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Suleyman D.
Senior Software Developer (Full Stack)
$20 USD / год.
Turkey (11:30 дп)
На сайті з серпня 9, 2015
$20 USD / год.
I am a highly competent software engineer with 10+ years of experience designing, programming and testing software across a variety of platforms. I have worked on numerous projects from concept to completion. A specialist in Visual Basic ,C++, C# Mssql, Mysql , Php, Jquery , Html, Css and MS Based Systems, I take pride in coding to consistently high standards and regularly work for solution-oriented systems.
I have completed more than a hundred systems being used atm like sale applications having more than 3m invoives every year , MMORPG game security systems having more than 500k players account and many other crm , b2b , b2c , e-commerce , erp , mrp and others.
I can handle any hard works on any programming language as a multilingual full stack developer but if it is up to me i prefer ;
vb & .net for native apps.
mssql on db.
php on web programming.
jquery on web scripting.
c# on xamarin for android and ios.
I can code your dreams to come true.