familiarity with blockchain gaming or Web3 integration. - Experience with procedural content generation and AI in games. Benefits - Competitive salary & performance bonuses. - Potential for long-term collaboration and future projects. - Opportunity to work on a ...
I want an ai tool that can help to register on any website in seconds, then can login and fill forms with accurate information and do payments in less than second. Then generate preview of a form and send it to the re...compatible with android and ios. The AI tool should include advanced security measures. The AI tool should be primarily optimized for government portals. The AI tool should be developed using Kotlin.. aligned with an a The AI tool should be primarily optimized for government portals such as Usc, state cs, ibs, ssc, rbi, nabard, sebi, etc. The tool should support payments via ui, credit/debit card, net banking, etc. The UI should use a standard template for quick deployment. The AI tool should employ machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy and performance ...