100 cpa leads daypráce
Tato webová stránka je jiná v tom že je to nadační fond pro děti a dospělé s leukemií. Potřebujeme jednoduchou stránku ( nadační fond ) kde lidé budou moct posílat peníze pro nemocné lidi s leukemii. Je potřeba udělat jen pár kroků. Udě...leukemii. Je potřeba udělat jen pár kroků. Udělat jednu jednoduchou stránku kde lidi budou moct posílat peníze, na stránce by měl být jednoduchý text proč zrovna pomoct dětem a dospělím s leukemii, poté nějaká tabulka kde lidé budou moct posílat libovolnou částku na náš učet a pak už jen udělat tabulku kde lidé uvidí kolik peněz se už vybralo. Chcem...
...v oblasti outsourcingu logistiky a komplexních fulfillmentových služeb pro e-commerce. Je to nový a perspektivní obor. Naší vizí je: Vytvořit komplexní ekosystém služeb a produktů, díky kterým dokážeme zákazníky dostat do celého světa a z jejich pár objednávek denně udělat tisíce. Chceme umožnit zákazníkům růst. 200+ e-shopů nám již svěřilo svou logistiku 20 000+ odeslaných zásilek každý den 100% přesnost vychystávání objednávek 65% připravených zásilek putuje do zahraničí – zejména do států Evropské unie a Velké Brit&aac...
Hledáš možnost zapojit se do dynamického prostředí plného inovací a rychlého rozvoje? Pokud ano, připoj se k nám. Jsme tým odhodlaných a nadšených lidí poskytující fulfillmentové služby našim zákazníkům. Navrhujeme a poskytuje klientům ucelená ...dispozici v našem IT Hubu v Karlíně a v našem logistickém centru v Horních Počernicích. _________________________ Jsme lídrem v oblasti outsourcingu logistiky a komplexních služeb pro e-commerce. Máme vizi vytvořit komplexní ekosystém služeb a produktů, které mohou zákazníkům pomoci rozšířit se gl...
Zabýváme se výzkumy přičemž často využíváme různých chytrých on-line formulářů či SW aplikace s pokročilými výpočty a grafy. Máme dobrou úspěšnost projektů podpořených Technologickou Agenturou České Republiky. Někter...nakódované v Bootstrapu • Na backend používáme C# a ASP.NET Core • Data jsou uložená v SQL Serveru a pro přístup používáme Entity Framework • Celý projekt udržujeme na Githubu. Co Vám nabízíme • Nabízíme ohodnocení v rozmezí od 3800 - 5200kč za MD. • Spolupráci formou d&iacu...
Provozujeme 16 prodejen v obchodních centrech po ČR pod značkou EXE JEANS a také e-shop. Jsme specialisté na džíny, prodejní síť a aktivity e-shopu postupně zvětšujeme. Za loňský rok náš obrat přesáhl 100 mil. Kč, letos to bude kolem kolem 150 mil. Kč. Naše hlavní značky produktů jsou Mustang, Cross, Mavi, Tom Tailor Heavy Tools a další. Hledáme specialistu s prokazatelnou zkušeností na zlepšení výkonu online mkt specificky u Glami. Ostatní ppc kanály Google, Seznam, FB apod. máme pokryté.
...the field of Automotive and therefore the website should have a professional and technically appealing design with a dose of various animations and interactions for users. You can find comments on individual websites in the attachment Further work would concern the graphic design of various advertising and sales materials. Sites we like: Thanks and have a nice day David Hujer Hledáme zkušeného webového designéra a grafika, který je schopný udělat web který by nás odlišil od naší suché konkurence. Chtěli bychom web, který bude mít řádný wow efekt, pro každého, kdo se na něj podívá. Nehledáme žádný tuctový web...
Two years ago, I had a plugin cr...years ago, I had a plugin created to calculate the price of pencil printing. After updating the woocommerce, my files were probably overwritten - the price with the print on the product page, in the cart and others is not displayed. You will need a good knowledge of the core of woocommerce and programming Link for example : input quantity 100 - select "potisk předmětu - online kalkulačka" click "zvolte technologii" select "tamponový tisk" click "Upřesněte technologii" select "jednobarevný potisk" click vypočítat cenu potisku ... now see only NaN Kč... Nan - It should be the sum of the price of the products + the price of the print Multiple files need to be modified for...
Build me a Professional Web APP I want a person or agenc...le-down-width&page-id=0%3A1 Would be such 5000 Pages in Phase 1 to develop in batch of 100 or 1000 pages in different team Total Budget - 10,0000 to 20,000 Aud . Payment strictly through freelancer milestone on completion of milestones of 100 to 1000 pages of the project to be decided with client and development workers People should be able to communicate in Swiss French or English. (I will be interviewing on Zoomm Telegramm or Skyype before finalisation) People willing to work in this budget respond
Dobrý den, jsme začínajícím obchodem, který se zabývá elektronickým prodejem potravin a hledáme fotografa v oblasti Prahy, nebo Liberce a okolí. Vyhovující by byl termín třetí případně čtvrtý týden v březnu 2021, abychom v rámci společné spolupráce vytvořili fotografie 100 produktů a následně je z naší strany přidali do našeho online katalogu. Potřebujeme 2/3 fotografie pro každý produkt (SKU) včetně úpravy. Fotografie musí zobrazovat produkt v původním obalu s bílým pozadím. Zároveň je obrázky potřebné přejmenovat pomocí EAN kó...
Pozice zahrnuje návrh, vývoj, úpravy a migraci 100+ scénářů v JAVA technologii, primárně v oblasti vrstvy služeb (mikro-services, klasické services). Dlouhodobý projekt.
Potrebuji pomoci a vyberem a integraci CRM reseni pro obchodni team, celkem cca 50 obchodniku a 100 zamestnancu.
Filming Indigenous content for a healing walk. This will be a quick day shoot. We will need the video shot and edited as well. Oct 23. About 8hs work. 5 hs videoshoot, 3 hs travel.
...It is about a single female person / group of independent professionals and artists that are producing tailored made highly creative events. It is not an emerging event agency producing "event products" My company is looking for a 100% match and understanding with the client that is percieved as a co-creator of the event. The main focus of the brand is to reduce waste from events and to use and work gently with materials and props. "Eventačka" offers 3 services: - Tailor made events for business partners, employees, or the public. (Family, Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christmas parties, Opening events, Company anniversaries, Open days, Roadshow, Garden parties, Galaevenings and other new format that are not so known) - Exte...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
scrapper in or sample of detail page: items: 100 g/100 ml Energetická hodnota Tuky - z toho nasycené mastné kyseliny Sacharidy - z toho cukry Bílkoviny Sůl Please be aware that some pages include more information than 100g or 100ml.
Oracle vývojář 100% remote na roční projekt
Potřebuji jednoduchý php script program který bude mít administraci + uživatelské prostředí. Jde o přidělení firmě dle výše faktur určitý počet bodu dle nastaveného koeficientu. Příklad 1000 € = 100 bodů, firma bude akorát vidět číslo faktury suma faktury a stav bodů, administrátor bude jenom přidávat k jednotlivé firmě částky a body se budou automaticky navyšovat.
...svého mobilu. Máme za sebou silného investora a jsme kousek od spuštění. 2015 byl rok, kdy jsme získali investici pro náš projekt a začali ho vyvíjet. Aktuálně potřebujeme stabilizovat náš tým a získat mezi nás motivované a šikovné lidi, kteří jsou připraveni být při spuštění globálního projektu a dále ho rozvíjet. Doposud jsme řešili vývoj pomocí agentury. Nyní chceme mít nad vývojem 100% kontrolu. Proto hledáme TEBE: šikovného a vysoce motivovaného iOS nebo Android developera, který nám pomůže přivé...
Dobrý den, všimla jsem si vašeho profilu a ráda bych vám nabídla svůj projekt www.vaky-pytle.cz. Podrobnosti na emailu: info@
...set as well as a basic knowledge of Linux. Ideally you are familiar with the ticketing system OTRS. Moreover, you are a team player with excellent analytic and conceptual skills in combination with good language skills in English and ideally German. What we offer Innovative business model Financially sound company with solid long-term financing Responsibility for your own field of work from day 1 Flat hierarchies, friendly working atmosphere and diverse tasks in a strongly growing company The possibility to choose the technology you want to work with yourself Attractive compensation Regular feedbacks and various coaching and development possibilities ...
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Sháníme programátora na dokončení rozdělaného projektu. Kód velmi čistě psaný, neměl by tvořit problémy na pochopení. Stručné info níže. ** Product Statement ** Jedná se o jakýsi systém klubové základny. Jednoduše bych to popsal jako velmi jednoduchou sociální síť, něco ve stylu začínajícího Linkedinu, pro business účely...jelikož je to do budoucna z praktického hlediska dobře udržovatelné) - PHP 5 - framework CodeIgniter - šablonovací systém Smarty - SVN ** Požadujeme ** - Intuitivní refaktorovaný kód (čili všude phpDoc, dodržování zave...
Trqbvat mi experti tochno kato teb, vijdam che si si bulgarin, koeto pomaga naistina mnogo. S teb shte osnoven nova frima narechena Horne jar Computers i shte copirame izcqlo Jar Computers no nikoi nqma da ni hvane. Tova shte bude ofertata na jivota ti shte ti plashtam 5 USD na chas nqma problem samo ela da rabotish za men. Respect Leka nosht Pozdravi - Ne e Horne
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 10 eur u 14 dana ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato je jakno važno da koristite samo dobre prakse! Sa...
I am looking for a talented designer to create a unique and modern logo for my custom cabinet business, "Mann Custom Cabinets." The design should be easily recognizable, visually appealing, and reflective of quality craftsmanship. The ideal candidate will have experience in branding and logo creation with a portfolio showcasing simi...easily recognizable, visually appealing, and reflective of quality craftsmanship. The ideal candidate will have experience in branding and logo creation with a portfolio showcasing similar projects. Requirements: - Incorporate the name - Style: Modern, attractive, easily understandable. - Deliverables: Finalize digital files compatible with various media (AI, PNG, JPG). Budget: Around $100 AUD Timeline: Open-ended but emphasizing...
I'm seeking a seasoned Google Ads professional for a long-term project aimed at generating sales and leads for my services. This role requires daily management of bidding to ensure profitability. Key Responsibilities: - Daily monitoring and adjusting of bids. - Implementing strategies to maximize lead generation and sales. Compensation Structure: - Minimal fixed payment. - Additional percentage from profit generated through Google Ads. Please share your previous experience with Google Ads, specifically in promoting services on the Search Network.
...appointments. - Accuracy and speed: The ability to transfer information with high accuracy and amazing speed, including the number and reason. - Dealing with data: I learned how to analyze data in ways that make it easier for users to access basic information. - Effective communication: Designing work environments that require effective communication with different departments and teams, which leads to improving my management and coordination skills. As a result, I believe that my experience in information sources enables me to excel in the field, and I am always improving skills and learning new techniques to sing at a high level of professionalism and efficiency. --- This text gives an overview of your experience and skills, with a focus on the reflection that distinguish...
I'm seeking a dedicated individual to assist me with my online business and media for 4 hours a day, 10 am IST to 2 PM IST. The tasks will primarily involve social media management, customer support, and administrative tasks. A part of the role will also include helping with various SaaS platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Managing my social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - Handling customer support queries - Assisting with administrative tasks - Providing assistance with SaaS platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media management - Excellent customer service skills - Strong administrative capabilities - Familiarity with various SaaS platforms The compensation for this role is 1200 INR per week.
...expert who can help me generate leads for hiring freshers and individuals seeking employment in the Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry regions. Key aspects of this project include: - Industry Focus: Primarily targeting the hiring and recruiting industry sector. This could encompass various roles within this field. - Candidate Qualifications: All categories are of interest. This includes graduates, postgraduates, and diploma holders. - Job Roles: The primary focus will be on entry-level positions. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Prior experience in HR or recruitment. - Excellent networking skills. - Ability to source candidates from diverse educational backgrounds. - Familiarity with the Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry job market. - Capable of generating leads for ...
Opportunity for experienced Laravel developers to work on our projects. Also, should be able to complete the tasks in quicker time, All bugs are to be fixed free of charge. Please send your answers for the below questions; 1. What type of Software you have done in Laravel+Vue? 2. How many years of ...you have in Vue software development? 4. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel + Vue software development? 5. What are your other skills and capabilities? 6. Are you employed anywhere now and if as in which capacity and responsibilities? 7. What is your lowest expected monthly salary in USD? 8. What is your No of working days per week? 9. What is your No of working hours per day? 10. Are you ready to work on the project wise (hourly rate based on the above monthl...
Job Title: Senior Recruiter (Remote) About the Role: We are looking for a skilled and experienced Senior Recruiter to join our team on a part-time, remote basis. In this role, you will take ownership of the recruitment process, from sourcing and screening candidates to conducting interviews via platforms like Google Meet or Zoom. Key Responsibilities: Man...and progress. Qualifications and Skills: Proven experience in talent acquisition and recruitment. Exceptional interviewing and communication skills. Strong organizational abilities to manage multiple candidates and timelines effectively. Proficiency in using virtual platforms (Google Meet, Zoom) and applicant tracking systems (ATS). Position Details: Type: Remote Commitment: Minimum 3 hours per day Location: Flexible within...
...Trading, with over 17 years of experience in the Italian and International markets. We are currently looking for: 3 Sales Secretaries (Remote, Part-Time) – Long-Term Collaboration We are seeking 3 organized and motivated Italian speaking secretaries for a 100% remote position. We want determined, reliable individuals who are interested in building a long-term relationship with our company, supporting our sales team in daily operations. FLUENT ITALIAN IS MANDATORY What We Offer - Monthly salary: 650 USD - Working hours: 4 hours per day, Monday to Friday (with the possibility of occasional Saturday work if necessary) - Time slots to choose from (CET-CEST): - 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM - 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM - 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM - Daily me...
I need someone who can assist me with songs I recently upload to SoundCloud. 30 songs per account. 30 seconds per song. 20 accounts per day. 5 hour shifts During that time you'll: - quickly select cover pictures (from a folder I'll provide) to go with the song - then give a title for the song If you have experience with SoundCloud great, but most importantly you need to pay attention to detail. And be a bit creative Here's how to do the job:
I am seeking a seasoned B2B SaaS lead generation professional with a knack for the tech industry. The focus will be on medium-sized companies. Key Responsibilities: - Generating leads using various channels: Email campaigns, LinkedIn outreach, and Cold calling. - Scheduling meetings with potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in B2B SaaS lead generation. - Strong communication and interpersonal skills. - Proficiency in Email campaigns, LinkedIn outreach, and Cold calling. - Experience in targeting medium-sized companies within the tech industry.
I'm looking for an expert to make me a wireless rechargeable, programmable Bluetooth LED. The device should be under 1 inch in size and preferably in a rectangular shape. It will optionally use a Waveshare 1.51-inch Transparent OLED display to show initials and numbers from 1 to 100. (( LED Bluetooth Digital APP Programmable Scrolling Name Message Tag Badge )) Commercial options want however want something smaller. Key Requirements: - The primary function of the LED is to display initials and numbers. - The device should be programmable and connectable via Bluetooth. - The LED should be smaller than the standard size, ideally under 1 inch. - The shape of the device is rectangular. I’m open to any power source for the rechargeable feature, be it USB charging, inducti...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to generate a CSV file containing 500 leads of companies dealing with school appeals. Budget is $20 - dont bother to bid if not happy with the budget The CSV file should include: - Company Name - Contact Number - Email - LinkedIn The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with school appeals companies - Proficiency in creating and managing CSV files - Understanding of data privacy and ethical sourcing Please note, the leads should strictly pertain to school appeals sample sites are:
I'm looking for a graphic designer to help me with a unique project. I have around 100 photos that need to be framed and arranged into a large collage. The final product will be printed on a wall-sized canvas of 219cm x 110cm, so precision and attention to detail are essential. Key details: - Frame Style: All frames should be vintage in design. - Color Scheme: The frames should be of mixed colors, creating a vibrant and eclectic look. - Layout: The photos should be arranged in a collage style, rather than a grid or mosaic. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience with large-scale design projects - A good eye for vintage aesthetics and color matching - Ability to create a cohesive design from a diverse set of images Also , after fini...
I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can create a Power Automate Custom Connector for me. It may not be possible, so I'll pay you to first research and confirm if we can achieve it. The purpose of this connector is to: - Execute a Dataverse Action within the current environment. - Receive a dynamic JSON output. This may be different for each different record received. - Parse the output to behave similarly to a standard Get Row action. Like the standard Flow Parse JSON action. This project requires extensive knowledge in Power Automate and experience with creating Custom Connectors. Your ability to work with Dataverse Actions and JSON parsing will be crucial. My idea of how is like it to work may not be possible. So your input on how we could achieve the output would be ...
...information related to the same customer (orders, contact details, etc.) to be unified under a single lead in Kommo, even if they make multiple purchases or contact us via WhatsApp. Current Issues: 1. Lead Duplication: When a customer interacts at different times, Kommo generates multiple leads instead of consolidating them: • Day 1: The customer messages us on WhatsApp → Lead 1 is created with their phone number. • Day 2: They make their first purchase on WooCommerce → Lead 2 is created with the order details. • Day 3: They make a second purchase → Lead 3 is created with the new order. This results in duplicates, making tracking and management more complicated. 2. Order Information Stored Separately: Each order from the same ...
As a Customer Support & Virtual Assistant, you will play a vital role in ensuring a seamless experience for our tenants and property owners. You will handle a variety of administrative tasks, respond to inquiries, assist with tenant issues, and support our property management team with day-to-day operations. The ideal candidate is detail-oriented, tech-savvy, and passionate about providing outstanding customer service. Key Responsibilities: - Scheduling appointments - Managing emails - Preparing reports - Responding to rent payment issues - Addressing maintenance requests - Assisting with move-in/move-out processes - Handling complaints Skills and Experience: - Exceptional customer service skills - Proficient in tech and property management software - Experience in virt...
I'm looking for a virtual assistant/ freelancer to help me with an affiliate program, promoting services targeted towards individuals and small businesses. Pay- 1 USD per acquired customer you bring Target- 10 customers a day Duration: 1 month - No upfront or other charges will be provided, - Pay will be released on reaching daily targets/ milestones - No ads, only organic traffic required. - Proficiency in one-one marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and Content marketing - Proven track record in sales, particularly in affiliate programs - No invalid email ids/ bots or fake users allowed - Each customer must signup to the service from his own device
I'm looking for an experienced AI developer who can create a lead generation chatbot for my business. This chatbot needs to be integrated with my website, social media platforms, and email. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a chatbot that can effectively generate leads. - Ensure seamless integration of the chatbot with my website, various social media platforms, and email. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in AI and chatbot development. - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies. - Excellent skills in software integration across multiple platforms.
...- Appointment Booking: The system should facilitate appointment bookings for visitors. - Dashboard Creation: A user-friendly dashboard needs to be created which highlights total visitings for the day, and prominently displays the departments being visited. - Biometric System: A biometric system must be integrated for visitor identification. - Photo Uploading: The system should allow for the uploading of up to 4 photos per visitor. The preferred visitor identification method for this project is a QR code scanner. The admin dashboard should provide the following data: - Total Visitings for the Day - Visitor Visit Durations - Highlighted Visiting Departments Ideal skills for this job include a strong proficiency in PHP and MySQL, experience in developing visitor manageme...