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Електронну адресу успішно верифіковано.
Muhammad Mubashar A.
Electronics Design Engineer, Altium, kiCAD
$10 USD / год.
Pakistan (10:00 дп)
На сайті з травня 14, 2010
$10 USD / год.
I am a Master in Electrical & Electronics Engineer, I have experience of over 8 years in the field of Electronic System designing, I have the ability to build a system around ESP8266 only, Arduino or other microcontrollers according the needs of costumers, I have skills of Embedded programming, Windows-based software programming(Visual C#, C++), wireless communications(wifi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, XBee, etc) and devices, Embedded Programming: ESP8266 and/or ESP32 - IoT, RTOS Programming experience in the field of Control & Automation Interfacing of various Sensors with microcontrollers Students projects, Pakistan Students FYP maker in Pakistan