Zencart seo metaроботи
...(mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual platform (German, English, and additional languages such as Polish, Russian, etc.) so that international truck drivers can easily find and book our services in case of unexpected repairs o...
Створення 2 автоматизацій передачі лідів з Google ads та Facebook meta до pipedrive
Потрібно проаналізувати інтернет магазин в плані SEO та технічних помилок, які заважають ПС нормально індексувати сторінки на сайті. Важливо, щоб виконавець мав в арсеналі популярні платні інструменти, наприклад ahrefs та інші. Потрібно перевірити всі фактори, які можуть впливати на просування, також можлива і подальша співпраця на постійній основі! Хочемо за наступні 6 місяців вивести сайт на гарні позиції в пошуку, потрібна допомога в плані: - на що витрачати сили, кошти - в який напрямок рухатися - що виправляти, переробляти в плані текстів та їх розміщення, формату і так далі
Потрібно налаштувати адаптацію фільтру FilterVier зі Slasoft Seo Pro на OpenCart для магазину господарських товарів Наразі фільтри індексуються в Google тільки українською мовою (основною). Для російської мови сторінки фільтрів видають прихований редирект На самому сайті редиректу не видно, сторінки відкриваються двома мовами. Проте сторонні сервіси бачать цей редирект. У зв'язку з цим виникає проблема - Гугл не індексує фільтри російською мовою. Звертались до спеціалістів з цим питанням - проблема в плагіні фільтрів, потрібно налаштувати адаптацію зі Slasoft Seo Pro. Тому стоїть задача - прибрати редирект з фільтрів російською мовою на українську. Запропонуйте, будь ласка, ціну роботи та терміни
Шукаю до себе у маленьку команду людину на довго строкову роботу яка розуміється добре у налаштуванні Shopify магазинів та Google або Meta реклами. 100% Віддалена робота. Обовʼязкові вимоги: - Створення Shopify магазина із нуля (без кодування) - Базове розуміння у Google ads або Meta Ads (краще обидва) - Хороші навики комунікації через чат, та зум дзвінки. Не обовʼязково, але бажано: - Запуск та продажі по системі дропшиппінг. (Тобто ви самостійно запустились та зробили продажі) В чому полягає робота: - Курувати учнями які у нас на програмі та допомога із налаштуванням Shopify магазина та також підключеннями всіх інтеграцій. (У тому числі і рекламних платформ.) - Все буде відбуватись згідно із нашими процесами, тобто вам нічого не прийдеться здогадуватись як робити. ...
SEO, SMM сайту на Sopify (Европа) бажана постійна основа дуже гнучкі варіанти Орієнтир на Європу (Німеччина) та Моделі, Іграшки. Знання німекцької не обов'язкове
Ми у пошуках копірайтера до написання сео оптимізованого тексту польською мовою по ТЗ. У перспективі можемо розглянути довгострокову співпрацю. Чого очікуємо: - знання польської мови на високому рівні, - Текст має бути цікавим та читабельним, а також унікальним. Також у відповіді просимо додати посилання на гугл док з прикладами Ваших текстів (2-
Ми у пошуках копірайтера до написання сео оптимізованого тексту польською мовою по ТЗ. У перспективі можемо розглянути довгострокову співпрацю. Чого очікуємо: - знання польської мови на високому рівні, - Текст має бути цікавим та читабельним, а також унікальним. Також у відповіді просимо додати посилання на гугл док з прикладами Ваших текстів (2-
Я хочу поставити свій сайт електронної комерції на перше місце в Google. На цю вакансію претендують лише SEO експерти
Шукаємо SEO спеціаліста для нашої онлайн бази резюме IT фахівців . База даних - сукутність резюме з актуальними контактними даними фахівців,які розглядають пропозиції про зміну свого робочого місця.
Є сайт створений на системі Бітрікс Сайт складається з 5 лендінгів по кожному з них Потрібно проаналізувати сторінки та виправити всі помилки повязані зі seo ( Написання мета тегів та мета Description правильно ) Підвязати акаунт на контекстну рекаламу, налаштувати закупку ссилочної маси Вивести за короткий термін сайт на ТОП3
Потрібно створити інтернет-магазин, який би відповідам всім вимогам пошукових систем: адаптивний дизайн, швидкість завантаження сторінок, можливість створити посадкові сторінки на основі пересічення категорії та фільтрів і т.д. Тематика - магазин брендового взуття. ТЗ відсутнє. Після запуску магазин має відразу ж піти на просування, тому важливо, щоб всі деталі по оптимізації були реалізовані ще на етапі розробки. Приклад і вимоги до магазину можна побачити тут
Інтернет-магазин б.у автозапчастин rb-ukraine.com..ua
Hi there, We are currently looking for a SEO specialist. who can help us in getting our pages in Google rankings for USA. Please go through the following scope of work and provide us with a brief description on how you can help us. Project goal: To elevate our Google rankings and enhance targeted traffic to our services in the USA through expert SEO strategies. Target audience: Businesses and individuals in the USA seeking specialized services in Amazon consulting, data management, and healthcare data entry. Example Keywords: Amazon Consulting & Advertising Seller Account Management Amazon Marketing Data Management & Entry Medical Data Entry & Healthcare Data Support for IoT Devices Backend Support Services Scope of work: - Conduct comprehensive keyword resear...
I'm seeking a skilled digital marketer to execute a call campaign promoting my Instagram reel. The primary objective is to generate leads and boost sales, with a balanced focus on both Google Ads and Meta Ads. Ideal Freelancer: - Proficient in digital marketing with experience in Google and Meta Ads - Capable of crafting engaging campaigns targeting adults between 25 to 44 years old - Track record of successfully generating leads and increasing sales through social media promotion Please note: The primary goal of this campaign is not just to increase likes and engagement on Instagram, but to translate these interactions into tangible sales leads.
...WooCommerce full-stack developer to create a lightweight custom theme for my online store. The theme should be efficient, quick-loading, and user-friendly. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a custom, lightweight WooCommerce theme. - Ensure the theme is SEO-optimized to enhance visibility and boost traffic. - Apply best practices in both on-page and technical SEO. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WooCommerce and full-stack development. - Proven experience in creating custom, minimalist themes. - Strong understanding and practical experience in SEO. - Ability to create advanced product filters and custom product pages. Please note, design style and specific features have not been predetermined, but a minimalist approach is preferred. A flexible mindset an...
...Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). • Generate leads and drive engagement through creative content and strategies. • Optimize campaigns based on performance metrics to maximize ROI. • Collaborate with our team to align marketing efforts with business goals. Who You Are • A results-driven digital marketer with a proven track record in performance-based roles. • Skilled in social media management, paid ads (Meta, Google), and lead generation. • Analytical and data-driven, able to track KPIs and optimize accordingly. • Entrepreneurial mindset – willing to take on challenges and grow with the project. How You Get Paid Compensation is based on performance metrics like leads generated, conversions, or revenue growth. We’re open to discussing a mode...
...seeking an SEO expert to enhance the visibility of my international translation website on Google. The primary goal is to increase our ranking for specific keywords on a global scale, with a focus on attracting businesses as our main audience. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive keyword research and identify the most effective terms for our target audience. - Implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies to improve our site’s visibility. - Monitor and report on SEO performance and make necessary adjustments. - Perform competitive analysis to identify SEO opportunities and threats in the translation services market. - Conduct technical SEO audits to ensure our website is optimized for global SEO best practices. - Develop and imp...
I'm looking for an SEO professional to help increase organic traffic to the service pages of my Yoga website. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of SEO strategies, tools, and best practices. Experience with yoga or fitness-related websites would be a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work and the results you achieved.
Expert Link Builder for SEO Services, We are seeking a skilled freelancer to provide premium link building services in the SEO industry. The ideal candidate will not only meet standard quality but ensure that all work is of the highest premium quality. Key Responsibilities: Determine Target Content Assets: Analyze our website and identify high-value pages that would benefit from link building. Identify Publishers and Blogs: Research and compile a list of relevant publishers and blogs in our niche for potential backlink opportunities. Content Ideation: Generate creative and engaging content ideas that can attract backlinks effectively. Quality Writing: Produce high-quality content that adheres to best practices in SEO and appeals to our target audience. Publisher Pitch...
...Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok in the Google TAG Manager platform • Set-up of events, attribution models and conversion windows in Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok • Connection between the platform for the consent management banner for analytics tracking with the tag trigger in GTM. • Resolution of data loss due to the non-acceptance of the banner in GA4 (90% drop in users per site). • Overcome the difficulty in collecting and measuring data, given by a double domain per site i.e. up to the cart, from checkout onwards We need pixels/APIs on the Linkedin, META, TikTok, Pinterest, GA4, Google Ads platforms, as well as events. We would like to give priority to META. Which models and conversion...
I'm currently facing some issues with my Facebook account and Meta Business Suite, and I'm in need of professional help. Specific Issues: - I'm not receiving the verification code for my Facebook name change. - I need assistance with removing my personal pages that have been mistakenly added to the Meta Business Suite. - I also need help with removing my Facebook and Instagram pages from the Meta Business Suite. Ideal Skills: - Strong knowledge of Facebook and Meta Business Suite. - Proven experience in managing and troubleshooting Facebook accounts. - Ability to handle ad accounts and remove unnecessary pages. - Excellent communication skills for clear understanding and assistance.
I'm seeking an SEO expert for my website dealsdhundo.com. My primary aim is to improve the site's ranking for specific keywords: - deals and coupons website - earn money online - find prices I need someone who can effectively enhance my website's visibility on Google search. The targeted region for this SEO campaign is India. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven track record in SEO - Expertise in keyword optimization - Familiarity with the Indian digital landscape - Ability to enhance site performance Please, only bid if you're capable of driving significant traffic to my website and improving its ranking for the aforementioned keywords.
...background video with a strong Call-to-Action (CTA) ✅ Clear & Compelling CTA Buttons – "Get a Free Quote," "Schedule an Inspection" ✅ Overview of Services – Brief service descriptions with links to service pages ✅ Customer Testimonials Section – Showcase client reviews for credibility ✅ Fast Loading & Mobile-Optimized – The homepage must load quickly on all devices ✅ SEO-Friendly Design – Ensure proper heading structures, meta tags, and image optimization ✅ Easy-to-Update in WordPress – Preferably using Elementor or WPBakery for easy future edits ✅ Contact Information & Google Maps Integration – Ensure visitors can easily contact us 2. Website Speed & Performance Optimization ? Optimize HTML, CS...
On page SEO for one website for one language
...nothing should be changed ✔ Maintain all existing keywords, page URLs, meta tags, and SEO structure ✔ A new WordPress theme/template can be used (if it improves the design), but the content must remain exactly the same ✔ Ensure a fully responsive design with proper formatting ✔ Optimize and configure WordPress settings to avoid errors ✔ Ensure SEO best practices are maintained (redirects if needed, alt attributes, structured data, etc.) ✔ Set up the new WordPress installation properly on the provided server ? What I will provide: Access to the new server where the website will be transferred All necessary credentials and files ? Requirements: Proven experience with WordPress website migration and redesign Strong SEO knowledge to maintain rankings and struc...
We Need 3 team for our 3 of projects, your job is to SEO consultants on each project> to better performance we award each project for each team to manage. your task is following but not limited. Full SEO Audit Keyword Research On-Page SEO Review Content Strategy Technical SEO Fixes Backlink Strategy Reports & Action Plan More... AS SEO Consultant Should Give Us Regularly: A monthly SEO audit report (with progress and issues). A task list to complete. Keyword research documents. Content plan (topics, titles, word count). Backlink ideas or plans. Ongoing advice on how to improve More...
I want to make my website more user-friendly, SEO-friendly, and Google AdSense friendly, with a modern and attractive design that improves user experience and meets professional standards. Currently, my website has a basic and slightly outdated look that can be improved to provide a better browsing experience for visitors. To achieve this, I am looking for Blogger web development support that focuses on upgrading my site with a responsive, fast-loading, and mobile-friendly template, such as Median UI, Fletro Pro, or Sora One, which are excellent options for educational blogs. The layout should be clean and easy to navigate, with a well-organized menu that clearly separates categories like Home, Education News, Exam Tips, Results, Career Guidance, and Contact
...designer and SEO expert to revamp my site. The website currently offers two services - connecting with online teachers and providing learning materials. The goal is to shift the focus more towards our material services. Key Requirements: 1. Change the website's design to emphasize our material services over the teacher services. This includes reorganizing the homepage layout to better highlight these services. 2. Redesign the site in a modern and clean style. 3. Optimize the site for SEO, with a focus on: - Keyword optimization - Crafting effective meta descriptions and tags - Enhancing site speed Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in web design and SEO - Portfolio showcasing modern and clean design aesthetics - Ability to deliver a site ...
SEO Package: On-page Optimization 15 keywords 180+ backlinks High DA (30+) Website Audit Report Weekly Off Page Backlinks Report SMO: Monthly 8 Social Media Post Monthly 2 reels Posting Posting On(Insta, FB, Twitter, LinkedIn)
I'm seeking an expert for a thorough SEO audit on my website. The primary objective of this project is to enhance my site's search engine ranking. Your expertise will help me pinpoint areas for improvement and optimize my online presence. Key Focus Areas: - Off-page SEO: I have particular concerns about this aspect. I need your guidance on effective strategies to boost my site's authority and visibility beyond the confines of my own pages. The ideal candidate for this project would have extensive experience with SEO and a proven track record of improving search engine rankings. Your skills in off-page SEO strategies will be crucial in this project.
I'm looking for a proficient digital marketer to create a single Meta ad and Google ad for me. The main goal is to generate leads for my call campaigns. Target Audience: - The ads are aimed primarily at consumers, not businesses or professionals. Demographic Targeting: - I want to target specific age groups. - Geographical location is also a key aspect of the targeting. - Lastly, interests and behaviors should be taken into consideration for optimal ad performance. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Meta and Google ads is a must. - A strong understanding of consumer demographics and lead generation strategies. - Expertise in ad optimization and perfect targeting. - Ability to create engaging and effective ads. If you have a track record of successful l...
...Presence with SEO4Ranking Solutions! Dear Sir/Madam, We’re excited to share the outstanding results and client testimonials we’ve recently achieved: Client Results. At SEO4Ranking, our mission is to drive quality traffic to your site while ensuring it thrives with no risk of penalties from search engines. Our Monthly SEO Goals Include: ✅ Enhanced Google Rankings ✅ 200+ Quality Backlinks ✅ Increased Traffic & Conversion Rates On-Site Optimization: 1. Title Tag Optimization 2. Meta Description Tag Optimization 3. H1 & H2 Tag Optimization 4. URL Optimization 5. Italic/Bold Tag Optimization 6. Non-index Attribute Analysis 7. Optimization 8. Image Alt Optimization 9. External Link Optimization 10. Broken Link Analysis 11. Page Content Opti...
I am seeking an SEO specialist with a strong focus on off-page strategies and backlink building, specifically through guest posts on industry-specific blogs. Key requirements: - Proven experience in off-page SEO - Expertise in generating high-quality backlinks - Proficient in guest post outreach and placement - In-depth understanding of various industry-specific blogs - Ability to improve search engine rankings and increase website traffic Please provide examples of successful campaigns you've run in the past, particularly those involving guest posts on industry-specific platforms.
SEO Services For Escorts Industry 40$ for 10 Adult backlinks
...looking for an experienced Social Media Marketing Specialist to manage and grow our presence on Facebook & Instagram for the Dubai market. The freelancer will be responsible for setting up and optimizing our Meta Business Suite, handling daily operations, posting engaging content, driving organic outreach, and later managing Facebook Ads to generate leads and brand awareness. The company is in automobile industry and deals with spare parts for cars in Dubai. We need : - Meta Business Suite Setup & Management - Set up and optimize Facebook Business Manager , Whatsapp Business & Meta Business Suite. - Fix any account verification or access issues related to the business account. - Ensure smooth integration between Instagram , Whatsapp and Facebook Busin...
I'm looking for an SEO expert to help improve the visibility of my NextJS site, talent.voxle.ai. The primary goal is to generate more leads or sales through increased organic traffic and improved search engine ranking. Key Focus: - Primarily targeting the homepage of the site. Target Audience: - The site is aimed at B2B clients, so SEO efforts should be tailored to appeal to this demographic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO, particularly for B2B sites. - Familiarity with NextJS is a plus. - Ability to create SEO strategies that drive lead generation and sales. Keywords: Voxle Talent Talent Assurance Talent Assessment AI-Powered Recruitment Technical Pre-screening DEI Platform Unbiased Hiring 'AI talent assessment&#...
Website SEO service for ashliyainfra
Please accept the quote and create the milestone for the monthly SEO working
Same as we are doing seo and Google ads sand I will focus more
I need a VA to help me with the following tasks: a. Internet research for articles that we publish. This might involve finding accurate stats along with sources, competitor article layouts, etc b. Publishing articles on Wordpress using elementor c. Basic SEO stuff like fixing on-page issues, off-page issues, etc The most important part of the gig is following instructions, meeting deadlines and proper communication. This will start as a part-time gig but soon become a monthly gig with a fixed pay.