Models are made in ANSYS Workbench project and absolutely the same in ANSYS APDL. You need to do the same in NASTRAN
$10-100 USD
Оплачується при отриманні
The archive contains 5 elementary models (1 or 2 cubes with different boundary conditions). These models are made in ANSYS Workbench project and absolutely the same in ANSYS APDL. You need to do the same in NASTRAN.
It is better that there is a script that converts these 5 models from the ANSYS APDL format to the NASTRAN format. And vice versa, from NASTRAN format to ANSYS APDL format.
IMPORTANT! At the end of the work, you need to compare the calculation results of these 5 models in ANSYS and NASTRAN. This will be proof that your script is working correctly.
To complete this task, you need basic knowledge of either ANSYS or NASTRAN and programming knowledge.
Request. Please immediately write in your proposal if there is knowledge on these three points:
* Programming any language.
3-5 days
ID Проекту: #20817667
Про проект
The proposal agreed is described in detail with purpose, steps, input data and delivery dates in the document "[login to view URL]" send to the client.
6 фрілансерів(-и) готові виконати цю роботу у середньому за $131
Hi, We have te to work on FEA and CFD analysis. We are using Ansys Workbench, NX Nastran, StarCCM+ Software's for Analysis. We will do your projects as per your requirement. please come in chat for more discussion.