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Tyler F.
Passionate and Professional Writer!
$8 USD / год.
United States (7:01 дп)
На сайті з грудня 25, 2024
$8 USD / год.
While I am currently a high school student, I am extremely talented at writing, and have a great passion for my craft. I finished AP English Literature and Composition with an A+ and a 5 on the AP test. I currently have an A+ in AP English Literature and expect to get another 5 on the AP test. On my ACT, I was scored a 31 in reading, a 33 in English, and an 11/12 in writing. I love reading others work, and looking for ways to improve the craft, grammar, and content of their piece. For these reasons, I am a free, volunteer tutor at my school to help struggling students with their English homework, giving them 1 on 1 time to feel comfortable to ask questions, and try different techniques, something they are afraid to do in class. Providing my English writing assistance for a low price will not only help my customers, but also give me a fun task at hand to complete on my own time. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to look at my profile and considers my services. I personally thank everyone of you for your support!