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Abdul M.
Professional Graphics Designer
$20 USD / год.
Bangladesh (3:46 пп)
На сайті з грудня 19, 2017
$20 USD / год.
I am a professional graphics designer. I will take your need and my imagination and make professional and awesome graphic designs out of them for you. I am a very friendly and chatty guy. Don’t hesitate to contact me. And I am really trustworthy.
The designs I can work on are:
Business card and logo design
Simple clean and crisp business card design
Plastic or Transparent business card
Luxury business card
Rounded Business cards
Vertical/Tall Business cards
Thank you cards
Stationery Design
Logo Design
Banner Design
Creative Design
Brochure Design
Letterhead Design and
Label Design Contest
Abdul M is quick to communicate, and when the contest was completed he very quickly transfered the files. The work is as expected, and I am pleased with the end product.