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Обязательные знания: Python, SQLAclhemy, PostgresSQL, Aiogram, FastApi, HTML, CSS Особенно важны: Aiogram, FastApi, Python, SQL Краткий список работ: 1. Добавление проверки/валидации сдачи отчетов 2. Интеграция Telegram бота с фуд-треккером FatSecret 3. Проверка на оплату 4. Изменение общего визуала сайта и информации, которая отображается 5. Добавить дату добавления админа 6. Трекинг действий куратора 7. Добавить закреп юзера за определенным куратором Подробнее при личном контакте
I have a VPS server with Tomcat 9 where I host some files. I need to secure the connection for these items when accessed via a link. I already have an SSL certificate for the IP, so I only require assistance in connecting it to the server. У мене є сервер VPS із Tomcat 9, де я розміщую деякі файли. Мені потрібно захистити з’єднання для цих елементів під час доступу через посилання. У мене вже є сертифікат SSL для IP-адреси, тому мені потрібна лише допомога в підключенні його до сервера. Key Points: - Utilizing Tomcat 9 - Setting up SSL for file access on the server - Manual management of SSL certificates - No need for generating a new SSL certificate
Доброго дня! Шукаю фрілансера, хто міг би допомогти час від часу писати коди SQL запитів для SAP B1.
...Супроводження процесу впровадження. Вимоги: • Досвід роботи – від 2-х років. • C++11, STL, GCC/CLang, GDB/LLDB, GNU Make, CMake, Bash. • Знання STL — контейнерів та алгоритмів. • Знання файлового вводу/виводу у стандарті POSIX. • Знання POSIX Threads —нитки, м’ютекси, умовні змінні. • Вміння користуватися системою контроля версій Git. • Вміння користуватися командним рядком Linux. • Реляциійні БД, SQL. • Основи функціонування комп’ютерних мереж, протоколи TCP и HTTP. Знання HTTP/1.1. Знанння архитектури REST. • Багатопоточність. Буде плюсом: • C++14, 17, 20. • Qt. • Boost. • Засоби статичного і и динамічного анализа коду (cppcheck, clang-tidy, clazy, valgrind, gprof, &helli...
... Шукає Unity розробника для створення багатокористувацької браузерної 3D гри, Unity за допомогою WebGL. Обов'язкові навички: Вміння працювати в Unity і знання мови C#. Плюсом буде додаткові знання: JS, HTML 5. І back end розробника для написання серверної частини на ASP.NET Core. Обов'язкові навички: ASP.NET Core Entity framework core SQL С кидайте свої резьуме на: business@ або проджект менеджеру проекту: viktorstor@ KICKOOS GAMES - це молода outsourc GameDev компанія, що з недавна почала розробляти і внутрішні проекти. Друзі компанія зараз розширюється і влітку планує відкрити офіс в Україні, тому долучайтеся до нашої спільноти у телеграмі, де публікуются відкриті вакансії на різні позиції.
У зв’язку з розширенням проекту шукаємо у свою команду Full staсk developer (React,node.js) На довгостроковий проект full time або part time ( віддалена робота) Проект схожий на hotline, парсимо 10 сайтів 24/7 в нашу базу даних та показуємо найдешевші ціни клієнту. Skills: Практичний досвід роботи з: React Redux Node.js Express MongoDB Надійна особа, яка дотримується узгоджених термінів і серйозно ставиться до якості коду Досвід з парсерами вітається.
Компанія інтернет провайдер бажає оновити застарілий сайт. Поточний сайт Зберегти будову структурної схеми сторінок по макетам у zip та xls. Колірна схема темних кольорів Сайт робити на темі 1. Первинні налаштування та встановлення на хост Сайт буде працювати з власного хосту. Виділяємо ІР. Після чого підміняємо на ІР поточного сайту. Сайт під ключ. З нас машина з Вас готовий сайт з поправками які виникнуть в процесі. Доступна адмін панель яка дозволяє вносити новини, акції, документи, редагувати умови тарифних планів, активовувати банер-сповіщення (типу шановні абоненти стався обрив
Компанія інтернет провайдер бажає оновити застарілий сайт. Поточний сайт Зберегти будову структурної схеми сторінок по макетам у zip та xls. Колірна схема темних кольорів Сайт робити на темі 1. Первинні налаштування та встановлення на хост Сайт буде працювати з власного хосту. Виділяємо ІР. Після чого підміняємо на ІР поточного сайту. Сайт під ключ. З нас машина з Вас готовий сайт з поправками які виникнуть в процесі. Доступна адмін панель яка дозволяє вносити новини, акції, документи, редагувати умови тарифних планів, активовувати банер-сповіщення (типу шановні абоненти стався обрив
...Реалізувати за допомогою оброблення mouse enter/mouse leave - це дасть змогу одночасно кастамізувати ефект. Графік має масштабуватися - параметр який відповідає за масштаб з можливістю зміни масштабу динамічно. Графік має бути responsive. Може розміщуватися декілька екземплярів графіків на одній сторінці. Вхідні данні: interface Item { title: string; xValue: number; yValue: number; xValueShow: string | number; yValueShow: string | number; extra: any; children: Item[]; }; Вхідні данні - масив екземплярів типу Item. Приклад: Дивись файл Приклад рендеру: // Рендер
Потрібно зробити легкі лабораторні роботи, терміново! Файли прикріпив, за потребою скину методичку.
Необхідно створити бібліотеку сорців (С++ / С) для викорстання в проектах прошивок для ESP-8266 ESP-14. Наявне обладнання: 1. ESP-8266 ESP-14 2. Камера OV7670 3. Реґістр...функціона збереження кадру з камери в флеш пам'ять ESP. Необхідно використати DMA контролер ESP. ============================= A source library (C++ / C) for using in projects for ESP-8266 ESP-14 is requested to develop. Equipment: 1. ESP-8266 ESP-14 2. Camera OV7670 3. Register 4HC165D Register is used for converting of parallel interface of the camera to serial interface for ESP connection. The library should implement functionality for storing single snapshot from camera to flash memory on ESP. Using of DMA on ESP is expected.
Я маю довгострокову роботу, яка пов'язана з нашим попереднім проектом 'Change Framework CMS from Shopify to Prestashop - PHP, HTML, CMS, SQL'
I'm in need of a talented full stack developer who can help improve the back-end integration of my fintech web application. The project predominantly revolves around Node.js and SQL-based databases. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance the back-end integration of the application - Optimize SQL-based database usage - Collaborate with the front-end team for seamless integration Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js - Strong understanding of SQL-based databases - Experience with back-end integration in web applications If you have a proven track record in these areas and are passionate about fintech, I would love to hear from you.
We have an ecommerce project based on React, Node and MongoDB. We have to enable websites to carry out payments in cryptocurrency, using Smart Contracts. This project incorporates the following technologies: - Ethere...about 10 to 15 minutes. - Here’s the test project: - You have to add "Wallet Connect" button in signin page. - You need to make it look like an Ethereum wallet connecting workflow, for example, Metamask or something else. Also, after the connection is established, it should sign the message "This is a test" and provide the signed hash in the browser console. - When finished, please, provide a screenshot or a short video as a proof of the wallet connection process. Please use these - Node.js v20.16 - NPM v10.8.1 Thank you
Hi, I’m looking for someone with strong Identity and Access Management (IAM) experience to assist me with my project. This role involves...Responsibilities: ✅ Participate in daily meetings to discuss and solve the tasks. ✅ Provide guidance on best practices and approaches. ✅ Take responsibility for task management and delivery Ideal candidates should have hands-on experience with: ✅ SailPoint IdentityIQ, IdentityNow, or similar IAM tools ✅ IAM best practices and governance ✅ Development skills – Git, Java, JavaScript, PowerShell, SQL ✅ Agile project management methodologies ✅ Deploying and integrating IAM solutions in an enterprise environment ? Commitment: 2.5 hours per day ? Compensation: $650/month ? Remote Opportunity If you are interested. I'd love to hear ...
...addFirst(Item item) // add the item to the back public void addLast(Item item) // remove and return the item from the front public Item removeFirst() // remove and return the item from the back public Item removeLast() // return an iterator over items in order from front to back public Iterator<Item> iterator() // unit testing (required) public static void main(String[] args) } Corner cases. Throw the specified exception for the following corner cases: Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the client calls either addFirst() or addLast() with a null argument. Throw a if the client calls either removeFirst() or removeLast when the deque is empty. Throw a if the client calls the next() method in
I have a website, a domain, and corporate emails. I need to incorporate the domain into the site and configure it. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in website configuration - Experience with corporate email integration - Skills in website design adjustments - Familiarity with various website platforms (WordPr...adjustments - Familiarity with various website platforms (WordPress, Wix, Custom HTML/CSS) - Problem-solving skills to identify and rectify issues Key Tasks: - Setting up the domain on the website - Integrating corporate emails into the site - Making necessary design adjustments to accommodate these changes Please note, my corporate emails are not hosted with the same provider as my domain. Therefore, experience with cross-provider email integration wou...
...public void open(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) open? public boolean isOpen(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) full? public boolean isFull(int row, int col) // returns the number of open sites public int numberOfOpenSites() // does the system percolate? public boolean percolates() // test client (optional) public static void main(String[] args) } Corner cases. By convention, the row and column indices are integers between 1 and n, where (1, 1) is the upper-left site: Throw an IllegalArgumentException if any argument to open(), isOpen(), or isFull() is outside its prescribed range. Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the constructor if n ≤ 0. Performance requirements. The constructor must take time proportio...
I'm in need of a forensic expert to audit my SQL Database Management System (DBMS). The specific activities to be scrutinized include user login/logout, data read/write operations, and schema changes. I'd like to know how you would go about detecting unauthorized access, data tampering, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Since the specifics of the project can be discussed further, I am open to suggestions on what additional information you may require from me. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficient in SQL and familiar with various SQL DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) - Experience in forensic auditing of databases - Knowledgeable in compliance regulations - Able to detect and interpret signs of unauthorized access and data tamper...
I'm looking for an AI agent to handle customer service ...integrating with a direct database of construction material prices. The agent should be capable of crafting professional budgets for clients. Key Requirements: - The AI agent must respond automatically to all customer inquiries on WhatsApp - It needs to provide pricing information specifically for construction materials - The AI agent should access the pricing database through a direct database connection. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing AI for customer service - Understanding of WhatsApp integration - Knowledge in handling direct database connections - Ability to create AI that can generate professional budgets. I'm looking for someone who can understand and implement these requi...
...in bidding, with an option for fixed price sales. Key Project Details: - Conceptual design for the website's layout is available - Collaboration on design and features will be welcomed post initial agreement Technical Requirements: - Frontend: Vue.js - Backend: Node.js (Express) - Database: MySQL - Real-time Bidding System: WebSockets - UI/UX Design Tools: Figma, Adobe XD Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Vue.js for frontend development - Extensive experience with Node.js (Express) for backend development - Strong understanding of MySQL for database management - Proven track record in implementing WebSockets for real-time system - Previous work with Figma and Adobe XD for UI/UX design - Ability to create detailed project proposals ...
...analytics, error tracking, and performance monitoring. Security Data Encryption: Utilize SSL/TLS for data in transit and ensure encryption at rest for sensitive data. Authentication & Authorization: Implement JWT-based authentication, multi-factor authentication for critical roles, and enforce role-based access control. Input Validation & Sanitization: Adopt robust validation libraries to prevent SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other vulnerabilities. Audit Trails: Implement comprehensive logging of user actions and data modifications for compliance and troubleshooting. Backup & Recovery: Establish regular backup schedules with defined recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO). Testing & Quality Assurance Unit T...
I need an expert in audio and video API integration for iOS and Android platforms, specifically with ZEGOCLOUD. The project entails integrating audio and video streaming functionalities of ZEGOCLOUD into our app, along with screen sharing. Additionally, the integrated real-time chat module requires urgent attention. The current issues we are facing include message delivery delays, connection drops, and message synchronization errors. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in ZEGOCLOUD API - Strong background in iOS and Android development - Proven experience in real-time chat module troubleshooting - Ability to ensure seamless audio and video streaming and screen sharing functionalities.
I'm seeking a professional to provide shop drawings and calculations for light gauge metal framing, specifically for wall framing and ceiling joist. This project involves creating comprehensive drawings that adhere to international standards and include connection details for every point. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with light gauge metal framing. - Proficiency in creating shop drawings and calculations. - Deep understanding of international standards for construction. - Ability to detail connection points clearly and accurately. Please include your cost estimate for this project in your bid. This was not in my budget at all. If someone can assist economically I would dearly appreciate it.
I'm looking for a dedicated professional to support my CRM and Operations team from Monday to Friday, 9-5. The role primarily revolves around using ConnexOne, SQL, PowerBI, and Python, alongside some basic administrative tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily using ConnexOne to assist with various CRM tasks - Utilizing SQL for querying, setting up campaigns, and loading data - Equal focus on setting up campaigns, loading data, and Python scripting - Leveraging PowerBI for data visualization and reporting Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ConnexOne with prior experience in a CRM role - Strong SQL skills for data manipulation and campaign setup - Familiarity with Python for basic scripting tasks - Competent in using PowerBI for data analysis and visu...
...in restocking plans. ✅ Basic Reporting: Generate simple stock reports to support decision-making. Requirements: -> Education: Any graduate or undergraduate (preferably in commerce, business, or supply chain-related fields, but not mandatory). -> Skills: Basic MS Excel/Google Sheets knowledge, attention to detail, and good organizational skills. -> Work Setup: Own a laptop and stable internet connection (if remote). -> Availability: Should be available for 4 hours per day (flexible timing). -> Mindset: Eager to learn, proactive, and able to work independently. What We Offer: ⭐ Flexible Work Hours – Work 4 hours a day at your convenience. ⭐ Learning Opportunity – Gain hands-on experience in inventory management. ⭐ Startup Culture – Work closely wi...
...Linux developer experienced in Python, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, and virtual environments to debug and fix this issue. Issues to Resolve: 1 - Database Connection Issue: FastAPI cannot connect to PostgreSQL. Error: no entry for host "::1", user "username", database "zubbl_db", no encryption .env file is correctly set up, but the app may not be reading it properly. 2 - Module Import Errors: Running uvicorn :app --reload gives ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'app'. Python seems unable to find the app module, even though the directory structure is correct. What I Need from You: Fix the PostgreSQL connection so FastAPI can connect. Resolve Python module import issues so uvicorn :app --reload runs correctly. Ensure environ...
...using our platform Maintain a positive attitude and provide excellent customer service throughout the calls Report daily progress and provide feedback to the team Requirements: Native Vietnamese speaker with excellent communication skills Previous experience in telemarketing, sales, or customer service is a plus Comfortable speaking on the phone and engaging with customers A reliable internet connection and a quiet workspace Ability to work independently with minimal supervision A positive, friendly, and professional attitude Basic knowledge or willingness to learn about the online gambling industry Working Hours: Flexible working hours, you can work from home at your own pace Part-time, approximately 10-20 hours per week (depending on availability) Compensation: Competitive h...
Stworzenie gry quizowej, 6 trybów gry - każdy tryb różni się swoją specyfikacją. Każdy tryb ma różne opcje do wyboru, które podczas wyboru zmieniają ustawienia trybu gry. Gra oparta na rankingach, obsłudze sql, obsłudze płatności i reklam. Prosta grafika 2d (teksty , kafle i buttony).
I'm looking for a developer who can build an IoT based smart parking reservation system. This system should allow users to reserve a parking slot upon their arrival, ideally using an Android mobile application or a web interface. The s...needs to be connected to an IoT system circuit and operate in real-time, showing available parking slots in the present. Key requirements: - Design of the software application for an embedded system. - Use of ESP32 Wifi/Bluetooth as the main microcontroller. - Real-time tracking of parking slot availability. I would also appreciate guidance on the IoT building or a provided circuit for the connection. The ideal candidate will have experience in IoT system design, embedded software development, and ideally a background in creating real-time tr...
Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.
...Platforms: Your outreach efforts should primarily focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in a similar role, particularly within the tech sector, is crucial. - A passion for health and wellness will be a significant plus. - Excellent communication skills and a proactive approach towards sales. Technical Requirements: - A stable Wi-Fi connection is imperative for seamless communication and outreach. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who are sales-oriented, tech-savvy, and health enthusiasts. Looking forward to your bids!...
I'm in need of a website dedicated to the review and comparison of a wide array of musical instruments. This site should encompass all categories of instruments such as String, Wind, and Percussion. Key Features: - Extensive Musical Categories: The website should include all types of musical instruments. - Comparative Analysis: I want to incorporate side-by-side comparisons, rating and reviews, and specification tables. - User Interaction: Freelancers with experience in building interactive review sites will have an edge. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in website development with a focus on review and comparison sites. - Ability to implement interactive features. - Experience in e-commerce is a plus. This project is perfect for someone who loves music and understands the intrica...
I'm looking for a professional and corporate style LinkedIn banner image. This banner should subtly incorporate a product management, leadership, digital, and financial themed aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Familiarity with LinkedIn's image specifications - Understanding of personal branding brandi...LinkedIn's image specifications - Understanding of personal branding branding - Proficiency in creating professional-themed visuals unique for individuals Attached some examples, doesn't have to be along the lines as I want something unique, but thought its worth attaching something. Would like the color scheme not to be dark, but light, positive, inviting and professional feeling. Graphic to express forward thinking, AI, stragey, collaboration, grow...
I'm looking to create a cartoonish character designed for teens, that can express a wide range of emotions and actions in a fantasy environment. The character should be able to laugh, smile, show anger, sadness, surprise, and confusion. In addition, the character should have various action states like walking, running, jumping, flying, cheering, waving, pointing, sitting, and sleeping. The character will also need to be able to interact with a variety of accessories and outfits, including goggles, a hat or cap, a flag, a sword or cane, and a cape. Ideal skills for this project would include: - Character design with a cartoonish style - Ability to create dynamic and expressive character animations - Experience in designing for a teen audience - Fantasy-themed character and en...
I'm setting up an office communication system with a new AVAYA IP500 installation. This is my first installation of an AVAYA system, and I need assistance with the installation, licensing, and connection of 4 J139 phones. Key Tasks include: - Installation and configuration of the AVAYA IP500 - Installing necessary licenses - Connecting 4 J139 phones - Providing support for the new setup My current network infrastructure is mixed, consisting of both wired and wireless components. So, experience with a mixed network is essential. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with AVAYA products - Strong understanding of network infrastructure - Proficient in setting up office communication systems - Excellent troubleshooting skills - Ability to provide user support post-installation
I'm looking to build a web application centered around a sophisticated problem analyzer. This platform should be interactive, providing users with a stimulating and engaging interface. Key requirements: - Expertise in React.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, and Spring Boot is crucial. I need someone who can develop custom features, such as the interactive problem analyzer, and ensure the application is scalable and high-performing. - You should have a deep understanding of algorithm optimization and Big-O analysis to ensure the code is optimized and efficient. The project needs to run smoothly with minimal latency, as it will be handling multiple users simultaneously. - Experience in creating interactive user interfaces is key. The problem analyzer needs to be designed in...
I have a bare metal server with 140GB GPU and 400GB of RAM, and I want to start my own cloud provider services. The primary offering will be virtual machines running various Linux distributions. Key Requirements: - Setting up and configuring the server for cloud services - Creating and managing virtual machines - Implementing a user-friendly interface for clients - Ensuring security and reliability of the service Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge in server management - Experience in setting up cloud services - Proficiency in Linux and its distributions, particularly Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian - Ability to create and manage virtual machines Please note, I want to offer every Linux-based open-source OS.
...Real data: We will try many aspects of the algorithms developed in step one on public data. 3. Optimizations and execution - Testing optimizations with GPUs - Execution within in the complete the reduction pipeline on the high performance computing (HPC) environment, access provided by the client. Requirements and Deliverables: The software will be required for September 2025. The provider will need to integrate the code in our open source library tool. For that it will require regular meetings with key members of the collaboration. The service should provide 3 deliverables: 1. Initial Phase – Requirements & High-Level Design (Milestone 1) • Deliverable: Initial flow diagram showing the general architecture and main processes. • Milestone: Comp...
...Team—a leading knowledge center for Artificial Intelligence and digital transformation. We are looking for a minimalist, purely geometric logo (no text or letters) that visually represents our focus on innovation, technology, and the synergy between humans and AI. What We’re Looking For: Abstract Geometric Symbol A strongly abstract, geometric icon that conveys the idea of AI, intelligence, and connection—without using text or letters. It should be modern, futuristic, and reflect our core values of innovation, reliability, excellence, customer-centricity, and ethics. Color Palette Primary Color: Deep Blue (#1E3A8A) Secondary Colors: White (#FFFFFF) and AI Purple (#6B21A8) Design should primarily use these three colors. Required Versions Full-color version (u...
...dashboard). Key Features: User Dashboard: Track purchases, view active passes. Admin Panel: Manage passes, track sales, and user activity. Mobile-Friendly & Fast: Optimized for all devices. Multi-language Support (Optional). Secure Payments (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). SEO-Friendly for better visibility. ? Tech Preferences: Frontend: React.js or Vue.js (fast and interactive UI). Backend: Node.js with Express or Laravel (for scalability). Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL. Hosting: AWS, Vercel, or similar. I need a freelancer who can design, develop, and deploy the platform efficiently. Please share your experience, relevant projects, and estimated timeline. ?...
I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance a local bicycle repair and training service's Google search visibility. The ultimate goal is to achieve effective indexing and results on Google, boosting the business's presence and accessibility to potential customers in our locality. The business currently has excellent Google My Business ratings, but its site is not indexing properly on Google Search. Key Responsibilities: - Implement basic SEO strategies to improve our search rankings and drive more traffic to our website. - Optimize our Google My Business listing to maximize its visibility. - Provide a comprehensive overview of the current SEO status and the progress made over the course of the project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in local SEO, particularly fo...
am looking for a Shopify developer to build a simple, user-friendly booking system. This will not be a full website but rather a booking platform where customers can: 1. Learn About Me – A landing page that provides a brief intr...Notification – Once payment is completed, we should receive a confirmation of the booking, and the customer should also receive a confirmation email or message. Key Features Required: • Simple, elegant landing page with an introduction about my services. • Booking system integrated into Shopify for selecting different consultation types. • Secure payment gateway (KNET, Stripe, or any suitable provider). • Automated notifications for both me and the customer once a booking is confirmed. • Mobile-friendly design to...
I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to create a business application. This app needs to incorporate the following key features: - User Authentication: The app sh...handle transactions smoothly and securely. - Push Notifications: The app should be able to send timely updates and notifications to users. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android SDK and Java/Kotlin. - Experience with integrating secure user authentication systems. - Prior work with payment gateway APIs. - Knowledge in setting up push notification services. - Familiarity with state management (Provider, Redux, MobX, etc.) - Experience with mobile UI frameworks (Material Design, Cupertino, etc.) If you are a dedicated professional with a proven track record in Android app development, I look forward to...
...health and maturity. We like our current logo, but we feel it lacks a strong logomark. The original concept was a water stain/ring (from a mug) on a table, which we then enhanced with a watercolor effect to symbolize both "table" and "well". (Please Note: We do NOT want an image of a coffee cup, it was just symbolic of gathering relationally around a table.) Ideas to Communicate: - Community / Connection: the idea of gathering and bonding relationally, around a table - Living Relationally WELL: the symbolism of a water well, along with the concept of living life "well"—relational health/wellness We are open to various styles for the new logo - this could be a redesign using our original concept, or a completely new idea that carries our sa...
The template should highlight deep questions, relationship insights, and self-reflection prompts. Minimalist, clean, and structured design with subtle animations or effects. Psychological Depth & Transformational Journey the logo you design with white font or ivory font . Keep the design high-end and minimalist – No clutter, sleek typography focus on deep self-awareness, connection, and exclusive dating experiences. I want a fully editable template in Canva or Photoshop, custom animations,
...Pacific" map that specifically highlights Chile's unique geographical advantages for sustainability and climate change data storage. The redesigned map should emphasize Chile's strategic location outside the Pacific Ring of Fire, cold climate regions ideal for energy-efficient data centers, and potential for renewable energy generation. Core Improvements Required: Improve the connection with Antarctica, the connection to networks in South America, Australia and Africa through submarine cables. Highlight Chile's Geographical Advantages: Clearly visualize Chile's position outside the Pacific Ring of Fire for data security Emphasize cold climate regions ideal for natural cooling of data centers Show proximity to Antarctica for climate research Sus...
...permissions, and detailed medical reports. --- ? Detailed Software Requirements: 1️⃣ Patient Management & Online Booking Patient registration system with full medical history and previous test records. Online appointment booking via website or mobile app with confirmation notifications. Advanced patient search by name, phone number, or ID. 2️⃣ LIS Integration for Device Connectivity Direct connection with laboratory instruments via standard protocols (HL7, RS232, TCP/IP). Automated result retrieval to minimize manual entry errors. Review system before finalizing and releasing results. 3️⃣ Billing & Contract Management Comprehensive invoicing system supporting cash, card, or bank transfers. Automated billing for corporate and insurance contracts. Detailed ...
...Google Android versions (SDK 34 and 35). The app should display my website's content seamlessly, providing users with a smooth, native-like experience. The key features to include are: - Push notifications for new content or updates. - YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook support within the app. - URL redirection to an external browser when necessary. - Web error page handling for situations like 404 or connection issues. - Customizable settings such as zooming, JavaScript support, and more. The app needs to support all types of website content, including news and articles, e-commerce products, and multimedia content. Push Notifications: I need push notifications for festivals, updates, registrations, birthdays, anniversaries, order-related notifications, etc. Ideal Skills and ...
Looking for USA TFN/DID with 5 lines or 5 Extensions ( scalable upto 10 lines or more at no extra cost ) . Any genuine , reliable TFN/DIDs Provider for USA with 5 Extensions. Unlimited incoming and outgoing for a month . Works on month to month subscription basis . Can be able to see the status of Extension user like active , idle or waiting for calls . Facility to download the call reports to check like how many calls have landed . Options to change the Main TFN/DID Number whenever required . Must ensure seamless and smooth working on day to day basis. Month basis guarantee and warranty for the TFN / DIDs service . Monthly budget is not more than $150 with 5 Extensions. Second requirement is getting a single DID for incoming and outgoing facility. With an easy option to...