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Himaru P.
handsome server program
$15 USD / год.
Sri Lanka (8:09 пп)
На сайті з червня 23, 2010
$15 USD / год.
I have experience in Network and Systems Engineering more than 8 years.
I have knowledge in Windows Servers, Red Hat, AWS, VMWare, Ansible & Terraform.
I have experience in problem solving and Trouble shooting in Zabbix,OPS Manager, Grafana, Premethis, New Relic Monitoring tools.
Slack and Jira ticketing Systems.
I am available for 5 days per week in any roster.
I have knowledge in servers and good Team worker.
I'm expert in remotely work with dedicated servers.
Himaru is such a nice fellow - this is the 3rd project we are working on and he is a great engineer
I am so happy with Himaru; as he is a good watch person on my projects and brings quality
It is my honor to recommend Himaru to you and there is confidence in his abilities !
Himaru has just the knownledge needed and need more from him!
Himaru is so good - I am proud to write this feedback about his engineering quality.
there is hope Himaru will work with me more, as I really appreciate his goodness.