Architectural visualization jobs remotepráce
Dobrý den, hledáme specialistu přes reklamu na LinkedIn. Jednalo by se o remote spolupráci. Pro více informací mě prosím kontaktujte do zpráv. ?
...Znalost NoSQL databáze (ElasticSearch nebo MongoDB) velkou výhodou Ochota učit se novým věcem a proaktivní přístup Výběrko: Máme dvoukolový rychlý systém vstupních pohovorů / technické a netechnické/ takže vzájemně rychle víme, jestli si padneme do oka. Co Ti můžeme nabídnout? Férové ohodnocení dle Tvých znalostí a zkušeností ( až 7K+ CZK pro experta/expertku/ MD rate) Pracuj klidně i 100% remote nebo využij naši dog-friendly kancelář v Karlíně, s lahodnou kávou a snacky. Na další benefity se u nás nehraje, raději ti za tvou práci prostě normálně zaplat&i...
Dobrý den Radoslave, jsme digitální agentura z Prahy a hledáme pro dlouhodobou spolupráci remote programátora v PHP + Codeigniteru a zaujalo mě, že už v tomto frameworku máte zkušenosti. Pracujeme na dlouhodobých projektech v rámci digitální transformace firem - tzn. vyvíjíme na míru interní systémy ERP, CRM, webové aplikace apod. Rád se s Vámi pobavím více do detailů a představím Vám možnosti spolupráce. Můžete mě kontaktovat tady, případně na telefonu +420604271039. Budu se těšit, Blažek
Poptáváme React Native developera na remote spolupráci. Jsme plně remote, je nás šest a hledáme kolegu, který nás doplní. Máme dlouhodobý projekt. Jestli už máš dost korporátu a chceš zkusit zase příjemnější spolupráci, ozvi se.
...tvůrčí osobnost, která uvítá práci remote a časovou flexibilitu. Chceme ideálně fungovat v módu, kdy si vždy dáme týdenní cíl a je na každém, jak jej provede. Nyní bude tvojí doménou rozpočtování primárně rekonstrukcí a domů z recyklovaných lodních kontejnerů. Co přesně bude náplní Tvé práce? Každý týden hned zkraje se spojíme (meet nebo online meet) a zadáme si práci včetně cílů a termínů. Práci si rozvrhneš podle sebe, domluvíme se na deadlinech a budeme řešit výstupy. Práce je remote nebo může&scaron...
Co požadujeme: - Pokročilá znalost a zkušenost s Node.js - Schopnost psát čistý a udržitelný kód - Přemýšlet nad problémy a odvážně se pouštět tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - Nástup ideálně hned :). Pokud to nepůjde, tak co nejdříve. Co nabízíme: - Práce na projektu s mezinárodním přesahem a zajímavým tématem (travel) - Full remote práce na ŽL, bez nějaké pracovní doby od - do - Pohodový přístup bez zbytečného stresu - Na projektu je nás pár, budete se tak velkou měrou podílet na jeho tvorbě - 500-700 Kč na hodinu, dle zkušeností.
Hledáme MS SQL vývojáře pro full-remote projekt. Sazba: 2000 - 4000 Kč/MD Nástup: Ihned Trvání: dlouhodobá spolupráce (6+ měsíců) Jedná se o práci čistě s databází s okrajovým použitím C# (pouze pro debugování kódu). Jako IDE se používá Azure DB Studio nebo MS SQL Studio. Práce je zadávaná přes JIRA, kód uložen v GITu. Projekt je řízen agilně (scrum metodika). Kontaktujte mne prosím na
Hledáme MS SQL vývojáře pro full-remote projekt. Sazba: 2000 - 4000 Kč/MD Nástup: Ihned Trvání: dlouhodobá spolupráce (6+ měsíců) Jedná se o práci čistě s databází s okrajovým použitím C# (pouze pro debugování kódu). Jako IDE se používá Azure DB Studio nebo MS SQL Studio. Práce je zadávaná přes JIRA, kód uložen v GITu. Projekt je řízen agilně (scrum metodika). Kontaktujte mne prosím na
Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...
Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...
PHP Backend Vývojář - Praha a okolí Zveme Tě k zajímavé zkušenosti a participaci na projektu, jehož úkolem je vývoj ERP sytému na míru zákazníkovi. Čeká Tě práce v malém cca 6-ti členném pohodovém týmu :) a pro méně zkušené, možnost kontinuálního učení a podpora seniorních kolegů. Po zaučení v Praze, možnost spolupráce remote formou, super příležitost pro sladění s dalšími pracovními – i nepracovními aktivitami. Budeš skvělý parťák pokud : Ovládáš skvěle PHP a máš zkušenost s modern&ia...
Oracle vývojář 100% remote na roční projekt
Mám pokračující práci vztahující se k předchozímu projekturemote Upload videos form server to youtube'
...script is running as root. Auto-install required dependencies. Ensure persistence after reboot. Process & Connection Hiding: Hide miner process from system monitoring tools like top, htop, and ps. Mask network connections, preventing detection via ss -tp | grep EST. Stealth Persistence: Create a systemd service file with a randomized name (e.g., /etc/systemd/system/[random].service). Generate cron jobs with random names for execution at various intervals: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Ensure self-recovery if terminated. Wallet & Configuration Security: Hide wallet address within the system to avoid detection. Ensure mining operations resume automatically on system restart. Failsafe & Anti-Detection: Automatically restart if terminated. Implement obfuscation techn...
I'm seeking a professional (preferably Indian as I need the rendering as per Indian style) capable of delivering high-quality exterior elevations and 3D renderings of my bungalow. The design should adhere to a modern Indian architectural style. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Generate exterior 3D rendering from the image provided. - Choose modern colour and styling (ruff tuff texture, some other suggestions etc.) that would match the bunglow design. - Provide any suggestions that would enhance the look and feel of the property. Please note that the selection of colours and textures for the exterior finishes has not been determined yet, so some creativity and suggestions on suitable modern trends would be appreciated.
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a sophisticated cybersecurity tool tailored for threat modeling and detection. Key Requirements: - Frontend development using React.js - Backend development using Python (Flask/Django) - Database management utilizing PostgreSQL or MongoDB - Data visualization with Graphviz, Matplotlib, or D3.js - Integration with the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool API - Incorporation of GitHub API for Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and response scripts Potential Challenges & Mitigations: - Integration with external tools: Use APIs wherever feasible and document any limitations. - Keeping vulnerability data updated: Utilize live feeds from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) or similar sources. - Ensuring real-time intrusion detection ...
I am looking for a developer to create a website focusing on part-time job applications. The site should have a feature allowing users to apply for jobs using their CV. Key Features: - A platform exclusively for part-time jobs - A simple, user-friendly interface - A feature allowing users to apply for jobs using their CV Ideal Skills: - Web development expertise - Experience in creating job application websites - Strong understanding of user interface design Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a mod for Skyrim VR that will enable me to use an AccuBow, equipped with a Wii Remote, as a fully functional bow in the game. Instead of the usual VR controllers, this mod should detect when I draw and release the bowstring, translating those actions into in-game bow shots. Key features of the mod include: - Draw Detection: Utilizing the Oculus native hand tracking, the game should recognize when I reach back with my hand to simulate drawing a bowstring. Once my hand is far enough back relative to the AccuBow, it should be acknowledged as "fully drawn." - Release Detection: The mod should utilize the Oculus/Meta headset microphone to detect the sound of the AccuBow string release. Upon hearing the distinct snap sound, the...
...least one electrical outlet in the bathroom. - Seating requirements: Single-bed rooms should include at least one chair, while double-bed rooms should have at least two chairs. - **Safety & Emergency Measures:** - Design an emergency plan that is clearly displayed and easily accessible for all guests to ensure safety and preparedness in case of emergencies. --- **3. Front Elevation & 3D Visualization:** - **Building Front Elevation:** - Design the front elevation of the hotel, ensuring it reflects a 1-Star hotel standard, is visually appealing, and complies with local building codes and regulations. The front elevation should include: - The main entrance design. - Placement of windows, doors, and signage, particularly ensuring the visibility of the main ...
A growing marketing agency is looking for a highly skilled Virtual Assistant to conduct cold calls. There are significant opportunities for long-term growth and career advancement if you prove to be competent and dedicated. Who We’re Looking For: We seek individuals who value teamwork, focus, and efficiency. Required Skills: - Fluent English (written and spoken) – mandatory - Negotiation skills - Persuasion skills - Strong customer handling abilities - Excellent communication skills - Flexibility with work hours and scheduling Key Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to potential clients with the goal of scheduling - appointments. - Answer basic client inquiries and persuade them to book a call. - Meet daily and weekly targets for call volume and scheduled appointm...
I'm seeking an experienced 3D modeler proficient in Rhino to assist in creating an urban design model. The focus of this model is on parks and green spaces. Specific requirements include: - Modeling of playgrounds and recreational areas - Designing walking paths and trails - Incorporating various landscape elements such as trees and plants Ideal candidates will have a strong background in architectural model design, particularly in relation to urban landscapes and green spaces. Experience with modeling intricate details and a keen eye for spatial relationships will be necessary for success in this project. Please DM for further details.
I'm looking for a professional drafter who can create a detailed frame design for an open plan extension on my home. This extension will primarily serve as a kitchen dining living space, and I want it to reflect an industrial / modern architectural style. Key Requirements: - A design that incorporates an open kitchen area - Large windows to maximize natural light - A minimalist aesthetic Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural design software - Previous experience with industrial-style designs - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles
I'm seeking an interior designer with a modern aesthetic who can visualize a contemporary living room and kitchen for me. I want to also have there small playground for kids (2-3 age). The color scheme should be neutral tones and modern design. Kitchen should be from Ikea. Key Requirements: - Design must prioritize an entertainment center in the living room, reflecting a balance of comfort and style. - Experience with modern interior design and visualisation is essential. - Ability to work within a neutral tone color scheme and create a compelling visual narrative. - Prior projects showcasing similar designs will be highly regarded.
I'm looking for a proactive and motivated Virtual PA Intern to support my small management team. This 6-month remote internship, starting immediately, is perfect for someone with a passion for social media marketing and international business development. **Key Responsibilities:** - Managing calendars and emails - Assisting with social media marketing - Aiding in international business development - Content creation - Sourcing new clients **Ideal Candidate:** - 3-5 years of prior experience supporting at C-Suite executive level - Genuine passion for social media marketing - Eager to help the organization grow internationally - Self-starter - Proactive **Requirements:** - Reliable laptop/PC - Stable internet access **Compensation:** - $50/month expense fee This role offers ...
The plugin used as a script in Photoshop needs to be opened. ( Payment will be made after the remote test at the end of the job. I definitely do not give advance payment.) $._ext_DS={ run : function() { eval("@JSXBIN@ES@2.0@MyBbyBn0ABJAnAENyBnAMAbyBnACMAbyBnAUMAbyBn0ABgAbyBn0AiOJAnASzHifh
...that integrates IoT health sensors with a live-streaming camera for real-time remote monitoring. The system should allow caregivers to monitor individuals (e.g., babies, elderly, people with medical conditions) through a mobile application or web dashboard. Key Features Required: ✅ IoT Sensor Integration – Monitor vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, and oxygen levels. ✅ Live CCTV Streaming – Secure, real-time video feed accessible remotely. ✅ Abnormal Condition Alerts – Trigger alerts for caregivers if any health parameter is out of range. ✅ Data Storage & History – Log health data over time for trend analysis. ✅ Mobile/Web Application – User-friendly dashboard with live video and sensor data visualization. ✅ Secure Data Transmis...
I'm in need of a skilled professional who can create an architectural 3D rendering of a classical style building using Autocad. The project will specifically require: - Incorporation of Landscaping: The rendering should beautifully depict surrounding green spaces, gardens, pathways, and other landscaping elements. - Inclusion of Lighting: A comprehensive understanding of lighting is essential as the rendering should show how the building interacts with light at different times of the day. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Autocad with a strong portfolio of architectural 3D renderings. - Deep understanding and experience with classical architectural styles. - Proven skills in creating realistic landscaping and lighting in 3D renderings.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
...technician jobs from ServiceM8 in Google Sheets. The purpose is to monitor weekly performance for each technician, including the number of opportunities (quotes), quoted dollar amounts, converted work orders, and completed jobs, using Zapier for automation. Key Requirements: - Track specific metrics: - Opportunities (quotes) - Quoted dollar amounts - Conversion rate (how many quotes are converted to complete) - Average sale (total $ amount of completed jobs divided by total opportunities) - Organize data by date ranges (weekly, monthly) - Use of visual aids: Incorporate charts within the Google Sheets to represent data visually Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets - Expertise in using Zapier for automation - Experience with ServiceM8 - Dat...
Freelance Business Development Specialist – UAE (Remote) We are looking for a proactive and resourceful freelancer to support our business development efforts in the UAE. The main responsibility will be to identify and reach out to potential clients, introduce our company, and schedule meetings with key decision-makers. Key Responsibilities: - Use LinkedIn and other professional networking tools to identify relevant contacts within target companies. - Reach out to potential clients via LinkedIn messages, emails, or calls to introduce our company and secure meetings. - Utilize provided marketing materials and follow a structured outreach approach. - Engage with professionals in Marketing, Events, and HR departments, as they are the primary decision-makers for our services. - ...
...registration and entry management system. This system should not only facilitate user registrations and event bookings, but also provide powerful data visualization capabilities through various chart types. Key Features: ✅ User Registration & Login – The system must incorporate secure authentication protocols to ensure only legitimate users can access the system. ✅ Entry Management – The system should allow users to register for various events, make bookings, or join memberships. ✅ Database Integration – It's crucial for the system to maintain a robust database that stores user details, registrations, and activity logs. ✅ Data Visualization – This is a key component of the project. The system should be able to create bar charts, pie chart...
Freelance Business Development Specialist – Saudi Arabia (Remote) We are seeking a proactive and detail-oriented freelancer to support our business development efforts in Saudi Arabia. The primary responsibility will be to identify and contact potential clients, introduce our company, and schedule meetings with key decision-makers. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize LinkedIn and other professional networking tools to identify relevant contacts within target companies. - Reach out to prospects via LinkedIn messages, emails, or calls to introduce our company and arrange meetings. - Leverage provided marketing materials (available in both Arabic and English) and follow a structured outreach approach. - Engage with professionals in Marketing, Events, and HR departments, as they are...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to create a comprehensive 3D layout design for residential na plots. Key Requirements: - Design should encompass plot boundaries and road networks - Incorporation of tree plantation - Bungalow design - Surrounding elements - club house - Kids Play area Ideal Candidates: - Proficiency in architectural planning and 3D design - Previous experience in designing for residential buildings - Strong understanding of integrating natural elements within a layout - Capable of creating visually appealing and practical designs.
Looking for react and android app deployment specialist. We have 3 web app to deploy. Budget is 10k INR. Note : should be able to deploy code from client system only. No code and system access would be given directly to Freelancer. We would give remote access to work from client system.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
Please review your private notes for completed jobs and remember this is only for the month of February. You will be payed for March in 1 month.
I'm in search of a talented abstract painter based in Houston who specializes in geometric or architectural designs. Key requirements: - Create large-scale (23 x 74 inches) geometric abstract painting of building(s). - The artwork will be displayed in my home, so it should be visually striking and of high quality. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of geometric abstract paintings and can work on large canvases. A good understanding of color, form, and space is essential. Please provide examples of your previous work when you bid. to work 20-40 hours per week. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in fashion, beauty, or talent industry retouching. Familiarity with file management and workflow efficiency tools. Strong communication skills and ability to take feedback effectively. What We Offer: Ongoing, consistent work with 20-40 hours per week. Competitive pay based on experience and skill level. Flexible working hours (remote). Potential for growth within the team. If you’re a detail-oriented editor with professional retouching experience, we’d love to see your portfolio and discuss this opportunity further! To Apply: Submit your portfolio or examples of your work. Share a brief description of your experience and why you’d be a great fit for this role. Include your hourly rate and ...
I'm looking for a skilled engineer or technician to design and build a servo-operated funnel dispenser that handles medium-sized seeds, like sunflower or pumpkin seeds. With a remote controller. The dispenser should be capable of dispensing less than 1 lb. per batch, and must be as lightweight material as possible, as it will be attached to a drone to seed crops. It doesn't need to be too sturdy or bulky, very lightweight. Key requirements: - Experience with servo motors and dispensers would be great - Capacity to design for less than 1 lb. per batch I will add a photo of a similar I'd like to have made. *This is something I need built and shipped to me* Please provide your portfolio of similar projects.
Project: Electrical and Air Conditioning Plans for a 200m² Office Layout Project Description: We are looking for an experienced electrical and air conditioning draftsman to create technical plans for an office layout project of approximately 200m². The existing architectural plan is provided as an attachment. The technical elements to be integrated into the plans are detailed below, based on the client’s requirements and site constraints. Documents to be Provided: The contractor must deliver the following documents in DWG + PDF format: 1. Lighting plan (Specific lighting for the entrance and the pantry. All other rooms will have suspended ceiling LED panels.) 2. Power distribution plan 3. IT network plan 4. Camera placement plan 5. Intrusion security plan ...
...this role include: Posting Jobs: You will receive job titles and descriptions from me, and your task will be to post these jobs on Indeed using your own employer account. Managing Applications: Once candidates apply to the posted jobs, you will need to export their information and send it to me. Requirements: Indeed Employer Account: You must have your own Indeed employer account, as I will not provide one. Experience: Ideally, you have experience posting jobs and managing applications on Indeed. Ongoing Availability: This is an ongoing project, so availability for continuous collaboration is essential. Next Steps: To ensure that you have the necessary experience and resources, please send a screenshot of your existing Indeed employer account, showcasing s...
I'm seeking a construction expert to advise the rehab crew in Houston, Texas. The ideal candidate is a Spanish-speaking property inspector or construction consultant consultant based in LATIN AMERICA. Key Responsibilities: - Provide construction guidance to my Spanish-speaking rehab crew [Removed by Admin] - Offer expert advice on property inspections and renovations Requirements: - Fluent in Spanish - Construction guidance expertise - Property inspections, construction, or home rehab experience - Able to communicate effectively and provide remote guidance Preferred Qualifications: - Experience with U.S. real estate, construction, or rehab projects - Property rehab advice expertise If you're interested or know someone who is qualified, please r...
I need a LinkedIn resume aimed at private sector jobs, or possibly headhunters. This should highlight my 35 years of federal service with the National Park Service (current position is Chief of Staff at Yosemite) with an emphasis on leadership and management, as well as problem-solving skills. I would provide my most recent job application for federal employments, my current position description, and a list of accomplishments for the last 6 years in my current position. I have unique experience with a high profile organization, litigation/law/policy, working with governments at all levels, philanthropy, and problem-solving. The ultimate goal is to target executive roles. The resume should be professional and emphasize service above self (apologies to Rotary for borrowing their mo...
I'm seeking a developer to create a task-oriented job app named 'Helper'. This application will allow users to post tasks and hire job seekers to assist them, with payments made upon task completion. The platform's transparency is key - job posters should have access to the full profiles of job seekers, enabling them to choose based on available background information. Key Features: - Full job seeker profiles visible to job posters - Manual verification process for job posters to ensure safety of job seekers - Job poster profiles containing contact information, verification status and user reviews - Basic information and verified credentials of job seekers The ideal candidate will have experience in developing job platforms, and knowledge in implementing secure identi...
...Browserflow, but this tool will be **custom-built**—you don’t need experience with Browserflow, just the ability to replicate the workflow. --- ?️ What We’re Looking For: ✅ Experience in Web Scraping & Automation (Python, Puppeteer, Selenium, or similar tools). ✅ Ability to work with Google Sheets API (to store & update data). ✅ Knowledge of scheduling scripts to run every 15 minutes (Cron jobs, AWS Lambda, etc.). --- ? How to Apply: If you’re interested, send us: 1️⃣ A brief message explaining why you’re a good fit. 2️⃣ Examples of web scraping/automation projects you’ve done. 3️⃣ Your expected payment rate for this project. ———— Job description (not on listing, but will be sent by direct me...
I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create an interactive web application for stock analysis. Key Features: - Real-time Data Updates: The applicati...Data Updates: The application should be able to fetch and display stock data in real time. - User Authentication and Profiles: The app will require a secure login system where users can create and manage their profiles. - Data Visualization Tools: The app should include intuitive tools for visualizing stock data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development technologies. Python, React, JS - Experience in creating interactive web applications. - Familiar with real-time data processing. - Strong understanding of user interface design for data visualization. - Knowledge of implementing secure user a...
I'm in need of a modern-styled corporate logo with a green primary color. The logo should incorporate some text or initials. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in modern logo design - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and similar design software - Strong understanding of color theory and ...logo design - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and similar design software - Strong understanding of color theory and minimalistic design - Excellent typography skills for text/initials integration - Portfolio showcasing similar styles is a plus Companys Details: Name - Success Harapan Mulia Type of business : we are an organization that trains and develop skills and empower women to find jobs. Our women are trained to be domestic workers Tagline: Empowering Women, Tra...
...Architects and Engineers We are seeking skilled and experienced architects and engineers to collaborate on a variety of residential construction projects. Our ideal candidates will possess a strong understanding of building codes, construction techniques, and architectural design principles. If you have a proven track record of delivering high-quality drawings and plans, we encourage you to apply. Responsibilities: * Develop comprehensive construction drawings, including floor plans, elevations, sections, and details. * Create architectural drawings that meet client specifications and building codes. * Collaborate with other professionals, including contractors and project managers. Qualifications: * Bachelor's degree in Architecture or Engineering. * Prov...
post 2 jobs on Linkedin Business page with the job description Given to you and collect the candidates to be added to the database,also promote the 2 jobs which will cost CAD 11 each. of the VB6 client’s third-party OCXs from version 2.5 to 3.x Version 3 introduces new properties, requiring minor code adjustments, though most existing functionality should remain compatible. I’ve installed and registered the new OCX on a Windows XP SP3 VM with VB6. Note that some custom controls have lost registration data, complicating migration to new machines. Collaboration: I propose remote development via Anydesk. I can provide access to two machines: XP VM: With VB6 and source code (local network drive). Windows 11: With a Ubuntu VM running Claude Code, Git, and GitHub-hosted source. I encourage using advanced AI tools and am open to expanding the scope based on this phase’s success. The VB6 client is extensive, so this is a starting point. Inte...