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Vipan K.
Experienced Web Developer/Designer
$12 USD / год.
India (8:59 дп)
На сайті з грудня 30, 2017
$12 USD / год.
I am a Professional Wordpress, Magento, joomla, drupal, Developer/Designer with 5 years of expertise in Blog / Theme Development, E-commerce, Woocommerce etc.
# My extensive work experience and innovative approach make every task achievable as per the required standards.
# Being rated 5 stars on my previous projects with 100% client satisfaction, excellent communication skills I believe that I will be a good fit for this job.
# I am available 7 days a week via Skype, hangouts, email and other preferred modes of communication.
Very professional communication, cooperative and trustworthy.
I did the work by myself, but Vipan's professional advises did help to identify the issue faster.
He is amazing and intelligent, very patient and polite. I had to let him remotely access our systems data and private info. Also had access to other sensitive data, he delivered the job perfectly safely. Very tustworthy.