NEED Animated GIF for our web page. Larger Format - TOURVIA
- Stav: Closed
- Odměna: $50
- Přijatých návrhů: 20
- Vítěz: YaserBarakzy
Instrukce k soutěži
We have a mobile Real Estate Agent Delivery App coming out, and we would like to show how our Real Estate agents are "Ready" and traveling around the local area, "ready" to show you houses for sale.
I've created a very bad example of what we are looking for but hopefully, this sample can be used for reference.
Please ask questions if needed.
Please note, I noticed a lot of the entrees are using cartoon characters. This is a professional website for company. We need high end stock headshots of professional "Real Estate Agent" looking people.
- Real Estate Agent(s)
- Moving Around
- Maybe Showing Perhaps Arrows or lit-up highways or Arrows and directional flow
- Maybe homes for sale on the map
Please ask any questions as needed
Doporučené dovednosti
Zpětná vazba od zaměstnavatele
“@YaserBarakzy won the contest on 17 December 2022”
Cheenie77, United States.
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