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Електронну адресу успішно верифіковано.
Maria Susana N.
I put your ideas in action, quality is my motto
$40 USD / год.
Argentina (12:28 пп)
На сайті з червня 3, 2008
$40 USD / год.
My web development process consists of four crucial steps to achieve maximum
quality in PHP applications: Consulting, Analysis, Innovation and Scalability.
Demonstrated ability to identify and troubleshoot critical issues.
Knowledge of emerging technologies and platforms.
Excellent communication skills. Quality and client needs are my priorities.
Talent, skill and passion... not necessarily in that order but always aligned :)
I put your ideas in action.
Top notch. Very skilled at web development. She does things found on major websites like Amazon. She is very talented. She did things my previous developer said was impossible. She does the impossible. Could not be more pleased. Thank you.