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Jaspreet S.
PHP| Laravel|CodeIgniter|WordPress|React|Angular|
$15 USD / год.
India (7:44 дп)
На сайті з грудня 23, 2021
$15 USD / год.
Welcome to my profile:
I'm Jaspreet an expert Full-Stack Developer with over 9 years of experience. I have hands-on expertise in front-end and back-end development, API development & integration, another thing is payment gateway integration.
I am always ready to take on new challenges and develop innovative products to help my clients stay ahead of the competition.
Key Highlights
* Rich experience in Frontend, Backend, Database, and APIs
* API development & integration
* Top-Rated Full-Stack Developer by Upwork
Technical Skills
* Front-end development technologies: Angular, Vue.js, React.js, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, HTML, and CSS3
* Server-side languages: PHP, Laravel, Yii, CodeIgnitor, CakePHP, and Node.js
* Database: MongoDB, Postgresql, MsSQL, and MySQL
* Web Services: Amazon AWS and S3, cURL, and Rest
* Content management systems: Shopify, WordPress, Magento, CS-Cart, BigCommerce, Moodle, and LearnDash
* CRM: Zoho integration
Industry Domains I Have Worked in
* eLearning
* Retail and eCommerce
* Real estate
* Foods & beverages
* Health & Fitness
* Financial services
* Telecommunication
I'm always available for a good chat or call about the project discussion. Feel Free to contact me!