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Помилка під час скасування підписки на користувача.
Ви успішно рекомендували
Помилка рекомендування користувача.
Щось пішло не так. Будь ласка, оновіть сторінку та повторіть спробу.
Електронну адресу успішно верифіковано.
Stefan K.
Highest rated danish translator on Freelancer.com
$40 USD / год.
Denmark (7:30 пп)
На сайті з жовтня 22, 2013
$40 USD / год.
When content is king!
Holding a Bachelor in International Marketing & Sales.
Hardworking male from Denmark.
Translation from english to danish & danish copywriting.
Living in Aarhus, Denmark I hold a bachelor in International Sales and Marketing, with a personal interest in linguistic. This makes me a reliable consultant regarding business planning, social media strategy or translations between English and Danish. I am using the projects to fund my entrepreneurial activities.
Why hire me?
- I guarantee a 100 % quality translation.
- I guarantee 24 / 7 support via Freelancer / Skype / E-Mail
- I guarantee satisfaction. (60 % payment upon Delivery + 40 % upon 100% Satisfaction)
- I have integrety, you can trust that I will deliver and writes (and speaks) perfect danish
- My Vision is to deliver constant, quality work that will lead to clients contacting me regarding jobs. For this to be true, I HAVE to deliver!
Throw me a message, and lets do business!
Stefan Kjeldsen is a professional translator. I gave him a furniture manufacturing related translation work with a few technical terms. Not very technical, but without a little research it wouldn't work out. He made a great job, I can just recommend it to others.