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...отриманих даних у Google Sheets. Перелік метрик: Для кожного поста необхідно отримувати та зберігати наступні показники: Посилання Тип контенту(пост/рілс) Дата написання статистики: Перегляди %, Читачі %, не читачі Лайки Коментарі Репости Сек (середній час перегляду) Охопленно аккаунтів Акки взаємодії %, Читачі не читачі,% Функціональні вимоги: 1 Доступ через API Instagram – отримання даних через офіційне API Instagram. 2 OAuth2-авторизація – реалізація входу через OAuth2. 3 Підключення кількох акаунтів – можливість авторизації та збору даних з декількох акаунтів Instagram. 4 Автоматичний збір даних – оновлення метрик кожні 6 годин. 5 Довготривале оновлення – збір даних протягом 1 року з моменту публікац...
...sizes) or preferred oil brands during booking. Multilingual Support – At a minimum, the site must be available in German and English, with an option to add other languages (Polish, Russian, Romanian, etc.) based on typical driver nationalities passing through the region. Local SEO – Must be optimized for Dessau-Roßlau, Saxony-Anhalt, and relevant German highways. We want top visibility on Google Maps (Google Business Profile), relevant local queries (e.g., “Reifenservice Dessau,” “LKW Werkstatt in der Nähe,” “Truck Repair Germany,” etc.). Packages & Promotions – We plan to create service packages (e.g., tire change + oil change + quick inspection) with special deals or freebies (e.g., free fluid checks...
Потрібно зробити щось буде в дуже зручній позиції розрахунки та інформація яка підключається до сайтів Які вказані в назві Веб-программирование - подойдет для создания интерфейса и взаимодействия с API, такими как Binance API и MetaMask. 2000грн - 50$ оплата Тут немає чітких термінів якщо ви студенти хочете для свого портфоліо чи просто навчитися маєте ввічливість і адекватність+ 2. Прикладное программирование - специалисты в этой области смогут разработать основную логику бота и обеспечить выполнение необходимых вычислений.
...showing Most Popular Dishes, and then according to each type of dish. (Meat, Vegan, Main, Deserts etc.) Map • Map as in app Too Good To Go. • At top shows your location (taken automatically), by pressing you can type in different location or change distance (radius) of search area in (km). • Under location Radius in km as (ex. within 3km) • Under two switches List and Map. • List (List of most popular dishes in selected radius). • Map (Regular map showing only options in searched radius). Each Chef should be indicated by circle or icon, easy to see on the map, availability to zoom in and out while remaining set radius) • Upon pricing the icon (in the bottom instead of (Show...
Постер, унікальний, цікавий, схожий як на зразку, але в той же час Інший. Типу зіркової карти можна в різних поєднаннях кольорів
Табличка буде використовуватись для аналізу конкурентів ринку. Вона має бути зручною для ведення, зі зрозумілим звітом у вигляді графіків на основному дашборді. Показників в різних категоріях які вона має рахувати більше 30, терміни, фінанси, порівняння, відсотки, категорії, середні значення. Чекаю Ваших пропозицій стосовно вартості
Рекламная компания google performance max долго не работала и сейчас после запуска выдает странные результаты, нужно проверить все ли настроено, возможно подкоректировать и дать рекомендации
...create a digital map of East London for my wordpress site with the below boroughs highlighted. The map allow me to add pin drops of specific addresses. PLEASE READ BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in map creation and digital design - Knowledge of East London - Ability to create a visually appealing and user-friendly digital map - HTML Full page width rectangular Google map of London section directly below the intro text, zoomed into the east half of London Have the map greyed out with the below location patches in colour (to highlight the locations Maya works) Hackney Islington Tower Hamlets Newham Waltham Forest Lewisham Southwark Greenwich Please look at this map of how london is broken down...
Ми маємо сайт з торгівлі на форекс біржі, нам треба запустити Адвордс на неї. Потрібна наявність досвіду в цьому
Write a blog in English with 3500 characters without spaces.
Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!
Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!
творити графік який буде поєднувати в собі heat map та tree map з ієрархією, але не більше 3 рівнів: графік представляє собою набір прямокутників площа яких віповідає значенню показнику value_x, а колір значенню показнику value_y. Кожен такий прямокутник може містити в собі дочірні елементи які являють собою такі самі прямокутники. Дані для графіку будуть змінюватися кожні 15 секунд - графік має швидко рендериться. Графік має генерувати наступні події з передачею інформації про прямокинк взаємодія з яким відбувається: # click; # mouse enter; # mouse leave; # touch. Наведення мишки на дочірній прямокутник має змінювати оформлення батьківського елементу (hover effect). Реалізувати за допомогою оброблення mouse enter/mouse leave - це дасть змогу одночасно кастамізувати ефект. Гр...
Потрібна допомога в налаштуванні контекстної реклами. Ми - сервісний центр по ремонту та обслуговуванню комп'ютерів, ноутбуків, телефонів, планшетів у м. Львів. Є недавно створений сайт.
Я шукаю безкомпромісно-афігєнних графічних дизайнерів (талановитих/шарящих/працьовитих) хто може присвятити себе створенню найкрутіших ТРЕВЕЛ-КАРТ в світі для бренду Travelization. Критерії: - бути, бляха, класною людиною - мати за спиною вражаючі ґрафік-дизайн роботи (бажано в InDesign) - божевільна увага до деталей і готовність відточувати роботу до ідеалу (я перфекціоніст) - вміння працювати дуже швидко та ефективно Якщо робота піде дуже добре, будуть нові схожі проекти. Будь ласка, пишіть в приват або поділіться з дизайнерами які проходить по критеріях. :) Я скину всі деталі. Вдячний до безмежності! ❤ #MadeInUkraine
Потрібно налаштувати та запустити рекламну кампанію двох груп товарів в інтернет магазині
Фірма займається легалізацією побуту іноземців на території Євросоузу, організовує мовні курси, допомагає студентам вступити до вузів ЄС. Необхідно створити гарний сайт і позиціонувати його в топ-5 чи 10 в Google для отримання великої кількості клієнтів. Розгляну і інші пропозиції щодо пошуку клієнтів.
I'm seeking a temporary rental of a Google Play Console to publish my fully developed and tested Matka app. This short-term service is crucial for making my app available to users. If you have access to a Google Play Console, please get in touch.
I'm seeking a professional data analyst to help me examine the trends in my annual sales data. Key Areas of Focus: - Business analyis (Territory, location, projects type) - Sales growth over time - Seasonal sales patterns - Services performance Deliverables: - A comprehensive report detailing the findings in a clear, well-structured power point graphical slides to be presented to management Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data analysis tools and software - Strong understanding of sales trends and patterns - Excellent report writing skills Please provide examples of similar analyses you've conducted in the past.
We are seeking a skilled freelancer to assist with the setup and configuration of Google Chrome. The ideal candidate will ensure optimal browser performance, including the installation of necessary extensions, customization of settings, and troubleshooting any potential issues. A strong understanding of browser security and user privacy settings is essential. If you're passionate about enhancing user experience through effective browser management, we would love to hear from you! Google Chrome to functions as a restricted browser Need users to be restricted from reviling passwords Need users to be restricted from downloading extensions other than the extensions already installed by the admin
I'm looking for an experienced web developer with a solid understanding of Google Tag Manager. My website, a quiz app, has a couple of buttons that need tracking. Specifically, I need tracking set up for a download button which links to a ZIP archive. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Tag Manager - Web development experience - Understanding of e-commerce tracking - Familiarity with quiz app functionality - Able to set up tracking for specific buttons Your task will be to set up Google Tag on the download button so that I can monitor its usage. This will help me understand user engagement with the download functionality of my site.
I founded this link that is having a gre...with my website: I'm looking for a Google Ads expert to help increase traffic to my company website. The campaign will be targeting a national audience, so experience with such scale is a plus. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a Google Ads strategy aimed at boosting website traffic. - Optimize ads for maximum reach and effectiveness on a national level. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful Google Ads campaigns. - Strong understanding of SEO and SEM. - Excellent analytical skills to evaluate campaign performance and make necessary adjustments.
...payments, and a booking system. Core Features Required: ✅ User Profiles: Users create profiles with key details, preferences, and photos. ✅ AI-Powered Matching: Smart recommendation system that connects users based on shared criteria. ✅ Search & Filtering: Users can browse and filter potential matches based on location, category, and preferences. ✅ Booking System: Secure scheduling and transaction management for service providers and clients. ✅ Real-Time GPS Tracking: Live location tracking during scheduled sessions. ✅ Push Notifications: Alerts for booking confirmations, session updates, and reminders. ✅ In-App Messaging: Secure chat feature to facilitate coordination. ✅ Photo & Activity Reports: Users can share updates during sessions (photos, notes, etc.). ✅ In...
I have a Flutter desktop application that requires the integration of Apple and Google authentication using Supabase. The primary deliverable is example code demonstrating the implementation. The project involves: - Setting up and configuring Supabase for the app - Creating example code for Apple and Google authentication - Ensuring the code is compatible with the stable version of Flutter Ideal skills would include: - Extensive experience with Flutter, particularly desktop applications - Familiarity with Supabase and its authentication features - Ability to write clear, understandable example code
...negotiation and persuasion skills. Sense of urgency and ability to manage multiple hiring priorities effectively. Strong interpersonal and communication skills to represent BilliMD professionally. Experience working in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Familiarity with applicant tracking systems (ATS) and recruitment tools. Ability to work independently while collaborating with global teams. Work Location: Remote / Based in India. If you are an energetic, resourceful, and results-driven recruiter with a passion for hiring top tech talent, we’d love to hear from you!...
...images to ensure skin tones are represented accurately and consistently using Affinity Photo 2 - Possibly automating this process as only tedious mouse clicks and copy paste is required (the actual color balancing is already setup for you) The color balancing is already done for you simply need to watch "Face Texture Cleanup " video in full and follow the instructions. Per 1 Face Diffuse Map file the process creates 4 images total. 24 Face Diffuse Maps should create 4 images a piece = 96 images total (Don't panic these are simple to generate and takes only a couple of hours to complete can take under 24hours to complete this is very simple task) Note: These steps only require a couple mouse clicks and copy pastes to run the color balancing is already done for yo...
...a coder/programmer to build an automated web scraping and messaging tool. This tool will: 1️⃣ Scrape user data from a specific website. 2️⃣ Check for duplicate entries in a Google Sheet. 3️⃣ Send automated messages to selected users. 4️⃣ Run automatically every 15 minutes, 24/7. Our current process is done using Browserflow, but this tool will be **custom-built**—you don’t need experience with Browserflow, just the ability to replicate the workflow. --- ?️ What We’re Looking For: ✅ Experience in Web Scraping & Automation (Python, Puppeteer, Selenium, or similar tools). ✅ Ability to work with Google Sheets API (to store & update data). ✅ Knowledge of scheduling scripts to run every 15 minutes (Cron jobs, AWS Lambda, etc.). ---...
I'm in need of a skilled photographer for my prom. The photos will be taken outdoors, but I'm open to any location. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficient in outdoor photography - Experienced in event photography, particularly proms - Able to suggest suitable outdoor locations for photography - Capable of capturing a mix of traditional, candid and artistic shots
I need an expert in Google Ads, specifically in setting up and managing search ads aimed at local customers. The primary goal is to drive traffic to my website. I have three website that needs to implant Google Ads integration like Google Analytics and Google SiteKit . Also need to create for me a professional Google Ads campaign.
seeking an experienced full-stack developer with expertise in Rails and React geolocation functionalities using Google Maps API. Key Responsibilities: - Develop 'Nearby Places' search functionality that focuses primarily on parks and recreational areas. - Implement 'Location Sharing' capabilities. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in JavaScript and - Troubleshooting routes - Experience with Geolocation APIs and Google Maps API. - Previous work with location-based services. - Strong understanding of full stack development with Rails and React, google cloud. - Ability to create interactive and user-friendly interfaces.
I need assistance in transferring data from a Google Sheet into Airtable. The data is mixed types, encompassing both text entries and numerical data, and comprises over 500 rows. Key requirements: - Data Handling: The transfer will not be a mere copy and paste operation. Some minor adjustments will be necessary during the transition. - Tech Savvy: Familiarity with both Google Sheets and Airtable is essential. - Attention to Detail: Precise data handling and adjustment is crucial for the success of this project. Ideal freelancers for this project should have strong data management skills, experience with both Google Sheets and Airtable, and a keen eye for detail. I can share links to both docs when ready and would ideally like to communicate via Slack
I'm looking for an SEO expert to enhance my site's on-page and technical SEO. The ultimate goal is to boost my sales by improving my site's visibility on Google. Key Requirements: - Expertise in on-page and technical SEO - Proven track record of improving site rankings and boosting sales - Ability to work with pre-determined keywords I have a list of targeted keywords, and I need someone who can effectively implement strategies to rank my site for these terms. If you have the skills and experience to help me achieve my goals, I would love to hear from you.
I need assistance uploading my mobile app to the Google Play Store. While I have a Google Play Developer account and the app is fully developed and packaged for release, I require help preparing and setting up the app's metadata. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience with Google Play Store app uploads - Expertise in app metadata preparation - Strong understanding of mobile app requirements for Google Play Store - Excellent attention to detail
...Django, Python, and Google Sheets API to help automate some tasks. Key Requirements: - Task Automation: Primarily focusing on automating data processing tasks. - Data Transformation & Formatting: This will involve manipulating data into a suitable format for analysis. - Develop an automation script using Python - Utilize the Google Sheets API to synchronize data for our Django website Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python - Extensive experience with the Google Sheets API - Strong background in automation and scripting - Understanding of data synchronization processes - Skill in Django is bonus Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python: Essential for creating effective automation scripts. - Experience...
...personalized and efficient experience. Property Listings: Robust listing capabilities with detailed descriptions, high-resolution images, and virtual tours. Project Showcases: Dedicated project pages for builders to highlight their developments. User Listings: Ability for individuals to list their own properties. Search and Filtering: Advanced search filters to refine property searches based on location, price, property type, and other criteria. Lead Management: Integrated lead management system for agents and builders to track and manage inquiries. Admin Panel: A comprehensive admin panel providing full control over the website, including user management, content moderation, and lead management oversight. The admin will be able to manage all users, property listings, projects an...
We are seeking an experienced and detail-oriented Business Analyst to act as a bridge between business units and IT teams. In this role, you will lead the documentation and analysis of business requirements, map existing processes, and support the design of effective technical solutions. A proven history of meticulously documenting processes is essential, and Salesforce experience is highly preferred. ________________________________________ Essential Duties & Responsibilities: • Requirement Gathering & Analysis: o Collaborate with stakeholders to capture and analyze detailed business requirements. o Conduct interviews, workshops, and meetings to elicit and validate business needs. o Identify gaps and opportunities for process improvements. • Process Documentation ...
We're seeking a professional to migrate our dashboard from Google Looker to Power BI. Key Requirements: - Migrate all existing functionalities from Looker to Power BI - Ensure the interactive filters, customized visualizations, and automated reports are retained Current Dashboard: - The dashboard primarily visualizes financial data - The data complexity is simple, involving few tables and straightforward relationships Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with both Google Looker and Power BI - Strong data visualization skills - Ability to replicate complex dashboard functionalities in Power BI
I need a freelancer to help me extract data from LinkedIn profiles. Given a list of LinkedIn profile URLs (provided in an Excel or Google Sheet), I need to extract and return the following fields: - Basic Information (Required): - First name - Last name - Location - Current job title - Current company name - Current company website - Current company LinkedIn URL. - Extended Data: - Current company start date - Current company end date. - Current role start date - Current role end date - Current role description. - Headline - "About" section - All prior experiences - Skills. I would like to discuss pricing for just the basic information, as well as for the basic and extended data for the following volumes: - 10,000 prof...
Estoy buscando un experto en diseño y creación de anuncios publicitarios para redes sociales y Google Ads. Quiero anuncios llamativos y persuasivos como el de la imagen adjunta o incluso mejores. Requisitos: Experiencia demostrable en la creación de anuncios para Facebook, Instagram, Google y TikTok Ads. Conocimiento en estrategias de publicidad digital y copywriting persuasivo. Habilidad para diseñar gráficos atractivos y videos publicitarios llamativos. Conocimientos en segmentación de audiencias y optimización de anuncios para conversión. Lo que necesito: Diseñar imágenes y videos atractivos para mis campañas publicitarias. Crear copies llamativos y persuasivos. Adaptar anuncios según la...
...(Breakdown of key kiosk components, materials, and construction details) -Lighting & Electrical Plan (Power outlets, LED lighting, and sign placements) -Security & Storage Plan (Lockable compartments, fire safety equipment, and surveillance points) 2. Technical Documentation (Formatted PDF Report) -Professional document layout (Matching the sample PDFs provided) -Title page with kiosk name, location, and project details -Material and component specifications (Steel frame, polycarbonate panels, shelving, flooring, lighting, etc.) -Power consumption and electrical layout details -Compliance & safety guidelines (Fire extinguisher placement, anti-theft locks, and emergency access) -Graphical renderings & 3D views (Optional, if possible) Requirement: -Ex...
...programmer to create web scrapers that will comb through Google search results and identify paid ads. The scrapers should be able to accept a specific domain, a list of targeted keywords, and chosen locations (cities, towns, countries). The final output should be a comprehensive table in Google Sheets. Key Requirements: - The scrapers must be capable of producing full search results, not just a basic summary or detailed ad content. - While the primary focus is on Google, the scrapers should also have the capacity to incorporate Google search partners if necessary. - The ability to input specific locations and a targeted domain. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in web scraping and Python or similar programming languages. - Proficiency in Google Sh...
I am looking for a certified professional with expertise in multiple Google products. I need assistance with Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Campaign Manager, Display Video 360, Search Ads 360, Conversion Optimization, and Creative. Key Responsibilities: - Campaign Management: Overseeing and optimizing ad campaigns across various platforms. - Data Analysis and Reporting: Interpreting data from Google products to inform strategy and improve performance. - Conversion Optimization: Implementing strategies to improve the rate of conversions. The primary objective of these tasks is to enhance the performance of my ads. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in digital marketing and analytics, with a proven track record of improv...
I need a professional to convert my Google Docs document into a PDF. The document should keep its original Google Docs formatting, with hyperlinks remaining clickable in the PDF. The PDF file should also have specific permissions set to allow printing and copying. Ideal skills and experience for the job includes: - Proficiency in Google Docs and PDF formatting - Experience in document conversion - Attention to detail to ensure the document keeps its original formatting - Understanding of PDF permission settings
Re: Website: Please peruse, familiarize yourself with it/us and test looking up a Rescue/Shelter or any of our Professional Pet Service Professionals. You will immediately note the Google Maps is incorrectly not performing; the results are 1,000's of miles from the zip code you entered ~ useless to the visitor looking for Pet Professional Services/Rescues/Shelters. We are looking for help created by someone who we hired, claimed he was a WP web Dev expert, and he actually messed up our website. Should be some easy fixes to get us 'right again' and on track again as a Dog & Cat Search Directory. Here is what we have discovered is in need of correcting: --Save A Rescue web Challenges: FYI: Our listings results are based on Zip Co...
...historic landmarks, auction houses). - Find and contact experts, influencers, collaborators who could get interviewed for the video. - Write a video transcript. - Coordinate calls, meetings, and location shoots. - Suggest animation ideas for video editor - Create YouTube thumbnails Skills and Experience: - Ability to identify and source viral content - In-depth knowledge and understanding of the UK property market and design trends - Strong data analysis skills -strong writing skills - Experience in sourcing or creating high-quality visuals - Excellent communication skills for coordinating with location teams and potential interviewees - Strong writing skills for creating a video transcript - Experience in creating optimised title, descriptions, and tags for YouTube Ple... The app should leverage Firebase database and Google Maps API. The development needs to be completed by Monday night. Key Features: - Real-time location tracking: The app should track the user's location in real time. This is crucial for safety and emergency situations. - Instant SOS alerts: The app should have the capability to send SOS alerts instantly when needed. - Emergency contact notifications: The app should notify pre-set emergency contacts when an SOS alert is triggered. User Interface: The design of the app should be simple and minimalistic. It should not be cluttered or overly complex, making it easy to use in high-stress situations. Police Support Features: - Nearby police station location: The app should be able to show the u...
I'm in need of a comprehensive list of around 500,000 consumer email addresses in total from various USA states below: * California • Texas • New York • Florida • Illinois • Pennsylvania • Ohio • Georgia • Washington • New Jersey • Massachusetts • North Carolina • Virginia • Michigan • Colorado • Arizona • Tennessee • Maryland • Indiana • Connecticut 3 ESSENTIAL REQUIRMENTS - Geographic Location: Email addresses must belong to consumers located within the specified states with residential addresses of the customer. - Age Demographic: The email addresses should primarily belong to individuals aged between 26+ years. - Should be household owners. INFORMATION MUST BE UP TO DATE 2024+...
I'm in need of an engineer to sign and seal architectural or your structural for a large 15x30 wooden shed for storage purposes. - Understanding of Florida's climate and building codes is essential to ensure the shed can withstand local weather conditions. - Jacksonville, Fl location